Themed collection Chemistry of polymers - Chemical Science symposium collection

34 items

Using precision polymer chemistry for plastics traceability and governance

Resolving the anonymity of plastic materials is critical for safeguarding the well-being of our natural environments and human health.

Graphical abstract: Using precision polymer chemistry for plastics traceability and governance
From the themed collection: Polymer Chemistry Recent HOT Articles
Open Access Perspective

Reconsidering terms for mechanisms of polymer growth: the “step-growth” and “chain-growth” dilemma

Terms used for mechanisms of polymer growth are varied and problematic; we detail here our concerns with the terms “step-growth” and “chain-growth.” Ultimately, we seek terms that are simple, accurate, and attractive to the polymer community.

Graphical abstract: Reconsidering terms for mechanisms of polymer growth: the “step-growth” and “chain-growth” dilemma
From the themed collection: Polymer Chemistry Recent HOT Articles
Open Access Perspective

Enlightening advances in polymer bioconjugate chemistry: light-based techniques for grafting to and from biomacromolecules

Light-driven synthetic techniques have revolutionized polymer–biomacromolecule conjugation. This Perspective discusses the benefits of photochemistry for polymer–protein ligation and considerations when designing a new light-driven conjugation approach.

Graphical abstract: Enlightening advances in polymer bioconjugate chemistry: light-based techniques for grafting to and from biomacromolecules
Open Access Feature Article

Gaining control over conjugated polymer morphology to improve the performance of organic electronics

Conjugated polymer (CP) microstructure plays a crucial role in determining the characteristics of a target device. Here, we provide an overview of the key aspects of the CP microstructure-property relationship carried out in our group.

Graphical abstract: Gaining control over conjugated polymer morphology to improve the performance of organic electronics
Review Article

Poly(vinylpyridine)-containing block copolymers for smart, multicompartment particles

This review summarizes recent progress in smart multicompartment particles based on PVP-containing block copolymers, including their preparation strategies, properties, and applications.

Graphical abstract: Poly(vinylpyridine)-containing block copolymers for smart, multicompartment particles

RAFT step-growth polymerization of bis-acrylamides and their facile degradation

Demonstrated is the successful A2 + B2 RAFT step-growth polymerization of bis-acrylamides. The synthesized poly(acrylamides) can be degraded by simply adding excess ethanolamine or PBu3.

Graphical abstract: RAFT step-growth polymerization of bis-acrylamides and their facile degradation

Structural influence on stimuli-responsive halogen-bonded luminescent supramolecular polymers from heteroditopic isomers

Halogen-bonded (XB) supramolecular polymers from two heteroditopic, emissive hydroxyquinoline-based structural isomers displayed distinctly different crystal packing & stimuli-responsive morphologies, due to the varying XB directionality & strength.

Graphical abstract: Structural influence on stimuli-responsive halogen-bonded luminescent supramolecular polymers from heteroditopic isomers
Open Access Edge Article

Alternatives to fluorinated binders: recyclable copolyester/carbonate electrolytes for high-capacity solid composite cathodes

A series of poly(ester-b-carbonate) electrolytes are prepared by a one-pot procedure and structure–property relationships are observed. The polymer was used as a composite cathode binder with excellent discharge capacity and capacity retention.

Graphical abstract: Alternatives to fluorinated binders: recyclable copolyester/carbonate electrolytes for high-capacity solid composite cathodes
From the themed collection: 2024 ChemSci Pick of the Week Collection
Open Access Edge Article

Oxidization enhances type I ROS generation of AIE-active zwitterionic photosensitizers for photodynamic killing of drug-resistant bacteria

An efficient type I zwitterionic photosensitizer MPD-O was constructed by an oxidization strategy, providing a new guideline for the development of AIE-active type I photosensitizers.

Graphical abstract: Oxidization enhances type I ROS generation of AIE-active zwitterionic photosensitizers for photodynamic killing of drug-resistant bacteria
Open Access Edge Article

Degradable polyisoprene by radical ring-opening polymerization and application to polymer prodrug nanoparticles

Radical ring-opening copolymerization of isoprene and dibenzo[c,e]oxepane-5-thione via free-radical and controlled radical polymerizations led to degradable polyisoprene under basic, oxidative and physiological conditions with application to prodrug nanoparticles.

Graphical abstract: Degradable polyisoprene by radical ring-opening polymerization and application to polymer prodrug nanoparticles
Open Access Edge Article

Open-air green-light-driven ATRP enabled by dual photoredox/copper catalysis

Fully oxygen-tolerant photoinduced atom transfer radical polymerization (photo-ATRP) allowed the synthesis of well-defined polymers using a Cu catalyst and eosin Y at ppm levels in both aqueous and organic media.

Graphical abstract: Open-air green-light-driven ATRP enabled by dual photoredox/copper catalysis
Open Access Edge Article

Silica nanoparticle-loaded thermoresponsive block copolymer vesicles: a new post-polymerization encapsulation strategy and thermally triggered release

A loading efficiency of up to 86% is achieved for silica nanoparticles encapsulated within crosslinkable redox-sensitive thermoresponsive diblock copolymer vesicles in water at 50 °C; triggered release is also demonstrated for this system.

Graphical abstract: Silica nanoparticle-loaded thermoresponsive block copolymer vesicles: a new post-polymerization encapsulation strategy and thermally triggered release
Open Access Edge Article

Chain end-group selectivity using an organometallic Al(III)/K(I) ring-opening copolymerization catalyst delivers high molar mass, monodisperse polyesters

A heterodinuclear Al(III)/K(I) organometallic ring-opening copolymerization catalyst shows exceptional rates, end-group selectivity and good loading tolerance to deliver monodisperse polyesters with molar masses up to 91 kg mol−1.

Graphical abstract: Chain end-group selectivity using an organometallic Al(iii)/K(i) ring-opening copolymerization catalyst delivers high molar mass, monodisperse polyesters
Open Access Edge Article

Polymerization-induced self-assembly and disassembly during the synthesis of thermoresponsive ABC triblock copolymer nano-objects in aqueous solution

Chain extension of linear AB diblock copolymer vesicles by seeded RAFT aqueous dispersion polymerization using a hydrophilic monomer C leads to polymerization-induced disassembly to form lower-order thermoresponsive ABC triblock copolymer nano-objects.

Graphical abstract: Polymerization-induced self-assembly and disassembly during the synthesis of thermoresponsive ABC triblock copolymer nano-objects in aqueous solution
Open Access Edge Article

Dual electrochemical and chemical control in atom transfer radical polymerization with copper electrodes

The use of a Cu cathode in eATRP allows exploiting the synergistic effect between electrochemical and chemical stimuli to halt or accelerate polymerizations, reduce energy consumption and achieve control in challenging systems.

Graphical abstract: Dual electrochemical and chemical control in atom transfer radical polymerization with copper electrodes
Open Access Edge Article

A cell membrane-targeting AIE photosensitizer as a necroptosis inducer for boosting cancer theranostics

A membrane-targeting photosensitizer TBMPEI with AIE properties was synthesized via a new acceptor, and it was utilized as a necroptosis inducer during imaging-guided photodynamic therapy.

Graphical abstract: A cell membrane-targeting AIE photosensitizer as a necroptosis inducer for boosting cancer theranostics
Open Access Edge Article

Mg(II) heterodinuclear catalysts delivering carbon dioxide derived multi-block polymers

Carbon dioxide-based multiblock polymers are synthesised, in one-pot, from a mixture of monomers using a highly selective and active heterodinuclear Co(II)Mg(II) catalyst.

Graphical abstract: Mg(ii) heterodinuclear catalysts delivering carbon dioxide derived multi-block polymers
From the themed collection: #RSCPoster Conference
Open Access Edge Article

Direct introduction of nitrogen and oxygen functionality with spatial control using copper catalysis

Synthetic chemists have spent considerable effort optimizing the synthesis of nitrogen and oxygen containing compounds through a number of methods; however, direct introduction of N- and O-functionality remains challenging.

Graphical abstract: Direct introduction of nitrogen and oxygen functionality with spatial control using copper catalysis
Open Access Edge Article

Enhancement of CO2 binding and mechanical properties upon diamine functionalization of M2(dobpdc) metal–organic frameworks

We predict that the orientationally-averaged Young's modulus of mmen–Zn2(dobpdc) increases by 112% compared to Zn2(dobpdc), a remarkable increase.

Graphical abstract: Enhancement of CO2 binding and mechanical properties upon diamine functionalization of M2(dobpdc) metal–organic frameworks

Economical synthesis of functional aromatic polythioamides from KOH-assisted multicomponent polymerizations of sulfur, aromatic diamines and dialdehydes

A series of aromatic polythioamides with high gold extraction efficiency and high refractive index have been synthesized through the KOH-assisted multicomponent polymerization of elemental sulfur, aromatic diamines and aromatic dialdehydes.

Graphical abstract: Economical synthesis of functional aromatic polythioamides from KOH-assisted multicomponent polymerizations of sulfur, aromatic diamines and dialdehydes

Regioselective photocycloaddition for light-stabilised dynamic materials design

In this contribution, the influence of regioisomerism in covalent dynamic polymer materials is discussed and highlighted for light-stabilised dynamic materials, which motivated the development of a completely regioselective bonding/debonding system.

Graphical abstract: Regioselective photocycloaddition for light-stabilised dynamic materials design

Oligo(ethylene glycol)-incorporated hole transporting polymers for efficient and stable inverted perovskite solar cells

We develop a series of poly(triarylamine)-based polymers with hydrophilic OEG side chains. The DEG-PTAA-based perovskite solar cell shows the highest efficiency of 22.26% with superior operational stability to the other devices.

Graphical abstract: Oligo(ethylene glycol)-incorporated hole transporting polymers for efficient and stable inverted perovskite solar cells
Open Access Paper

Degradable vinyl polymer particles by radical aqueous emulsion copolymerization of methyl methacrylate and 5,6-benzo-2-methylene-1,3-dioxepane

Aqueous emulsion copolymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) and 5,6-benzo-2-methylene-1,3-dioxepane (BMDO) leads to stable particles of PMMA bearing in-chain ester units that can be cleaved under basic conditions.

Graphical abstract: Degradable vinyl polymer particles by radical aqueous emulsion copolymerization of methyl methacrylate and 5,6-benzo-2-methylene-1,3-dioxepane
From the themed collection: Polymer Chemistry Lectureship Winners

4D printing of light activated shape memory polymers with organic dyes

An ink based on azodyes is presented, allowing fabrication of light activatable 4D shape memory geometries with spatiotemporal response control.

Graphical abstract: 4D printing of light activated shape memory polymers with organic dyes

Aqueous seeded RAFT polymerization for the preparation of self-assemblies containing nucleobase analogues

Aqueous formulations of self-assemblies containing the nucleobase analogue 2,6-diacylaminopyridine have been obtained by seeded RAFT polymerization in water with different morphologies depending on the polymerization conditions.

Graphical abstract: Aqueous seeded RAFT polymerization for the preparation of self-assemblies containing nucleobase analogues
Open Access Paper

Reverse sequence polymerization-induced self-assembly in aqueous media: a counter-intuitive approach to sterically-stabilized diblock copolymer nano-objects

A 500 nm charge-stabilized latex is converted into 40 nm sterically-stabilized nanoparticles via reverse sequence polymerization-induced self-assembly (PISA).

Graphical abstract: Reverse sequence polymerization-induced self-assembly in aqueous media: a counter-intuitive approach to sterically-stabilized diblock copolymer nano-objects

Effect of halogen and solvent on iron-catalyzed atom transfer radical polymerization

Efficient exchange of Br in iron-catalyzed ATRP in anisole provided well-controlled polymers with low dispersity as opposed to the Cl-based initiating system, which resulted in large dispersities due to the slower activation/deactivation with Cl.

Graphical abstract: Effect of halogen and solvent on iron-catalyzed atom transfer radical polymerization

The role of anions in light-driven conductivity in diarylethene-containing polymeric ionic liquids

The role of anion character in the photostationary state, magnitude of conductivity, and light-responsive properties of diarylethene-containing polymeric ionic liquids was investigated.

Graphical abstract: The role of anions in light-driven conductivity in diarylethene-containing polymeric ionic liquids

Towards nanoparticles with site-specific degradability by ring-opening copolymerization induced self-assembly in organic medium

Radical ring-opening copolymerization-induced self-assembly (rROPISA) was successfully applied to the synthesis of core-, surface- or surface plus core-degradable nanoparticles in heptane, leading to site-specific degradability by rROPISA.

Graphical abstract: Towards nanoparticles with site-specific degradability by ring-opening copolymerization induced self-assembly in organic medium
From the themed collection: Polymer Chemistry Lectureship Winners

Combination of guanidinium and quaternary ammonium polymers with distinctive antimicrobial mechanisms achieving a synergistic antimicrobial effect

Synergistic killing of Gram negative bacteria by polymers that disrupt bacterial membranes and translocate and precipitate cytosolic proteins and nucleic acids.

Graphical abstract: Combination of guanidinium and quaternary ammonium polymers with distinctive antimicrobial mechanisms achieving a synergistic antimicrobial effect

Formation of bis-benzimidazole and bis-benzoxazole through organocatalytic depolymerization of poly(ethylene terephthalate) and its mechanism

One-pot syntheses of bis-benzimidazole and bis-benzoxazole from poly(ethylene terephthalate) waste bottles were successful through two-step nucleophilic attacks promoted by TBD.

Graphical abstract: Formation of bis-benzimidazole and bis-benzoxazole through organocatalytic depolymerization of poly(ethylene terephthalate) and its mechanism

Supramolecularly cross-linked amphiphilic block copolymer assembly by the dipolar interaction of a merocyanine dye

Dipolar interaction driven dimerization of a merocyanine (MC) dye has been exploited to achieve non-covalently crosslinked stable micelles in water and reverse micelles in toluene with emissive properties from a MC-pendant amphiphilic block copolymer.

Graphical abstract: Supramolecularly cross-linked amphiphilic block copolymer assembly by the dipolar interaction of a merocyanine dye

Hierarchical patterns with sub-20 nm pattern fidelity via block copolymer self-assembly and soft nanotransfer printing

We describe the development of a technique to transfer micrometer patterns of organic thin films with sub-50 nm edge resolution and sub-20 nm pattern fidelity.

Graphical abstract: Hierarchical patterns with sub-20 nm pattern fidelity via block copolymer self-assembly and soft nanotransfer printing
Open Access Commentary

A focus on how latent “codons” are unravelled in synthetic copolymers

We explore and comment on a key development using advanced mass spectrometric methods coupled with advanced algorithmic learning that can assist in analysing complex copolymers.

Graphical abstract: A focus on how latent “codons” are unravelled in synthetic copolymers
34 items

About this collection

The chemistry of polymers is the theme of this years’ Chemical Science symposium. We are excited to welcome the community back to our home in London, and virtually, for the fifth symposium in this series. To celebrate, we have selected articles recently published by the speakers and committee to showcase their work in RSC journals.

We hope you enjoy reading these articles and look forward to welcoming you to London either in-person or virtually in October!

