Issue 48, 2012

DFT study of coverage-depended adsorption of NH3 on TiO2-B (100) surface


A previous study showed that TiO2-B (100) surface is very unique. It is characterised by high activity and a loose structure. In this study, we studied the adsorption of ammonia on TiO2-B (100) surface at coverages ranging from 1/6 ML to 1 ML using ab initio density functional calculations. We also investigated the adsorption of an isolated ammonia molecule on TiO2-B (001) surface to compare the different activities of TiO2-B (100) and (001) surfaces towards NH3. The results showed that the TiO2-B (100) surface is more reactive towards NH3 molecule than TiO2-B (001) surface, and the Lewis acid site on TiO2-B (100) surface is more acidic. The decrease rate of the average molecular adsorption energy of NH3 with coverage on TiO2-B (100) surface is substantially lower than that on a rutile (011) surface above 1/2 ML coverage due to the open structure of TiO2-B (100) surface. The average molecular adsorption energy shows a linear dependence on the coverage of y = 111.0 − 36.3x on TiO2-B (100) surface. The possibility of NH3 molecule onto the Ti5c site is nearly equal to forming a dimer with adsorbed NH3 on TiO2-B (100) surface at 5/6 ML coverage.

Graphical abstract: DFT study of coverage-depended adsorption of NH3 on TiO2-B (100) surface

Article information

Article type
08 4 2012
07 8 2012
First published
08 8 2012

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2012,14, 16618-16625

DFT study of coverage-depended adsorption of NH3 on TiO2-B (100) surface

X. Guo, W. Liu, W. Fang, L. Cai, Y. Zhu, L. Lu and X. Lu, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2012, 14, 16618 DOI: 10.1039/C2CP41124E

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