ce and
aDepartment of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Aichi Institute of Technology, 1247 Yachigusa, Yakusa, Toyota 470-0392, Japan. E-mail: itoi-hiroyuki@aitech.ac.jp
bDepartment of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Aichi Institute of Technology, Yachigusa 1247, Yakusa-cho, Toyota 470-0392, Japan
cAdvanced Institute for Materials Research (WPI-AIMR), Tohoku University, 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577, Japan
d3DC Inc., 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577, Japan
eInstitute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University, 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577, Japan
First published on 12th September 2024
Zeolite-templated carbons (ZTCs) are widely studied from basic research to applied research owing to their characteristic pore structures. To synthesize ZTCs, molecules with a size smaller than the pore sizes of template zeolites have been used as carbon sources for their carbonization in the zeolite pores. Therefore, the type of carbon sources has been limited to molecules with a size smaller than the pore sizes of zeolites. In this study, highly structurally regular N-doped zeolite-templated carbons are synthesized using propylene as a carbon source and chitin as both carbon and nitrogen sources via a depolymerized oligomer filling (DOF) mechanism. Chitin, the second most abundant biopolymer on the Earth, consists of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) as its unit structure and has a much larger size than the zeolite pores. NaY zeolite is used as a template without drying and mixed with chitin. The mixture is subjected to chemical vapor deposition (CVD) using propylene and subsequent heat treatment for graphitization, followed by HF etching for zeolite removal. Upon heating the mixture of the zeolite and chitin, chitin is catalytically depolymerized into chitin oligosaccharide radicals by the zeolite, and the radicals are absorbed into the zeolite pores below 450 °C, which is supported by electron spin resonance and N2 adsorption/desorption analyses. The ZTC structure is completed by propylene CVD for adequately filling carbon into the zeolite pores. A validation experiment is conducted using GlcNAc instead of chitin to confirm that the N-doped ZTC is synthesized via the DOF mechanism. The resulting N-doped ZTCs have high structural regularity and high surface areas ranging from 3420 to 3740 m2 g−1, and show a higher area-normalized capacitance than undoped ZTC as electric double-layer capacitor electrodes. Utilizing chitin from crustacean shells as one of the raw materials highlights an innovative approach to waste reduction and advances sustainable materials science, contributing to the circular economy and sustainable development goals.
Previously, we reported a simple synthetic method of high surface area ZTCs from sugar (e.g., glucose, xylose, and sucrose) and propylene as carbon sources using NaY zeolite.19 In the method, the zeolite did not need to be dried and sugar was directly mixed with the undried zeolite. The necessary amount of sugar was only the same volume as the total pore volume of the zeolite (i.e., 0.32 cm3 per gram of NaY zeolite), which significantly reduced the amount of the carbon source in comparison to the methods using FA. The mixture was subjected to propylene CVD and heat treatment for filling carbon into the zeolite pores. Upon heating, the adsorbed water desorbed from the zeolite and sugar was then absorbed into the zeolite pores upon reaching its melting temperature. The absorbed sugar was carbonized into nanographenes in the zeolite nanopores before the CVD, and the nanographenes were extended and interconnected during the CVD. Finally, the heat treatment completed the ZTC structure and the zeolite was removed by HF etching. This method did not require any organic solvent or polymerization process and the resulting ZTCs had high structural regularity and a high specific surface area of ∼3870 m2 g−1.
Very recently, we have reported the synthesis of high surface area ZTC using biomass (e.g., starch and cellulose) and propylene, and the synthesis method was the same as that using sugar.20 The optimized amount of starch was the same volume as the total pore volume of the zeolite, and the mixture of starch and undried NaY zeolite was subjected to propylene CVD and heat treatment. Starch was decomposed into oligosaccharides by the zeolite and the oligosaccharides were absorbed into the zeolite pores below 350 °C. The oligosaccharides were carbonized into nanographenes and the ZTC structure was completed within the zeolite pores by the propylene CVD and heat treatment. The resulting ZTC had high structural regularity and a high specific surface area of 3760 m2 g−1. Meanwhile, cellulose was not readily decomposed into oligosaccharides due to the rigid structure in comparison to starch.21 Some of the undecomposed cellulose remained on the outer surface of zeolite particles, resulting in the formation of amorphous carbons. Therefore, the optimized amount of cellulose was 1.4 times larger than that in the case of using starch for fully filling zeolite pores with oligosaccharides. The cellulose-derived ZTC had high structural regularity but the specific surface area was 3330 m2 g−1 due to the formation of amorphous carbons between the ZTC particles. The amorphous carbons were, however, very small particles in comparison to the particle size of ZTC. By pelletizing the ZTCs using a binder, the volumetric surface areas were 630 and 670 m2 cm−3 for starch- and cellulose-derived ZTCs, respectively, demonstrating no significant difference between them. Porous carbons are voluminous powder and normally compressed before use for practical applications such as adsorbents and electrodes. Therefore, the use of cellulose for preparing ZTCs is environmentally friendly in terms of sustainable development.
Here, we demonstrate the synthesis of highly structurally regular N-doped ZTCs from N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) and chitin as both nitrogen and carbon sources and propylene as a carbon source using NaY zeolite. This method can use undried NaY zeolite, and the mixture of the zeolite with GlcNAc or chitin is subjected to propylene CVD and heat treatment for constructing an N-doped ZTC framework within the zeolite pores. Chitin is a polysaccharide of β-1,4-linked GlcNAc and the second most abundant biopolymer in nature after cellulose.22 Chitin is one of the main components of crustacean shells such as crab and shrimp but most of them are discarded as industrial waste every year around the world.23 We first examine the synthesis of N-doped ZTCs with high structural regularity and high surface area from GlcNAc and propylene. We then try the synthesis of N-doped ZTC from chitin and propylene to substitute chitin for GlcNAc and attempt to elucidate the mechanism of ZTC formation by comparing the results obtained using GlcNAc and chitin. Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy is used to reveal that chitin is catalytically depolymerized into chitin oligosaccharide radicals by the zeolite. This depolymerized oligomer filling (DOF) mechanism enables the absorption of carbon and nitrogen sources into the zeolite pores, which has a much smaller size than chitin. The resulting GlcNAc- and chitin-derived ZTCs have high structural regularity with specific surface areas of 3740 and 3420 m2 g−1, respectively, and the difference in specific surface area is attributed to the chitin-derived amorphous carbons deposited on the ZTC particles. However, both N-doped ZTCs have the identical volumetric surface area of 740 m2 g−1 and higher volumetric capacitances than undoped ZTC as electric double-layer capacitor (EDLC) electrodes in an organic electrolyte. GlcNAc is mainly produced by hydrolysis of chitin using concentrated acid,24 and therefore utilization of chitin is advantageous to synthesize ZTC in terms of reducing associated environmental pollution and harmful byproducts.
Samples | S BET (m2 g−1) | V total (cm3 g−1) | V micro (cm3 g−1) | V meso (cm3 g−1) | Combustible fraction (g gNaY−1) |
a BET specific surface area. b Total pore volume. c Micropore volume calculated by the DR method. d Mesopore volume calculated from the difference between Vtotal and Vmicro. | |||||
G (0.6)-P | 3610 | 1.67 | 1.50 | 0.17 | 0.312 |
G (0.8)-P | 3770 | 1.69 | 1.58 | 0.11 | 0.321 |
G (1.0)-P | 3720 | 1.67 | 1.56 | 0.11 | 0.331 |
G (1.2)-P | 3360 | 1.50 | 1.41 | 0.10 | 0.346 |
G (1.4)-P | 3030 | 1.37 | 1.26 | 0.11 | 0.355 |
G (0.8) | 1040 | 0.57 | 0.42 | 0.15 | 0.167 |
The combustible fractions in the zeolite/carbon composites (i.e., before HF etching) were measured by TG analysis and the results are shown in Table 1. The combustible fraction increased with increasing GlcNAc amount and showed a different tendency from that of the BET specific surface areas and structural regularity of the ZTCs. We then collected TG–DTA spectra on the zeolite, GlcNAc, and a zeolite–GlcNAc mixture using 0.8 of GlcNAc, referred to as NaY/GlcNAc (0.8) (Fig. 1(d)). The samples were heated under a N2 flow at 10 °C min−1, which was the same heating rate as that used in the ZTC synthesis. When heated, the TG and DTA spectra of the zeolite showed a decrease in weight and an endothermic peak, respectively, due to the desorption of adsorbed water. Meanwhile, GlcNAc exhibited a distinct DTA peak and weight loss around 210 °C, attributed to its fusion and subsequent decomposition, which were separately confirmed by differential scanning calorimetry (Fig. S1, ESI†). In contrast, the DTA spectrum of NaY/GlcNAc (0.8) could not be accounted for solely by the individual results of GlcNAc and the zeolite (Fig. S2, ESI†). This likely results from the exothermic absorption of GlcNAc by the zeolite, with the associated enthalpy change explained by adsorption and immersion enthalpies. Given that the external surface area of the zeolite is significantly smaller than its micropore-based internal surface area, the immersion enthalpy is negligibly small compared to the adsorption enthalpy. Therefore, we used a Gaussian function to replicate the adsorption peak and performed peak fitting using this function combined with the DTA spectra of GlcNAc and the zeolite, as shown in Fig. 1(e). The fitted spectrum was in good agreement with the DTA spectrum of the mixture up to 230 °C. The Gaussian function suggests that the absorption of GlcNAc into the zeolite completed at ca. 220 °C, which is below the decomposition temperature of GlcNAc (Fig. S1, ESI†). The reason for the deviation of the fitted spectrum from the DTA spectrum of NaY/GlcNAc (0.8) above 230 °C is explained by the different reaction environment between absorbed and bulk GlcNAc; the former one decomposed in the zeolite pores. To confirm the absorption of GlcNAc into the zeolite, NaY/GlcNAc (0.8) was heated at 10 °C min−1 under N2 to 200, 250, and 300 °C, and cooled to room temperature on reaching the target temperatures. The N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms of the zeolite and the resulting mixtures are shown in Fig. 1(f), where the amounts of adsorbed N2 are normalized per gram of the zeolite. NaY zeolite showed a type I isotherm, typical of microporous materials. If GlcNAc was not absorbed into the zeolite, the normalized isotherms would not differ from the result of the zeolite because the specific surface area of GlcNAc is negligible in comparison to that of the zeolite. However, the heated NaY/GlcNAc (0.8) samples showed much lower normalized amounts of adsorbed N2 than the zeolite. The BET specific surface areas and total pore volumes of the heated mixtures are summarized in Table 2, along with their normalized values. The mixture heated at 250 °C showed the lowest normalized BET specific surface area and total pore volume among the mixtures. These results are in good agreement with the Gaussian function in Fig. 1(e). The absorption of GlcNAc into the zeolite proceeded synergistically with the onset of GlcNAc melting, starting around 200 °C and completing by 250 °C. Below 300 °C, some of the absorbed GlcNAc decomposed within the zeolite pores, leading to an increase in the normalized surface area and pore volume for the mixture heated at 300 °C compared to that heated at 250 °C.
Samples | S BET (m2 g−1) | V total (cm3 g−1) | S BET (g gNaY−1) | V total (g gNaY−1) |
a Normalized value per gram of NaY zeolite. | ||||
NaY zeolite | 703 | 0.324 | ||
NaY/GlcNAc (0.8) (200 °C) | 48 | 0.028 | 62 | 0.036 |
NaY/GlcNAc (0.8) (250 °C) | 14 | 0.012 | 17 | 0.015 |
NaY/GlcNAc (0.8) (300 °C) | 29 | 0.022 | 35 | 0.027 |
Fig. 1(g) presents the BET specific surface areas of the ZTCs derived from GlcNAc and propylene, as well as the combustible fractions of the zeolite/carbon composites. The combustible fractions linearly increased with increasing GlcNAc amount. Since both the structural regularity and BET specific surface area were maximized at a GlcNAc amount of 0.8, the zeolite pores were fully filled with carbon and nitrogen by using a GlcNAc amount of 0.8 without deposits on the outer surfaces of the zeolite particles. An increase in the combustible fraction for the composites prepared using the GlcNAc amounts more than 0.8 is attributed to the formation of GlcNAc-derived amorphous carbons on the outer surfaces of the zeolite particles (vide infra). A Raman spectroscopy analysis provides information on the microstructure for carbon-based materials and can confirm the existence of nanographenes.30 Graphite and graphene exhibit a distinct G band at 1580 cm−1 in their Raman spectra, while the introduction of defects leads to the appearance of a D band at 1350 cm−1.31–33 The Raman spectra of the GlcNAc-derived ZTCs are shown in Fig. 1(h). All the ZTCs showed the same intensity ratios of D and G bands regardless of the GlcNAc amount and the absence of propylene CVD. Because the existence of the G band evidences the formation of graphene sheets, the G band in the Raman spectrum of G (0.8) indicates that GlcNAc was converted to nanographenes in the zeolite pores. For the synthesis of GlcNAc-derived ZTCs using propylene CVD, GlcNAc was absorbed into the zeolite pores below 250 °C and the absorbed GlcNAc was decomposed into N-containing nanographenes. The nanographenes were extended and interconnected during the propylene CVD, and the subsequent heat treatment for graphitization completed the N-doped ZTC structure. Due to the spatial confinement of the zeolite's micropores, the ZTC framework is composed of single-layer graphene with a width of about 1 nm, resulting in numerous edge sites.1,30,34 Consequently, the Raman spectrum of ZTC does not exhibit a 2D band around 2650 cm−1, as observed in graphene.32 This is the same formation mechanism as the ZTC synthesis using sugars and propylene. Glucose, sucrose, and xylose can be used as precursors for ZTC in combination with propylene CVD. These sugars were readily absorbed into NaY zeolite on reaching their melting temperatures and the absorbed sugars were decomposed into nanographenes inside the zeolite pores. Neither sugars alone nor propylene CVD in isolation could form the three-dimensional ZTC structure; a combination of sugar utilization and propylene CVD was essential for the completion of the ZTC framework.19 The distinction in synthesis between using sugars and GlcNAc is attributed to their molecular structures and the presence of nitrogen in GlcNAc. The decrease in the structural regularity and the formation of mesopores became pronounced when excess amounts of GlcNAc ranging from 2.0 to 4.0 were used (Fig. S3, ESI†). An excess amount of GlcNAc was not absorbed into the zeolite pores but melted and decomposed covering the zeolite particles (Fig. S4, ESI†). Consequently, GlcNAc-derived amorphous carbon shells were formed on the outer surface of the zeolite particles, leading to the formation of mesopores (Fig. 1(b) and Fig. S3b, ESI†). The amorphous carbon shells disturbed the diffusion of propylene into the zeolite pores during the CVD. Therefore, the GlcNAc amount of 0.8 is appropriate for filling the zeolite pores and balancing the high structural regularity and high specific surface area. The GlcNAc amount of 0.8 is the optimized value but this value is smaller than the total pore volume of the zeolite. However, the normalized BET specific surface area of NaY/GlcNAc (0.8) heated at 250 °C was only 17 m2 g−1 (Table 2), supporting that the zeolite pores were almost filled with GlcNAc. Probably, because GlcNAc has an acetyl group as a side chain, the molecular packing in the micropores of the zeolite was different from that in the bulk.
Samples | S BET (m2 g−1) | V total (cm3 g−1) | V micro (cm3 g−1) | V meso (cm3 g−1) | Combustible fraction (g gNaY−1) |
a BET specific surface area. b Total pore volume. c Micropore volume calculated by the DR method. d Mesopore volume calculated from the difference between Vtotal and Vmicro. | |||||
C (0.6)-P | 3440 | 1.63 | 1.42 | 0.21 | 0.318 |
C (0.8)-P | 3430 | 1.56 | 1.43 | 0.13 | 0.341 |
C (1.0)-P | 3420 | 1.50 | 1.42 | 0.08 | 0.360 |
C (1.2)-P | 3260 | 1.42 | 1.36 | 0.07 | 0.377 |
C (1.4)-P | 2970 | 1.34 | 1.23 | 0.11 | 0.382 |
C (0.8) | 130 | 0.60 | 0.45 | 0.15 | 0.196 |
Fig. 2(d) shows the TG–DTA patterns of chitin, NaY zeolite, and the mixture of chitin and the zeolite with a chitin amount of 1.0, denoted as NaY/chitin (1.0). The TG–DTA patterns of chitin showed a slight decrease in weight with a broad endothermic peak at ca. 80 °C, indicating the desorption of adsorbed water. Chitin showed a decrease in weight without a significant endothermic peak when the temperature exceeded approximately 280 °C, and further increases in temperature led to a substantial weight loss below 400 °C, suggesting that chitin decomposed without fusion (vide infra).35 The decomposition temperature of chitin was higher than that of GlcNAc due to the rigid structure of chitin. The DTA pattern of NaY/chitin (1.0) could not simply be explained by a mere superposition of the DTA patterns of chitin and the zeolite (Fig. S2, ESI†), a phenomenon also observed in the DTA pattern of NaY/GlcNAc (0.8), because the zeolite depolymerized chitin into chitin oligosaccharides, which were then absorbed into the zeolite pores (vide infra). Similar to NaY/GlcNAc (0.8) depicted in Fig. 1(e), a Gaussian function was employed to simulate the exothermic peak resulting from the absorption of chitin oligosaccharides by the zeolite. Peak fitting was then conducted using this Gaussian function along with the DTA patterns of both the zeolite and chitin (Fig. 2(e)). Although the fitted curve deviated slightly from the experimental data, it provided a closer approximation to the experimental results than a simple summation of the DTA patterns of the zeolite and chitin (Fig. S2, ESI†). The Gaussian function in Fig. 2(e) suggests that the absorption of chitin oligosaccharides completed below 450 °C. To verify the depolymerization of chitin and the subsequent absorption of the resulting chitin oligosaccharides into the zeolite (i.e., depolymerized oligomer filling, DOF), NaY/chitin (1.0) was heated at 10 °C min−1 under a N2 atmosphere up to target temperatures ranging from 350 to 500 °C. Upon reaching the designated temperature, the heated NaY/chitin (1.0) was immediately cooled to room temperature and then subjected to N2 adsorption/desorption analysis. Fig. 2(f) shows the results of the N2 adsorption/desorption measurement, plotted as normalized values per gram of the zeolite. The amount of adsorbed N2 was significantly decreased when the mixture was heated above 350 °C and reached its minimum at 450 °C. Table 4 summarizes the BET specific surface areas and total pore volumes of the heated NaY/chitin (1.0), including their normalized values. Among the mixtures, the one heated at 450 °C exhibited the lowest normalized BET specific surface area and total pore volume. Probably, DOF began to occur above 350 °C and was completed by 450 °C, as suggested by the results in Fig. 2(e). However, all the mixtures exhibited a hysteresis and adsorbed a larger amount of N2 than NaY/GlcNAc (0.8) heated at 200–300 °C, because excess chitin was decomposed into amorphous porous carbon without fusion when heated under a N2 atmosphere.35 This was confirmed by heating chitin under a N2 atmosphere without the zeolite and propylene using the same temperature program applied to the ZTC synthesis (Fig. S5, ESI†). The resulting heated chitin contained micropores and mesopores, whereas NaY zeolite does not contain mesopores. Therefore, the hysteresis observed in the heated NaY/chitin (1.0) is attributed to the decomposed chitin outside the zeolite pores. Under the same conditions, GlcNAc first melted and then underwent carbonization into nonporous amorphous carbons (Fig. S4b and S5, ESI†). On the other hand, ZTCs synthesized with propylene and excess chitin, namely C (1.2)-P and C (1.4)-P, exhibited no distinct hysteresis, in contrast to those derived from GlcNAc (Fig. 2(b)). Furthermore, the ZTCs synthesized with propylene and excess chitin in the range from 2.0 to 4.0 exhibited a negligibly small hysteresis (Fig. S6, ESI†), compared to the ZTCs prepared with propylene and an excess of GlcNAc between 2.0 and 4.0 (Fig. S3, ESI†). The absence of hysteresis is attributed to the deposition of carbon within the micropores and mesopores of the chitin-derived porous carbons during the propylene CVD process. This assertion was confirmed by applying propylene CVD to chitin, without using zeolite, under the identical conditions employed for the ZTC synthesis (Fig. S5, ESI†). Unlike the synthesis of GlcNAc-derived ZTCs, excess chitin did not melt (Fig. S7, ESI†) but did consume propylene. Consequently, an inadequate supply of propylene led to a decrease in both the structural regularity and the BET specific surface area of the chitin-derived ZTCs when the chitin amount exceeded 1.0. To optimize the structural regularity and BET specific surface area of GlcNAc-derived ZTCs, the optimal amount of GlcNAc was found to be 0.8. This finding implies that a chitin amount of 0.8, possessing the same molecular units as the GlcNAc amount used in the synthesis of G (0.8)-P, was anticipated to optimize the structural regularity and BET specific surface area. However, in the case of C (1.0)-P, it was found that 20% of the chitin, hindered by its rigid structure, could not be converted into chitin oligosaccharides and instead formed nonporous amorphous carbons, accumulating between the ZTC particles (vide infra). On the other hand, the remaining 80% of the chitin was successfully converted into chitin oligosaccharides, which were then absorbed into the zeolite pores. As a result, C (1.0)-P achieved structural regularity comparable to that of G (0.8)-P but exhibited a lower surface area.
Samples | S BET (m2 g−1) | V total (cm3 g−1) | S BET (g gNaY−1) | V total (g gNaY−1) |
a Normalized value per gram of NaY zeolite. | ||||
NaY/chitin (1.0) (350 °C) | 335 | 0.170 | 461 | 0.234 |
NaY/chitin (1.0) (400 °C) | 141 | 0.086 | 172 | 0.105 |
NaY/chitin (1.0) (450 °C) | 135 | 0.077 | 155 | 0.088 |
NaY/chitin (1.0) (500 °C) | 140 | 0.079 | 166 | 0.093 |
Fig. 2(g) summarizes the combustible fractions of the zeolite/carbon composites and the BET specific surface areas of the ZTCs prepared from chitin and propylene. The combustible fractions increased with the chitin amount and were larger than those of the composites prepared using GlcNAc (Fig. 1(g)). This explains why C (1.0)-P had a lower BET specific surface area than G (0.8)-P, despite having the same level of structural regularity. The BET specific surface areas decreased with the chitin amount due to the increasing presence of nonporous amorphous carbons. The Raman spectra of the chitin-derived ZTCs are presented in Fig. 2(h). All the spectra showed the same intensity ratios of the G and D bands, regardless of the chitin amount and the absence of propylene CVD. The formation of the chitin-derived ZTCs is explained by the DOF mechanism. The absorbed chitin oligosaccharides were decomposed into N-containing nanographenes and the nanographenes were interconnected together by the propylene CVD. To validate the formation of chitin oligosaccharides, we further analyzed the NaY/chitin (1.0) heated at 400 °C by ESR spectroscopy. As shown in Fig. 2(i), the ESR spectra of the zeolite and chitin did not show a peak derived from radicals, while the heated NaY/chitin (1.0) showed a distinct peak in the spectrum, suggesting that chitin was depolymerized into oligosaccharides by homolysis. If chitin was depolymerized into chitin oligosaccharide radicals by homolysis, some of the radicals would be quenched by O2 under an air atmosphere. Therefore, the heated NaY/chitin (1.0) was exposed to air for 9 days and analyzed again. As a result, a decrease in the peak intensity was observed in the spectra. The presence of the residual peak indicates that chitin oligosaccharide radicals were located within the zeolite micropores. In micropores filled with chitin oligosaccharides, diffusion of O2 was hindered, making it difficult for O2 to react with these radicals.
Sample | Elemental analysis (wt%) | N-6 (%) | N-5 (%) | N-Q (%) | N-X (%) | |||
C | H | N | Oa | 398.4b eV | 400.0b eV | 401.0b eV | 403.5b eV | |
a Calculated as the remainder. b The bandwidth (full-width at half-maximum, FWHM) of each peak was 1.41 eV. | ||||||||
G (0.8)-P | 88.2 | 1.5 | 1.7 | 8.6 | 30.3 | 25.3 | 37.1 | 7.3 |
C (1.0)-P | 88.7 | 1.5 | 2.2 | 7.6 | 25.8 | 21.5 | 38.7 | 14.1 |
G (0.8)-P and C (1.0)-P showed the highest structural regularity among the ZTCs prepared using GlcNAc and chitin, respectively, and were observed by SEM and TEM to confirm their structural morphology. As shown in the SEM images of G (0.8)-P (Fig. 4(a)), ZTC particles were agglomerated into secondary particles and no particles other than ZTC particles were observed. TEM observation of G (0.8)-P did not confirm carbon shells on the outer surfaces of the ZTC particles (Fig. 4(b)). On the other hand, a large particle different from ZTC particles was observed in the SEM images of C (1.0)-P (Fig. 4(c)), which had the same morphology as the chitin heat-treated with and without propylene CVD using the same temperature program as that used for the ZTC synthesis (Fig. S7, ESI†), indicating that the large particle in Fig. 4(c) was chitin-derived amorphous carbon formed without fusion.35 However, no carbon shells were observed on the outer surfaces of the ZTC particles during TEM observation because excess chitin was converted into amorphous carbons without fusion (Fig. 4(d)). Unlike graphitized carbons, amorphous carbons are not sensitive to the XRD and Raman spectroscopy analyses in comparison to ZTC particles and cannot be readily detected when existing with ZTC particles (Fig. 1(a), (h) and 2(a), (h)).20 Amorphous carbons can be confirmed by XRD analysis as carbon (002) diffraction only when ZTC contains a large amount of amorphous carbons (Fig. S3a and S6a, ESI†).44
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Fig. 4 (a) and (c) SEM and (b) and (d) TEM images of (a) and (b) G (0.8)-P and (c) and (d) C (1.0)-P. |
Samples | S BET (m2 g−1) | V total (cm3 g−1) | V micro (cm3 g−1) | V meso (cm3 g−1) |
G (0.8)-P | 3740 | 1.64 | 1.58 | 0.06 |
C (1.0)-P | 3420 | 1.54 | 1.43 | 0.11 |
Samples | S BET (m2 g−1) | V total (cm3 g−1) | V micro (cm3 g−1) | V meso (cm3 g−1) | Density (g cm−3) |
a Electrodes contain 5 wt% of PTFE and 5 wt% of carbon black. | |||||
G (0.8)-P | 3200 | 1.51 | 1.32 | 0.19 | 0.232 |
C (1.0)-P | 2960 | 1.35 | 1.23 | 0.12 | 0.251 |
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Fig. 5 Results of three-electrode cell measurements for G (0.8)-P and C (1.0)-P performed at 25 °C, shown along with the results of the undoped ZTC. (a) Cyclic voltammogram collected at 1 mV s−1. (b) Nyquist plots collected at −1.0 and 0.2 V (vs. Ag/Ag+). Insets show the magnified spectra at low frequencies and the equivalent circuit; Rs, Rct, Cdl, and W represent the series resistance, charge transfer resistance, double-layer capacitance, and Warburg impedance, respectively.47,48 Dependence of (c) gravimetric and (d) volumetric capacitances on the current densities. Percentages in panels (c) and (d) indicate the capacitance retention values at 2 A g−1 based on the capacitances at 0.05 A g−1. |
We then performed an impedance spectroscopy analysis at −1.0 and 0.2 V and the obtained Nyquist plots are shown in Fig. 5(b). Note that the difference in the point where the spectrum intersects the horizontal axis is attributed to the difference in the resistance of the connection from the cell to the instrument used for the electrochemical measurements and it was found that such a difference does not affect the EDLC performance.49 The results obtained at low and high frequencies correspond to the quasi-vertical line and semicircle regions of the spectra, respectively. The slope of the quasi-vertical line increases as diffusion resistance decreases, while the diameter of the semicircle increases with increases in both contact and charge transfer resistances.4,8,50,51 Because all ZTCs exhibited high structural regularity, diffusion resistance was significantly reduced even in small micropores of 1.2 nm.8 Consequently, the differences in diffusion resistance among the ZTCs were negligible. Meanwhile, by fitting their Nyquist plots collected at −1.0 V (Fig. 5(b), inset), the charge transfer resistances of G (0.8)-P, C (1.0)-P, and the undoped ZTC were calculated to be 3.1, 4.3, and 2.3 Ω, respectively (for details, see Section S9 in the ESI†).47,48 If the capacitance were enhanced by nitrogen-derived pseudocapacitance, the charge transfer resistances of G (0.8)-P and C (1.0)-P would increase.13,52 Conversely, if the electrical conductivities of G (0.8)-P and C (1.0)-P were increased due to N-doping, both their charge transfer and diffusion resistances would also decrease.35,53,54 The predominant form of doped nitrogen in G (0.8)-P and C (1.0)-P was quaternary nitrogen, known to enhance electrical conductivity.23,41,42 It is also plausible that the pseudocapacitance from pyridone/pyrrole and pyridine nitrogens significantly contributes to charging and discharging processes,43 given their substantial presence relative to quaternary nitrogen in these samples. Indeed, G (0.8)-P and C (1.0)-P exhibited pseudocapacitive behavior in their voltammograms (Fig. 5(a)). As long as the same zeolite is used for ZTC synthesis, the particle size remains consistent, resulting in uniform contact resistance both among ZTC particles and between ZTC particles and the current collector. However, the chitin-derived amorphous carbons in C (1.0)-P reduced electrode resistance, thereby decreasing both contact and charge transfer resistances.20 In the Nyquist plots, the effect of the chitin-derived amorphous carbons was particularly prominent for C (1.0)-P. In contrast, G (0.8)-P, lacking amorphous carbons, displayed a significant influence of pyridone/pyrrole and pyridine nitrogens, which increased the charge transfer resistance.
Fig. 5(c) and (d) present the dependences of the gravimetric and volumetric capacitances on the current density, respectively. The percentages in the figures correspond to the capacitance retention values at 2 A g−1 based on the capacitances at 0.05 A g−1. The difference in gravimetric capacitance between the ZTCs cannot be explained by the difference in their BET specific surface areas, and the area-normalized capacitances at 0.05 A g−1 were 4.20, 4.13, and 3.49 μF cm−2 for G (1.0)-P, C (0.8)-P, and the undoped ZTC, respectively. Because all the ZTCs exhibited high structural regularity, the difference in area-normalized capacitance is attributed to the doped nitrogen. Meanwhile, the variations in capacitance retention among the ZTCs are minimal. Increasing pseudocapacitance and electrical conductivity should affect the EDLC performance of G (0.8)-P and C (1.0)-P. However, any negative impact on capacitance retention at high current densities, typically caused by pseudocapacitance, is offset by the conductivity improvements from chitin-derived amorphous carbons and quaternary nitrogen in the electrodes. Because C (1.0)-P and G (0.8)-P have the same volumetric surface area, their volumetric capacitances are nearly identical and higher than that of the undoped ZTC across all current densities. Likely, the enhancement in electrical conductivity and pseudocapacitance increased the area-normalized capacitance without reducing capacitance retention.
In terms of sustainable development and reducing biomass waste from crustacean shells, chitin is a more important precursor for synthesizing N-doped ZTCs than GlcNAc, which is mainly derived from chitin.24 Additionally, C (1.0)-P demonstrated higher volumetric capacitances than the undoped ZTC across all current densities. The current synthetic method does not require drying the zeolite or polymerizing monomers prior to CVD, thereby eliminating the need for complicated synthetic apparatus and multiple synthetic steps. Currently, the use of hazardous HF is inevitable to remove zeolite for ZTC synthesis. Despite ongoing research into alternative methods, none have fully replaced HF, leading to a reduced surface area and pore volume in ZTCs. In this study, we also address the safety and environmental concerns associated with the HF use. GlcNAc-derived ZTCs are also useful due to the absence of amorphous carbons, allowing for studies on the effect of N-doping by comparing with the undoped ZTC. Physical and chemical processes such as diffusion, reactions, and adsorption of ions and molecules in uniform-sized micropores are critically important for materials design, particularly in the development of adsorbents, electrodes, and other devices. In comparison to nitrogen-doped ordered mesoporous carbons, N-doped ZTCs offer distinct advantages due to their microporous structure. The highly uniform and small pore sizes in ZTCs provide enhanced interactions with small molecules and ions, leading to superior performance in applications such as gas adsorption and separation. Additionally, the N-doping in ZTCs further enhances their electrical conductivity and chemical reactivity, making them particularly effective in catalysis and electrochemical applications where high surface area and specific pore structures are critical. We are currently exploring the applications of N-doped ZTCs prepared from GlcNAc and chitin.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4ya00400k |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |