Domonkos A.
MTA-SZTE Lendület Computational Reaction Dynamics Research Group, Interdisciplinary Excellence Centre and Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science, Institute of Chemistry, University of Szeged, Rerrich Béla tér 1, Szeged H-6720, Hungary. E-mail: gczako@chem.u-szeged.hu
First published on 6th December 2019
We describe a composite ab initio approach to determine the best technically feasible relative energies of stationary points considering additive contributions of the CCSD(T)/complete-basis-set limit, core and post-CCSD(T) correlation, scalar relativistic and spin–orbit effects, and zero-point energy corrections. The importance and magnitude of the different energy terms are discussed using examples of atom/ion + molecule reactions, such as X + CH4/C2H6 and X− + CH3Y/CH3CH2Cl [X, Y = F, Cl, Br, I, OH, etc.]. We test the performance of various ab initio levels and recommend the modern explicitly-correlated CCSD(T)-F12 methods for potential energy surface (PES) developments. We show that the choice of the level of electronic structure theory may significantly affect the reaction dynamics and the CCSD(T)-F12/double-zeta PESs provide nearly converged cross sections. Trajectory orthogonal projection and an Eckart-transformation-based stationary-point assignment technique are proposed to provide dynamical characterization of the stationary points, thereby revealing front-side complex formation in SN2 reactions and transition probabilities between different stationary-point regions.
Our group has investigated the dynamics and mechanisms and/or characterized the stationary points of several polyatomic reactive systems such as reactions of atoms (F, O, Cl, Br, and/or I) with methane11 and ethane12 as well as ions (F−, Cl−, Br−, I−, OH−, SH−, CN−, NH2−, PH2−) with methyl-,13,14 ethyl-,15 and/or amino-halides.16 The story of our dynamics studies began with the atom + methane reactions, which have been investigated theoretically since the 90s by Espinosa-García and co-workers17,18 based on semi-empirical PESs. In the 2000s a few ab initio-based analytical PESs were developed for the F and Cl + CH4 reactions using different fitting strategies.19–22 We reported our first analytical PES for the F + CH4 reaction in 2009 (ref. 23) by fitting composite ab initio energies with the permutationally invariant polynomial approach.24,25 Using the same strategy we also developed ab initio PESs for the Cl, O, and Br + CH4 reactions in 2011, 2012, and 2013, respectively.26–28 Reaction dynamics simulations on these PESs could be compared with experiments of prominent groups of Nesbitt,29 Crim,30 Zare,31 Yang,32 and Liu33,34 and motivated PES developments by Manthe35 and Zhang36 and their co-workers. Our simulations26 provided cold HCl rotational distributions in agreement with experiment37 for the first time, new insights into the Polanyi rules for polyatomic processes,26,38 rotational mode-specificity,39,40 and angular dependence of a TS barrier height.10 In the case of SN2 reactions one usually finds direct dynamics studies in the literature, where especially Hase and co-workers41,42 have remarkable achievements. In 2013 we reported43 the first high-level ab initio analytical PES for a SN2 reaction (F− + CH3Cl) and investigated its dynamics with the quasiclassical trajectory (QCT) method. Later we also developed analytical PESs for the F− + CH3F and CH3I reactions and several other PESs are currently under development in our group.44,45 These analytical PESs played a key role in the discovery of the double-inversion mechanism,46,47 characterization of front-side complex formation,48 quantum dynamics computations,49 and comparisons with experiments.50,51 The new findings motivated other theoretical groups; thus, Hase and co-workers52 showed that double inversion is a non-intrinsic-reaction-coordinate pathway and Wang and co-workers53,54 identified this mechanism in aqueous solutions.
The theoretical study of chemical reactions begins with the ab initio characterization of the stationary points, which guides the full-dimensional analytical PES developments and the QCT55 and/or quantum dynamics56–60 simulations. We aim to provide the best technically feasible structures and relative energies of the stationary points utilizing sophisticated composite ab initio approaches. The composite electronic structure techniques combine different methods and basis sets to compute the most accurate results with affordable computational time. Our work uses the ideas of the focal-point analysis (FPA) approach,61,62 which, unlike the black-box type ab initio thermochemistry protocols such as CBS-n,63 Gn,64 Wn,65 HEAT,66etc., does not prescribe which specific methods and bases have to be used, but FPA suggests a 2-dimensional extrapolation scheme over methods (HF, MP2, CCSD, …) and basis sets (DZ, TZ, QZ, …) augmented with auxiliary corrections such as core correlation, relativistic effects, diagonal Born–Oppenheimer correction,67 and zero-point vibrational energy. In our benchmark studies we combine the ideas of the FPA approach and the benefits of the novel explicitly-correlated F12 correlation methods68,69 to obtain the most accurate structures and relative energies of the stationary points characterizing PESs of chemical reactions. In Section II we describe the details of this benchmark composite ab initio approach highlighting examples from our own work. In Section III we briefly provide insight into the mechanisms of several atom/ion + molecule reactions revealed by the stationary-point properties. In the following sections we address three questions which are rarely investigated. (1) The performance of ab initio methods and basis sets are usually tested at stationary points and/or along potential energy curves of diatomic molecules, whereas global PESs cover configurations far from the stationary geometries. Therefore, in Section IV we investigate the accuracy of different ab initio levels of theory at non-stationary geometries, thereby guiding PES developments.70 (2) In Section V we show how the choice of the electronic structure theory affects the dynamics of a chemical reaction.71 (3) Finally, in Section VI we review our numerical methods to uncover the role of the stationary points in the dynamics.48,72 Our perspectives end with summary and conclusions in Section VII.
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Fig. 1 Distance parameters (Å) of three representative stationary points of the Cl− + CH3I reaction obtained with the CCSD(T)-F12b and CCSD(T) (in parenthesis) methods using the aug-cc-pVnZ [n = D, T, Q] basis sets.76 |
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Fig. 2 Convergence of the energies, relative to those of the reactants, of three representative stationary points of the Cl− + CH3I reaction (see structures in Fig. 1) with respect to the methods (HF, MP2, CCSD, CCSD(T)) and basis sets (aug-cc-pVnZ, n = D, T, Q, 5, and CBS, complete basis set).76 |
Fig. 3 compares the basis-set convergence of the standard CCSD(T) and the explicitly-correlated CCSD(T)-F12b methods for all the stationary points of the Cl− + CH3I system. As seen, the standard CCSD(T) method gives large errors of 2–3 kcal mol−1 for POSTMIN and I− + CH3Cl products when DZ and TZ bases are used, whereas CCSD(T)-F12b is converged within 1 kcal mol−1. Furthermore, the CCSD(T)-F12b/aug-cc-pVQZ level usually agrees with the CBS limit within about 0.2 kcal mol−1 and the agreement is never worse than 0.5 kcal mol−1, unlike in the CCSD(T) case. Thus, the explicitly-correlated CCSD(T)-F12b/aug-cc-pVQZ computations may replace the traditional CCSD(T) CBS extrapolations for chemically accurate (with uncertainty less than 1 kcal mol−1) benchmark energy determinations. More detailed and critical comparisons of the convergence of the standard and F12 correlation methods can be found in ref. 86–88. We note that we usually use the F12b variant of the explicitly-correlated CCSD(T) method, because previous studies89,90 showed that CCSD(T)-F12b has more monotonic basis set convergence behavior than the CCSD(T)-F12a method, though the two methods give very similar results.70
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Fig. 3 Deviations of the relative energies of the Cl− + CH3I stationary points (for notations see the upper panel showing the schematic potential energy surface) obtained with the CCSD(T) and CCSD(T)-F12b methods using the aug-cc-pVnZ [n = D, T, Q] basis sets with respect to the CCSD(T)/complete-basis-set (CBS) results.76 |
Electron correlation contributions beyond the gold-standard CCSD(T) can be computed by the MRCC program93via the CCSDT,94 CCSDTQ,95etc. and the CCSDT(Q),96 CCSDTQ(P),96etc. methods. In practice, we perform CCSD(T), CCSDT, and CCSDT(Q) computations with a double-zeta basis and calculate the post-CCSD(T) energy increments as δ[CCSDT] = CCSDT − CCSD(T) and δ[CCSDT(Q)] = CCSDT(Q) − CCSDT.
The core and post-CCSD(T) correlation effects for the stationary points of several systems, such as Cl− + CH3I (ref. 76), OH− + CH3Y (ref. 97), and X + C2H6 (ref. 12) [X, Y = F, Cl, Br, I], are shown in Fig. 4. Both effects have similar magnitudes of a few tenths of kcal mol−1. The δ[CCSDT] and δ[CCSDT(Q)] contributions almost always have the same signs, whereas the core corrections usually have opposite signs, thereby partially canceling each other. However, for most of the SN2 product channels and for the Br/I + C2H6 stationary points the core and post-CCSD(T) corrections have the same signs, resulting in additive energy effects of around 1–2 kcal mol−1, which are clearly not negligible if sub-chemical accuracy is desired.
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Fig. 4 Post-CCSD(T), δ[CCSDT] = CCSDT − CCSD(T) and δ[CCSDT(Q)] = CCSDT(Q) − CCSDT, and core correlation (Δcore) contributions to the relative energies of the stationary points of the Cl− + CH3I, OH− + CH3Y, and X + C2H6 [X, Y = F, Cl, Br, I] reactions. For computational details see ref. 76, 97, and 12, respectively. Stationary-point notations are shown in Fig. 3 (Cl− + CH3I) and Fig. 7 (X + C2H6). For OH− + CH3Y the notations mean H-bonded pre-reaction complex (HMIN), TS between HMIN and PreMIN (HTS), pre-reaction ion–dipole complex (PreMIN), Walden-inversion TS (WaldenTS), CH3OH⋯Y− complex (PostHMIN), front-side complex (FSMIN), front-side attack TS (FSTS), and double-inversion TS (DITS). |
Spin–orbit (SO) coupling may be substantial for some open-shell atoms and radicals, which can be computed using the Breit–Pauli operator in the interacting-states approach.99 The different electronic states needed to set up the SO matrix can be obtained by multi-configurational self-consistent field (MCSCF)100 or multi-reference configuration interaction (MRCI)101 methods. In our studies we investigated the reactions of water,102 methane,11 and ethane12 with halogen atoms, where SO effects can be significant in the entrance channel. We found that MRCI+Q/aug-cc-pVDZ computations, where +Q denotes the Davidson correction,103 with a minimal active space provide reasonably accurate SO corrections.102 In a relativistic computation the ground electronic state of the halogen atom (2P) is split into a SO ground (2P3/2) and a SO (2P1/2) excited state. As the halogen atom approaches a molecule the 2P3/2 state splits into a reactive ground state (SO1) and a non-reactive excited state (SO2), as shown for Cl + C2H6 in Fig. 5. Both SO1 and SO2 potentials feature van der Waals wells and then SO1 merges into the reactive non-SO ground state and SO2 approaches the non-SO excited state, which does not correlate with ground-state products. The other excited SO state (SO3) correlating to 2P1/2 also approaches the non-reactive non-SO excited state. The SO coupling significantly affects the depths of the van der Waals wells in the entrance channel, but the effects are quenching or partially quenching at the other stationary points, depending on the SO value and the proximity of the stationary point to the reactants. As also shown in Fig. 5, the largest effects are found for the TSs of the I + C2H6 reaction, usually 12–20%, because SO coupling is the strongest for I among halogens, and for the reactant-like hydrogen-abstraction TS of the F + C2H6 system, because here the electronic structure of the F atom is only slightly perturbed.12 For the products and product-like minima the SO effects are negligible.
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Fig. 5 Potential energy curves obtained at the MRCI+Q(5,3)/aug-cc-pVDZ level as a function of the C2H6⋯Cl C3v separation (left panel).12 Deviation in percent between the computed energy difference of the spin–orbit (SO1) and non-spin–orbit (non-SO1) ground states regarding each stationary points (see Fig. 7 for notations) of the X + C2H6 [X = F, Cl, Br, I] reactions and the 1/3 of the experimental SO splitting of the halogen atoms (right panel).12 |
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Fig. 6 Harmonic zero-point-energy corrections, obtained at CCSD(T)-F12b/aug-cc-pVDZ, to the relative energies corresponding to the different stationary points (see Fig. 7 for notations) of the X + C2H6 [X = F, Cl, Br, I] reactions.12 |
CCSD(T)/CBS + Δcore + δ[CCSDT] + δ[CCSDT(Q)] + Δrel + ΔSO + ΔZPE, | (1) |
Reaction | Ref.a | Theorya | Experimentb | Δ |
a Benchmark ab initio reaction enthalpies taken from the given references. b Data obtained from the latest version (1.122e)104 of the Active Thermochemical Tables (ATcT).105 Uncertainties are derived from the uncertainties of each 0 K enthalpy of formation given in ATcT using the Gaussian error-propagation law. c Absolute energy differences (in kcal mol−1) between theory and experiment. d Obtained from the non-SO benchmark classical energy of 5.32 kcal mol−1 (ref. 27), ΔZPE(CCSD(T)-F12b/aug-cc-pVTZ) of −4.08 kcal mol−1, and ΔSO of +0.02 kcal mol−1. e Obtained from the benchmark classical energy of −18.07 kcal mol−1 (ref. 15) and a corrected ΔZPE of −4.06 kcal mol−1. | ||||
F + CH4 → HF + CH3 | 23 | −32.03 | −31.91 ± 0.03 | 0.12 |
O + CH4 → OH + CH3 | 27 | 1.26d | 1.63 ± 0.02 | 0.37 |
Cl + CH4 → H + CH3Cl | 106 | 20.86 | 21.11 ± 0.05 | 0.25 |
Cl + CH4 → HCl + CH3 | 106 | 1.03 | 1.15 ± 0.02 | 0.12 |
Br + CH4 → HBr + CH3 | 28 | 16.95 | 16.86 ± 0.04 | 0.09 |
F + C2H6 → H + C2H5F | 12 | −12.57 | −11.98 ± 0.09 | 0.59 |
F + C2H6 → CH3 + CH3F | 12 | −21.10 | −20.68 ± 0.07 | 0.42 |
F + C2H6 → HF + C2H5 | 12 | −36.25 | −35.98 ± 0.07 | 0.27 |
Cl + C2H6 → H + C2H5Cl | 12 | 15.74 | 16.22 ± 0.07 | 0.48 |
Cl + C2H6 → CH3 + CH3Cl | 12 | 5.57 | 5.72 ± 0.06 | 0.15 |
Cl + C2H6 → HCl + C2H5 | 12 | −3.01 | −2.92 ± 0.07 | 0.09 |
Br + C2H6 → H + C2H5Br | 12 | 29.78 | 29.89 ± 0.07 | 0.11 |
Br + C2H6 → CH3 + CH3Br | 12 | 19.29 | 18.96 ± 0.06 | 0.33 |
Br + C2H6 → HBr + C2H5 | 12 | 13.21 | 12.79 ± 0.08 | 0.42 |
I + C2H6 → H + C2H5I | 12 | 44.14 | 44.44 ± 0.12 | 0.30 |
I + C2H6 → CH3 + CH3I | 12 | 32.86 | 32.38 ± 0.06 | 0.48 |
I + C2H6 → HI + C2H5 | 12 | 29.50 | 28.89 ± 0.07 | 0.61 |
F− + CH3Cl → HF + CH2Cl− | 46 | 25.24 | 26.10 ± 0.48 | 0.86 |
F− + CH3Cl → Cl− + CH3F | 46 | −30.92 | −31.27 ± 0.08 | 0.35 |
F− + CH3I → I− + CH3F | 45 | −45.16 | −45.16 ± 0.07 | 0.00 |
Cl− + CH3I → I− + CH3Cl | 76 | −14.07 | −13.89 ± 0.06 | 0.18 |
F− + CH3CH2Cl → Cl− + HF + C2H4 | 15 | −22.13e | −22.22 ± 0.07 | 0.09 |
F− + CH3CH2Cl → Cl− + CH3CH2F | 15 | −33.18 | −33.07 ± 0.11 | 0.11 |
OH− + CH3F → F− + CH3OH | 97 | −17.78 | −17.79 ± 0.07 | 0.01 |
OH− + CH3Cl → Cl− + CH3OH | 97 | −49.08 | −49.06 ± 0.06 | 0.02 |
OH− + CH3Br → Br− + CH3OH | 97 | −56.55 | −56.56 ± 0.06 | 0.01 |
OH− + CH3I → I− + CH3OH | 97 | −62.67 | −62.95 ± 0.06 | 0.28 |
NH2− + CH3F → F− + CH3NH2 | 14 | −34.46 | −34.72 ± 0.12 | 0.26 |
NH2− + CH3Cl → Cl− + CH3NH2 | 14 | −66.18 | −65.99 ± 0.11 | 0.19 |
NH2− + CH3Br → Br− + CH3NH2 | 14 | −73.92 | −73.49 ± 0.11 | 0.43 |
NH2− + CH3I → I− + CH3NH2 | 14 | −80.43 | −79.88 ± 0.11 | 0.55 |
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Fig. 7 Schematic potential energy surface showing the benchmark classical (adiabatic) relative energies, in kcal mol−1, of the stationary points along the different pathways of the Cl + C2H6 reaction.12 The classical energies are obtained as UCCSD(T)-F12b/aug-cc-pVQZ + Δcore[UCCSD(T)/aug-cc-pwCVTZ] + UCCSDT(Q)/cc-pVDZ – UCCSD(T)/cc-pVDZ + ΔSO and the adiabatic energies include ΔZPE[UCCSD(T)-F12b/aug-cc-pVDZ]. |
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Fig. 8 Schematic potential energy surface showing the benchmark classical (adiabatic) relative energies, in kcal mol−1, of the stationary points along the different pathways of the F− + CH3CH2Cl reaction.15 The data are taken from ref. 15 with a new Syn-E2 TS and corrected adiabatic energies for the Cl− + HF + C2H4, HF + H3C–CHCl−, and FH⋯Cl− + C2H4 products. The classical energies are obtained as CCSD(T)-F12b/aug-cc-pVQZ + Δcore[CCSD(T)-F12b/cc-pCVTZ-F12] and the adiabatic energies include ΔZPE[CCSD(T)-F12b/aug-cc-pVDZ]. |
As seen, the determination of the stationary points of reactive PESs provides a good picture about the possible reaction channels and pathways and their energetic requirements. However, to reveal the importance of the different mechanisms reaction dynamics simulations are necessary on full-dimensional PESs. We have developed such PESs and investigated the dynamics of several atom/ion + molecule reactions.11,13 Detailed review of these dynamics studies can be found in ref. 11 and 13, here we just highlight the most important features of our work in context of the literature.
The key of our dynamics studies is that we represent the PESs by analytical functions obtained by fitting high-level ab initio energy points.11,13,25 We can construct these PESs using a few tens of thousands of energies instead of billions of on-the-fly gradients needed for a direct dynamics study. Thus, the analytical PESs allow efficient and accurate dynamical investigations using either the QCT or quantum methods.11,13 For atom + methane reactions such PESs were developed17–22 before our benchmark work23 published first for the F + CH4 system in 2009. The unique feature of our atom + methane PESs was that we proposed23,26–28 several composite ab initio methods to compute accurate energy points within affordable computational time based on the ideas described in Sec. II. Furthermore, we reported SO-corrected fully ab initio PESs for the first time for the F/Cl/Br + methane reactions.26,28,109 Since then several groups have followed our ideas and developed SO-corrected PESs for reactions of halogen atoms with different molecules.36,110–113 In the 2010s the use of the explicitly-correlated CCSD(T)-F12 methods has become widespread for PES developments,36,44,45,114–116 which may diminish the significance of the traditional (non-F12-based) composite methods.
For SN2 reactions our group has played a pioneering role in developing analytical PESs.13 As mentioned in the Introduction we developed43 the first full-dimensional high-level ab initio analytical PES for the F− + CH3Cl SN2 reaction in 2013 and later we reported44,45 analytical PESs for other SN2 reactions as well. Unlike the traditional direct dynamics studies,9,41,42,52,108,122–126 the analytical PESs made the computations of millions of trajectories possible, allowing the discovery of low-probability reaction channels and determination of statistically accurate differential cross sections. Therefore, the analytical PESs played a key role in revealing a new reaction mechanism, called double inversion,46 for SN2 reactions and achieving unprecedented agreement between theory and detailed crossed-beam experiments.50,51
As mentioned above more details about the dynamics can be found in ref. 11 and 13, here we discuss the effects of the choice of the electronic structure theory on the PES development70 and dynamics71 in Sections IV and V, respectively. Furthermore, we show the role of the stationary points in the dynamics of a SN2 reaction72 in Section VI.
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Fig. 9 Potential energy diagram and RMS errors of different standard and explicitly-correlated (F12) frozen-core (FC) and all-electron (AE) ab initio levels of theory for the F− + CH3Cl SN2 reaction.70 The RMS errors are based on 15 energy points, obtained by varying RCX, RCY, RCH, and θHCY covering energies as indicated along the relative energy axis, and are relative to all-electron CCSD(T)-F12b/cc-pCVQZ-F12 reference data. |
Fig. 10 shows the total correlation, the core correlation, and the scalar relativistic effects for the above-mentioned six reactions. As seen, electron correlation results in energy effects as large as 5 to 20 kcal mol−1 in relative energies, showing that the Hartree–Fock method is an unreasonable choice for PES developments and direct dynamics studies. Core correlation and scalar relativity affect the PESs by 0.2–0.4 and ∼0.1 kcal mol−1, respectively; therefore, these effects may be considered in spectroscopic studies, but may be negligible in PES developments for reaction dynamics computations.
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Fig. 10 Electron correlation, core electron correlation, and scalar relativistic effects obtained as RMS deviations of 15 Hartree–Fock/aug-cc-pCVQZ, frozen-core CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pCVQZ, and Douglas–Kroll all-electron CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pCVQZ energies, respectively, relative to all-electron CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pCVQZ energy points for six different benchmark reactions.70 |
The cross sections of the SN2 (I− + CH3F) and proton-abstraction (HF + CH2I−) channels obtained at the different levels of theory are shown in Fig. 11. As seen, the reactivity of both channels significantly depends on the level of electronic structure theory. The MP2 SN2 cross sections are about 50–80% of the HF value, depending on the basis set, whereas for the abstraction channel MP2 gives 2–3 times larger reactivity than HF without dispersion correction. In the case of HF and standard MP2 methods, increasing the basis size from DZ to TZ decreases the SN2 reactivity by about 10–30% and increases the abstraction probability by about 100%. The MP2-F12 method gives TZ quality results with a DZ basis and in the case of the explicitly-correlated methods the DZ basis provides basis-set-converged cross sections as the MP2/TZ, MP2-F12/DZ, and MP2-F12/TZ results are virtually the same for both channels (Fig. 11). The CCSD(T) and CCSD(T)-F12b methods increase the corresponding MP2 cross sections by 20–40% and about 100% for the SN2 and abstraction channels, respectively. In the case of the SN2 channel the DFT functionals significantly overestimate the most accurate CCSD(T)-F12b cross sections. The B97-1 functional gives twice as large reactivity, whereas M06-2X overestimates CCSD(T)-F12b by about 30%. However, for the abstraction channel, B97-1 agrees well with the CCSD(T)-F12b result, but M06-2X gives twice larger reactivity.
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Fig. 11 Cross sections for the F− + CH3I SN2 and proton-abstraction reactions obtained by quasiclassical trajectory computations on various ab initio- and DFT-based analytical PESs at a collision energy of 35.3 kcal mol−1.71 DZ and TZ denote aug-cc-pVDZ and aug-cc-pVTZ basis sets, respectively, the CCSD, CCSD-F12b, CCSD(T), CCSD(T)-F12b, and OQVCCD(T) methods are used with DZ and the DFT methods are used with TZ basis sets. D3(BJ) and D3(0) denote additive dispersion corrections135,136 and the all-electron CCSD(T)-F12b/TZ-quality OSC PES is taken from ref. 45. |
Product internal energy distributions for the SN2 channel obtained on the different PESs are shown in Fig. 12, allowing comparison with the experimental results122 of the Wester group. At low collision energy (7.4 kcal mol−1) the reaction produces internally hot CH3F molecules and the distributions peak at the highest available energy (indicating complex-forming indirect dynamics), whereas at high collision energy (35.3 kcal mol−1) the distributions become much broader. The HF method significantly overestimates the product internal energy by about 20 kcal mol−1, in accord with the overestimated exothermicity. The correlation methods capture the main experimental features; the agreement is very good at low collision energy, but at high collision energy significant differences can be observed. MP2 produces too cold, whereas DFT gives too hot internal energy distributions at collision energy of 35.3 kcal mol−1. The best agreement between theory and experiment is seen for the OQVCCD(T) method,117 which may perform better than CCSD(T) at multi-reference configurations. More work toward this direction would be desired in the near future.
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Fig. 12 Normalized product internal energy distributions for the F− + CH3I SN2 reaction obtained on various ab initio- and DFT-based analytical PESs (see Fig. 11 for notations) at collision energies of 7.4 and 35.3 kcal mol−1.71 The experimental data are taken from ref. 122. |
As the above findings show one should be aware of the fact that the different choices of the electronic structure theory can significantly affect the quantitative outcomes of the reaction dynamics simulations. This conclusion is in agreement with that of Hase and co-workers123 who compared MP2 and B97-1 direct dynamics results for the F− + CH3I SN2 reaction and found that B97-1 significantly overestimates the MP2 reactivity in accord with Fig. 11. If one is to develop the first PES for a system, we recommend using at least CCSD(T)-F12a/b with a DZ basis, otherwise some of the quantitative results may have large uncertainties.
Let us start the story with our joint experimental–theoretical study on the dynamics of the F− + CH3Cl SN2 reaction.50 Experiment revealed that the F− + CH3Cl reaction is more direct than F− + CH3I, in agreement with theory. We speculated, on one hand, that the deep F−⋯ICH3 front-side minimum plays a key role in the dynamics of the F− + CH3I reaction, steering the reactants into a non-reactive orientation, thereby making the reaction indirect. On the other hand, the shallow F−⋯ClCH3 complex does not divert the reactants away from the reactive F−⋯H3CCl minimum. To quantify this prediction, we developed a trajectory orthogonal projection (TOP) method,48 which projects the position of F− onto one- or two-dimensional subspaces of the entrance channel. In the F− + CH3I case we orthogonally project the Cartesian coordinates of F− along trajectories onto the C–I axis or one of the I–C–H planes and compute the distribution of the projected positions averaged over trajectories and time. TOP revealed that F− spends significant time in the front-side complex region of the F− + CH3I reaction, whereas front-side complex formation is negligible in the F− + CH3Cl reaction. Following some pioneering work,125 our study48 provided the first quantitative dynamical characterization of front-side complex formation in SN2 reactions.
For the F− + CH3I reaction about 15 stationary points have been found45,126 by different electronic structure theories as shown in Fig. 13. In order to quantitatively characterize their role in the dynamics we developed a method which assigns every trajectory structure to a stationary point based on the best overlap of the geometries.72 In our implementation the best overlap is determined using an exact Eckart-transformation method,127,128 which has been successfully used in our group for mode-specific quasiclassical polyatomic product analysis.43,128,129 In short, we move both the stationary-point and the actual trajectory structures into the center of mass frame and construct a pseudo-rotational matrix,127,128 which transforms the actual configuration into the Eckart frame127,128 corresponding to the stationary-point geometry. If we take the permutational symmetry properly into account, we obtain the best overlap between the two structures. We perform this transformation for all the stationary points, and the assignment is made by minimizing the root-mean-square distances of the Cartesian coordinates of the actual trajectory geometry and the stationary points with respect to the different stationary-point structures. Note that similar automated reaction mechanism assignment technique was also reported by Taketsugu and co-workers,130 where the trajectory geometries are assigned to structures along intrinsic reaction coordinates using a minimum-distance method via the Kabsch algorithm.131
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Fig. 13 Schematic potential energy surface showing the stationary points and their classical relative energies (upper panel), normalized b-averaged stationary-point probability distributions (middle panel), and a b = 0 SN2-inversion row → column transition probability matrix, where darker matrix elements mean higher probabilities (lower panel) for the F− + CH3I reaction at a collision energy of 35.3 kcal mol−1.72 SN2 inversion means Walden inversion, SN2 retention denotes front-side attack and double inversion, induced inversion produces an inverted reactant via DITS, and abstraction means proton transfer from CH3I to F−. |
Fig. 13 shows the stationary-point probability distributions for the different mechanisms of the F− + CH3I reaction. In all cases the trajectories spend significant time in the front-side (FSMIN) and hydrogen-bonded (HMIN) minimum wells and near the hydrogen-bonded transition state (HTS). Interestingly, the formation of the traditional ion–dipole complex (PREMIN) is negligible for this reaction. This finding does not mean that the trajectory-point probability density is not high near PREMIN, but the configuration space of the PREMIN-like structures is much more localized than that of the HMIN-like geometries and this is the reason of the significantly higher probability of HMIN formation/assignment. The SN2 trajectories are usually trapped in the post-reaction ion–dipole complex (POSTMIN) region, whereas for the induced-inversion (which provides an inverted reactant) and proton-abstraction channels POSTMIN formation is not significant (the small non-zero probabilities indicate recrossing dynamics). The indirect dynamics of the F− + CH3I reaction is underpinned by the fact that most of the proton-abstraction stationary points participate in the SN2 channels as well. In order to provide more insights into the dynamics of the reaction, we computed stationary-point transition-probability matrices,72 as shown for the SN2 inversion channel in Fig. 13. The matrix is nearly symmetric showing many forward–backward transitions between stationary points, confirming again the indirect nature of the F− + CH3I reaction. The trajectories usually enter into the HMIN and HTS regions, WALDENTS is most likely approached from HTS and PREMIN, and the SN2 products are usually formed via POSTMIN. We also proposed to apply various distance and energy constraints into the analysis,72 which may provide additional insights into the mechanisms of chemical reactions.
In the present paper we focus on single-reference coupled-cluster computations, which usually give accurate stationary-point properties as demonstrated here. However, it should be noted that CCSD(T) and CCSD(T)-F12 methods may fail to provide a good description of certain regions of the PES, especially where several coupled configurations come into play. In this case multi-reference methods such as MRCI101 or MRCC132–134 should be used.
The above-described benchmark composite ab initio methods were applied to several atom + alkane and ion + molecule reactions.11–15 The stationary-point structures and energies guide full-dimensional analytical PES developments, which allow efficient dynamical investigations. We developed and have been developing such PESs for several reactions,11,13 which revealed a new double-inversion mechanism,46 unexpected leaving-group effect,50 and front-side complex formation for SN2 reactions,48 as well as in the case of atom + alkane reactions extended the validity of the Polanyi rules26,38 and mapped the angle dependence of a transition-state barrier.10
We tested the performance of several ab initio methods and basis sets at non-stationary geometries and concluded that the explicitly-correlated CCSD(T)-F12 methods are strongly recommended for PES developments.70 We also showed that the results of dynamics simulations such as cross sections, reaction probabilities, etc., may depend significantly, for example, by factors of 2, on the level of electronic structure theory.71 Converged cross sections may be obtained by using a CCSD(T)-F12 method with a double-zeta basis set.
We developed numerical analysis techniques to uncover the role of the stationary points in the dynamics of chemical reactions. Trajectory orthogonal projections,48 Eckart-transformation-based stationary-point assignments,72 and stationary-point transition probability matrices72 reveal the probability distributions of the trajectory geometries in different stationary-point regions and transition probabilities between them, thereby uncovering front-side complex formation in SN2 reactions and various reaction pathways. These numerical analysis methods complement traditional trajectory animations, and provide quantitative links between static stationary-point properties and reaction dynamics simulations. Therefore, we hope that our perspectives strengthen the connections between the fields of clamped-nuclei electronic structure theory and reaction dynamics.
Footnote |
† Present address: Department of Chemistry, King's College London, London SE1 1DB, UK. |
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2020 |