Themed collection Materials Horizons 10th anniversary cover articles

9 items
Review Article

Recent advances using MXenes in biomedical applications

The structure of this review includes applications of MXenes in drug delivery, tissue engineering, antimicrobial, and in biosensors.

Graphical abstract: Recent advances using MXenes in biomedical applications

Metainterfaces with mechanical, thermal, and active programming properties based on programmable orientation-distributed biometric architectonics

This study presents next-generation biometric “metainterface” enabling programmable mechanical, thermal, and active interfacial effects for intelligent materials and systems with highly engineerable interfacial properties.

Graphical abstract: Metainterfaces with mechanical, thermal, and active programming properties based on programmable orientation-distributed biometric architectonics
Open Access Communication

A highly stable full-polymer electrochemical deionization system: dopant engineering & mechanism study

Dopants with high charge density and structural complexity, combined with balanced operating conditions, can significantly enhance the performance and stability of a full-polymer ECDI system.

Graphical abstract: A highly stable full-polymer electrochemical deionization system: dopant engineering & mechanism study

Dual-targeted fluorescent probe for tracking polarity and phase transition processes during lipophagy

The multifunctional fluorescent probe PTZ enables investigation of the LDs and lysosome interaction from both phase transition and polarity perspectives, and the homogeneous transition of LDs and lysosomes during lipophagy was discovered.

Graphical abstract: Dual-targeted fluorescent probe for tracking polarity and phase transition processes during lipophagy

Deep generative spatiotemporal learning for integrating fracture mechanics in composite materials: inverse design, discovery, and optimization

We introduce an advanced multi-task deep learning framework, designed to predict the evolution of stress fields and the crack propagation across both time and space.

Graphical abstract: Deep generative spatiotemporal learning for integrating fracture mechanics in composite materials: inverse design, discovery, and optimization
Open Access Communication

Inverse design of Bézier curve-based mechanical metamaterials with programmable negative thermal expansion and negative Poisson's ratio via a data augmented deep autoencoder

We introduce a novel deep learning-based inverse design framework with data augmentation for chiral mechanical metamaterials with a Bézier curve-shaped bi-material rib realizing a wide range of negative thermal expansion and negative Poisson's ratio.

Graphical abstract: Inverse design of Bézier curve-based mechanical metamaterials with programmable negative thermal expansion and negative Poisson's ratio via a data augmented deep autoencoder

Ovonic threshold switching-based artificial afferent neurons for thermal in-sensor computing

This research demonstrates an OTS-based temperature-sensing afferent neuron that features low power consumption and a compact circuit structure.

Graphical abstract: Ovonic threshold switching-based artificial afferent neurons for thermal in-sensor computing

A dual-responsive microemulsion with macroscale superlubricity and largely switchable friction

A dual-responsive microemulsion capable of providing macroscale superlubrication in a broad temperature range and switching its coefficient of friction by ∼25 fold is reported. It also shows ultrahigh colloidal stability and anti-freezing properties.

Graphical abstract: A dual-responsive microemulsion with macroscale superlubricity and largely switchable friction

Non-Hermitian metagrating for perfect absorption of elastic waves

With only a specific small amount of loss, perfect absorption of elastic waves can be achieved by a compact NHMG composed of only a single type of unit cell, enabling cloaking for arbitrary-shaped targets.

Graphical abstract: Non-Hermitian metagrating for perfect absorption of elastic waves
9 items

About this collection

This collection showcases the excellent celebratory cover artwork and associated publications during the anniversary year of Materials Horizons. The cover images feature a ‘10’ to celebrate the anniversary – can you find them all?

Download the article PDF to see the artwork or check out our cover gallery on the blog.

Do keep an eye out for additional cover artwork and publications added to this collection through the rest of the anniversary year.

