Issue 7, 2025

Chemical design of metal complexes for electrochemical water oxidation under acidic conditions


The development of viable, stable, and highly efficient molecular water oxidation catalysts under acidic aqueous conditions (pH < 7) is challenging with Earth-abundant metals in the field of renewable energy due to their low stability and catalytic activity. The utilization of these catalysts is generally considered more cost-effective and sustainable relative to conventional catalysts relying on precious metals such as ruthenium and iridium, which exhibit outstanding activities. Herein, we discussed the effectiveness of transition metal complexes for electrocatalytic water oxidation under acidic conditions. We focus on important aspects of 3d first-row metal complexes as they relate to the design of water oxidation systems and emphasize the importance of the fundamental coordination chemistry perspective in this field, which can be applied to the understanding of catalytic activity and fundamental structure–function relationships. Finally, we identified the scientific challenges that should be overcome for the future development and application of water oxidation electrochemical catalysts.

Graphical abstract: Chemical design of metal complexes for electrochemical water oxidation under acidic conditions

Article information

Article type
14 Қаз. 2024
09 Қаң. 2025
First published
10 Қаң. 2025

Dalton Trans., 2025,54, 2718-2736

Chemical design of metal complexes for electrochemical water oxidation under acidic conditions

Z. Yu, Dalton Trans., 2025, 54, 2718 DOI: 10.1039/D4DT02874K

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