Maria C.
Dago M.
de Leeuw
d and
aCIC energiGUNE, Parque Tecnologico de Alava Albert Einstein 48, ED. CIC 01510 Miñano, Spain. E-mail:
bMax-Planck-Institut for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany. E-mail:
cCEIT-IK4 Paseo Manuel Lardizábal 15, 20018 San Sebastián, Spain
dDelft University of Technology, Kluyverweg, 2629 HS, Delft, The Netherlands
First published on 7th September 2018
Re-establishment of electrical conductivity in graphene oxide (GO), the insulating form of graphene, is (partially) accomplished by reduction through high temperature treatments in a reducing atmosphere, or using strongly reducing chemicals or electrolytic processes. The reduction methods are suited for bulk graphene oxide. Spatially resolved reduction of thin films of graphene oxide is important for a wide range of applications such as in microelectronics, where an electrolyte-free, room temperature reduction process is needed. Here, we present spatially resolved solid-state reduction of graphene oxide thin films. We demonstrate that the reduction mechanism is based on electrolysis of water that is adsorbed on the graphene oxide thin film. The reduced graphene oxide thin-films show sheet resistance of only several kOhm, with weak temperature dependence. Graphene oxide can be produced on a large scale and processed using low-cost solution casting techniques. Spatially resolved re-establishment of conductivity in GO can be used in electrically controlled water permeation or in micro- and nanoelectronic applications for instance as an anti-fuse.
Conceptual insightsThe current paradigms at both the industrial and research levels produce reduced graphene oxide (rGO), an imperfect form of graphene, only in the bulk form. For a wide range of applications, from microelectronics to water permeation, spatially resolved and controlled reduction of GO in (thin-) films is needed. Such applications require a paradigm shift in the reduction process, which should be free from intentionally used auxiliaries such as electrolytes and high temperatures. This manuscript demonstrates how to control reduction of GO thin-films at room temperature with spatial resolution simply by application of a voltage, without the intentional use of electrolytes. This work demonstrates the underlying fundamental reduction mechanism and its kinetics. Achieving and controlling spatial resolution in reduction have a broad impact on the application of GO. The insight gained here can shed light on many of the fundamental processes that take place during electrically controlled water permeation through GO (very recently demonstrated). Furthermore, spatial resolution of the reduction process is crucial for the applications of rGO in microelectronics in for instance anti-fuses. |
Thermal, chemical and electrochemical methods are the most common strategies in producing rGO. Thermal annealing in a controlled reducing atmosphere of Ar/H2 produces rGO with high degree of reduction and relatively high conductivity in bulk form.11,12 To furnish rGO via chemical routes, strong reducing and typically toxic chemicals such as hydrazine hydrate, are used.13–15 Electrochemical reduction of GO is usually performed from aqueous colloidal suspensions in the presence of a buffer electrolyte.16,17–20 The electrolyte plays a critical role in the quality of the final rGO and, concomitantly, its electrical conductivity.21,22
Recently it has been reported that GO thin films deposited on an Au coated substrate show enhanced conductivity upon application of a potential difference between either the metallic tip of an atomic-force microscope (AFM) in contact mode or a scanning tunneling microscope tip (STM) and the bottom Au contact.23–26 No liquid electrolyte has intentionally been used. Different mechanisms have been proposed for the enhanced conductivity. It has been argued that the conductivity enhancement is due to the reduction of GO in an electrochemical process initiated by the voltage applied to the tip,27 and that the process is reversible. On the other hand, density functional theory (DFT) calculations have suggested that the strength of the applied external electric field is the driving force for the enhanced conductivity.28 Finally, it has been suggested that the increase in conductivity is current driven,29–31 and the reduction process is sensitive to the humidity of the environment.32,33 There are still many open questions regarding the reversibility of the reduction process34 and a general consensus is still missing.
Spatially resolved solid-state reduction of graphene oxide on the micro- and nanoscale simply by application of an electric potential is of technological interest. A breakthrough in spatial reduction allows realization of rGO-based interconnects or anti-fuses.35 The anti-fuse or interconnect formation is typically the last step in a microelectronics manufacturing process, wherein a thin film of a highly resistive material sandwiched between two contacts, is made conductive by application of a bias over the contacts at temperatures below 150 °C.36 Anti-fuses based on GO should then be realized by local reduction of thin solid films of GO, simply by application of a bias over the film. GO-based anti-fuses have not yet been demonstrated.
Here, we present the spatially resolved solid-state reduction of graphene oxide thin films in a humidity controlled atmosphere as a first step towards the development of a GO-based antifuse. We unambiguously show that the reduction is an irreversible electrochemical process driven by the electrolysis of water that is supplied from the gas phase. Due to water electrolysis, conductive rGO dendrites irreversibly grow from the working to the counter electrode. The reduction of GO was confirmed by scanning Raman and X-ray photon spectroscopy (XPS). We present a mechanistic model to explain the bias and time dependence of the reduction process. The sheet resistance of 10 kOhm per square obtained after reduction of the GO thin-film shows a weak temperature dependence, Eact of only 12 meV, down to 30 K indicating the formation of a highly electrically conductive rGO film. Using lithographically patterned structures spatially resolved rGO thin-films could be realized.
Prior to graphene oxide deposition, the substrates were cleaned using acetone and subsequently ethanol ultrasonic baths for 5 minutes. To promote wettability of the substrates, the surface was treated with a UV/O3 plasma for 30 min. Water dispersions of graphene oxide (4 mg ml−1) were purchased from Graphenea, Spain, and used as received. To obtain a homogeneous dispersion, the solution was sonicated for 1 hour in a 40 Hz ultrasonic bath. Thin-films were formed by depositing a drop from a homogeneous water dispersion of GO (4 mg ml−1) on the test patterns (Fig. 1a). The GO films were further dried in a vacuum at 80 °C. The thickness of the GO film amounted to 300 nm. Thinner films were obtained by diluting the GO dispersion. By adding deionized water, the stock solution of GO was diluted to 1.5, 0.75, 0.37 and 0.18 mg ml−1, from which thin-films of different thicknesses of 115, 60, 30, and 10 nm were obtained, respectively. GO suspensions were drop-cast on the test substrates and dried at room temperature overnight.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was conducted with a Kratos Axis UltraDLD spectrometer (Kratos, Manchester, England) using Kα excitation of an Al source with a photon energy of 1487 eV. The data were acquired in the hybrid mode with a measurement size of 300 × 700 μm2 using a 0° take-off angle, defined as the angle between the surface normal and the axis of the analyzer lens. A charge neutralizer was always used during spectra collection to compensate for charge build-up on the samples. Survey and detailed region XP spectra were collected by setting the analyzer pass energy at 80 eV; C 1s and O 1s high-resolution spectra were collected with an analyzer pass energy of 20 eV. A neutralizer was always used during spectra collection. To avoid beam damage, the spectra collection time was constrained within 2 minutes and several separate spots were measured for each sample. Atomic compositions were calculated by subtracting a linear background from the collected spectra by setting the analyzer pass energy at 80 eV. The peak areas were normalized by the manufacturer supplied sensitivity factors, and atomic compositions were calculated accordingly with CasaXPS software.
In the next step, the electrical measurement was performed using a bias of +3 V. The sheet resistance as a function of time, Fig. 1b, slightly decreased from the initial value of 1.2 × 109 Ω □−1 to 3.3 × 108 Ω □−1 and then suddenly dropped by orders of magnitude to 9.5 × 103 Ω □−1. The corresponding optical images are presented in Fig. 1c. In the early stages, there was no change in the contrast of the GO film. However, as time elapsed, the contrast of the GO film deposited on the grounded counter electrode changed; dark dendritic structures appeared at the edge of the grounded electrode that grew in time. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images, Fig. 1d, revealed formation of the dendritic microstructure in the GO thin-film. In order to probe signatures of the dendritic structures, we performed atomic force microscopy (AFM). The AFM tip was positioned in an area close to the Au cathode where dendritic structures were visible by optical microscopy (Fig. 1e). The area marked in the white square was imaged. The AFM topography image, Fig. 1f, shows that there is no change in the height of the GO thin film due to the formation of the dendritic structures. However, there was a contrast in the contact potential difference (CPD) imaged with Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM), Fig. 1g. The CPD values for the GO were 50–100 mV higher as compared to rGO. The dendritic structure could be detected within the GO matrix. This finding suggests the conductive nature of the dendrites with respect to the surrounding GO matrix. Hence, the growth of dendrites from the grounded counter electrode, the cathode, to the positively biased working electrode, the anode, renders the insulating GO conducting.
A dramatic drop in sheet resistance was always observed as soon as the first dendrites bridged the gap between the electrodes. With further increase of the measurement time, the dendrites continued to grow until the whole area between the electrodes was fully covered. The reduction time, i.e. the time at which the sheet resistance dramatically dropped, did not depend on the width of the electrodes, which implies that the growth of dendrites is a one-dimensional process. Furthermore, a conducting channel could be always formed at voltages between +2 V and +2.5 V regardless of the electrode spacing. Hence, the dendrite formation process is not driven by the electric field, but completely dominated by the applied bias, suggesting electrochemical reactions.
In the next step, the test structures were placed in a high vacuum of 10−6 mbar. Electrical measurements were performed by continuously applying a +3 V bias. The sheet resistance did not change with time. Biases as high as +10 V were applied, but the sheet resistance remained constant at the initial high value of 1.2 × 109 Ω □−1. Also the optical images did not change; the high vacuum impeded the growth of dendrites.
A two-dimensional map of the Raman spectra of the marked region in Fig. 2a was obtained and is presented in Fig. 2c. The map was extracted from the intensity of the G mode (1590 cm−1), by taking point-by-point Raman spectra of the indicated area. The color map is based on an intensity color scale with yellow and red corresponding to the high and low intensity regions, respectively. The 2D Raman map clearly shows that the area under investigation is composed of two distinct regions of rGO and GO.
In order to quantify the extent of reduction we first reduced the GO layer at +3 V. Remaining GO was washed away with water. Subsequently, XPS spectra were measured to quantify the degree of reduction. XPS spectra were taken from rGO between the Au electrodes and from GO on the bare substrate far away from the electrodes. The survey spectra of as deposited GO and rGO are presented in Fig. 2e. With increasing binding energy, the marked emissions can be assigned to Si 2p (101 eV), Si 2s (152 eV), C 1s (284 eV) and O 1s (532 eV). Clearly, the relative intensity of O 1s photoemission with respect to C 1s is reduced for rGO as compared to GO. A close up of the C 1s and O 1s X-ray photoemission spectra are presented in Fig. 2f and g, respectively. The XPS spectra were self-fitted according to the Voigt function, after performing a Shirley background subtraction.43 The C 1s spectrum of GO was deconvoluted into three peaks corresponding to different types of carbon species. The peaks were centered at 284.2, 286.2 and 287.8 eV corresponding to C sp2, combination of C–O and CO, and COO, respectively.6,13,44 By contrast, the deconvoluted spectrum of rGO is dominated by the emission peak from C sp2. The amount of C–O, C
O and COO bonds has substantially been reduced. Moreover, a fourth peak, centred at 285 eV and corresponding to C–C sp3 bonds, needs to be introduced in order to reproduce the experimental rGO spectrum.
The O 1s spectrum of GO can be mainly deconvoluted into two peaks. The peaks centred at 530.7 eV and 531.5 eV are assigned to COO bonds and to O atoms directly bonded to carbon C–O, respectively.45–47 The O species existing in OH or bonded to aromatic C, appearing at binding energies above 533 eV,48 cannot be excluded; the spectra components for these species were weak and superimposed by the peak at 531.5 eV. The O from absorbed water (>534 eV) is not detected since the water species are evaporated in the ultra high vacuum.49 In accordance with the C 1s spectra, the O 1s spectrum of rGO is dominated by the reduced C–O states, despite the fact that no complete reduction of the oxygen-containing functional groups has been achieved.
The degree of reduction in rGO was obtained by calculating the spectral weight of the C sp2 contribution within the whole C 1s region. The sp2 percentage was found to be 47% and 55% for GO and rGO, respectively. It has been shown that a small increase in sp2 fraction yields substantially enhanced electrical conductivity.50 Finally, using the XPS data, the elemental composition percentage was determined to be 71.4 ± 1.2 (C) and 28.6 ± 1 (O) for GO and 79.8 ± 1 (C) and 20.8 ± 0.8 (O) for rGO.
The CV curve of demi water deposited on the test structures was subsequently measured under identical conditions, and is presented in Fig. 3b. The oxidation peak is observed at around ∼3.2 V. In a conventional electrochemical cell, water electrolysis takes place at an electrode potential of 1.26 V; hence, the overpotential is about 2 V. This overpotential is due to the special geometry of the electrochemical cell, using two Au electrodes and is in good agreement with predictions from DFT calculations for electrolysis on ideal polarizable electrodes such as Au.52,53
More importantly, the CV curves of the GO film and demi water at high bias coincide. This means that the oxidation of water is the rate determining step for the reduction of GO. The two-step mechanism is as follows. First water is oxidized at the anode:
2H2O ⇆ 4H+ + O2 + 4e− | (1) |
aH+ + be− + GO ⇆ rGO + cH2O | (2) |
The reduction mechanism is schematically depicted in Fig. 3c. Water is oxidized at the anode and H+ ions are formed, which diffuse towards the cathode and reduce GO. Due to the high resistance of the GO film, the reduction is not homogeneous in the channel. Starting from a pristine GO film, due to the high resistance the potential varies linearly from the cathode to anode. Only close to the cathode is the potential low enough to reduce GO. The rGO formed is a good electrical conductor and, therefore, the potential drop over the formed rGO can be disregarded. The remaining GO film remains highly resistive; there is no current flowing through the GO film and the potential therefore varies linearly from the boundary between GO and rGO to the anode. Subsequent reduction then takes place at this boundary. This means that the effective channel length decreases, and that the dendrites of rGO grow in a front from the cathode to anode. During this growth the sheet resistance remains high, until the first conducting rGO dendrites cross the electrode spacing. This two-step electrochemical mechanism readily explains that the GO reduction is a one-dimensional process. Therefore, the reduction time is independent of the width of the electrode. To further substantiate the mechanism, we investigated the reduction kinetics, meaning we varied the relative humidity, the scan rate as well as the applied potential, and measured the sheet resistance and reduction time. To demonstrate that water is a crucial component, we performed single CV sweeps as a function of relative humidity. The bias was swept from 0 V to 4.5 V. We used a scan rate of only 0.01 V s−1 to mimic quasi-static measurements. The sheet resistance after the sweep is presented in Fig. 3d as a function of relative humidity. At zero humidity, i.e. in a vacuum, the sheet resistance was the same as that of the starting GO; electrochemical reduction of GO is impeded. The sheet resistance decreases with increasing humidity, down to about 20 kΩ □−1 at 25%. Under these conditions GO is reduced but the reduction is incomplete. Above a relative humidity of 25% the sheet resistance does not further decrease but remains constant. Within the single sweep the reduction of GO to rGO then is complete. These measurements confirm that the first step in the reduction of GO is the oxidation of water, cf.eqn (1). Without water the reduction of GO is inhibited.
Complete reduction only occurs when the measuring time is long enough so that the dendritic rGO front can bridge the gap between the electrodes. As an illustration we performed single CV sweeps with a bias from 0 V to +2.5 V and back, under ambient conditions, 23 °C and 45% relative humidity. The sheet resistance is presented as a function of scan rate in Fig. 3e. At high scan rates the sheet resistance remains equal to that of GO films. In a single sweep, there was not enough time to fully reduce the GO. At a scan rate of about 10−3 V s−1 the resistance suddenly drops by orders of magnitude and the first rGO dendrites bridge the gap between the electrodes. The sheet resistance further decreases with decreasing scan rate, until the whole film is reduced in a single sweep.
In the next step we applied a fixed bias of 3 V and varied the electrode spacing. The reduction time obtained for different anti-fuses is given in Fig. 4b. The diffusion of H+ ions implicitly shows up in the scaling of the reduction time with electrode spacing as presented in Fig. 4b. The observed trend for the reduction time suggests that the diffusion of H+ ions is the rate-determining step in the reduction of the GO thin-films.
A picture of a GO anti-fuse with a contact spacing of 50 μm is given in the inset of Fig. 4c. The anti-fuse was formed uniformly by applying a fixed bias of 2.16 V. The GO in between the Au electrodes is fully reduced under ambient conditions within 5000 seconds.
To drive the contact resistance, Rc, a series of anti-fuses with co-centric electrode geometry, and different electrode spacings were tested. Four-point probe measurement was performed. The contact resistance was extracted with the circular transfer line method.54 The values of Rc amount to 7 ± 2 kΩ μm, which is comparable to those obtained for transferred CVD graphene, indicating the formation of a good ohmic contact between the rGO film and Au electrodes.
To characterize the conduction mechanism and to estimate the activation energy, Ea, temperature dependent conductivity measurements were carried out under high vacuum conditions at 1 × 10−6 mbar. The sheet resistance extracted at three bias levels of 40 mV, 400 mV and 4 V is presented as a function of temperature between 30 K and 290 K in Fig. 4c. The sheet resistance amounts to typically 104 Ω □−1 at 290 K and increases monotonically to ∼5 × 104 Ω □−1 as the temperature decreases to 30 K. The conductivity of the rGO films shows an activation energy of 12 ± 5 meV. Observation of a low activation energy is indicative of a highly conductive rGO film. Previous works have reported strongly temperature dependent charge transport and therefore have suggested a hopping transport mechanism with large activation energies that were ascribed to the large number of defects present in the rGO films.44,55,56 Here, the observed weak temperature dependence of the conductivity down to 30 K indicates a high degree of reduction in rGO.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c8mh00895g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |