Charles J.
ab and
William W
aEnvironmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, USA. E-mail:
bInternational Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
cDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
First published on 22nd February 2023
Human skin oil is rich in ozone-reactive compounds, including squalene and unsaturated acyl groups of free fatty acids, glycerols, and wax esters. Squalene and unsaturated acyl groups are each responsible for about half of the double bonds in skin oil. When there are no indoor sources, ozone concentrations are smaller indoors than outdoors, chiefly because ozone reacts with indoor surfaces. Ozone reacts rapidly with skin oils on occupants' exposed skin, hair, and clothing. Also, skin oil and its unsaturated oxidation products are transferred to indoor surfaces. A recent study of an occupied residence inferred that the average surface density of skin oil double bonds on inanimate indoor surfaces was approximately 5 μmol m−2. Estimates suggest that about 15% of outdoor ozone transported into residences is removed by skin oil or its byproducts. This percentage increases with occupant density indoors. In classrooms, the proportion of ozone removal attributable to skin oil may be in the range 35–55%. Further measurements of skin oil on off-body surfaces in a variety of indoor environments are needed to improve such estimates. In occupied indoor environments, the amount of ozone and ozone-derived products that occupants inhale is materially affected by the extent to which ozone reacts with skin-oil constituents. Toxicities of the products of ozone reactions with skin oil warrant further attention. The relative contribution of other fugitive sources (e.g., cooking oils, paints, and pesticides), as well as constituents inherent to building materials and furnishings, to ozone-reactive compounds on indoor surfaces remains unknown and also merits attention.
Environmental significanceOzone-reactive compounds reduce indoor ozone concentrations while generating both transient and stable oxidized species. Human skin oil is a source of ozone-reactive chemicals. Skin oil is present on occupant surfaces, including skin, hair, and clothing. Skin oil constituents also redistribute to nonoccupant surfaces via desquamation, partitioning, and contact transfer. Available evidence indicates that skin oil is a major ozone reactant in occupied environments. Humans inhale, ingest, and dermally absorb products resulting from ozone reactions with skin oil. Better defining the occurrence of ozone chemistry with skin oil on occupant and nonoccupant surfaces furthers our understanding of the ways in which occupant emissions influence human chemical exposures indoors. |
In addition to reacting with unsaturated organic compounds, ozone can react rapidly with nitric oxide. Unvented combustion appliances, such as gas cooktops, are common. Nitric oxide can be a meaningful ozone sink whenever unvented combustion occurs. However, nitric oxide reactions generally comprise a small part of the time-averaged loss rate of indoor ozone.4 Ozone can also be deliberately removed from indoor air through use of air-cleaning technologies, such as activated carbon filters.5 However, the use of such control measures is relatively uncommon. In the interest of simplicity, in this paper, we focus on the most prominent aspect of ozone loss indoors: removal via reactions with unsaturated organic molecules on indoor surfaces.
Although not widely recognized, a potentially important source of ozone-reactive compounds in regularly occupied spaces is human skin oil, both on occupants and on nonoccupant surfaces.6–8 A prior review examined the many ways in which human occupants influence indoor chemistry.9 The present paper probes deeply into one important aspect of this influence. We compile and analyse evidence from the literature, much of it published since the earlier review, to investigate the extent to which human skin oil constituents contribute to ozone removal in regularly occupied indoor environments.
Squalene (Fig. 1) is responsible for about half of the double bonds in skin oil. Unsaturated bonds in the acyl groups of free fatty acids, glycerols, and wax esters comprise the remainder. Pandrangi and Morrison12 estimated that skin oil contains an average of 0.92 unsaturated –CC– bonds per molecule.
![]() | ||
Fig. 1 Squalene (C30H50) is a triterpene with six –C![]() |
Adults typically excrete sebum at a rate of ∼33 μg cm−2 h−1.13–15 This mass flux corresponds to ∼1000 μmol of –CC– bonds per m2 per h, assuming an average molecular weight of 280 g mol−1 and an average of 0.9 double bonds per molecule for sebum. Sebum mass excretion rates from dry skin are about half the baseline value and are as much as four times larger than baseline in people with seborrhoea.15
It is instructive to compare the above estimate for the flux of occupant-derived double bonds (0.3 to 0.9 μmol m−2 h−1) to the flux of ozone to surfaces. Assuming a typical indoor ozone concentration of 5 ppb and a deposition velocity of ozone to upward facing horizontal surfaces of 1.4 m h−1, then the ozone flux would be 0.3 μmol m−2 h−1. Hence, the estimate for the flux of human-derived –CC– bonds to upward-facing horizontal surfaces is comparable to the flux of ozone to those surfaces at an ozone level of 5 ppb. These estimates illustrate the potential of human-derived double bonds to contribute to off-body ozone loss in indoor environments.
The abundance of double bonds in organic molecules on a surface (quantified in units of μmol m−2) can be used to characterize the surface's ozone reactivity. This abundance is dynamically influenced by the balance between the rate at which double bonds arrive at the surface and the rate at which they are lost, e.g., by reacting with ozone. The balance is influenced by both the net flux of double bonds to the surface from indoor sources and the indoor concentration of ozone. When evaluating the contribution of skin oil on off-body surfaces to net ozone removal indoors, one must consider the occupant-driven flux of double bonds to indoor surfaces compared to the co-occurring flux of double bonds from non-occupant sources. An upper bound estimate can be made for the former (see Section 2.2); however, we currently have little information regarding the magnitude of the flux of double bonds from nonoccupant sources. Migration of double bonds to surfaces from within certain materials appears to contribute to the abundance of double bonds on surfaces. Evidence is seen in the regeneration of the ozone-scavenging potential of common indoor surfaces that are first exposed and then isolated from ozone exposure.27–31 With regard to reactivity attenuation, the residual level of –CC– bonds on a surface should depend inversely on the rate of ozone reaction on a surface, which would scale with indoor ozone concentration.
Deming and Ziemann32 measured extractable double-bond density using surface wipes of vertical glass and painted surfaces sampled in offices, classrooms, and other buildings on a university campus. On vertically oriented glass and painted surfaces, the respective mean values were 1.4 ± 1.0 and 0.9 ± 0.7 μmol m−2. Furthermore, the researchers found that the lifetime of double bonds owing to their reaction with ozone was on the order of an hour “indicating the highly dynamic” nature of ozone reactivity on these surfaces.
The average concentration of double bonds on upward-facing horizontal surfaces is expected to be larger than those on vertical surfaces, influenced by the preferential deposition via settling of coarse particles (including squames) onto upward-facing surfaces.33 At present, there are no published measurements of double bond density for upward-facing indoor surfaces sampled using surface wipes. Gall and Rim34 measured the ozone reactivity of initially clean glass plates that were horizontally exposed for varying time intervals in a mechanically ventilated office and in a naturally ventilated residence in Singapore. After 56 days, the net accumulated mass density on the glass plates was 0.52 g m−2 in the office and 0.78 g m−2 in the residence. Using ozone reactivities for multiple substrates exposed over different time intervals, a linear correlation was found between the moles of ozone removed by a glass plate and the mass of material accumulated on that plate (office: 2.4 μmol g−1; residence: 4.3 μmol g−1). The product of these terms — accreted mass density (g m−2) times the ozone removal intensity (μmol g−1) indicates the double bond surface density (μmol m−2) as determined at the end of the sampling period, assuming moles of O3 consumed during the subsequent exposures corresponds to moles of double bonds present. Hence, after 56 days, the soiled substrates from the office and the residence had double bond densities of 1.2 and 3.4 μmol m−2, respectively. As was the case for the double bonds on vertical surfaces in university buildings, the lifetime of the double bonds in the material accumulated on the Gall and Rim substrates would be relatively short – on the order of hours at typical indoor ozone concentrations. Consequently, these results should be indicative of the final net abundance of reactive bonds on the collection surfaces, rather than the rate at which such bonds are deposited.
Recent studies have contributed valuable new knowledge about the products of ozone reactions with human surfaces, emphasizing the role of skin oils. The gas-phase products of ozone reacting with skin oil constituents from twenty volunteers were measured using a PTR-ToF-MS and a flow reactor affixed to the volunteers' skin.41 The average yields of the various products, relative to ozone loss, were reported. Major primary products of ozone reacting with skin oil included 6-MHO, geranyl acetone, and decanal; the average yield of 6-MHO (0.22 moles of product per mole of ozone consumed) was somewhat larger than that of geranyl acetone (0.16). The total net yield of gas-phase products ranged from 0.33 to 0.93, with substantial differences among volunteers. Using a similar instrument, emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from four volunteers were measured in a chamber during exposures to air without and with ozone.42 Experiments were conducted at different temperatures and relative humidity levels and with the volunteers wearing either long or short clothes. Altogether, five different groups of volunteers took part in these chamber experiments. The whole-body emission rate of VOCs more than doubled in the presence of ozone – from 2180 ± 620 μg h−1 per person (no O3) to 4600 ± 500 μg h−1 per person (with 37 ppb O3). When more skin was covered by clothing, the emission rate of ozone/skin-oil-derived products was somewhat lower. The emission rate increased with relative humidity. Lakey et al.43 applied a kinetic model that incorporates a new mechanism for O3 reactions with –CC– bonds to further explore the influence of relative humidity on gas-phase squalene ozonolysis products. Other measurements of whole-body VOC emission rates are discussed in S1 of the ESI.†
A novel analytical approach, secondary electrospray ionization high-resolution mass spectrometry, was used to identify products formed when ozone reacts with skin oil on the hands of three volunteers.44 The ions that were detected suggest reaction pathways leading to various primary and secondary ozonides that in turn may react with ammonia emitted from human skin. As summarized in Coffaro and Weisel,40 considerable progress has been made recently in identifying the condensed phase products of the chemical interactions of ozone with skin oil.45–52
In the case of squalene, six primary ozonides are formed via surface reactions with ozone. These primary ozonides decay to twelve carbonyls and their respective Criegee intermediates. Ten of these carbonyls contain double bonds and participate in secondary reactions with ozone. Noteworthy among these are 4,8,13,17,21-tetramethyl-octadeca-4,8,12,16,20-pentaenal (TOP; five double bonds), 4,9,13,17-tetramethyl-octadeca-4,8,12,16-tetraenal (TOT; four double bonds), and 5,9,13-trimethyl-tetradeca-4,8,12-trienal (TTT; three double bonds). Of the initial products of primary chemistry, only 6-MHO reacts chiefly in the gas phase. The other nine carbonyls react with ozone chiefly on surfaces. In summary, six primary reactions of ozone with squalene occur on surfaces and 28 out of 30 secondary reactions of ozone with carbonyl products occur on surfaces. (This analysis ignores both the products formed by decay of Criegee intermediates and possible differences in the rates at which the various primary and secondary reactions occur.)
A recent study by Zhang et al.54 supports the inference that surface reactions dominate over gas-phase reactions when considering the interaction of ozone with human skin oils. The researchers simulated off-body reactions of ozone with squalene and its initial products in an indoor environment. They estimated that the first-order rate constant for the net loss of ozone via primary and secondary reactions with squalene and its derivatives on off-body surfaces was 0.18 h−1, whereas the first-order rate constant for the net loss of ozone via gas-phase reaction with 6-MHO and GA was an order of magnitude smaller, 0.017 h−1.
Starting about two decades ago, the role of humans as ozone sinks and skin oil as the specific source of important ozone-reactive chemicals in occupied indoor environments was documented in several chamber and laboratory studies.6,12,28,36,37,57,58 These investigations began with an interest in the fate of ozone in the passenger cabins of aircraft, motivated by a concern about ozone being naturally present along the flight path and introduced into the cabin with ventilation air.59 The first reports of skin oil ozonolysis products in indoor environments came from experiments in which previously worn t-shirts were exposed to ozone in a simulated aircraft cabin.36,58 Subsequently, human volunteers were exposed to ozone in the same simulated aircraft. In a typical experiment, when 16 passengers entered the cabin (volume = 28.5 m3), the ozone concentration decreased from 130 ppb to 80 ppb.37 In this densely occupied chamber, measurements indicated that about 55% of ozone loss was directly attributable to reactions on the human occupants. Coleman et al.28 identified skin oil oxidation products emitted by soiled fabrics exposed to ozone. Pandrangi and Morrison12 quantified the products emitted by unwashed and washed hair exposed to ozone. Using sorbent sampling and GC-MS analysis, Weisel et al.60 measured selected products of ozone/skin oil chemistry in actual aircraft cabins during fifty-two flights. Decanal and 6-MHO were detected at sub- to low-ppb levels, and the 6-MHO concentration roughly varied with the percentage of seats occupied.
Even in much less densely occupied office environments, loss to human surfaces can substantially affect indoor ozone levels. Wisthaler and Weschler6 reported that when two people entered a 30 m3 simulated office ventilated at an air-change rate of 1 h−1, the ozone concentration decreased from 33 ppb to 17 ppb. The occupants removed ozone with an effective volumetric air cleaning rate of 25–30 m3 h−1 per person. The authors estimated that a single occupant, in a 30 m3 room would “… contribute between 10 and 25% to the overall ozone removal (i.e., the sum of the first-order rate constants for removal by air exchange, room surfaces, gas phase chemistry, and a single occupant …).” Considering only the chemical sinks for ozone in such a room, a single occupant would remove about a third of the ozone while the inanimate indoor surfaces would account for the other two-thirds.
Destaillats et al.61 passed ozone through ventilation-system filters collected from buildings at two San Francisco locations and monitored the downstream air using a PTR-MS. They identified oxidation products that appeared to come from occupants' skin flakes and/or skin oil present in the filter cakes. In experiments in a school, Fischer et al.62 examined ozone removal by a teacher and 24 pupils (age 11 years) in a classroom (volume = 182 m3). They found the classroom concentration of ozone to be anticorrelated with carbon dioxide, as would be expected with occupants being a source of CO2 and a sink for ozone. After occupants entered at the start of a class period, the ozone concentration quickly decreased while the CO2 concentration increased. The opposite occurred when the occupants left at the end of a teaching period. In that study, the mainly juvenile occupants removed ozone with an effective volumetric rate of 16 ± 4 m3 h−1 per person.
Additional evidence has emerged during the past decade, showing clearly that ozone reactions with occupants affect the composition of nearby air. Veres et al.63 used a PTR-MS to measure human emissions before, during, and after a soccer game in an open-air arena attended by ∼31000 fans. When fans began to enter the stadium, the level of ozone decreased while that of CO2, 6-MHO, and decanal increased. When fans exited at the end of the game, ozone levels increased and the levels of CO2, 6-MHO, and decanal decreased. In separate studies at two universities, Liu et al.64 and Tang et al.65 measured a decrease in ozone concentration and an increase in products derived from ozone reactions with skin oil when students entered a classroom. Identified ozone/skin oil products included 6-MHO and 4-OPA, with lesser amounts of geranyl acetone, hydroxy acetone, and 1,4-butanedial. Avery et al.66 found a linear correlation between the ozone removal rate constant and the change in carbon dioxide concentration in a classroom. They also measured higher aerosol mass with occupancy and, using mass spectral analysis, identified fragment ions consistent with products of ozone/squalene chemistry “indicative of the secondary nature of the aerosol mass.” Finewax et al.67 made real-time measurements of airborne organic compounds at a university athletic centre and observed a correlation between the per-person 6-MHO emission factor (μg h−1) and the per-person CO2 emission factor (g h−1). They also observed a correlation between the per-person 6-MHO emission factor (μg h−1) and the per-person ozone consumption rate (μg h−1). Using space- and time-resolved measurements of volatile organic compounds in an Oakland, CA, home, Liu et al.8 examined ozone chemistry that occurred in that home during eight weeks of sampling. Also interpreting sampling data from that study, Zhang et al.68 estimated that, when occupied, the occupants themselves removed ozone with a first-order rate constant of 0.09 h−1. Given that one or two occupants were commonly present in the 350 m3 home, this loss rate is equivalent to an effective volumetric removal rate for ozone of 16–32 m3 h−1 per person, roughly consistent with prior studies in other types of indoor settings. Additional results and implications from this study are presented in Section 4.2. Deng et al.69 made real-time measurements of naturally occurring nitrous acid, nitrogen oxides, ozone, and organics in an apartment room in Guangzhou, China. In this study, researchers used scripted activities (e.g., opening/closing windows, and mopping) and deliberately varied the number of occupants in the room. Ozone levels were affected by occupancy. Numerous ions with mass-to-charge ratios indicative of compounds derived from ozone reactions with skin oils (e.g., 6-MHO, and geranyl acetone) were higher during periods of occupancy.
The flux of ozone to a surface normalized by the freestream ozone concentration is referred to as ozone's deposition velocity, vh, with units of m h−1.70 In the present paper, in addition to considering ozone's deposition velocity to the human body, we will use “volumetric ozone removal rate per person,” Qh, which is analogous to the “clean air delivery rate” (m3 h−1) used to evaluate the efficacy of stand-alone air cleaners. These two parameters are linked by the apparent surface area of the human envelope, Ah, such that Qh = Ah × vh. A typical value for an adult is Ah = 1.8 m2.71Table 1 summarizes reported values for the “effective” deposition velocity (vh) and volumetric ozone removal rate per person (Qh), as measured in different indoor environments. Reported deposition velocities range from 7.2 to 8.3 m h−1 per person in a simulated aircraft cabin58 to 18.5 ± 0.5 m h−1 per person in a chamber.72 The corresponding values of Qh are 13–15 m3 h−1 in the aircraft cabin study and 33.3 ± 0.9 m3 h−1 in the chamber study. In the aircraft cabin study, the occupant density was high, the occupants were in aircraft seats the entire time, and air flow around the body differed from the other studies summarized in Table 1. Such features may influence the net reaction rate of ozone on occupants.
Location | Conditions | v d (m h−1) | Q h (m3 h−1) | Reference |
a Surface area of 1 m2 per pupil used to calculate deposition velocity to children. b Nine-hour average. c T = 27–28 °C. | ||||
Simulated aircraft cabin | Four experiments, each with 16 occupants | 7.2–8.3 | 13–15 | 58 |
Simulated office | Two experiments, each with two occupants | 14, 18 | 25, 32 | 6 |
Simulated office | Six experiments, each with 18–20 occupants | 18 ± 4 | 32 ± 7 | 73 |
Classroom | Teacher and 24 pupilsa | 16 ± 4 | 16 ± 4 | 62 |
Classroom | 15–64 occupants on the day of measurement | 9b | 16b | 74 |
Bedrooms | 52 measurements in 5 bedrooms with 1–3 occupants | 15 ± 10 | 27 ± 18 | 75 |
Chamber | 11 experiments, 4 occupants each — long clothesc | 16.8 ± 1.7 | 30 ± 3 | 72 |
Chamber | 5 experiments, 4 occupants each — short clothesc | 18.5 ± 0.5 | 33 ± 0.9 | 72 |
Occupied home | Two occupants, eight weeks of sampling | 9–18 | 16–32 | 68 |
The chamber study by Bekö et al.72 included 11 experiments in which the 4 occupants wore long shirts, pants, and socks (vh = 16.8 ± 1.7 m h−1) and 5 experiments in which they wore t-shirts, shorts, and short socks (vh = 18.5 ± 0.5 m h−1). The difference in deposition velocities between these conditions was small but statistically significant (p = 0.0003). The statistical significance disappears (p = 0.3) if the comparison is restricted to studies that used the same volunteers (4 experiments with long clothing (vh = 18.0 ± 0.8 m h−1) and 4 experiments with short clothing (vh = 18.5 ± 0.5 m h−1)). This evidence suggests that the amount of exposed skin has little influence on the ozone deposition velocity averaged over the human envelope. Temperature and relative humidity were also varied during these chamber studies. The largest deposition velocity (vh = 23.3 m h−1) was measured at 32.5 °C and 62% RH as compared to 17.3 m h−1 at 28 °C and ∼25% RH. Taken together, the studies listed in Table 1 suggest ozone deposition velocities to the human envelope indoors are in the range vh = 10–20 m h−1, corresponding to volumetric ozone removal rates per person of Qh = 18–36 m3 h−1. Approximate central tendency values are vh = 15 m h−1 per person or Qh = 25 m3 h−1 per person, numbers that we'll utilize in illustrative calculations later in this paper.
The deposition velocities of ozone to human surfaces listed in Table 1 are remarkably large when compared to the deposition velocity of ozone to inanimate indoor surfaces (∼1 m h−1).4 A key reason for this difference is the abundance of –CC– bonds in skin oils on the human body envelope, including on hair and clothing.
The measured ozone deposition velocities to a human surface are larger than those calculated by some (∼8–10 m h−1),76–78 but not all (∼22 m h−1)79 computational fluid dynamic simulations. Airflow conditions would influence the effective deposition velocity of ozone to humans. Seemingly large values may reflect the generally higher airflows associated with the personal convective boundary layer.80 The buoyancy-induced volumetric air flow above a standing person may be as high as 60 L s−1.81 Furthermore, the airflow around a human body in carefully controlled chamber experiments and in numerical simulations may differ from that in actual indoor environments. Contributions to the large deposition velocity values to humans may also derive from ozone reacting with skin flakes shed from human surfaces,82 either on the inanimate surfaces adjacent to an occupant or in the envelope of air that surrounds an occupant. Although representing relatively small sinks based on measured emission rates,42 ozone would also react with gaseous 6-MHO and other unsaturated products emitted by ozone/skin surface chemistry on humans. Perhaps it is a combination of such factors, in addition to the direct reaction of ozone with skin and clothing surfaces, that contribute to the large “effective” deposition velocities (and correspondingly large volumetric removal rates) associated with indoor occupants.
A first-order loss-rate coefficient for ozone because of its reaction with the human envelope (kh) in an indoor environment can be estimated as the quotient of ozone's volumetric removal rate per person (Qh) and the volume of the occupied space (V):
kh = Qh/V | (1) |
For example, if the volumetric removal rate due to a single occupant (Qh) is 25 m3 h−1 and the volume of the occupied space (V) is 30 m3, then the occupant removes ozone with a rate constant of 0.85 h−1, a value similar to that measured by Wisthaler and Weschler.6 One should expect the removal of ozone by human occupants to vary with occupant density. For the conditions just outlined, two adults in a 30 m3 room would remove ozone with a rate constant of 1.7 h−1 while one adult in a 60 m3 room would remove ozone with a rate constant of 0.4 h−1.
Further relevant evidence is available from studies of the influence of ozone exposure on skin-oil composition. Using glass capillaries touched by human fingers, Zhou et al.51 have demonstrated a significant chemical change in the composition of skin oil over timescales of hours at typical indoor and outdoor ozone concentrations. In vivo, ozone exposure is known to alter the relative level of skin-oil constituents. For example, in the elevated ozone environment of Mexico City, the average squalene/cholesterol ratio in skin wipes of 96 volunteers was smaller (7.6 μg μg−1) than in skin wipes from 93 volunteers in the less polluted environment of Cuernavaca (11.7 μg μg−1).83 In a related study, squalene averaged 12% of total lipids for skin wipes from 79 volunteers in the more polluted air of the Xu Jia Hui district of Shanghai as compared to 16% of lipids in wipes from 80 volunteers in the cleaner air of Chong Ming.84 In recent chamber experiments in which four volunteers were exposed to 35 ppb ozone for approximately three hours, the ratio of squalene to cholesterol in skin wipes taken after the exposure decreased by about 35% relative to the pre-exposure ratio.85
At some point, do the ozone-reactive compounds present on an occupant's skin, hair, and clothing become depleted? When considering this question, it is informative to compare the secretion rate of double bonds found in sebum with ozone flux to the human envelope.12 As estimated in Section 2.1, adults excrete double bonds in sebum at a rate of approximately 1000 μmol of –CC– bonds per m2 per h. At a typical indoor ozone concentration of 5 ppb and a deposition velocity of 15 m h−1 to the human envelope, the flux of ozone to an occupant's surface would be 3 μmol m−2 h−1. In chamber experiments,85 the ozone flux to humans was 20 μmol m−2 h−1, while outdoors in Mexico City and Shanghai, ozone flux likely was somewhat larger than 60 μmol m−2 h−1. Hence, whereas squalene depletion has been observed in skin wipes of individuals exposed to elevated ozone levels, the rate at which the sebaceous glands secrete double bonds is much larger than the rate at which ozone is anticipated to consume double bonds in skin surface lipids. One may infer from this evidence that occupants would continue to be important ozone sinks throughout extended periods of exposure.
Laundered clothing impedes ozone/skin oil chemistry. In experiments in which four volunteers entered a chamber with freshly laundered long-sleeve shirts, long pants, and calf socks and were exposed to ozone 3.5 hours later, the emission rate of products characteristic of skin oil was ∼2400 μg h−1 per person. In an analogous experiment, when the volunteers wore shorts, t-shirts, and ankle socks the emission rate was ∼3500 μg h−1 per person.42 Notably, overall ozone consumption by the four volunteers was similar whether wearing short clothing (with more exposed skin) or long clothing. Although the emission rates of skin oil-derived products decreased with long clothing, those of certain products were higher, suggesting a contribution from reactions between ozone and clothing-associated chemicals that did not originate from skin oil. When two volunteers, who had sat in the chamber for 1.5 h without a shirt, put on freshly laundered t-shirts, the concentrations of 6-MHO and 4-oxopentanal (4-OPA) immediately dropped, indicating that ozone/skin oil chemistry had been suppressed. Concomitantly, the concentrations of nonanal and nonenal increased, presumably because precursors of these compounds were present in the clothing fabrics. These experiments demonstrate that recently laundered clothing decreases the emission of products generated by ozone/skin oil chemistry. The extent to which clothing reduces the loss of ozone to skin oil is expected to depend on the fraction of skin covered by clothing, how long the clothing has been worn, and the thickness of the fabric. In calculations that follow we assume that between half and all (50–100%) of ozone loss on occupant surfaces is due to skin oil, recognizing that this is a poorly known parameter.
Mass fraction in airborne particles, in relation to particle diameter, dp | |||||
Indoor location | Sample | d p = 0.4–0.7 μm | d p = 0.7–2 μm | d p = 2–6 μm | Average |
House | Air | 80 | 70 | 40 | 63 |
Laboratory corridor | Air | 50 | 50 | 100 | 67 |
d p = 0.3–2 μm | d p = 2–3.5 μm | d p = 3.5–5.5 μm | Average | ||
London underground | Air | 1000 | 1000 | 1000 | 1000 |
Mass fraction in dust | |||||
Indoor location | Sample | GM (GSD) | 25th percentile | 75th percentile | AM |
Children's bedrooms | Dust (N = 495) | 32 (4.3) | 19 | 73 | 56 |
0.015–0.045 occupants per m3 | Dust (N = 165) | 29 | |||
0.045–0.067 occupants per m3 | Dust (N = 165) | 29 | |||
0.067–0.247 occupants per m3 | Dust (N = 165) | 41 | |||
Daycare facilities | Dust (N = 151) | 11.5 (4.3) | 6 | 26 | 26 |
Weschler et al.82 measured the mass fraction of squalene in settled dust collected from 495 children's bedrooms and 151 day-care facilities in Denmark. The findings are summarized in Table 2. The arithmetic means were 56 μg g−1 for dust from bedrooms and 26 μg g−1 for dust from day-care facilities. The distributions could be described reasonably well by lognormal fits with large variances. Homes had a geometric mean (GM) of 32 μg g−1 with a geometric standard deviation (GSD) of 4.3; day-care facilities had GM = 11.5 μg g−1 and GSD = 4.3. Homes with larger occupant densities tended to have a larger mass fraction of squalene in dust. Because squalene comprises only 10% of skin oil, the mass fractions of skin oil in airborne particles and settled dust are anticipated to be an order of magnitude larger than those of squalene.
From the time that squames were initially shed from human skin until the time that airborne particles or dust samples were collected and analysed, double bonds from squalene and other unsaturated skin oil constituents could be consumed by reactions with ozone. Consequently, the mass fractions of skin oil in fresh airborne particles or settled dust are expected to be higher than those listed in Table 2.
To what extent do ozone-reactive compounds in skin oil partition to indoor surfaces? Based on its vapor pressure, (3.7 ± 1.3) × 10−7 Pa at 25 °C,91 squalene's redistribution from a surface at room temperature to other indoor surfaces via the vapor phase is expected to be small (see S2 in the ESI†). However, some indoor surfaces are occasionally warmed, e.g., during cooking, heating, bathing, or via sunshine. The resulting increases in surface temperature and in the vapor pressure of surface-accumulated skin oil constituents could promote the redistribution of squalene to other indoor surfaces. This transport mechanism may explain the detection by Lim and Abbatt92 of what appears to be a set of squalene-derived oxidation products in surface films that had accumulated on vertically oriented glass tubes exposed indoors for about two weeks. Signals obtained with their DART-MS in negative mode are consistent with levulinic acid (m/z = 115), succinic acid (117), a C-14 aldehydic acid (237), a C-14 diacid (253), and a C-17 acid (263). (See Table S7† of Lim and Abbatt.92). While some of these mass-to-charge ratios are not unique markers of squalene oxidation, taken together they represent reasonable evidence for the presence of squalene oxidation products on exposed indoor surfaces. The question remains whether these squalene oxidation products derived from the in situ oxidation of squalene, which was not itself detected on the glass tubes, or were transported to the glass tubes following their generation on indoor surfaces elsewhere. Other skin oil constituents were detected on the glass tubes. These include pyroglutamic acid, palmitic acid, and stearic acid, but some of these have indoor sources in addition to skin oil. In summary, based on theoretical considerations, coupled with the measurements of surface film constituents by Lim and Abbatt, it appears that squalene may migrate to indoor vertical surfaces via the gas-phase at a slow rate. Rapid oxidation by ozone would preclude its substantial accumulation.
At 25 °C, unsaturated fatty acids in skin oil have vapor pressures in the range 5–100 × 10−6 Pa and are 10–250 times more volatile than squalene.93 Nevertheless, when these fatty acids redistribute from skin or inanimate room temperature surfaces, their fluxes to other surfaces are expected to be smaller than ozone's. When redistributing from heated surfaces, such unsaturated fatty acids are more likely than squalene to have fluxes to other surfaces that approach those of ozone.
Unsaturated skin oil oxidation products (e.g., 6-MHO and geranyl acetone) occur with much larger average concentrations in indoor air than squalene or unsaturated fatty acids. In the Oakland home monitored for an extended summer period, the average indoor 6-MHO concentration was 0.35 ppb during occupancy.8 In an Indiana office, also monitored for an extended period, it was often in the range of 0.2 to 0.3 ppb during occupancy.87 Geranyl acetone (GA) concentrations tend to be smaller than 6-MHO, but GA also has a substantially larger octanol/air partition coefficient (Koa) and a correspondingly greater tendency to sorb on indoor nonpolar surfaces. The low water–air (Kwa) partition coefficients would limit the partitioning of 6-MHO and GA to polar sorptive reservoirs.94 (For 6-MHO, logKoa = 5.0, log
Kwa = 2.5; for GA, log
Koa = 7.1, log
Kwa = 2.3 as calculated for 25 °C using SPARC.) This evidence hints that transport from the vapor phase of unsaturated skin oil oxidation products may contribute to skin oil double bonds on indoor surfaces – not just in the instance of geranyl acetone but also for other higher molecular weight unsaturated ozonolysis products such as 5,9,13-trimethyl-tetradeca-4,8,12-trienal (TTT).
Ultrafine particles (UFP) rich in unsaturated skin oil oxidation products22,95 can also soil indoor surfaces. However, calculations using what we know about such processes suggest that the flux of UFP rich in skin oils to indoor surfaces would be too small for this transport mechanism to constitute a major surface-reaction sink for indoor ozone (see S3 in the ESI†).
Wang and Morrison100 sampled both horizontal and vertical surfaces in four occupied homes. They measured a range of aldehydes emitted because of ozone reacting with these surfaces. Decanal was among the identified products, which is noteworthy since decanal resulting from ozone-initiated surface chemistry is due almost exclusively to reactions with skin oil constituents (see Section 4.6). The mean decanal yield from upward-facing horizontal surfaces (living room carpets, kitchen floors and rugs, and kitchen countertops) was 0.013 ± 0.013. Measurements on vertical surfaces (living room walls) show low decanal yields (0.00 and 0.01 ± 0.0027) in two homes but high and highly variable yields in a third (0.12 ± 0.43). No measurement is reported for the fourth home. The elevated and variable yields on the wall of the third home are suggestive of direct touch as a skin-oil transfer mechanism. These few measurements hint that the decanal yields on vertical surfaces may be only fractionally smaller than those on horizontal surfaces. If this were to be confirmed in a larger sampling of homes, that would suggest a greater degree of influence of skin-oil-associated ozone reactivity on vertical surfaces than can be presently accounted for by partitioning of unsaturated skin oil constituents and their unsaturated products or by deposition of particles containing such skin-oil derived species. With respect to ozone removal by skin oil, even if upward surfaces had an area-normalized rate that was as much as five times higher than that on vertical surfaces, aggregate scavenging by the larger net area of vertical surfaces could still be a substantial fraction of the total, given the relative proportion of surface orientations.
Analysing the same primary dataset, Zhang et al.54 characterized “off-body squalene ozonolysis on indoor surfaces” in the Oakland home using a previously developed model.68 Zhang et al.54 estimated a nonoccupant surface density of 2.7 μmol m−2 for double bonds contributed by squalene plus three polyunsaturated aldehydes produced by squalene ozonolysis (TOP, TOT, and TTT). The density of double bonds from other skin oil constituents is expected to be similar to those of squalene and unsaturated products derived from squalene. Hence, the level of double bonds from skin oil in this house would have been approximately 5.4 μmol m−2 during normal occupancy. This value is approximately five times the mean value for double bonds from all sources on vertical surfaces sampled in university buildings32 and somewhat larger than the residual level of double bonds from all sources on horizontally oriented substrates sampled in an office and a residence (see Section 2.4).34 Even recognizing likely differences in indoor ozone levels and known differences in surface orientation, each of which affects the abundance of double bonds on a surface, the comparison suggests that skin oil contributed substantially to the net level of double bonds on nonoccupant surfaces in the Oakland home.
Using continuous, real-time measurements in an occupied office, indoor ozone was associated with an average net yield for 6-MHO, 4-OPA, and decanal of 9%.87 Assuming 6-MHO, 4-OPA, and decanal constitute 35–45% of the gas-phase products resulting from ozone/skin oil chemistry, we estimate that 20–25% of ozone loss by chemical reaction in this occupied office was attributable to reactions with skin oil on occupant and nonoccupant surfaces. Wu et al.87 erroneously reported that ozonolysis of off-body skin lipids was not an important source of skin oil ozonolysis products in their study, a consequence of miscalculating the ozone loss rate to indoor surfaces, as acknowledged in personal correspondence. Our analysis of data from this study suggests that a large fraction of what Wu et al. ascribed to desorption of 6-MHO, 4-OPA, and decanal from surfaces is instead attributable to ozone reactions with skin oil on off-body surfaces (see S5 in the ESI†).
These field studies are the only direct published evidence that skin oil on nonoccupant surfaces consumes indoor ozone.
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Fig. 2 Sapienic acid (cis-hexadec-6-enoic acid, C16H30O2) is the most abundant unsaturated fatty acid in human skin oil (20–25% of fatty acids and 5–6% of skin oil).10 |
Other decanal precursors in skin oil include octadeca-5,8-dienoic acid (sebaleic acid), 1% of the total fatty acids, and the most common polyunsaturated lipid in skin oil; cis-eicos-10-enoic acid, 0.5%; and cis-eicos-7,10-dienoic acid, 0.5%. The acyl groups present in the fatty acids that are decanal precursors are also present in the triglycerides, diglycerides, monoglycerides, and wax esters that occur in skin oil. Table 3 summarizes the decanal precursors in skin oil and lists their molar fraction of total unsaturations, assuming that the distribution of acyl groups in wax esters and tri-, di-, and monoglycerides is like that in free fatty acids.12 Altogether, on a molar basis, the decanal precursors constitute about a third of the total –CC– bonds in skin-surface lipids. Squalene, in comparison, constitutes close to half (45%) of the total –C
C– bonds.
Fatty acid, wax esters, and tri-, di-, and monoglycerides containing the following acyl groupsa | Molecular weight of acyl group (g mol−1) | Molar fraction of unsaturationsb |
a An acyl group is formed when an “OH” is removed from an oxoacid. b See Tables 1 and 4 of Nicolaides10 and Table S1 in Pandrangi and Morrison.12 | ||
Decanal precursors | ||
cis-Hexadec-6-enoyl: CH3(CH2)8C![]() |
237.4 | 0.20 |
cis-Octadec-8-enoyl: CH3(CH2)8C![]() |
265.5 | 0.074 |
cis-Methylpentadec-6-enoyl: CH3(CH2)8C![]() ![]() |
237.4 | 0.038 |
Octadeca-5,8-dienoyl: CH3(CH2)8C![]() ![]() |
263.4 | 0.019 |
cis-Eicos-10-enoyl: CH3(CH2)8C![]() |
293.5 | 0.004 |
cis-Eicos-7,10-dienoyl: CH3(CH2)8C![]() ![]() |
291.5 | 0.008 |
Total | 0.34 | |
![]() |
Nonanal precursors | ||
cis-Octadec-9-enoyl: CH3(CH2)7C![]() |
265.5 | 0.016 |
cis-Heptadec-8-enoyl: CH3(CH2)7C![]() |
251.4 | 0.008 |
Total | 0.024 |
Remarkably, the occurrence of sapienic acid, which by itself is responsible for 20% of the double bonds in skin oil, is otherwise relatively rare in nature. This feature was called out a half-century ago by Nicolaides.10 More recently, Prouty and Pappas101 have reiterated this point: “Unique among the complexity of sebaceous lipids is sapienic acid, a 16-carbon monounsaturated fatty acid with an extremely rare position of the double bond, located between carbons 6 and 7 from the carboxyl terminal. Human sebum is the only documented location in the animal kingdom where sapienic acid is abundant and naturally occurring.”
Available evidence from the literature suggests that skin oil is the chief substance commonly found indoors whose ozonolysis generates decanal. Sapienic acid and other decanal precursors have a negligible presence in cooking oils.102,103 In contrast, oleic acid (octadec-9-enoic acid), linoleic acid (octadeca-9,12-dienoic acid), and palmitoleic acid (exadic-9-enoic acid), which react with ozone to produce nonanal, hexanal, and heptanal, respectively, are present in many cooking oils. Decanal precursors are produced in insufficient amounts to be included in various chemical production inventories, whereas oleic acid had an aggregate production volume of 100–200 million pounds in 2016.104 There are reports in the literature of decanal resulting from the ozonolysis of carpets,105,106 but such findings could conceivably reflect inadvertent contributions from skin oil ozonolysis. Fruekilde et al.35 have shown that the “accidental touching of material which later comes into contact with ozone can lead to strong artifact formation” including decanal. In what follows, the emission of decanal when ozone reacts with indoor surfaces has been used as a quantitative indicator of the abundance of skin oils on these surfaces. The reader is cautioned that these findings depend on the assumption that skin oil constituents are the dominant source of decanal when ozone reacts with an indoor surface.
Decanal from the ozonolysis of human skin oil was first reported by Fruekilde et al.35 In that study, the investigators rubbed glass wool between fingers and then exposed it to 100 ppb ozone in a flow reactor. After 10 minutes, the accumulated products, based on Tenax sampling, included 500 ng of decanal, 900 ng of 6-MHO, and 1000 ng of geranyl acetone. Decanal has subsequently been identified as a skin oil ozonation product in numerous studies (see Section 2.4). It is noteworthy that decanal has been reported as a product when samples of indoor floor dust from office buildings, schools, and homes were exposed to ozone.107
The recent study of ozone chemistry in an occupied home8 included plots of the source strength of an ion (C8H15O+) characteristic of 6-MHO as a function of indoor ozone concentration and occupancy. Those images are reproduced as Fig. 3A and B in the present paper. Also displayed (Fig. 3C) is a plot of this 6-MHO ion as a function of time during an unoccupied period when the indoor ozone concentration was between 2 and 4 ppb.
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Fig. 3 Source strengths of 6-MHO and decanal in an occupied home. Source strength of (A) 6-MHO ion and (D) decanal ion as a function of indoor ozone concentration. Source strength of (B) 6-MHO ion and (E) decanal ion as a function of occupancy when indoor ozone was in the range 2–4 ppb. Source strength of (C) 6-MHO ion and (F) decanal ion as a function of duration that the home was unoccupied. The 6-MHO plots are reproduced from Liu et al.8 The decanal plots, not previously published, were prepared from the same dataset by Y Liu (personal communication). |
Analogous plots are newly presented here for an ion characteristic of decanal (C10H21O+) (Fig. 3D–F). The plots for 6-MHO and decanal are clearly similar. As shown in Fig. 3A and D, the source strength of both the 6-MHO ion and the decanal ion is linearly correlated with the indoor ozone concentration, and the intercepts for both the 6-MHO ion and the decanal ion are close to zero, consistent with ozone chemistry being the dominant source for both species. Furthermore, for both 6-MHO and decanal, the source strength increases when the number of occupants increases (orange markers), reinforcing the inference that skin oil ozonolysis is a source of both 6-MHO and decanal.
Fig. 3C and F reveal that, during a five-day unoccupied period, the source strength of both 6-MHO and decanal decay by roughly half; the source strength of 6-MHO decreased from 0.045 to 0.023 ppb h−1 and that of decanal decreased from 0.088 to 0.043 ppb h−1. Taken together, the data displayed in these figures indicate that ozonolysis of skin oil constituents, with negligible contributions from other species, is the major pathway producing decanal (and 6-MHO) in the Oakland home.
For what follows, we define the decanal yield when ozone reacts with an indoor surface as moles of volatilized decanal produced per mole of ozone consumed. The yield of decanal depends on the amounts of other ozone-reactive compounds on a surface. If all else is equal, the yield of decanal will decrease as the fraction of ozone-reactive compounds on a surface from sources other than skin oil increases. Hence, when ozone reacts with room surfaces, the decanal yield can be used to estimate the fraction of ozone removed by skin oil on that surface. The fraction of O3 removed by skin oil on an inanimate surface (O3-Lossskin_oil_off-body) is approximately the ratio of the decanal yield when ozone reacts with that surface (DecYieldoff-body) to the decanal yield when ozone reacts with the surface of human skin (DecYieldon-body).
O3-lossskin_oil_off-body = DecYieldoff-body/DecYieldon-body | (2) |
Decanal is especially well suited for estimating the fraction of ozone removed by skin oil on off-body surfaces. Its yields are less sensitive to environmental conditions than is the case for secondary reaction products such as 6-MHO or 4-OPA. Decanal's “effective yield” and “surface yield” are almost identical. Unlike 6-MHO, decanal is a terminal product; it does not react with ozone. Table 4 presents estimates of decanal yields resulting from ozone reactions with on-body and off-body surfaces as reported in various studies. Further discussion of the underlying studies is presented in S6 in the ESI.† These yields have been calculated disregarding sorptive uptake of decanal to surfaces. That is a reasonable approximation given that logKoa = 5.5 and log
Kwa = 1.5 for decanal at 25 °C (as calculated using SPARC). The moderate octanol-air (Koa) and low water–air (Kwa) partition coefficients would respectively limit the partitioning of decanal to nonpolar and polar sorptive reservoirs.94
Decanal yield | Measurement location and method | Reference |
a Initial yield. b Aggregate mean and median across all surfaces reported for four houses (N = 13). c Mean yields measured over three seasons in five homes. See Fig. 3 in cited publication. | ||
Hair, skin surfaces, skin oil on glass wool | ||
0.072 ± 0.029 | Unwashed human hair in a flow reactor (N = 6); Tenax-TA sample tubes analysed using a thermal desorber followed by GC-MS | 12 |
Forearm: 0.051a | (i) Ozone passing through a flow reactor placed on the forearm or forehead; (ii) ozone passing through a tube containing glass wool soiled with skin oil; PTR-MS detection | 6 |
Forehead: 0.051a | ||
Skin oil on glass wool: 0.060a | ||
Mean: 0.016; interquartile range: 0.012–0.020 | Ozone passing through a flow reactor placed on the forearm; Vocus PTR-ToF-MS detection | 41 |
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Occupied chambers | ||
Mean: 0.025; range: 0.016–0.036 | Simulated aircraft cabin with 16 occupants | 37 |
0.063 | Chamber (simulated office) with two occupants | 6 |
30% RH: 0.012; 70% RH: 0.029 | Chamber experiments with four occupants; PTR-ToF-MS | 42 |
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Isolated room surfaces | ||
Living room carpet, kitchen floor, kitchen counter, kitchen rug: mean ± standard deviation = 0.013 ± 0.013; median and IQR = 0.01 and 0.00–0.01b | Horizontal off-body surfaces in the living room and kitchen in three houses and one apartment; measured during summer; Tenax sorption and GC-FID detection | 100 |
Bedroom carpet: 0.015c; living room carpet: 0.016c; kitchen floor: 0.022c; kitchen counter: 0.018c | Horizontal off-body surfaces in five homes over two summers and one winter; Tenax sorbent sampling with GC-MS analysis | 108 |
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All room surfaces | ||
≥0.018 | Off-body surfaces in a normally occupied home at the beginning of an unoccupied period; PTR-ToF-MS | 8 |
0.0071 ± 0.0023 | Eleven days monitored with different fractions of recirculated air; off-body surfaces in occupied office at the beginning of the unoccupied period; PTR-MS | 87 |
Table 5 lists estimates for the fraction of ozone removed by reactions with skin oil on off-body surfaces. These estimates have been calculated using eqn (2), yields for ozone reacting with various off-body surfaces (DecYieldoff-body) from the lower section of Table 4, and assuming the decanal yield when ozone reacts with human surfaces (DecYieldon-body) is 0.06. We have chosen the value 0.06 since it is close to the yields from the two studies in Table 4 that used authentic decanal standards for calibration,6,12 coupled with the fact that potential fragmentation of decanal during PTR-MS analysis appears to be less likely in the Wisthaler and Weschler study. With a smaller value for DecYieldon-body, as reported in Morrison et al.41 or Wang et al.,42 then the calculated ozone loss due to skin oil on off-body surfaces is correspondingly larger. Note that it is reasonable to expect that off-body ozone consumption by skin oils would vary among indoor environments with ozone levels (more ozone would correspond to less skin-oil-induced consumption) and with the history of occupancy (higher occupant density would be associated with more skin-oil-induced consumption).
Fraction removed by skin oil | Measurement location | Reference |
a Aggregate mean ± standard deviation across all surfaces reported for four houses (N = 13). b Based on mean yields measured over three seasons in five homes. See Fig. 3 in cited publication. | ||
Isolated room surfaces | ||
Living room carpet, kitchen floor, kitchen counter, kitchen rug: 0.22 ± 0.22a | Horizontal off-body surfaces in the living room and kitchen in three houses and one apartment; vertical surface (wall) in one house; measured during summer | 100 |
Bedroom carpet: 0.25b; living room carpet: 0.27b; kitchen floor: 0.37b; kitchen counter: 0.30b | Horizontal off-body surfaces in five homes over two summers and one winter | 108 |
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All room surfaces | ||
≥ 0.30 | Off-body surfaces in a normally occupied home at the beginning of an unoccupied period | 8 |
0.12 ± 0.04 | Ten days with different fractions of recirculated air; off-body surfaces in an occupied office at the beginning of the unoccupied period | 87 |
The estimates in Table 5, coupled with the field studies discussed in Section 4.5, suggest that skin oil constituents and their unsaturated products are important sinks for ozone on off-body surfaces in occupied environments. However, we caution that the scope of these investigations is modest. Specifically, measurements on isolated room surfaces have been conducted in just five homes, and the field measurements that pertain to all surfaces have been made in one occupied residence and one occupied office.
kh-all = (N/V) × Qh | (3) |
First-order loss rate coefficients for total ozone removal by reactions on inanimate upward-facing indoor surfaces (kd-up) are obtained as the product of a deposition velocity (vd-up) and the surface-to-volume ratio of the surfaces in the indoor environment (Aup/V):
kd-up = vd-up × Aup/V | (4) |
Similarly, the first-order loss rate coefficient for ozone removal by reactions on other nonoccupant surfaces (kd-other) is given by:
kd-other = vd-other × Aother/V | (5) |
First-order loss rate coefficients for total ozone removal by reactions on all indoor surfaces (ksum) can then be apportioned as reactions on occupant surfaces (kh-all) and off-body surfaces (kd-up + kd-other):
ksum = kh-all + kd-up + kd-other | (6) |
The fraction of ozone removed by reactions on these different surfaces is evaluated with the following equations:
fh = kh-all/ksum | (7) |
fup = (vd-up × Aup/V)/ksum | (8) |
fother = (vd-other × Aother/V)/ksum | (9) |
For each of these surface categories, a fraction of the ozone loss is attributable to reactions with skin oils. Those fractions are denoted as SOh, SOup, and SOother for human surfaces, upward-facing inanimate surfaces, and other indoor surfaces, respectively. Given estimates for these skin-oil reaction fractions, combined with the loss apportionments defined in eqn (7)–(9), one can estimate the aggregate proportion of ozone loss on indoor surfaces that is attributable to reactions with skin oils:
SOsum = SOh × fh + SOup × fup + SOother × fother | (10) |
Table 6 reports the proportion of indoor ozone lost to skin oils on occupant and nonoccupant surfaces for various indoor environments. It also lists representative air-change rates (λ) for the various indoor environments, based on measurements for residences110 or derived from minimum ventilation rates for offices and classrooms as listed in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1.111 Given the air-change rate and the rate constant for net O3 removal on indoor surfaces (ksum), the ratio of the concentrations of indoor and outdoor ozone can be estimated; the time-averaged I/O ratio for ozone is well approximated as λ × (λ + ksum)−1. The results presented in Table 6 support the discussion that follows.
Indoor environment | Number of occupants (volume) | Percent O3 loss to skin oil on occupantsb | Percent O3 loss to skin oil on inanimate surfacesc | Percent O3 loss to skin oil on allindoor surfaces | Total rate constant for O3 removal on surfaces (ksum) | Air-change rate (λ)d | Ozone I/O ratio |
a Relative to total ozone removed by indoor surfaces, percent lost to skin oil on occupant surfaces, to skin oil on nonoccupant surfaces, and the sum (i.e., to skin oil on all indoor surfaces). Results are for occupied conditions. b Calculated assuming 75% of ozone loss on occupant surface is due to skin oil and Qh = 27 m3 h−1 (adults) or 15 m3 h−1 (children aged 5–8 years). c Estimated assuming (Aup + Aother)/V = 3.5 m2 m−3,109vd-up = 1.4 m h−1, vd-other = 0.7 m h−1, SOup = 25%, SOother = 5%. d Air-change rate for the residence is the geometric mean from Nazaroff;110 the air-change rates for the office and classrooms are derived from the default minimum ventilation rates listed in Table 6.1 of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1.111 e Occupancy and volumes are means for US houses and apartments.112 f Representative occupant densities taken from Table 6.1 of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1 (ref. 111) for offices and various classrooms with 100 m2 floor area; 2.7 m ceiling height assumed. | |||||||
US residencee | 2.6 (485 m3 ) | 4% | 11% | 15% | 3.1 h−1 | 0.5 h−1 | 0.14 |
Officef | 5 (270 m3) | 11% | 10% | 21% | 3.4 h−1 | 0.6 h−1 | 0.15 |
Classroom, 5–8 yearsf | 25 (270 m3) | 25% | 8% | 32% | 4.4 h−1 | 2.5 h−1 | 0.36 |
Classroom, high schoolf | 35 (270 m3) | 41% | 5% | 46% | 6.4 h−1 | 3.1 h−1 | 0.32 |
Lecture roomf | 65 (270 m3) | 52% | 4% | 55% | 9.4 h−1 | 3.7 h−1 | 0.28 |
In Section 3.1, we suggested that the surface of a single occupant in a 30 m3 room could be responsible for approximately 1/3 of ozone's loss indoors via chemical reactions. We also noted that this result depended on occupant density. Table 6 reports estimates for the percentage of ozone surface removal resulting from reactions with skin oil constituents on occupants' surfaces in common indoor environments with varying occupant densities. In the US, residences tend to have low occupant densities. In the illustrative calculations for an average residence, 11% of the reactive ozone loss occurs on skin oil on inanimate surfaces, with an additional 4% of the overall ozone loss attributable to skin oil on occupants. In a 270 m3-office with five workers, the relative amount of ozone loss to skin oil on inanimate surfaces (10%) is like the result for residences, whereas the estimated loss on occupants (11%) is three times larger. In 270 m3 classrooms, with much larger occupant densities, ozone loss attributable to skin oil occurs primarily on occupants, with proportions ranging from 25% of total reactive loss for a classroom with 25 children to 52% for a lecture room with 65 young adults. For these classrooms, ozone loss to skin oil on inanimate surfaces contributes an additional 4–8%.
In the Oakland home discussed previously, ozone removal by skin oil on non-occupant surfaces was about four times larger than removal by skin oil on occupant surfaces.8 In the U.S. residence entry in Table 6, the ratio of skin oil removal on off-body to on-body surfaces is similar – about a factor of three. That comparison is not circular. The percent ozone lost to skin oil on occupant surfaces depends primarily on the deposition velocity to the human envelope and occupant density in the residence, while the percent ozone lost on nonoccupant surfaces depends primarily on parameter values derived from Wang and Morrison100,108 coupled with the ratio of “net body surface area to total inanimate surface area”.
We have used the yield of decanal associated with ozone-driven surface chemistry to estimate the fraction of ozone loss to skin oil on indoor surfaces. While there are indoor sources of decanal other than ozone/skin oil chemistry (e.g., certain essential oils, perfumes, and flavorings), ozonolysis of skin oil may be the major source of decanal in indoor residences. A simple exercise tests the likelihood of this conjecture. Consider a residence in Toronto with an average indoor ozone concentration of 4 ppb.113 Assuming an average air-change rate110 of 0.5 h−1 and an indoor/outdoor ozone concentration ratio of 0.14 (Table 6), then the outdoor ozone concentration would be 29 ppb, and the difference between outdoor and indoor ozone concentration (ozone loss) would be 25 ppb. The fractional ozone loss to skin oil on all indoor surfaces is estimated to be 15% (Table 6), and the decanal yield for ozone reacting with skin oil is approximately 6%.6 Consequently, the indoor concentration of decanal attributable to ozone/skin oil chemistry would be 0.23 ppb (25 ppb × 15% × 6%). At 293 K, 1 ppb equals 6.5 μg m−3 of decanal. Hence, in this hypothetical Toronto residence, the concentration of decanal resulting from ozone/skin oil chemistry is estimated to be 1.5 μg m−3. This value is remarkably close to the measured arithmetic mean concentration of decanal reported for over 3000 Canadian homes by Zhu et al.114 of 1.45 μg m−3, suggesting that ozonolysis is, indeed, a major source of decanal in homes. That inference is reinforced by decanal concentration data from other large-scale surveys of volatile organic compounds in residences conducted in Canada, Japan, and Germany during the years 2012–2017. (See Table S1† in the ESI.†).
The illustrative calculations summarized in Table 6 suggest that, in indoor settings with low occupant densities, skin oil on occupants is responsible for perhaps 15% of total ozone loss via chemical reactions on indoor surfaces. Conversely, in densely occupied settings, skin oil on occupants is responsible for a much larger fraction of ozone loss. Skin oil on inanimate surfaces influences ozone loss in residences and offices more than in densely occupied settings, such as classrooms. These estimates have been calculated using the same values for the fraction of ozone removed by skin oil on off-body surfaces in residences, offices, and classrooms. However, it is reasonable to expect that skin oil soiling on classroom surfaces might be greater than in residences because of the higher occupant densities in classrooms. If true, then ozone loss to skin oil on off-body surfaces in classrooms would be larger than the estimates shown.
Ten parameters were used for the estimates presented in Table 6. The values for seven of these are known well or moderately well: N, N/V, vh, Ah, vd-up, vd-other, and Aup/Aother. The values for the three terms representing the fractional loss on different surfaces attributable to skin oil have large associated uncertainties: SOh, SOup, and SOother. This comparison illustrates a broader point. Experimental evidence from a small number of homes has been used to inform skin-oil-associated ozone loss on inanimate surfaces in residences as well as non-residences. Likewise, although evidence supports the inference that most ozone loss on occupants is attributable to skin oils, the actual proportion isn't well established. Consequently, the values in Table 6 should be applied with caution.
The rate constant for net ozone removal on indoor surfaces, ksum, increases with increasing occupant density. Table 6 provides a sense of this parameter's influence. If the air-change rate were the same in each of the hypothetical settings, the I/O ratio for ozone would vary inversely with occupant density. However, the minimum ventilation rate recommended by various standards and guidelines also increases with occupant density. If these guidelines are followed, then the increase in ventilation rate can be large enough to offset the increase in the net rate of ozone removal on surfaces. For conditions in Table 6, the predicted I/O ratios for ozone in residences and in offices are in the vicinity of 0.15, whereas for more densely occupied classrooms, the estimated ratio is 0.3–0.4. These I/O ratios are generally consistent with empirical evidence for these types of indoor environments.4
The calculated values in Table 6 are for periods when the respective indoor environment is occupied. When occupants leave, in the initial period of vacancy, ozone removal by skin oil would persist on inanimate indoor surfaces. As the period of vacancy increases, ozone removal by skin oil on surfaces would decline. In a matter of days to weeks, depending on the indoor ozone concentration and the amount of initially unreacted skin oil on surfaces, skin oil would cease to make a meaningful contribution to ozone removal indoors.
The ozone loss values in Table 6 may seem surprisingly large, but they reflect the fact that skin oil is particularly effective at reacting with ozone. The number of double bonds per mass of skin oil tends to be larger than the number of double bonds per mass of cooking oil or other non-human derived organic matter that soils indoor surfaces. Skin oils are also relatively “fresh” compared to gaseous and particle-phase organics that originated outdoors and have partially reacted with ozone prior to entering and depositing on an indoor surface. Considering common indoor sources of unsaturated organics, substantially more cooking oil or cleaning product residue would need to accumulate on an indoor surface to remove the same quantity of ozone as is removed by a specific amount of fresh skin oil.
When ozone-initiated reactions occur on body surfaces, the products are generated within a rising thermal plume that can bring reaction products close to the breathing zone.76,118 The combined effects of ozone/skin oil chemistry and near-occupant airflow conditions can lead to the chemical composition of inhaled air being somewhat different from the room average condition, with diminished ozone concentrations and correspondingly increased concentrations of reaction by-products in the breathing zone.
Information about the identity and emission rates for stable products that result from ozone/skin oil chemistry has increased substantially in the past decade.40,42,119 Much less is known about the various short-lived products derived from such chemistry, including stabilized Criegee intermediates, hydro- and methyl peroxy radicals, other organic peroxy radicals, and secondary ozonides.48,49,120–123 Whether considering stable products or short-lived products, the toxicity of most of these compounds is poorly known.119 Given the routine inhalation of such products in all occupied environments, they should be targeted for more thorough toxicity evaluations.
In a manner not widely recognized, exposures to ozone and to the by-products of ozone reactions with skin oils can be materially influenced by the occupancy level and ventilation rates in buildings, two parameters that may themselves be coupled. Increasing occupant density while holding the air-change rate constant would reduce ozone exposure and increase by-product exposures. Increasing the air-change rate while holding occupancy constant would increase indoor ozone exposure and reduce exposure to ozone/skin oil by-products. Increasing air-change rates while holding occupancy constant and removing ozone from the ventilation air with activated carbon filters124–126 would decrease exposure to both indoor ozone and to the by-products of ozone-initiated chemistry.
Recent research reveals that ozone reactions with skin oils can influence indoor air chemistry more broadly than detailed in this review. For example, the reaction of ozone with skin oil influences the total hydroxy radical (OH) reactivity of human emissions.127,128 In experiments with ozone absent from chamber air, isoprene from the breath of four occupants was the major OH-consuming chemical. In contrast, with ozone present (35 ppb), but otherwise identical chamber conditions, the total OH reactivity was twice as large. Carbonyl products derived from ozone/skin oil chemistry contributed roughly 60% to total OH consumption.128
Although the rate of OH removal increases when ozone is introduced to an occupied indoor environment, ozone/skin oil chemistry increases the rate of OH production even more. In some of the same chamber studies used to measure total OH reactivity, Zannoni et al.118 reported increased OH concentrations when people were exposed to ozone versus when ozone was absent. Key to the elevated levels of hydroxy radicals in these experiments was 6-MHO, which is both a sink for OH by reacting directly with it and a source of OH via its reactions with ozone. The net increase in OH concentration, initiated by ozone reactions on human surfaces, is also expected to occur when ozone reacts with skin oil on off-body surfaces. This inference is consequential since ozone principally oxidizes organic compounds that have unsaturated carbon–carbon bonds, whereas the hydroxyl radical oxidizes almost all types of organic compounds. In other words, the net production of OH radicals via ozone reactions with skin oil results in the indoor oxidation of a much broader array of organic compounds than are oxidized by ozone alone. In a similar fashion, Criegee intermediates generated by ozone/skin oil chemistry may serve as less discriminating indoor oxidants than ozone itself. Palmitic acid, the most common saturated acid in skin oil,10 contains no double bonds and does not react directly with ozone. Nonetheless, Zhou et al.51,52 have reported that its concentration decreased by more than 60% when skin oil was exposed to gaseous ozone. They speculated that the consumption of palmitic acid may be due to its reaction with Criegee intermediates to form secondary ozonides,129 consistent with the known reaction between Criegee intermediates and carboxylic acids.
The focus of this review has been ozone removal through reaction with human skin oil. The extent to which other indoor and outdoor sources are responsible for ozone-reactive chemicals on indoor surfaces remains to be examined in a quantitative fashion. Double bonds may be inherent to wood used in flooring, panelling, and furnishings, as appears to be the case for certain floor and wallcoverings (e.g., carpets, floor waxes, and vinyl wallpaper). Double bonds also occur in specific SVOCs and particles that soil indoor surfaces. SVOCs with double bonds originate in cleaning products and cooking oils, while particles whose constituents contain double bonds result from cooking and smoking, among other sources. The relative contribution of these other sources to ozone-reactive compounds on indoor surfaces is poorly characterized and warrants further study.
The proportion of indoor ozone that is removed by reactions with skin oils varies with occupant density. Even in residences, with relatively low occupant densities, the fraction of ozone removed by reactions with skin oil appears to be greater than 10%. In densely occupied indoor environments (e.g., classrooms, aircraft cabins, and call centres), 30–55% of ozone loss may be due to human skin oil. The evidence supporting the extent of on-body ozone loss is stronger than that for off-body ozone loss. It appears that skin oil on vertical surfaces makes a somewhat smaller contribution to ozone removal indoors than does skin oil on upward-facing horizontal surfaces. However, this inference is based on only a few measurements in a small number of homes. When occupants leave an indoor environment, skin oil constituents on off-body surfaces are gradually consumed, with lifetimes varying between hours and weeks depending on the relative scale of indoor ozone concentration in relation to the degree of surface soiling by skin oils and their reactive products. Knowledge of the proportion of ozone removed by skin oil on indoor surfaces can aid us in understanding the potential consequences of ozone reactive loss following its transport indoors.
Future research investigating human skin oil as an indoor ozone sink might address several areas with large uncertainties. To better refine estimates of ozone consumed by skin oil on inanimate indoor surfaces, more sampling is needed of skin oil constituents and their oxidation products on surfaces in a variety of indoor environments with different occupant densities. Wipes could be taken from surfaces of all orientations and analysed for both skin oil constituents and ozone-reactive products (e.g., squalene, sapienic acid, pyroglutamic acid, TOP, TOT, and TTT). Different skin oil constituents react with ozone at different rates or not at all. Rate constants for ozone reactions with the more abundant unsaturated skin oil constituents or products, including unsaturated triglycerides and wax esters, are needed. It would be valuable to know how the distribution of skin oil constituents on off-body surfaces changes from that on a human body. Multiple wipes from a vertical surface would provide a picture of the heterogeneity of skin oil on that surface and the relative importance of contact transfer versus airborne transport of skin oil constituents. It would be informative to conduct studies analogous to those executed by Gall and Rim,34 but with vertical as well as horizontally oriented substrates and targeted measurements of skin oil constituents and their oxidation products on the substrates at regular time intervals over a period spanning months. Such studies might be complemented by experiments like those of Wang and Morrison,100,108 in which air containing ozone would be passed over different vertical and horizontal room surfaces and into a highly sensitive, time-resolved monitoring instrument. Use of authentic standards for decanal, 6-MHO, 4-OPA, 1,4-butanedial, and other key oxidation products would increase the reliability of such measurements.
There are numerous additional questions to address in future research: What is the fractional loss of ozone to skin oil (SOh) on typically clothed residents, office workers, and students? How do room temperature, surface temperature, ventilation rate, and indoor ozone concentration influence the accumulation of skin oil on off-body surfaces? How do levels of skin oil on off-body surfaces vary with occupant density (e.g., a residence compared to a classroom)? How does the frequency of cleaning affect these levels? What are the gas-phase concentrations of sapienic acid and other unsaturated fatty acids in densely occupied environments (e.g., classrooms)? During unoccupied conditions, what is the lifetime of squalene, sapienic acid, and other skin oil constituents on off-body surfaces? During occupied periods, what is the rate at which off-body surfaces are recharged with skin oil? To what extent do reservoirs of skin oil accumulate on indoor surfaces? Widespread utilization of sensitive, time-resolved monitoring equipment in actual indoor environments during occupied and unoccupied conditions promises to reduce uncertainty regarding the occurrence, nature, and significance of ozone/skin oil chemistry on occupant and non-occupant surfaces. In effect, the future research possibilities enumerated above illustrate the limitations of the present review and highlight areas where additional information is needed to firm up conclusions suggested by the results reported in Table 6. Such research is warranted. If there is ozone present in an occupied indoor environment, inhalation of the products of ozone/skin oil chemistry is inescapable.
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† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |