Themed collection Photonics

39 items
Review Article

Recent developments in photonic, plasmonic and hybrid nanowire waveguides

This review summarizes recent advances in dielectric and plasmonic nanowire waveguides and their hybridization towards better device performance.

Graphical abstract: Recent developments in photonic, plasmonic and hybrid nanowire waveguides
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Review Article

Multifunctional cellulose-paper for light harvesting and smart sensing applications

Opto-electronics on/with paper is fostering a novel generation of flexible and recyclable devices for sunlight harvesting and intelligent optical sensing.

Graphical abstract: Multifunctional cellulose-paper for light harvesting and smart sensing applications
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Review Article

Flexible mechanochromic photonic crystals: routes to visual sensors and their mechanical properties

This review summarizes the recent developments in flexible mechanochromic photonic crystals, including the inspirations of the material from nature, principles for fabrication, characterizations of mechanical properties, as well as applications in smart strain-colour sensing.

Graphical abstract: Flexible mechanochromic photonic crystals: routes to visual sensors and their mechanical properties
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Review Article

An overview of metamaterials and their achievements in wireless power transfer

The schematic of metamaterials applied in wireless power transfer.

Graphical abstract: An overview of metamaterials and their achievements in wireless power transfer
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Review Article

THz photonics in two dimensional materials and metamaterials: properties, devices and prospects

Terahertz radiation refers to a broad electromagnetic spectrum range between microwave and infrared waves, which is also known as the terahertz gap due to inadequate materials and technologies for its generation and manipulation.

Graphical abstract: THz photonics in two dimensional materials and metamaterials: properties, devices and prospects
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Review Article

Environmentally friendly and earth-abundant colloidal chalcogenide nanocrystals for photovoltaic applications

A review of recent advances in the synthesis of environmentally friendly and earth-abundant colloidal chalcogenide nanocrystals for solar cells.

Graphical abstract: Environmentally friendly and earth-abundant colloidal chalcogenide nanocrystals for photovoltaic applications
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Mid- to far-infrared sensing: SrTiO3, a novel optical material

SrTiO3 as a disruptive technological solution to the inflated expectations of plasmonics, targeting the mid and far infrared wavelengths.

Graphical abstract: Mid- to far-infrared sensing: SrTiO3, a novel optical material
From the themed collection: Photonics

Protection against a wide UV wavelength range by Bragg reflection from polycrystalline colloidal photonic crystals

Polycrystalline colloidal crystals can block ultraviolet light of 290–400 nm, regardless of the incident angle, while maintaining transparency in the visible light region.

Graphical abstract: Protection against a wide UV wavelength range by Bragg reflection from polycrystalline colloidal photonic crystals
From the themed collection: Photonics

Liquid crystalline block copolymers as adaptive agents for compatibility between CdSe/ZnS quantum dots and low-molecular-weight liquid crystals

Liquid crystalline (LC) triblock copolymers were used either as (i) a nematic matrix, which can be loaded with 10 wt% of CdSe/ZnS QDs, or (ii) a compatibilizer, which allows more than 1 wt% of QDs to be introduced in low-molecular-weight cholesteric LCs.

Graphical abstract: Liquid crystalline block copolymers as adaptive agents for compatibility between CdSe/ZnS quantum dots and low-molecular-weight liquid crystals
From the themed collection: Photonics
Open Access Paper

Elastic sheath–liquid crystal core fibres achieved by microfluidic wet spinning

Highly stretchable liquid crystal core–elastomer sheath fibres are spun using a microfluidic wet spinning approach.

Graphical abstract: Elastic sheath–liquid crystal core fibres achieved by microfluidic wet spinning
From the themed collection: Photonics

Solution-processable Yb/Er 2D-layered metallorganic frameworks with high NIR-emission quantum yields

2D-layered Yb/Er homo- and heterometallic MOFs with the chlorocyananilate linker display long-lived NIR emission and high total quantum yields upon ligand excitation over the whole UV-visible spectrum.

Graphical abstract: Solution-processable Yb/Er 2D-layered metallorganic frameworks with high NIR-emission quantum yields
From the themed collection: Photonics

Coherent optical coupling of plasmonic dipoles in metallic nanoislands with random sizes and shapes

Coherent coupling of plasmonic dipoles of metallic nanoislands with random sizes and generation of surface lattice resonances via photonic lattices.

Graphical abstract: Coherent optical coupling of plasmonic dipoles in metallic nanoislands with random sizes and shapes
From the themed collection: Photonics

Terahertz spectroscopic characterization of Ge2Sb2Te5 phase change materials for photonics applications

Ge–Sb–Te (GST) phase change materials exhibit a metal-to-insulator transition and therefore are expected to be useful for a variety of terahertz wave applications in addition to their primary application in optical and electrical memory devices.

Graphical abstract: Terahertz spectroscopic characterization of Ge2Sb2Te5 phase change materials for photonics applications
From the themed collection: Photonics

Optical characterization of a two-dimensional BODIPY-based polymer material and its related chromophores

Elucidating the ultrafast photoevents happening in an excited BODIPY 2-D-material and its parent units: relevance of intramolecular-charge transfer and interunit interactions to their photoresponse.

Graphical abstract: Optical characterization of a two-dimensional BODIPY-based polymer material and its related chromophores
From the themed collection: Photonics
Open Access Paper

Paintable temperature-responsive cholesteric liquid crystal reflectors encapsulated on a single flexible polymer substrate

Temperature-responsive photonic cholesteric liquid crystal reflectors deposited on flexible single substrates, encapsulated by protective polymer layers generated by photo-enforced stratification.

Graphical abstract: Paintable temperature-responsive cholesteric liquid crystal reflectors encapsulated on a single flexible polymer substrate
From the themed collection: Photonics

An enhanced energy migration strategy in upconverting nanocrystals: color-tuning with high quantum yield

An innovative energy migration strategy is described for efficient color-control in upconverting nanocrystals through the modification of geometrical parameters only.

Graphical abstract: An enhanced energy migration strategy in upconverting nanocrystals: color-tuning with high quantum yield
From the themed collection: Photonics

Dual-colour generation from layered colloidal photonic crystals harnessing “core hatching” in double emulsions

Spontaneous core-hatching process is introduced to double emulsion droplets for implementing further structural tunability and optical responsiveness in colloidal photonic crystals.

Graphical abstract: Dual-colour generation from layered colloidal photonic crystals harnessing “core hatching” in double emulsions
From the themed collection: Photonics

Refractive index modulation in metal oxides arising from chemically induced free carriers and its application in gas sensing

Metal oxide PhCs are used as active optical materials for chemical sensing by connecting optical to electrical gas response.

Graphical abstract: Refractive index modulation in metal oxides arising from chemically induced free carriers and its application in gas sensing
From the themed collection: Photonics
Open Access Paper

Tetrathiafulvalene–oligofluorene star-shaped systems: new semiconductor materials for fluorescent moisture indicators

Increased emission through the oxidation of tetrathiafulvalene redox-active centres in star-shaped oligofluorene structures.

Graphical abstract: Tetrathiafulvalene–oligofluorene star-shaped systems: new semiconductor materials for fluorescent moisture indicators
From the themed collection: Photonics

Lightwave trapping in thin film solar cells with improved photonic-structured front contacts

Solar cell patterned with photonic elements on the front transparent contact. The photocurrent generated is boosted in a wide spectral incidence range.

Graphical abstract: Lightwave trapping in thin film solar cells with improved photonic-structured front contacts
From the themed collection: Photonics

Wide-angle lasing from photonic crystal nanostructures of a liquid-crystalline blue phase

Wide-angle lasing emitting dye-doped blue-phase liquid crystals (DDBPLCs), which are analogous to photonic crystals, have been demonstrated to selectively reflect visible light.

Graphical abstract: Wide-angle lasing from photonic crystal nanostructures of a liquid-crystalline blue phase
From the themed collection: Photonics

Self-assembly of Au nano-islands with tuneable organized disorder for highly sensitive SERS

A thermophoretically driven Au aerosol deposition process is used for the self-assembly of thin films consisting of plasmonic nano-islands (NIs) with a controllable and highly reproducible degree of disorder resulting in long-range periodicity with self-similar properties and stochastically distributed hot-spots, benefitting their applications as SERS substrates.

Graphical abstract: Self-assembly of Au nano-islands with tuneable organized disorder for highly sensitive SERS
From the themed collection: Photonics

A broadban-tunable photonic bandgap and thermally convertible laser with an ultra-low lasing threshold from a refilled chiral polymer template

This study reports broadband-tunable photonic bandgap and thermally-convertible lasers with ultra-low lasing thresholds based on refilled chiral polymer templates.

Graphical abstract: A broadban-tunable photonic bandgap and thermally convertible laser with an ultra-low lasing threshold from a refilled chiral polymer template
From the themed collection: Photonics

Broadband NIR emission from multiple Bi centers in nitridated borogermanate glasses via tailoring local glass structure

The introduction of nitride into Bi-doped multi-component glasses enhances and broadens Bi NIR emission.

Graphical abstract: Broadband NIR emission from multiple Bi centers in nitridated borogermanate glasses via tailoring local glass structure
From the themed collection: Photonics

A bismuthene-based multifunctional all-optical phase and intensity modulator enabled by photothermal effect

Based on the excellent photothermal effect in few-layer bismuthene, an all-optical phase and intensity modulator has been designed and successfully verified with multifunctional properties, including phase shifting, wavelength tuning, intensity modulating and information loading.

Graphical abstract: A bismuthene-based multifunctional all-optical phase and intensity modulator enabled by photothermal effect
From the themed collection: Photonics
Open Access Paper

All-optical switching in dye-doped DNA nanofibers

Electrospun fibers made of DNA semi-intercalated with a push–pull, luminescent nonlinear pyrazoline derivative are introduced as novel all-optical switches.

Graphical abstract: All-optical switching in dye-doped DNA nanofibers
From the themed collection: Photonics

Ultrasmall 2D NbSe2 based quantum dots used for low threshold ultrafast lasers

Low threshold ultrafast fiber lasers in 1.5 based NbSe2 quantum dots saturable absorbers have been successfully fabricated and investigated.

Graphical abstract: Ultrasmall 2D NbSe2 based quantum dots used for low threshold ultrafast lasers
From the themed collection: Photonics

Anodizing with voltage versus optical path length modulation: a new tool for the preparation of photonic structures

Direct control of the optical path length of each layer inside anodic alumina produces a high quality photonic crystal.

Graphical abstract: Anodizing with voltage versus optical path length modulation: a new tool for the preparation of photonic structures
From the themed collection: Photonics

ortho-Fluorination of azophenols increases the mesophase stability of photoresponsive hydrogen-bonded liquid crystals

We present a photoresponsive supramolecular liquid-crystalline (LC) system with enhanced stability of the LC phase due to ortho-fluorination of the bond-donating hydroxyazobenzene derivative, an important characteristic for their future use in photonics.

Graphical abstract: ortho-Fluorination of azophenols increases the mesophase stability of photoresponsive hydrogen-bonded liquid crystals
From the themed collection: Photonics

Persistent luminescence warm-light LEDs based on Ti-doped RE2O2S materials prepared by rapid and energy-saving microwave-assisted synthesis

Persistent luminescence materials based on Ti-doped rare earth oxysulfides were obtained by a rapid, one-step process for application in self-sustained warm-light LEDs.

Graphical abstract: Persistent luminescence warm-light LEDs based on Ti-doped RE2O2S materials prepared by rapid and energy-saving microwave-assisted synthesis
From the themed collection: Photonics

Dendrimer-induced colloids towards robust fluorescent photonic crystal films and high performance WLEDs

We fabricated dendrimer-modified colloids and utilized them to fabricate PC films with good mechanical strength and high performance WLEDs.

Graphical abstract: Dendrimer-induced colloids towards robust fluorescent photonic crystal films and high performance WLEDs
From the themed collection: Photonics

Simultaneous enhancement of mechanical strength and luminescence performance in double-network supramolecular hydrogels

We observed remarkable simultaneous enhancement of both mechanical strength and luminescence performance in the presented luminescent supramolecular hydrogels, which were obtained by copolymerization of functional lanthanide-containing co-monomers and acrylamide monomers.

Graphical abstract: Simultaneous enhancement of mechanical strength and luminescence performance in double-network supramolecular hydrogels
From the themed collection: Photonics

Enhanced NIR-I emission from water-dispersible NIR-II dye-sensitized core/active shell upconverting nanoparticles

Water-dispersible NIR-II dye (IR-1061) sensitized core/active shell upconversion nanoparticles (800 nm emission of Tm3+ ion).

Graphical abstract: Enhanced NIR-I emission from water-dispersible NIR-II dye-sensitized core/active shell upconverting nanoparticles
From the themed collection: Photonics

Photonic hydrogels for the ultratrace sensing of divalent beryllium in seawater

Photonic hydrogel sensing materials functionalized with 9-crown-3 are fabricated by a two-step process for the sensitive and selective detection of ultratrace Be2+ ions in seawater.

Graphical abstract: Photonic hydrogels for the ultratrace sensing of divalent beryllium in seawater
From the themed collection: Photonics

Photoacid catalyzed organic–inorganic hybrid inks for the manufacturing of inkjet-printed photonic devices

Inkjet printing of photoacid catalyzed organic–inorganic hybrid formulations has been used in the preparation of low-loss optical waveguides.

Graphical abstract: Photoacid catalyzed organic–inorganic hybrid inks for the manufacturing of inkjet-printed photonic devices
From the themed collection: Photonics

Design, synthesis, and properties of nonlinear optical chromophores based on a verbenone bridge with a novel dendritic acceptor

A polyenic chromophore containing a new dendritic tricyanofuran acceptor has been synthesized for achieving improved polar order in poled polymers.

Graphical abstract: Design, synthesis, and properties of nonlinear optical chromophores based on a verbenone bridge with a novel dendritic acceptor
From the themed collection: Photonics

Porous organic/inorganic hybrid one-dimensional photonic crystals for rapid visual detection of organic solvents

A highly sensitive 1DPC sensor for rapid visual detection of organic solvents was achieved.

Graphical abstract: Porous organic/inorganic hybrid one-dimensional photonic crystals for rapid visual detection of organic solvents
From the themed collection: Photonics

Flexible latex photonic films with tunable structural colors templated by cellulose nanocrystals

Free-standing latex films were prepared by using CNCs as templates. The structural color of the latex film shows a reversible response to water adsorption and dehydration. The maximum elongation at break of the latex film reaches 34.5%, which is ∼8 times larger than that of the best film reported so far.

Graphical abstract: Flexible latex photonic films with tunable structural colors templated by cellulose nanocrystals
From the themed collection: Photonics

Microfluidic printing directing photonic crystal bead 2D code patterns

We developed a new microfluidic printing technology for the fabrication of multi-signal 2D code patterns with structural colors and fluorescence properties, which may have potential applications in anti-counterfeiting and optoelectronic fields.

Graphical abstract: Microfluidic printing directing photonic crystal bead 2D code patterns
From the themed collection: Photonics
39 items

About this collection

We have brought together a collection of Journal of Materials Chemistry C articles on the topic of photonics. These articles are free to access until the 25th of November. We hope you enjoy reading them!

