Jack E. N.
Andrey D.
Pravin N.
Michael W.
Leanne A. H.
Conor M. E.
Christoph J.
David C.
M. Saiful
Peter D.
Robert J.
Rebecca J.
a and
Robert S.
aDepartment of Materials, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PH, UK. E-mail:
bThe Faraday Institution, Quad One, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot OX11 0RA, UK
cDepartment of Physics and Engineering Physics, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada S7N 5E2
dESRF – The European Synchrotron, 71 Avenue des Martyrs, 38000 Grenoble, France
eDiamond Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, OX11 0DE, UK
fStewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada V6T 1Z1
First published on 13th September 2024
Ni-rich layered oxide cathodes can deliver higher energy density batteries, but uncertainties remain over their charge compensation mechanisms and the degradation processes that limit cycle life. Trapped molecular O2 has been identified within LiNiO2 at high states of charge, as seen for Li-rich cathodes where excess capacity is associated with reversible oxygen redox. Here we show that bulk redox in LiNiO2 occurs by Ni–O rehybridization, lowering the electron density on O sites, but importantly without the involvement of molecular O2. Instead, trapped O2 is related to degradation at surfaces in contact with the electrolyte, and is accompanied by Ni reduction. O2 is removed on discharge, but excess Ni2+ persists forming a reduced surface layer, associated with impeded Li transport. This implicates the instability of delithiated LiNiO2 in contact with the electrolyte in surface degradation through O2 formation and Ni reduction, highlighting the importance of surface stabilisation strategies in suppressing LiNiO2 degradation.
Broader contextIncreasing the capacity of Li-ion batteries requires cathodes which can reversibly deintercalate more lithium without leading to structural instability and severe capacity fade. To this end, Ni-rich layered cathodes are under development for next-generation batteries, with LiNiO2 the archetypal system for investigating their charging mechanisms. However, the role played by different redox centres in LiNiO2 is still debated, and the connections with structural instabilities and associated degradation are not yet fully established. Recent reports have suggested the involvement of molecular O2 in the bulk redox process at high states of charge, with direct experimental detection of O2 based on techniques that probe 100–200 nm into the surface of the few μm-sized cathode particles. Here, we combine a broad suite of X-ray spectroscopies with varying information depths (10 nm to 10 μm) to separate the bulk redox from surface degradation. We reveal that trapped O2 formation in LiNiO2 is primarily associated with degradation at surfaces in contact with the electrolyte, rather than contributing to the bulk redox process. Interpretation of experimental spectra using theoretical calculations shows that bulk charge compensation proceeds by Ni–O rehybridization. These findings highlight the importance of using bulk sensitive techniques to understand redox, and suggests design strategies for stabilising high energy density Ni-rich cathodes. |
The archetypal Ni-rich cathode material, LiNiO2, undergoes several first-order structural phase transitions upon delithiation, with significant degradation observed at high potentials that has been associated with severe lattice changes,10,11 structural degradation,12,13 gas evolution,14,15 and parasitic reactions with the electrolyte.16,17 However, the causality and connections between these different modes of degradation are not yet fully established. Oxygen loss from the cathode surface and the associated formation of a reduced surface layer have been widely observed for Ni-rich cathode materials particularly above the H2–H3 transition,15,18–20 and are found to depend critically on the upper cut off voltage (UCV) and electrolyte formulation.17,21–23 Recently, studies of Ni-rich cathodes at high potentials (≥4.3 V during charge) have also shown the emergence of a distinct signature in O K-edge resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) spectra at an excitation energy of ∼531.5 eV.24–26 For Li-rich materials that show excess capacity beyond TM cation redox, this signature is typically taken as evidence of the formation of molecular O2 trapped in pores throughout the cathode bulk, as a result of charge compensation by non-bonding O orbitals.27,28 However, the TM vacancies necessary to accommodate this are not expected in LiNiO2, with experimental samples typically containing excess Ni. Furthermore, LiNiO2 does not exhibit excess capacity that might be associated with molecular O2 redox. Nevertheless, bulk sensitive Ni K-edge X-ray absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) measurements of LiNiO2 have indicated a plateauing of the main edge half-height position at similarly high states of charge, which has been taken as evidence of the formal Ni oxidation state no longer changing in the bulk, and thus a change in the redox mechanism.29
Although O K-edge RIXS and the related fluorescence yield X-ray absorption spectroscopy (FY-XAS) are widely referred to as bulk-sensitive (∼200 nm information depth), in the context of Li-ion cathode materials where typical secondary particle diameters are >5 μm, these methods probe <10% of the particle volume nearest to the surface. Attribution of bulk molecular O2 redox based on these methods alone is therefore ambiguous. Similar concerns have been raised around identifying oxygen redox with hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES), where typical probing depths are tens of nm.30 Solid-state 17O magic-angle-spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy provides an alternative bulk-averaged approach to estimate the amount of O2 present in the lattice.31 However, it does not resolve the spatial distribution of O2 molecules, nor has it been reported for LiNiO2 to date. Whereas, online electrochemical mass spectrometry (OEMS) can quantify the gas release associated with O-loss from the cathode surface, it does not probe molecular O2 that remains trapped within the cathode.15,20,32 The extent to which oxygen redox is involved in charge compensation in the LiNiO2 bulk thus remains unclear, motivating approaches that can provide comparable information with surface- and bulk-sensitivity.
Here we combine complementary core-loss spectroscopies to obtain a depth-resolved (10 nm to >10 μm) account of the redox processes in LiNiO2 and distinguish reversible bulk redox processes from near-surface degradation. X-ray Raman Spectroscopy (XRS, >10 μm information depth) reveals that in the bulk of LiNiO2 secondary particles there is a continuous change in both the Ni L3,2-edge and O K-edge spectra with state of charge (SoC) up to 4.8 V. This is consistent with charge compensation proceeding by rehybridization between the Ni and O centres, lowering the electron density on O sites but with Ni–O coordination still preserved. Features of trapped molecular O2 appear at potentials of ≳4.2 V in O K-edge FY-XAS, accompanied by increased Ni2+ contributions in the Ni L3,2-edge. Importantly, these changes are less pronounced in bulk-averaged XRS measurements indicating that formation of molecular O2 is a predominantly surface process. Total Electron Yield (TEY)-XAS measurements (∼10 nm information depth) confirm that a densified NiO-like layer forms in direct contact with electrolyte, whilst FY-XAS measurements are consistent with an extended cation mixing layer in which Ni2+ ions have migrated to occupy Li sites. Scanning transmission electron microscopy–electron energy loss spectroscopy (STEM–EELS) further confirms this picture of a reduced surface layer (RSL) that extends ∼200 nm into the surface for LiNiO2 which has been cycled to 4.8 V vs. Li/Li+. This understanding emphasises the importance of strategies to stabilise the interfaces of Ni-rich cathode materials in contact with electrolyte (e.g. cathode coatings/gradients, electrolyte formulation), rather than bulk stabilisation approaches (e.g. pillaring) that might sacrifice capacity.
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Fig. 1 Bulk-sensitive probing of LiNiO2 redox processes. (a) 2nd cycle charge–discharge profile of LiNiO2 electrode cycled at a rate of C/20 between 3.0 and 4.8 V vs. Li/Li+. Inset: Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of pristine LiNiO2 particles. (b) Corresponding differential capacity plots (dQ/dV). (c), Normalised Ni K-edge XANES spectra (transmission mode) of LiNiO2 at different SoC. (d) Plot of the energy shift in normalised Ni K-edge whiteline and 50% edge height positions relative to pristine LiNiO2. (e) and (f) XRS (∼10 μm information depth) of the O K-edge and Ni L3-edge core-loss spectra for LiNiO2 electrodes at different SoC during the 2nd charge cycle. Experimental XRS data is marked as black dots and represented with smooth solid trace lines. Charge transfer multiplet (CTM) calculations of formally Ni2+ (green), Ni3+ (purple), and Ni4+ (pink) environments. See ESI,† Fig. S2 for fitted XRS Ni L3,2-edges. |
Fig. 1(c) shows normalised transmission Ni K-edge XANES spectra for the LiNiO2 electrodes at different SoC (x in LixNiO2) during the 2nd charge cycle. As expected, the Ni K-edge shifts to higher energies as the formal Ni oxidation state increases, with the removal of valence electrons leaving the Ni nucleus less-shielded such that it has a higher effective charge, and the core-level becomes more strongly bound. Both the energy of the fractional (normalised) edge height and the position of the whiteline (intensity maximum) are routinely used as indirect measures of average oxidation state.35,36 A continuous shift to higher energy in both the edge half-height and whiteline is observed up to 4.2 V, x = 0.22 (Fig. 1(d)). The two trends diverge with further delithiation, with the whiteline monotonically shifting to higher energy up to the furthest measured extent of delithiation (4.8 V, x = 0.03), while the half-height position plateaus with little variation between x = 0.10 and x = 0.03. The plateau of half-height position has previously been taken as an indication that Ni is no longer involved in the redox mechanism at high SoC,24,25 however the continuing shift in whiteline position would suggest otherwise. Indeed, the edge-position is known to be sensitive to other factors including bond length and ligand covalency.37
To resolve this ambiguity without introducing surface sensitivity as a confounding factor, bulk-sensitive XRS was performed to collect O K-edge (Fig. 1(e)) and Ni L3-edge (Fig. 1(f)) spectra at the same SoC as the XANES. XRS probes lower-energy O 1s → 2p and Ni 2p → 3d transitions using hard X-rays (10 keV), achieving an information depth of ∼10 μm which is similar to Ni K-edge XANES. In Fig. 1(e), pristine LiNiO2 exhibits a prominent asymmetric O K pre-edge feature centred at 528.8 eV associated with transitions from O 1s → O 2p-Ni 3d hybridised states, and main edge features above 535.0 eV associated with transitions from O 1s → O 2p-Ni 4s,p hybridised states. On delithiation, the pre-edge peak is seen to continuously increase in relative intensity, whilst losing its asymmetry and shifting by 0.4 eV to a higher peak energy of 529.2 eV. There is also an accompanying shift in the main edge half-height position from ∼536.0 eV for pristine LiNiO2 up to 539.5 eV at 4.8 V, and the shape of the main edge changes indicating a change in the O2p and Ni4s,p orbital hybridisation. Importantly, across the potentials probed, the feature arising at ∼531.5 eV associated with the formation of molecular O2 is not strongly pronounced.24–26
The corresponding Ni L3-edge XRS (Fig. 1(f)) for pristine LiNiO2 shows a broad line shape composed of three main features at 853.6 eV, 854.9 eV, and 856.1 eV. There remains debate over the ground state of LiNiO2 (see Supplementary Note 1, ESI†) and a variety of models based on alternating layers of NiO6 octahedra and Li have been proposed. The simplest model, in which all NiO6 octahedra are equivalent with a formal oxidation state of Ni3+, is compatible with XRD data but not with measurements using more local probes.38,39 As a result, more complex models involving time or spatially varying distortions of the octahedra have been proposed. These include structures with Jahn–Teller (J–T) distortions, where two different Ni–O bond lengths are present and the formal oxidation state remains Ni3+,40 and spin disproportionated structures, where Ni2+ (S = 1), Ni3+ (S = ½), and Ni4+ (S = 0) octahedra coexist and interconvert dynamically at room temperature.41,42 Recent temperature-dependent XAS and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) shows strong evidence for such disproportionation in LiNiO2,41 which is consistent with other correlated nickelate compounds, including AgNiO2, which show disproportionation and strong covalency between frontier O 2p and Ni 3d states.43–47
Charge transfer multiplet (CTM) calculated L3-edges for the three Ni environments with formal oxidation states of +2, +3 and +4 are overlaid on the pristine LiNiO2 spectra in Fig. 1(f), corresponding to the three main features at 853.6 eV, 854.9 eV, and 856.1 eV seen in Ni L3-edge XRS. Simulation parameters have been optimised based on experimental data (Supplementary Note 3, ESI†). Each simulated spectra can be thought of as a superposition of metal–ligand hole configurations,47 with the formally Ni2+, Ni3+, and Ni4+ octahedra having ground-state configurations of 0.80|3d8〉 + 0.19|3d9〉 + 0.01|3d10
2〉, 0.25|3d7〉 + 0.58|3d8
〉 + 0.16|3d9
2〉 + 0.01|3d10
3〉, 0.04|3d6〉 + 0.33|3d7
〉 + 0.48|3d8
2〉 + 0.14|3d9
3〉 + 0.01|3d10
4〉 respectively. In CTM calculations, increasing ligand hole contributions indicate an increasing degree of Ni–O covalency for higher formal oxidation states. Linear combinations of the simulated spectra match closely to the Ni L3-edge spectra from XRS, FY-XAS and TEY-XAS at all SoC (ESI,† Fig. S2–S5), indicating that the simulated spectra for the Ni2+, Ni3+ and Ni4+ environments are suitable descriptions despite the small changes in octahedral environment expected for different phases.
On cycling to higher potentials, the XRS shows a continuous growth in the intensity of the Ni4+ feature (see Fig. 2(d)), initially at the expense of Ni2+ up to 3.9 V, x = 0.55, and then Ni3+ up to 4.8 V, x = 0.03. This evolution of Ni species upon delithiation matches that expected from disproportionation.41 At 4.8 V, the spectrum closely matches Ni L3-edge simulations of Ni4+ (ESI,† Fig. S6) with 4–5% Ni2+. This is consistent with the excess Ni detected with ICP-OES occupying Li sites, as similarly sized Ni2+, and thus preventing all sites reaching Ni4+.26,48 The bulk sensitivity of XRS suppresses contributions from surface layers which are otherwise seen even for inverse partial fluorescence yield (IPFY) measurements (ESI,† Fig. S7), including for reference Ni4+ compounds.49,50 Importantly this shows that charge compensation in the LiNiO2 bulk proceeds predominantly through Ni–O rehybridization across the whole cycling range, lowering the electron density on O sites, but without a significant role for molecular O2 redox. This contrasts with several reports of oxygen redox in this potential range for LiNiO2 and Ni-rich layered cathode materials, based on detection of the molecular O2 feature with less bulk-sensitive O K-edge RIXS.24–26,51
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Fig. 2 Near-surface probing of LiNiO2 redox processes. (a) and (b) FY-XAS (∼200 nm information depth) of the O K-edge and Ni L3-edge, and (c) TEY-XAS (∼10 nm information depth) of the Ni L3-edge for LiNiO2 at different SoC. (d) Relative intensities of Ni2+, Ni3+, and Ni4+ components based on fitting CTM calculated spectra to XRS, FY-XAS, and TEY-XAS spectra (see fitting results in ESI,† Fig. S2–S5). |
We now investigate the reversibility of this near-surface molecular O2 redox process and how its extent changes with upper cutoff voltage (UCV). Fig. 3(a) shows that after discharging from a UCV of 4.8 V to 4.0 V, the molecular O2 feature at ∼531.5 eV disappears from the O K-edge, but a prominent RSL feature at 532.6 eV remains. On discharge to 3.0 V, the RSL feature further grows in intensity relative to the pre-edge feature, with accompanying increases in the Ni2+ feature for the Ni L3-edge spectra (Fig. 3(b) and (c)). This is even more prominent in the surface-sensitive TEY-XAS (Fig. 3(c)), indicating the RSL is more densified near to the surface. Comparison to an electrode where the UCV is 4.2 V confirms that the extent of RSL formation is much greater for the UCV of 4.8 V, consistent with previous studies where significant RSL formation occurs at SoC above the H2-H3 transition in Ni-rich cathodes.20,21,52 Longer-term cycling (150 cycles, ESI,† Fig. S10) further shows that the UCV of 4.8V leads to greater voltage hysteresis and charge transfer impedance reflecting this more extensive RSL formation.
Although comparison of TEY and FY mode XAS confirms the RSL is found predominantly near the sample surface, it provides only limited insight into the depth over which it is distributed. To spatially resolve the extent of the RSL at high SoCs, STEM-EELS was performed for LiNiO2 charged to 4.8 V (Fig. 4). Depth-resolved Ni L3-spectra show a decreasing proportion of the lower energy (more reduced) component (peak A1) on moving towards the bulk of the particle, stabilising at ∼200 nm from surface, consistent with more Ni2+ species at the surface and more Ni4+ in the bulk. Similarly, the O K-edge shows a higher pre-edge intensity (peak B1) towards the bulk of the particle correlating with higher Ni oxidation state and Ni–O covalency. This extended RSL region where the Ni oxidation state is seen to vary over ∼200 nm is attributable to a cation mixing layer in which Ni2+ ions have migrated to occupy Li sites, and is consistent with the differences seen between TEY-XAS, FY-XAS and XRS observations. Notably, a similar extent of RSL formation is not observed at intergranular cracks away from the LiNiO2 surface, presumably as electrolyte does not fully penetrate these cracks for the low cycle numbers considered here. This indicates a key role of the electrolyte in promoting RSL formation, with electrolyte infiltration into internal cracks likely proceeding over multiple cycles.
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Fig. 4 (a) Cross-sectional scanning electron microscopy (secondary electron detection) of LiNiO2 particle from an electrode charged to 4.8 V. (b) Selected STEM-EELS scan area of 1.5 μm from surface to bulk (left to right) of the particle. (c) and (d) Fitted peak ratios of depth-resolved Ni L3- and O K-edge EELS spectra using a simplified two peak fit in each case (see ESI,† Fig. S11). Insets: Examples of EELS spectra. |
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Fig. 5 Electronic and geometric structural changes of LiNiO2 upon delithiation. (a) Experimental HERFD-XANES and b, core–hole calculated Ni K-edge spectra of pristine and charged LiNiO2. (c) Experimental XRS with smooth trace lines and (d) core–hole calculated O K-edge spectra of pristine and charged LiNiO2. (e) Ground-state partial and total density of states for LiNiO2 (top) and NiO2 (bottom). Fermi energies are set to zero. (f) Ni–Ni and Ni–O distances determined from the Fourier-transformed EXAFS spectra (details in ESI,† Table S1 and Fig. S12, S13). Note that the short/long Ni–O lengths of pristine (hexagons), 3.0 V and 3.8 V (crosses) LiNiO2 are related to the disproportionated model applied for EXAFS fitting. Bond lengths for the geometry optimised structures from DFT calculations used in (b), (d), (e) are shown as triangles in f. |
The origin of the spectral features can be understood by comparison to ground-state partial density-of-states (pDOS) shown in Fig. 5(e), and consideration of the allowed spectroscopic transitions. The first unoccupied states in both LiNiO2 and NiO2 lie just above 0 eV, showing mixed O 2p and Ni 3d orbital character and giving rise to the pre-edge peaks in the experimental Ni (∼8335 eV) and O (∼529 eV) K-edges. A sizable gap separates the next set of unoccupied states which give rise to the main edges in the Ni (≳8340 eV) and O (≳535 eV) K-edges, and have Ni 4s,p character, with some Li 2s contribution also seen in this region for LiNiO2. This gap widens by ∼2.9 eV from LiNiO2 to NiO2 which can be related to a decrease in average Ni–O bond length associated with the change in geometric structure.53,54 We note that the DFT calculated Ni K-edge spectra show weaker pre-edge features than experiment, attributable to quadrupolar transitions not being considered in the calculations.55
A clear splitting of the calculated O K pre-edge peak in Fig. 5(d) for LiNiO2 resembles the asymmetric pre-edge in the XRS experimental data. The O K pre-edge becomes far more intense in the 4.8 V sample and the peak splitting seen in the calculated spectrum of LiNiO2 is lost. This corresponds with the change from D4h site symmetry for the J–T distorted Ni3+ octahedra used in the LiNiO2 calculation, where d orbital splitting arises from the elongation of two Ni–O bonds, to Oh site symmetry for the Ni4+ octahedra of NiO2, where this d orbital splitting is lost. The growth in intensity of the O K pre-edge feature is also consistent with the CTM calculations, where the increased ligand hole contributions for the Ni4+ octahedra indicate an increasing degree of Ni–O covalency on delithiation. The increase of O K pre-edge intensity by a factor of ∼2 on full delithiation (see ESI,† Fig. S9) corresponds closely to the factor of ∼1.8 obtained based on the proportions of Ni species fitted to the Ni L3,2-edge XRS spectra (Fig. 2(d)) and their respective electron configurations. Further evidence for increased Ni–O covalency is apparent from the emergence of more distinct fine-structure features (∼8347 eV and 8351 eV) in the Ni K-edge, attributable to ligand-to-metal charge transfer shakedown transitions,56 as well as satellite peaks in the Ni L3,2-edge that are most clearly seen in FY-XAS measurements (see ESI,† Fig. S14b) and are well-reproduced in the CTM calculated Ni4+ spectrum. In addition, Bader charge analysis57 based on the ground-state DFT calculations shows the ionic charge of the Ni only modestly changes from +1.41 to +1.56 e− between LiNiO2 and NiO2, whilst a more significant change from −1.15 to −0.78 e− is seen for the O charges.
Fig. 5(f) shows the nearest Ni–O and Ni–Ni distances extracted by fitting to EXAFS spectra for LiNiO2 at different SoC. Since fitting with the single Ni–O bond length model showed significantly higher Debye–Waller factors at low SoC, and disproportionation is expected to persist up to 3.9 V based on Fig. 2(d), a model with two Ni–O bond lengths (ratio of short:long Ni–O bond based on the disproportionated model and associated XRS fittings) was instead used to fit pristine, 3.0 V and 3.8 V LiNiO2 (see ESI,† Fig. S15 and Table S2). The Ni–O and Ni–Ni bond distances obtained show good agreement with both the J–T P21/c LiNiO2 and the disproportionated structure, however, the short:long bond ratios of the disproportioned model show lower Debye–Waller factors, supporting assignment of this structure.
Similar trends in weighted average Ni–O bond lengths are seen to operando neutron diffraction measurements,34 with Ni–O bond length gradually shrinking in line with the change in structure, increased oxidation state and increased covalency at high SoC. Notably, above the H2–H3 transition (x ≤ 0.22) a modest increase in the Ni–O bond length is observed. This has been associated with a loss of the stabilising effect of Li–O covalency at high SoC, leading to Ni–O bond elongation alongside the sudden c-lattice collapse related to the H2–H3 transition, and increased charge transfer from the O to Ni sites.11,58,59 This changing covalency, seen as continuous spectral changes in Fig. 1(c) and (d), can account for the plateauing in half-height position of the Ni K main-edge at high SoC in transmission XANES (Fig. 1(d)). As well as highlighting the limitations of applying a single metric to assess changes in oxidation state, the limited sensitivity of the Ni K-edge fractional-edge height reflects that it arises from transitions to Ni 4s,p states, in contrast to the O K- and Ni L3,2-edges which probe transitions to O 2p-Ni 3d hybridised states.
FY-XAS measurements reveal evidence of molecular O2 formation in the outer ∼200 nm of the cathode surface, with the growth in intensity of the Ni4+ feature plateauing above 4.2 V, and features of trapped molecular O2 emerging alongside increased Ni2+ contributions. This is consistent with molecular O2 trapped in voids formed by Ni2+ entering the Li layers (see Fig. 6). STEM-EELS reveals a RSL that extends ∼200 nm into the LiNiO2 surface following cycling to 4.8 V, showing a gradual change in oxidation state across its thickness. The absence of this extended RSL at internal surfaces of the secondary cathode particles, e.g. interparticle cracks, suggests its formation is driven by contact with the electrolyte.
The trapped molecular O2 feature disappears on discharging to 4.0 V, but a significantly increased near-surface Ni2+ contribution is retained. Although our results do not fully exclude some reversible molecular O2 redox, online electrochemical mass spectroscopy studies have reported O2 evolution occurring on discharge.15 We therefore suggest that this may arise from the release of trapped O2 associated with structural changes, including abrupt c-lattice expansion and particle cracking (ESI,† Fig. S16).
Our findings highlight the importance of combining bulk- and surface-sensitive techniques to fully confirm the extent to which molecular O2 redox processes in cathode materials are bulk phenomena contributing to reversible charge compensation, rather than involved in surface degradation as revealed here for LiNiO2. The understanding developed of the surface instability of LiNiO2 associated with rehybridisation at high SoC, emphasises the importance of strategies such as cathode coatings, composition gradients, and electrolyte formulation to stabilise Ni-rich cathode surfaces in contact with electrolyte, rather than bulk stabilisation approaches (e.g. pillaring) that might unduly sacrifice capacity. This study thus provides a solid basis for future exploration of molecular O2 formation and Ni–O rehybridisation in Ni-rich cathodes in different electrolyte environments, and for further investigations to separate bulk redox and near-surface degradation processes in a broad range of cathode materials.
Spatially resolved EELS of the lamellae was performed using a JEOL ARM200F equipped with cold field emission gun operated at 200 keV and spherical aberration probe corrector. Dual EELS was acquired using a Gatan GIF Quantum 965 ER with energy resolution of around 1 eV at 0.25 eV per channel dispersion. Inert transfer between glovebox and STEM was achieved using a JEOL double-tilt vacuum transfer holder.
Given LiNiO2 is less stable when highly delithiated, radiation damage should be considered when evaluating the oxidation state of Ni in EELS. The energised Xe ion beam in PFIB and electron beam in STEM can both induce reduction of LiNiO2 and NiO2 towards NiO.61 The absolute A2/A1, and B2/B1 ratios seen in the LiNiO2 bulk reflect some degree of ion/electron beam induced reduction. Nevertheless, equal acquisition time and constant electron beam current during the EELS scans ensure a consistent radiation dose (3 × 103 e− Å−2) such that the trends in EELS spectra and the spatial variations seen near their surface are still representative.
In situ HERFD-XANES was performed at Diamond Light Source's beamline I20 with aluminised mylar (Fresherpack, 130 μm) pouch cells containing free-standing LiNiO2 cathodes, with Li metal disks as negative electrodes and a Celgard 2325 separator soaked with 80 μl of LP57 electrolyte (1 M LiPF6 in 3:
7 of EC
EMC). The cells were held at the desired potentials, and measured through the cathode side of the pouches using an X-ray emission spectrometer equipped with three Si(444) analyser crystals.62 The spectrometer was set to the maximum of the Ni Kβ1,3 line (8266 eV), and the incident energy was scanned using the four-bounce Si(111) monochromator. The spectrometer was calibrated using a Ni foil, measuring the Kβ line with the incident energy tuned +300 eV from the Ni K-edge.
TEY- and FY-XAS measurements were performed at ES-2 of beamline B07-B at Diamond Light Source, with the exit slits set to 50 μm in the dispersive direction, yielding a flux of between 1 × 1011 (O K-edge) and 2 × 1011 (Ni L3,2-edge) photons s−1. All samples were measured with the incident beam normal to the electrode surface, yielding a beam footprint of 150 × 100 μm. FY-XAS measurements were acquired using an Al coated Si photodiode directed at the sample with its surface normal at ∼45° to incident beam direction. Simultaneous TEY-XAS measurements were obtained using a SR570 low-noise current amplifier (Stanford Research Systems) to collect the current between the sample plate and an isolated steel washer in front of the sample biased to +90 V. Separate IPFY-XAS measurements of the Ni L3,2-edge were acquired using a Vortex silicon drift detector (Hitachi) at the I10 beamline at Diamond Light Source, with FY and TEY mode measurements simultaneously acquired. All spectra are divided by the drain current measured from the last X-ray mirror, to correct for variations in incident photon flux. The photon energy scale is calibrated using a NiO sample.63 O K-edge spectra are background-subtracted using a straight line fitted to the pre-edge region, followed by intensity normalization to the post-edge region at 550 eV. Ni L3,2-edge spectra are normalized to the intensity at 867 eV after removal of a linear background.
XRS measurements were performed at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility at the ID20 beamline.64 X-rays are generated from three U26 revolver undulators, before being collimated, and then monochromated by a liquid–nitrogen cooled double-crystal Si(111) pre-monochromator. The beam from a second Si(311) channel-cut post-monochromator is focussed onto a ∼20 × 20 μm2 spot at the sample position by a mirror in Kirkpatrick–Baez geometry. The sample surface was positioned at a grazing angle of ∼1° relative to the incident beam direction, to maximise the illuminated area and the sample was scanned over a region of ∼10 mm during the 4-hour measurement to minimise beam-induced changes. Inelastically scattered photons were recorded using 72 spherically bent Si(660) crystal analysers with energy loss events in the vicinity of both O K-edge and Ni L3,2-edge. O K- and Ni L3,2-edges were recorded at momentum transfers of q = 6.9 ± 0.5, and all data extraction and treatment were performed as described in ref. 65.
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† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |