Stephen E.
Christine A.
Marcus A.
ab and
Liwen F.
aMaterials Science Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California 94550, USA. E-mail:;;
bLaboratory for Energy Applications for the Future (LEAF), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California 94550, USA
First published on 13th September 2024
Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have become a core portable energy storage technology due to their high energy density, longevity, and affordability. Nevertheless, their use in low-temperature environments is challenging due to significant Li-metal plating and dendrite growth, sluggish Li-ion desolvation kinetics, and suppressed Li-ion transport. In this study, we employ classical molecular dynamics simulations to provide a mechanistic understanding of the impact of temperature- and concentration-effects on the ionic conductivity of a prototypical battery electrolyte, lithium hexafluorophosphate in ethylene carbonate (LiPF6/EC). We further investigate the interplay between temperature and ionic speciation via a graph-based clustering analysis that resolves species–specific ionic conductivity contributions. Using these findings, we formulate two fundamental design principles governing electrolyte performance: one for ambient temperature and another for low-temperature conditions. The modeling framework outlined in this work provides a foundation for identifying design principles that can be used to rationally improve the low-temperature performance of LIBs.
Broader contextThere is a critical need for accelerated development of next-generation energy storage devices that can operate under extreme conditions, such as low temperatures, for the grid, EV, space exploration, and defense applications. One of the critical challenges is identifying appropriate electrolyte formulations to balance several microscopic factors that may collectively affect the overall performance of the electrolyte. Unfortunately, current research primarily relies on chemical intuition but needs clear strategies and established design metrics, which significantly impedes the exploration of the vast molecular database. Our work aims to address this issue by identifying design principles that would allow for rational design of high-performing electrolytes for low-temperature operations. Using the findings in this study, we formulated two fundamental design principles governing electrolyte performance: one for ambient temperature and another for low-temperature conditions. The approach discussed in this study offers insightful guidelines for developing next-generation lithium-ion batteries with optimized performance under extreme conditions. |
Presently, the ability to rationally design high-performance low-temperature battery electrolytes is a pressing challenge that requires a holistic understanding of battery materials compatibility, their respective intrinsic stability under extreme operating conditions, as well as detailed insights into the microscopic factors that promote rapid Li-ion transport through the bulk electrolyte. In recent years, attempts have been made to address low temperature performance. For example, Liu et al.4 explored the addition of solvent additives such as dimethyl carbonate (DMC), ethyl methyl carbonate (EMC), and diethyl carbonate (DEC) in an effort to suppress the kinetic barrier for Li-ion desolvation under low-temperature conditions. Wang et al.5 showed that the use of salt mixtures (high-entropy electrolytes) lead to enhanced ionic conductivity and broad temperature stability by virtue of the increased configurational entropy and diversified solvation structures present in the electrolyte. In addition, these compositional adjustments to the electrolyte are frequently made using chemical intuition but lack clear strategies and established design metrics specifically geared towards improving low-temperature performance. For informed design, a mechanistic understanding of the processes occurring within the electrolyte is imperative. This entails systematic investigation of these electrolytes' fundamental structural and transport properties with the goal of elucidating the interplay between speciation, diffusivity, and ionic conductivities, and their deviations from ideality. This understanding will enable the identification of specific challenges, opportunities, and informed design principles, guiding the foundational development of electrolytes with enhanced properties to address the unique challenges posed at low temperatures.
To achieve this goal, atomistic-scale simulations can play a pivotal role in providing detailed insights into the behavior of electrolytes at the molecular level. Quantum level6–9 and Classical MD simulations10,11 have been performed to understand the structural12–15 and transport properties16–18 of various electrolytes. In one such study, Ringsby et al.19 examined the transport phenomena in low temperature electrolytes using classical MD simulations. They attribute poor low-temperature performance to solvent viscosity, rather than ion aggregation or cation transference numbers (t+). In addition, they report t+ > 1 throughout the temperature range, contrary to experimental observations.20 Holoubek et al.21 made an effort to correlate the local ionic configuration/speciation in the electrolyte to overall reactivity. They postulated that contact ion pairs (CIP) will provide greater stability than the solvent-separated ion pairs (SSIP), leading to lower interfacial charge transfer resistance. This study underscores the significance of ionic speciation and its impact on both bulk and interfacial charge transfer resistances.
Though the aforementioned studies independently elucidated properties that effect low-temperature performance, there are key knowledge gaps that still need to be addressed to formulate meaningful descriptors used to screen electrolytes. Some of these gaps include rationalizing correlations between ionic speciation and transport, providing a quantitative atomic-scale description of the ionic conductivity and understanding the origins and mechanisms of solvent transport at sub-zero conditions. Therefore, in this study, we aim to fill in these knowledge gaps and derive design principles using a prototypical battery electrolyte, lithium hexafluorophosphate in ethylene carbonate (LiPF6/EC). Though this electrolyte is solid at room temperature, this system was selected because of its compositional simplicity, and therefore serves as a representative model. Within this framework, we provide a straightforward comparative approach for screening electrolytes by identifying descriptors that readily screen based on bulk electrolyte transport. In addition, we highlight the microscopic origins of ionic conductivity by calculating the ionic speciation based on both temperature and concentration, and by deconvoluting it into its species–specific contributions. This enables a more comprehensive comparison of species that contribute to overall battery performance over a wide range of temperature and concentration. Finally, we correlate solvent properties with overall electrolyte performance by calculating the electrolyte viscosity, lifetimes of EC within the Li-ion solvation shell and t+. Bridging these gaps leads to formulation of two key design principles: at room temperature, the prominence of ionic speciation influences overall electrolyte performance, emphasizing the importance of maximizing the number of highly mobile charge carriers. Contrarily, at low temperatures, despite a large population of Li-ion species, the rate-limiting processes that govern overall electrolyte performance are dominated by solvent transport and the electrolyte viscosity. The validity of our modeling framework and design principles is extended to a realistic battery electrolyte that is known to be liquid at room temperature (1 M LiPF6 in EC:
EMC (3
7)). This understanding and framework can be extended to other electrolyte systems to screen and engineer optimal compositions of electrolytes. The improved understanding resulting from this study will enhance our predictive capability in designing more robust battery electrolytes for lower-temperature (sub-zero) applications.
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Inspecting the data in Fig. 1(b) more closely, we observe a non-trivial dependence of Li-ion diffusivity on electrolyte concentration that indicates certain concentrations outperform others in terms of their low-temperature performance. Specifically, we find that at low electrolyte concentrations (0.2–0.5 M), the Arrhenius descriptors are clustered (D0 = 0.1–1 cm2 s−1, EA = 0.28–0.34 eV), yet at higher concentrations, the diffusion prefactor appears to exhibit an exponential dependence on the activation energy, decreasing with increased electrolyte concentration. The highest diffusivity and largest activation energy occurs for the 1 M case (D0 = 103 cm2 s−1, EA = 0.55 eV) which highlights its optimal performance at room temperature but degraded properties at low temperatures. Moreover, at concentrations larger than 1 M, we find that while EA decreases with increasing concentration, the exponential dependence of D0 on EA indicates suppressed overall diffusivity to a point that these electrolytes would no longer be suitable for practical applications. To highlight this relationship, a trend line is included in Fig. 1(b). Although the low concentration electrolytes are shifted from the trend line towards the target top-left corner of the property map, the low charge carrier concentration may also limit their effective transport properties. In addition, we've characterized the mode of diffusion as a function of concentration and temperature in Fig. S18, ESI.†
It is widely acknowledged that Li-ion diffusivity through the electrolyte is closely linked to the bulk ionic speciation. Consequently, in the following section, we aim to provide comprehensive understanding of the interplay between electrolyte composition, temperature, and ionic speciation and collectively their impact on Li-ion transport behavior and discuss key design principles that can be derived from these assessments. In Fig. 2(a)–(c), we present radial distribution functions (RDFs) gij(r) and integrated RDFs nij(r) for a series of LiPF6 concentrations at room temperature. At low concentrations (<1 M), Li-ions are coordinated with 5–6 EC molecules (nLi–OEC = 5.47) within their first solvation shells (3.15 Å). However, as the concentration increases, nLi–OEC decreases towards 2 at 5 M, with notable signatures of ion pairing and extended cluster formation. Specifically, the number of PF6 anions that coordinate with Li-ions (nLi–PF6) increases from 0.14 at 1 M concentration to 2.94 at 5 M concentration, at which point they exhibit a higher population than EC in the first solvation shell of Li-ions. Moreover, as evidenced by the vanishing double peak feature at ∼3 Å with increasing concentration in Fig. 2(b), several different types of cation–anion pairing structures emerge within these electrolyte. At lower concentrations, the double peak structure is prevalent due to the low anion (PF6−) concentration in the Li-ion solvation shell, which allows Li-ions to bind to PF6 anions in a bidentate mode. At higher concentrations, a decrease in RDF peak intensity is observed, which can be attributed to the increase in steric effects and ion–ion competition that stabilize the Li–PF6 bond to a monodentate binding mode. For further details, see Fig. S3, ESI† and the surrounding discussion in Section S3, ESI.† Finally, in Fig. 2(c), we observe that the onset of ion clustering is closely coupled with cation–anion pairing. At low concentrations (<1 M), Li–Li coordination is observed in relation to concentration change (nLi–Li = 0.64), signifying the absence of cluster formation. However, at concentrations beyond 1 M, both Li–Li and Li–P coordination increases signaling the onset of ion pairing and extended ion cluster formation. The coordination numbers for ion pairing increase with increasing concentration and ultimately peak at the largest concentration sampled (5 M) with values of nLi–PF6 = 2.94 and nLi–Li = 3.04. As anticipated, this trend shows that extended clusters form as the electrolyte passes through its saturation limit (1.72 M) indicating the origin of particle nucleation. Hence, the suppression of Li-ion transport at higher concentrations (Fig. 1) can be attributed to changes in the ionic speciation. Qualitatively, these results suggest that at higher concentrations, higher proportions of ionic aggregates form, thereby reducing the number of highly mobile solvated Li-ions and increasing the number of larger Li-containing species that exhibit lower mobility. A detailed quantitative comparison of diffusion characteristics of these clusters is shown in Section S4, ESI† (Fig. S4, ESI†).
Using a similar approach, we also assess the effect of temperature on electrolyte structure and ionic speciation for a 1 M LiPF6/EC electrolyte in Fig. 2(d)–(f). As the temperature increases from 233–298 K, the Li–OEC coordination number (nLi–OEC) decreases from 5.4 to 4.7, as shown in Fig. 2(d). In addition, there is a subtle change in the Li–PF6 ion pair coordination number (nLi–PF6) from 0.63 to 0.84, indicating that ion pairing is mildly favored at higher temperatures. The latter is also corroborated in the Li–P RDF at 3.8 Å (Fig. 2(e)), which transitions from a single- to a double-peak feature as temperature increases, revealing the impact of temperature on the competition between EC and PF6 ions within the first solvation shell of Li-ions. Similarly, we find that the effect of temperature on clustering is also negligible, as the Li–Li coordination number (nLi–Li) ranges from 0.22–0.48 (233–298 K). These slight changes in coordination environments are likely due to reduced thermal motion at lower temperatures, which at room temperature corresponds to 1 kBT in energy (2.479 kJ mol−1). Collectively, these results show that the LiPF6/EC electrolyte structure and ionic speciation is more sensitive to changes in electrolyte concentration than temperature. However, as the Li-ion diffusivity for the 1 M electrolyte changes ∼3 orders of magnitude between −40 to +25 °C, it is evident that the subtle structural changes observed in the temperature-dependent RDFs alone cannot fully account for the large suppression in transport behavior.
To gain more insight, we now consider a more quantitative analysis of the impacts of temperature and concentration on the ionic speciation of the LiPF6/EC electrolytes. Fig. 3(a) shows the average speciation as a fraction of total ion population as a function of electrolyte concentration at a fixed temperature of 298.15 K. At lower concentrations (<1 M), the solution is composed predominately of solvated ions pairs (Li+ and PF6−) denoted as solvent-separated ion pairs (SSIP – Fig. 3(b)), solvent-shared ion pairs (SSHIP – Fig. 3(c)), and a small population of neutral contact ion pairs (CIP – Fig. 3(d)). Specifically, at 0.2 M, ∼60% and ∼20% of the Li-ions exist as SSIP and SSHIPs, respectively. As the electrolyte concentration increases, we find that the degree of ion pairing also increases. This trend persists until the concentration reaches 1 M, wherein the total number of free ions (SSIP + SSHIP) reaches a maximum relative to all other concentrations considered. We additionally find that at 1 M, the total number of SSHIPs exceeds that of the SSIPs and the electrolyte exhibits a greater proportion of SSHIPs relative to all other concentrations. The importance of this observation will be discussed in the following sections. At the LiPF6/EC saturation limit (1.72 M), as shown by the vertical dashed line in Fig. 3(a), the ionic speciation within the electrolyte becomes highly diversified, with Li-containing species ranging in size from solvated ion pairs (SSIPs and SSHIPs) to clusters larger than decamers (Li5 (PF6)5, Fig. 3(h)). Here, ∼20% of the Li+ and PF6− ions are fully solvated (SSIP and SSHIP), while the remaining ions are involved in ion pairs or larger clusters. And as anticipated, under supersaturated conditions (>1.72 M22), we observe a marked increase in ionic clustering, for which >80% of the ions within the solution aggregate into clusters, suggesting the onset of particle nucleation. Notably, at concentrations of 4 and 5 M, ions in the SSIP, SSHIP, and CIP configurations become negligible, with the majority (>85%) forming large clusters. An in-depth statistical description of the types of solvation structures and aggregates observed at various concentrations is shown in Fig. S5 (ESI†) and the temperature-dependent speciation in Fig. S6 (ESI†).
In addition, we explore the coupled effect of ion mobility and ion speciation by using the transference numbers (t+) as a potential descriptor to screen electrolytes. Herein, we utilize the traditional Nernst–Einstein (ion mobility) and its variant cluster-Nernst–Einstein (ion mobility and speciation) expression.23 At low concentrations (<1 M), the t+ are similar using the two approaches. However, at high concentrations (>3 M), using the former leads to positive t+ values across all temperature and concentration ranges. Whereas, using the latter originates in t+ < 0 (negative t+ values), shown in Fig. S7 (ESI†). A detailed discussion is shown in Section S7, ESI.† The origins of negative values are due to the negatively-charged aggregates that speciate at high concentrations and low temperatures, resulting in overall negative electrophoretic mobility. This phenomenon is primarily attributed to the assumptions inherent in the classical nature of Nernst–Einstein expression.23 This can be potentially used to address the disparity between the experimentally-observed and simulation-calculated transference numbers in other electrolyte systems.19
In order to make informed decisions regarding the electrolyte performance at low-temperature, it is imperative that we provide information on the ionic species that drive ionic conductivity. In Fig. 4(a), we present a comprehensive overview of ionic conductivity across various concentrations and temperatures, with a breakdown highlighting conductivity specific to different species present in the electrolyte. At temperatures below 265 K, regardless of concentration, the ionic conductivity remains consistently low, below 0.5 mS cm−1. However, temperatures above 265 K result in moderate conductivity, falling within the 0.5–1.5 mS cm−1 range for low electrolyte concentrations (<1 M). The highest conductivity is observed at 298 K across all concentrations, ranging from 1.27 mS cm−1 for 0.2 M to a maximum at 2.98 mS cm−1 for the 1 M electrolyte concentration. Similar to what was observed for the Li-ion diffusivity (Fig. 1), we find that beyond 1 M, conductivity gradually decreases, reaching 0.29 mS cm−1 at 5 M concentration. Fig. 4(b) and (c) examines the distribution of different species that contribute to the conductivity and their dependencies on salt concentration and temperature. At low electrolyte concentrations (<0.5 M), the majority of ionic conductivity (over 95%) arises from fully solvent-separated ion pairs (SSIP) and solvent-shared ion pairs (SSHIP). At 1 M concentration, which corresponds to peak ionic conductivity of 2.98 mS cm−1, contributions from SSIP and SSHIPs account for 35% and 40% of the overall conductivity, respectively, up to 75% of the total. The remaining conductivity stems from higher-order species like trimers and tetramers. As the concentration increases further (>1 M), the contribution from SSIPs and SSHIPs diminishes, while larger species, such as dimers and trimers, become increasingly significant. At 4 and 5 M electrolyte concentrations, species larger than tetramers dominate (>65%) the overall ionic conductivity, leading to ionic conductivities of 0.44 and 0.29 mS cm−1. This shift is primarily attributed to limited availability and slower transport of charge carriers (Li+) when they are part of larger clusters or aggregates (Fig. S8, ESI†).
To further understand the origins of enhanced conductivity, we examined the total population of SSIPs and SSHIPs as a primary descriptor of conductivity, depicted in Fig. 4(d). As the electrolyte concentration increases from 0.2 M to 1 M, we observe a gradual increase in the number of SSIPs compared to SSHIPs. Specifically, at 1 M concentration, there is an inflection point, where the number of SSHIPs surpasses the number of SSIPs, with the maximum ionic conductivity (2.98 mS cm−1). In addition, we also observe the highest number of SSHIPs. For concentrations >1 M, the population of SSHIPs and SSIPs starts to decline due to a tendency for the ions to form clusters and larger-sized aggregates. This explains why we observe high ionic conductivity at room temperature for the model 1 M LiPF6/EC electrolyte. Also, these charge carriers (SSIP or SSHIP) exhibit fast diffusion across the electrolyte solution (shown in S4 and S8, ESI†). This is reflected at 1 M concentration, where the net average diffusion will be much higher when we maximize the number of ions/clusters that are most diffusive. Beyond 1 M concentration, clustering is observed, and since these clusters are bulkier than SSIP/SSHIPs, they are less diffusive. However, it does not explain why we observe a large temperature-dependent drop in Li-ion diffusivity at 1 M concentration (represented by largest EA in Fig. 1). This drop in diffusivity cannot be explained from an ionic speciation viewpoint since the population of SSIPs and SSHIPs remains consistent across different temperatures (Fig. S9, ESI†). However, in comparison to other concentrations, the solvent (EC) diffusion (Fig. S10, ESI†) and solvent lifetimes within the Li-ion solvation shell (Fig. S11, ESI†) exhibit the largest change over the temperature range. This is quantitatively represented by the large activation barriers for these two processes shown in Table S2 (ESI†) and Table S3 (ESI†). In addition, there is a distinct correlation between the activation barriers of Li-ion diffusion (ELiDiffA), solvent diffusion (ESolDiffA), and solvent lifetimes (ESolLifeA), that are all maximum at 1 M electrolyte concentration. In short, our results show that the large drop in Li-ion diffusivity can be attributed to the large drop in solvent lifetime and diffusivity, which is detailed in Section S12 (ESI†) (Fig. S12, ESI†)
To investigate potential factors dictating the performance of low-temperature electrolytes, we computed the viscosity (η) of the electrolyte and analyzed its response to changes in concentration and temperature, shown in Fig. S13 (ESI†). As the concentration increases, the viscosity of the electrolyte increases. This is due to larger-sized clusters being formed that make the electrolyte much more viscous. Concurrently, as the temperature decreases, we observe a similar trend, where the viscosity tends to increase. These results have been summarized in the form of a Walden plot in Fig. S14 (ESI†). Here, we observe a non-linear change over the concentration and temperature range, thus explaining the reduction in the model electrolyte's low-temperature performance, especially at high electrolyte concentrations.
Clearly, in the low-temperature regime, descriptors that go beyond ionic speciation are required to explain overall performance. These include solvent properties such a solvent viscosity/diffusion and the coupled effect of the ionic speciation and transport using the t+. From this study, we are able to rationalize two key design principles: at room temperature, the prominence of ionic speciation influences overall electrolyte performance, emphasizing the importance of maximizing the number of highly mobile charge carriers. Contrarily, at low temperatures, despite a large population of ionic species, the rate-limiting processes that govern overall electrolyte performance are dominated by solvent transport and the electrolyte viscosity. This understanding and framework can be extended to other electrolyte systems to screen and engineer optimal compositions of electrolytes. The improved understanding resulting from this study will enhance our predictive capability in designing more robust battery electrolytes for lower-temperature (sub-zero) applications.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |