Development of a novel MOF-based nanofiber for highly selective removal of cobalt from aqueous solutions


This study addresses the challenge of cobalt ion separation by developing novel MOF nanofibers, Co(II)-PIIMs. Co(II)-SIM-IIP was synthesized using zinc-based MOFs (SIM-1) as a matrix and tetraethylpentadiamine (TEPA) as a functional monomer through the ion-imprinting technique (IIT). These Co(II)-SIM-IIP particles were then incorporated as fillers into a polyacrylonitrile (PAN) substrate to fabricate Co(II)-PIIMs-x nanofibers via electrospinning, aimed at selective cobalt ion separation. The optimal performance was achieved at a 10% doping level of Co(II)-SIM-IIP, resulting in a maximum adsorptive capacity of 112.74 mg g−1, a membrane flux of 1095 L m−2 h−1, and a retention rate of 43.49%. The material demonstrated excellent selectivity, exhibiting high selectivity factors for various ions, such as Ca2+ (7.42), K+ (55.98), Mg2+ (72.30), and Ni2+ (1.28). The adsorption mechanism revealed that cobalt adsorption onto Co(II)-PIIMs is primarily governed by chemisorption, facilitated by the uniform distribution of cobalt on the surface of the nanofibers. Importantly, after five cycles, Co(II)-PIIMs exhibited outstanding regeneration capability, retaining over 95% of their initial adsorption capacity. These remarkable selectivity factors underscore the material's potential for efficient cobalt ion separation and purification in environmental remediation applications.

Graphical abstract: Development of a novel MOF-based nanofiber for highly selective removal of cobalt from aqueous solutions

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Article type
12 Қар. 2024
07 Қаң. 2025
First published
22 Қаң. 2025

Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2025, Advance Article

Development of a novel MOF-based nanofiber for highly selective removal of cobalt from aqueous solutions

Y. Peng, Y. Luo, S. Liu, Y. Cong, D. Liu, B. Hu, X. Pu, G. Yuan and W. Xiong, Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4EN01058B

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