c and
aMulliken Center for Theoretical Chemistry, Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Bonn, 53115 Bonn, Germany
bDepartment of Material Analysis and Indoor Chemistry, Fraunhofer WKI, 38108 Braunschweig, Germany. E-mail:
cInstitute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Braunschweig – Institute of Technology, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany
dInstitute of Sustainable and Environmental Chemistry, Leuphana University Lüneburg, 21335 Lüneburg, Germany
First published on 3rd October 2022
The vapor pressure is a specific and temperature-dependent parameter that describes the volatility of a substance and thus its driving force for evaporation or sublimation into the gas phase. Depending on the magnitude of the vapor pressure, there are different methods for experimental determination. However, these are usually associated with a corresponding amount of effort and become less accurate as the vapor pressure decreases. For purposes of vapor pressure prediction, algorithms were developed that are usually based on quantitative structure–activity relationships (QSAR). The quantum mechanical (QM) approach followed here applies an alternative, much less empirical strategy, where the change in Gibbs free energy for the transition from the condensed to the gas phase is obtained from conformer ensembles computed for each phase separately. The results of this automatic, so-called CRENSO workflow are compared with experimentally determined vapor pressures for a large set of environmentally relevant compounds. In addition, comparisons are made with the single structure-based COSMO-RS QM approach, linear-free-energy relationships (LFER) as well as results from the SPARC program. We show that our CRENSO workflow is superior to conventional prediction models and provides reliable vapor pressures for liquids and sub-cooled liquids over a wide pressure range.
Environmental significanceThe vapor pressure of a liquid or a sub-cooled liquid is a fundamental molecular property for describing the partitioning and the dynamics of organic pollutants in environmental compartments. For volatile compounds, the vapor pressure can usually be measured accurately. However, as the volatility decreases, the available experimental techniques provide increasingly inaccurate values. Even the classic prediction algorithms based on QSAR are then only applicable to a limited extent. The quantum mechanical approach presented here is based on the solvation properties of individual molecules, taking into account conformer ensembles. The method is superior to previously published calculation tools and allows the prediction of vapor pressures with an accuracy of <0.5 log units. |
Even if a pure substance is solid at room temperature, the vapor pressure of its sub-cooled melt can still be of physical importance. This is the case, for example, when the substance is dissolved in a liquid medium. Therefore, the vapor pressure of the sub-cooled liquid is always used to describe partitioning processes.3 In a phase diagram, the sub-cooled liquid state is the extension of the liquid phase vapor pressure line below the triple point temperature, as shown in Fig. 1.
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Fig. 1 Phase diagram with boiling point (b.p.) and vapor pressures for solid (PS) and sub-cooled liquid (PL) (see dashed curve). |
For many compounds, the vapor pressure can be measured very accurately.4 However, the determination is methodologically complex. Unless it is a chromatographic method,5 highly purified substances are needed. Even small amounts of contamination can severely disrupt the measurement. Moreover, several measurements at different temperatures are usually required. In general, the lower the vapor pressure, the more sophisticated and error-prone the measurement becomes. Experiments are therefore often carried out at higher temperatures and the result is then extrapolated to the desired temperature using the Antoine equation.6 This is a convenient procedure as long as there is no phase transition between the measuring range and the extrapolated temperature.
Because of these experimental difficulties and uncertainties, there is a need to estimate vapor pressure using other, more readily available procedures. The simplest theoretical models are based on the Pictet–Trouton rule, which states that the vaporization entropy reaches a constant value at the boiling point. From the calculated enthalpy of vaporization at the boiling point and with the help of correction factors introduced by Fishtine,7 the vapor pressure of a compound can then be linked to the boiling point.8–10
An alternative approach is chemical structure-based and calculates the excess Gibbs free energy of a compound in a liquid from the contributions of its characteristic groups.11,12 Another possibility is to use empirical linear free energy relationships (LFER) to calculate the vapor pressure of a compound (see below for a more detailed discussion). The algorithm implemented in SPARC (Sparc Performs Automated Reasoning in Chemistry)13 is widely used to predict vapor pressures. However, it was repeatedly found that the values calculated with SPARC for substances with low vapor pressures (approximately <10−2 Pa) are too small.14,15 This may be attributed to missing data points in the calibration for low pressures or that the involved more significant intermolecular interactions cannot be fathomed with pure empiricism.
Quantum mechanical (QM) methods enable the calculation of fundamental thermodynamic properties of molecules and compute vapor pressures from the difference in Gibbs free energy between the condensed and gaseous states of a molecule. The three-dimensional structure of a molecule is explicitly considered. For several organic compounds, vapor pressures have been estimated using density functional theory (DFT) based quantum mechanics,16–20 primarily using the COSMO-RS (conductor-like screening model for realistic solvation) method, developed by Klamt and co-workers.21
While this is straightforward for small, usually quite rigid molecules, open questions arise for larger, often conformationally rather flexible systems. Most important seems to be the dependence of vapor pressure on the available conformational space, which to the best of our knowledge, has not been studied systematically so far. The composition of conformational ensembles and the three-dimensional structures of individual conformers are highly dependent on the environment and can differ widely between solution and gas phase, e.g., the shortest n-alkane with a nonlinear global conformer minimum changes when solvent and temperature (entropy) effects are considered.22 Neglecting conformational changes from the condensed to the gas-phase state in theoretical procedures could potentially lead to significant errors in the computed Gibbs free energy difference.
In a previous publication, we proposed a general multilevel QM workflow to determine liquid phase partition coefficients for molecules and tested it on compounds with environmental relevance.23 Key aspects of this workflow are an automated, comprehensive exploration of the conformational space by artificially changing the potential energy surfaces of the compounds in the CREST24 program to find many energetically low-lying conformers in solution, followed by re-ranking of the resulting conformer ensembles at higher DFT levels of theory using an energetic sorting and optimization algorithm (ENSO).25 The combination of these ensemble generation and post-processing methods was dubbed CRENSO. We showed that depending on the flexibility and complexity of a system, the conformer space can have a significant impact on the thermally averaged observables. For example, the computed Kow (octanol/water) values improved by up to 1.8 log units when conformational averaging was considered. For more conformer-sensitive properties, like optical rotation,26 the effects can be even more drastic and completely change the computed property value.
In this work, we will therefore mostly focus on flexible organic compounds with low vapor pressures for which both the theoretical methodology and the data are currently insufficient. After setting a baseline by comparing our computationally obtained values to reliable reference data from the literature, we also investigate newly emerging, environmentally relevant compounds like plasticizers, biocides and pharmaceuticals, for which no reliable vapor pressure data are available.
Fig. 2 shows a short schematic overview of the applied workflow, with slight changes applied here to the solvation treatment (see below). For a more detailed description, we refer to our previous work on partition coefficients.23
In short, we utilize very fast force-field (GFN-FF)31 and semi-empirical QM (GFN2-xTB)32 methods to extensively explore the chemical space and create an initial ensemble with conformer candidates. Then, by using carefully selected higher-level DFT methods (B97-d,33 def2-SV(P)34 and r2SCAN-3c35), this initial ensemble is energetically screened, and higher lying conformers are sorted out before the next higher level of theory is employed. In all steps, we use appropriate solvation models (ALPB,36,37 and COSMO-RS21,38), which are selected based on the respective accuracy and computational effort of the underlying method. Thermostatistical contributions are included using the single-point Hessian approach.39
The free energy of a molecule in each phase can then be determined by a Boltzmann weighted average over the free energies of the conformers in the ensemble giving for the liquid and
for the vapor state, both determined at the standard conditions of 1 mol l−1.40 Following Ben-Naim40 from these quantities, the vapor pressure P can be obtained from the equilibrium between the liquid and vapor state viaeqn (1),
![]() | (1) |
The analytical linearized Poisson Boltzmann (ALPB)36,37 implicit solvation model used for the initial generation of conformer ensembles in our procedure (CREST step) is only parameterized for a fixed set of common solvents, and a self-solvation treatment is not feasible. However, neglecting the influence of the solvent entirely when creating the conformer ensemble can lead to significant errors. Therefore, in the first steps of the calculations, we used solvents, that were parameterized for the ALPB solvation model and have a similar dielectric constant as the target compound. These so-called sampling solvents for each compound can be found in the ESI.†
With this approximation, we are still able to create differing conformer ensembles for the condensed and gas phase in the early stages of the workflow without the need to explicitly parameterize the ALPB solvation model for each new compound. The final solvation contributions are always computed at the COSMO-RS level and hence are specific for each target compound.
Note that we use the term “COSMO-RS” throughout our work to calculate the COSMO-RS solvation free energy for a given molecular structure or a complete conformer ensemble after the CRENSO workflow. This approach should not be confused with the result of the recommended procedure in the COSMOconf/COSMOtherm commercial software.
log![]() | (2) |
Eqn (2) was used to calculate the vapor pressures (in Pa) of the compounds discussed in this work. The required LFER coefficients L, S, A and B are listed in the ESI.† All experimentally determined coefficients were taken from the UFZ-LSER database.48 If experimental data were not available, these were calculated based on SMILES (simplified molecular input line entry specification) structure codes using a QSAR tool implemented in the UFZ-LSER database.
The SPARC algorithm uses a summation over interaction forces between molecules (dispersion, induction, dipole and H-bonding). The energies are expressed in terms of molecular-level descriptors (volume, polarizability, dipole moment and donor/acceptor properties). These are calculated from the molecular structure. The computational approach combines LFER, structure–activity relationships and molecular orbital theory.13 SPARC needs the melting point to calculate the vapor pressure. If this was not available, or if the substance was solid at 298 K (see ESI†), “assume not solid” was selected in the SPARC menu. The SPARC vapor pressure algorithm was trained with 747 experimental data for 298 K in a vapor pressure range between approximately 5 × 10−7 atm and 50 atm.49
Both LFER and SPARC use the SMILES notation to calculate descriptors and parameters. Please note that SMILES only describes the basic structure of molecules, but not specific conformers.
For testing and validation of the CRENSO method, a total of 41 volatile and semi volatile organic compounds, so-called VOCs and SVOCs,50 were selected, for which experimentally determined vapor pressures are available. Of these, 40 data were rated as reliable, only the experimental vapor pressure for dihexyl phthalate (DHP) was doubtful. A vapor pressure range of 10−6 Pa to 102 Pa was covered at 298 K. The molecular flexibility of the substances varies widely, as do properties such as polarity, water solubility and partition coefficients. All compounds have no or only weak donor/acceptor properties. These substances (named “reference compounds” in the following) are compiled in Table 1. The vapor pressures relate to the liquid phase or the sub-cooled melt. If necessary, the units were converted to Pascal (Pa). In the ESI,† the melting point, boiling point and enthalpy of vaporization are also provided.
Compound | Abbr. | CAS | log![]() |
Ref. |
a Literature value doubtful. | ||||
n-Decane | C10 | 124-18-5 | 2.26 | 54 |
n-Hexadecane | C16 | 544-76-3 | −0.72 | 55 |
n-Tridecylbenzene | TDB | 123-02-4 | −2.15 | 56 and 57 |
3-Cresol | 3CR | 108-39-4 | 1.26 | 58 |
Naphthalene (SL) | NAP | 91-20-3 | 1.57 | 59 |
Anthracene (SL) | ANT | 120-12-7 | −1.14 | 59 |
Fluoranthene (SL) | FLU | 206-44-0 | −2.22 | 59 |
2-Butoxy ethanol | EGBE | 111-76-2 | 2.06 | 60 and 61 |
1-Undecanol | UDC | 112-42-5 | −0.36 | 62 |
Oleyl alcohol | OA | 143-28-2 | −3.43 | 63 |
Glycerol | GLY | 56-81-5 | −1.60 | 64 |
Benzophenone (SL) | BP | 119-61-9 | −0.80 | 65 |
Benzophenone-3 (SL) | BP-3 | 131-57-7 | −2.32 | 66 |
Homosalate | HS | 118-56-9 | −1.96 | 66 |
Dimethyl phthalate | DMP | 131-11-3 | −0.52 | 67 |
Diethyl phthalate | DEP | 84-66-2 | −1.00 | 68 |
Di-n-butyl phthalate | DnBP | 84-74-2 | −2.37 | 69 |
Butyl benzyl phthalate | BBzP | 85-68-7 | −3.70 | 69 |
Dihexyl phthalatea | DHP | 84-75-3 | (−2.96) | 70 |
Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate | DEHP | 117-81-7 | −4.80 | 15 and 69 |
Di-(2-ethylhexyl) terephthalate | DEHTP | 6422-86-2 | −5.27 | 69 |
Methyl palmitoleate | MP | 1120-25-8 | −2.29 | 71 |
Glutaric acid (SL) | GA | 110-94-1 | −3.00 | 72 |
Pimelic acid (SL) | PA | 111-16-0 | −3.66 | 72 |
Tris-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate | TEHP | 78-42-2 | −4.52 | 66 |
Tris-(2-butoxyethyl) phosphate | TBOEP | 78-51-3 | −4.17 | 66 and 73 |
2,4,4′-Trichlorobiphenyl (SL) | PCB-28 | 7012-37-5 | −1.57 | 74 |
2,2′,4,5,5′-Pentachlorobiphenyl (SL) | PCB-101 | 37680-73-2 | −2.60 | 74 |
2,4,5,2′,4′,5′-Hexachlorobiphenyl (SL) | PCB-153 | 35065-27-1 | −3.21 | 74 |
2,2′,3,4,4′,5,5′-Heptachlorobiphenyl (SL) | PCB-180 | 35065-29-3 | −3.96 | 74 |
1,10-Dichlorodecane | C10Cl2 | 2162-98-3 | −0.30 | 75 |
1,2,11,12-Tetrachlorododecane (SL) | C12Cl4 | 210115-98-3 | −2.46 | 75 |
2,2′,4,4′-Tetrabromodiphenyl ether (SL) | BDE-47 | 5436-43-1 | −3.49 | 76 |
2,2′,4,4′,5-Pentabromodiphenyl ether (SL) | BDE-99 | 60348-60-9 | −4.17 | 76 |
1,2,3,4,5-Pentabromo-6-ethyl benzene (SL) | PBEB | 85-22-3 | −2.54 | 66 |
Dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane | D6 | 540-97-6 | 0.35 | 77 |
Hexadecamethylheptasiloxane | L7 | 541-01-5 | −1.13 | 77 |
Octadecamethyloctasiloxane | L8 | 556-69-4 | −2.03 | 77 |
pp′-DDT (SL) | DDT | 50-29-3 | −3.32 | 66 and 78 |
Diazinon | DZN | 333-41-5 | −2.23 | 79 and 80 |
Fipronil (SL) | FIP | 120068-37-3 | −5.72 | 79 |
For further, unbiased comparison with LFER and QSAR methods, 21 relevant compounds from the groups of plasticizers, biocides and pharmaceuticals were selected, whose vapor pressures are not sufficiently known. With some certainty, these compounds have so far not been used for the calibration of vapor pressure prediction methods. The plasticizers are compounds currently used in products that have completely or partially replaced classic additives.51 Many of the selected pharmaceuticals were identified as emerging contaminants in wastewater.52 The biocides are included in the list of biocidal products that may be made available on the market and used, e.g. in Germany due to an ongoing decision-making process.53
Compound | log![]() |
SD log![]() |
log![]() |
log![]() |
log![]() |
log![]() |
C10 | 2.28 | 0.12 | 2.34 | 2.28 | 1.93 | 1.87 |
C16 | −1.14 | 0.05 | −0.41 | −0.82 | −1.40 | −1.48 |
TDB | −2.97 | 0.23 | −1.93 | −2.53 | −3.39 | −3.44 |
3CR | 1.01 | 0.07 | 1.28 | 1.62 | 0.78 | 0.81 |
NAP | 1.48 | 0.00 | 1.54 | 1.52 | 1.14 | 1.14 |
ANT | −0.81 | 0.07 | −1.02 | −1.31 | −1.21 | −1.22 |
FLU | −1.75 | 0.08 | −2.40 | −2.07 | −2.11 | −2.13 |
EGBE | 2.52 | 0.15 | 1.66 | 1.70 | 0.57 | 1.58 |
UDC | −0.76 | 0.01 | 0.01 | −0.64 | −1.21 | −1.22 |
OA | −3.51 | 0.33 | −3.50 | −4.15 | −3.85 | −3.56 |
GLY | −0.69 | 0.03 | −0.72 | −1.26 | −4.00 | −4.33 |
BP | −0.87 | 0.02 | −0.58 | −0.74 | −1.72 | −1.30 |
BP-3 | −2.40 | 0.02 | −2.53 | −3.79 | −6.56 | −2.71 |
HS | −2.12 | 0.02 | −1.72 | −2.44 | −5.23 | −2.36 |
DMP | −0.92 | 0.05 | 0.26 | −1.25 | −1.62 | −1.23 |
DEP | −1.09 | 0.31 | −0.40 | −1.82 | −2.38 | −1.72 |
DnBP | −2.47 | 0.22 | −2.18 | −3.47 | −3.14 | −3.13 |
BBzP | −4.49 | 0.09 | −4.12 | −5.47 | −6.26 | −4.89 |
DHP | −4.49 | 0.35 | −4.11 | −5.40 | −4.70 | −4.64 |
DEHP | −4.73 | 0.20 | −5.48 | −6.85 | −9.40 | −7.08 |
DEHTP | −5.40 | 0.30 | −4.96 | −6.44 | −9.40 | −6.80 |
MP | −1.68 | 0.74 | −1.59 | −1.95 | −1.92 | −1.98 |
GA | −2.47 | 0.09 | −2.23 | −4.03 | −4.40 | −3.25 |
PA | −3.28 | 0.43 | −3.90 | −5.10 | −4.92 | −4.29 |
TEHP | −4.54 | 0.43 | −4.39 | −6.13 | −6.56 | −5.81 |
TBOEP | −3.85 | 0.75 | −3.76 | −4.80 | −9.08 | −6.63 |
PCB-28 | −1.07 | 0.06 | −1.30 | −2.05 | −1.51 | −1.83 |
PCB-101 | −1.80 | 0.01 | −2.52 | −3.59 | −2.41 | −2.60 |
PCB-153 | −2.56 | 0.01 | −3.35 | −4.61 | −2.97 | −3.04 |
PCB-180 | −2.90 | 0.04 | −4.30 | −5.71 | −3.61 | −3.69 |
C10Cl2 | −0.61 | 0.06 | 0.42 | −0.24 | −0.77 | −1.11 |
C12Cl4 | −2.77 | 0.05 | −1.77 | −2.59 | −4.06 | −3.40 |
BDE-47 | −4.18 | 0.01 | −3.90 | −5.18 | −4.96 | −4.95 |
BDE-99 | −5.16 | 0.00 | −4.92 | −6.87 | −6.08 | −5.91 |
PBEB | −2.72 | 0.00 | −3.07 | −4.23 | −3.21 | −3.16 |
D6 | −0.89 | 0.19 | 1.09 | −0.23 | −1.45 | −1.80 |
L7 | −1.79 | 0.01 | −0.48 | −0.27 | −3.38 | −2.44 |
L8 | −2.75 | 0.16 | −1.33 | −1.08 | −3.15 | −3.57 |
DDT | −3.11 | 0.00 | −3.77 | −4.19 | −3.58 | −3.58 |
DZN | −2.74 | 0.39 | −1.28 | −3.10 | −3.03 | −3.10 |
FIP | −5.13 | 0.08 | −8.35 | −4.60 | −9.16 | −6.42 |
Fig. 3A shows the direct comparison of the experimental values from Table 1 with the values from Table 2 calculated using CRENSO (COSMO-RS). Because our workflow contains stochastic elements, the average from three independent runs is provided. The corresponding standard deviation is usually smaller than the inherent error of the underlying QM methods. DHP was not taken into account because the experimental value appeared implausible. The data scatter around the 1:
1 line, systematic deviations are not recognizable. This is also supported by the residual analysis (difference between experimental and calculated value) shown in Fig. 3B. The data are normally distributed at the 5% level, and the Grubbs outlier test was negative. The arithmetic mean is AM = 0.03 and the standard deviation SD = 0.54.
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Fig. 3 (A) Correlation between experimental (see Table 1) and calculated data (CRENSO, see Table 2) for 40 reference compounds (DHP was not considered), (- - -) is the 1![]() ![]() |
It is also important which results our CRENSO method delivers in comparison to other calculation tools. In Fig. 4A this is shown for COSMO-RS, based on both, the random conformer (R) and the lowest-lying conformer (L). A clear deviation from the 1:
1 line is obvious, which increases with lower vapor pressures. A similar behavior can be seen for the comparison with SPARC, as shown in Fig. 4B. Here, too, large deviations from the 1
1 line can be observed in the area of low vapor pressures. In contrast, the correlation with the LFER method is comparatively good. However, a clear exception is the substance fipronil (FIP).
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Fig. 4 (A) Correlation between calculated CRENSO data and COSMO-RS data (see Table 2) for 41 reference compounds, (- - -) is the 1![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Table 3 lists 21 relevant substances from the categories of plasticizers, biocides and pharmacologically active ingredients for which, to the best of our knowledge, no reliable vapor pressure data are available. For these substances, the vapor pressures or the vapor pressures of the sub-cooled liquid were calculated using CRENSO, LFER and SPARC. The results are also shown in Table 3. Substances were deliberately chosen for which a low vapor pressure (<1 Pa) was to be expected.
Compound | Abbr. | CAS | log![]() |
log![]() |
log![]() |
a Vapor pressure for the sub-cooled liquid. Calculation: Schwarzenbach et al. (2017).3 b It was assumed that the substance is not solid at room temperature. c SMILES is for the isomer bis(7-methyloctyl) phthalate. d SMILES is for the isomer bis(7-methyloctyl) 1,2-cyclohexanedicarboxylate. e SMILES is for the isomer bis(7-methyloctyl) adipate. | |||||
Plasticizers | |||||
Di-2-propylheptyl phthalate | DPHP | 53306-54-0 | −5.40 | −6.71 | −8.87 |
Di-isononyl phthalatec | DINP | 28553-12-0 | −5.09 | −6.65 | −8.04 |
1,2-Cyclohexane dicarboxylic acid diisononyl esterd | DINCH | 166412-78-8 | −4.50 | −6.22 | −6.88 |
Tri-(2-ethylhexyl) trimellitate | TOTM | 3319-31-1 | −8.22 | −9.15 | −12.11 |
Di-iso-butyl adipate | DIBA | 141-04-8 | −1.13 | −0.61 | −1.35 |
Di-n-butyl adipate | DnBA | 105-99-7 | −0.75 | −1.25 | −1.54 |
Di-2-ethylhexyl adipate | DEHA | 103-23-1 | −3.51 | −3.92 | −5.08 |
Di-isononyl adipatee | DINA | 33703-08-1 | −4.51 | −5.16 | −7.12 |
![]() |
Biocides | |||||
Acetamiprid (SL) | ACP | 135410-20-7 | −5.36 | −1.59 | −2.15 |
Icaridin (SL) | ICD | 119515-38-7 | −0.71 | −2.26 | −3.08 |
Cyromazine (SL) | CMZ | 66215-27-8 | −5.73 | −4.76 | −5.19 |
Diflubenzuron (SL) | DFB | 35367-38-5 | −5.17 | −3.66 | −6.14 |
Cyphenothrin | CPT | 39515-40-7 | −5.88 | −7.07 | −6.96 |
Methoprene (SL) | MTP | 40596-69-8 | −3.00 | −1.67 | −3.54 |
![]() |
Pharmaceuticals | |||||
Bisoprolol (SL) | BPL | 66722-44-9 | −4.04 | −8.02 | −6.47 |
Diclofenac (SL) | DIC | 15307-86-5 | −4.23 | −7.11 | −6.68 |
Dapagliflozin (SL) | DLF | 461432-26-8 | −9.61 | −19.56 | −17.85 |
Ibuprofen (SL) | IBU | 15687-27-1 | −1.91 | −2.50 | −2.3 |
Metoprolol (SL) | MPL | 51384-51-1 | −2.67 | −2.22 | −4.58 |
Naproxen (SL) | NPX | 22204-53-1 | −4.05 | −5.66 | −4.65 |
Torasemide (SL) | TS | 56211-40-6 | −8.26 | −13.44 | −9.66 |
The graphical comparison of the CRENSO versus LFER and SPARC data is displayed in Fig. 5. For SPARC, the correlation is similar to that of the reference compounds shown in Fig. 4B: larger deviations with decreasing vapor pressure. However, it is immediately apparent that for these 21 compounds of emerging interest, the correlation between logPL using CRENSO and LFER is also significantly lower than for the reference compounds.
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Fig. 5 Correlation of the calculated logarithmic vapor (in Pa) pressure using the LFER and SPARC method with the CRENSO data (see Table 3) for the 21 compounds of emerging interest, (- - -) is the 1![]() ![]() |
A completely different situation arises for substances with low volatility, especially at vapor pressures <10−2 Pa. The Knudsen and Langmuir methods are particularly suitable in this range, but require highly purified substances and temperature-dependent measurements and are only useful if no phase transition occurs in the temperature interval of interest. Therefore, the vapor pressure of the sub-cooled liquid PL often has to be extrapolated from measurements of the melt using the Antoine equation.6 Here, however, the problem can arise that organic compounds, such as fipronil, decompose at higher temperatures. This leaves only a small temperature window for the measurements, which further reduces the accuracy. Alternatively, indirect methods can be applied to determine PL, for example via gas chromatography.66 The vapor pressure of a sub-cooled liquid plays a role in atmospheric chemistry. On the basis of previous work, Pankow2 states that this parameter is more important for determining a gas/particle equilibrium than the vapor pressure of the subliming solid. Below a vapor pressure of approximately 10−2 Pa, direct measurements are usually associated with a great deal of effort and become increasingly inaccurate. For the substance DEHP alone, Mackay et al.82 list more than 20 values for vapor pressures at room temperature, some of which differ by orders of magnitude. Attempts were made to develop alternative measurement methods for compounds of low volatility.15 However, these are also associated with larger experimental inaccuracies. In comparison with the experimental data, we are convinced that in the range between 10−2 Pa and 10−5 Pa, the CRENSO method does not lead to worse results than direct vapor pressure measurements. Furthermore, we believe that at vapor pressures <10−5 Pa, our theoretical method is even more reliable.
However, the differences between the methods are already clear from Fig. 3B and exemplified in the case of fipronil (FIP). Here, the LFER descriptors had to be calculated using QSAR. At the same time, it is known that fluorinated compounds cannot be represented by the descriptors of hydrocarbon-based compounds.83 The differences for the compounds of emerging interest listed in Table 3 are even more striking (see Fig. 4B). Again, most of the descriptors had to be calculated from the SMILES using QSAR. Overall, as expected, the correlation between CRENSO and LFER for these compounds is unsatisfactory. For this reason, we also refrained from comparing the reported statistical errors and standard deviations. We can assume that with the CRENSO method, there is an uncertainty of 0.5 log units for all substances. In the case of the LFER method, a standard deviation of 0.3 log units, the standard deviation of eqn (2), can only be assumed if the target compound is structurally related to the calibration compound.
With regard to SPARC the results are clear and no extensive discussion is required. It was found earlier that SPARC gives unsatisfactory results in the range of low vapor pressures.14 Here too, both the reference compounds (see Fig. 4B) and the compounds of emerging interest (see Fig. 5) clearly show that SPARC fails at vapor pressures <1 Pa. The reason for this may be methodological. The SPARC algorithm was trained with 747 substances, but none of them had a vapor pressure <5 × 10−7 atm (<0.05 Pa).49
For this reason, the SPARC program may yield very reasonable results for compounds with higher vapor pressure while failing for compounds with lower vapor pressure, which can be seen in Fig. 4B and 5. Fig. 6 shows a statistical analysis of the errors made by LFER, SPARC and CRENSO for lower and higher vapor pressure. The CRENSO workflow and LFER show very similar statistics for the complete set of molecules, with a mean absolute deviation (MAD) between 0.44 and 0.50 log units depending on the vapor pressure of the compounds. On the other hand, SPARC significantly undershoots for compounds with small vapor pressures, reaching a MAD between 0.39 log units for higher vapor pressures and 1.23 log units for lower ones. For the entire data set, SPARC reaches a MAD of 0.87 log units, a standard deviation (SD) of 0.91 log units and a root mean square deviation (RMSD) of 1.10 log units.
Before going into a detailed analysis of the errors that would arise in quantum chemical approaches due to the neglect of conformational flexibility, let us use fipronil (FIP) as an example to explain the difference in conformational energy contributions between two phases. Fig. 7 shows the lowest conformer of fipronil found in the condensed phase by our workflow and the lowest conformer in the gas phase. For simplicity, we consider only one structure for each phase instead of a complete ensemble of conformers. The free energy diagram on the right side of the figure shows the calculated levels for the two conformers with respect to the lowest conformer in the gas phase. These energy levels are given once in the gas phase and once with the additional solvation contribution modeling the condensed phase. Considering only the lowest conformers in each phase, the “real” phase transition would correspond to the process from CONF1 in the gas phase (beige) to CONF2 in the condensed phase (blue) with an associated free energy change of −16.74 kcal mol−1, which is equivalent to a saturation pressure of about −5.87 log units. On the other hand, if only the solvation contribution is added to CONF1, the energy contribution of the conformational rearrangement is absent and an artificial condensed state would be obtained (black, bottom). The energy change that can be attributed to this “frozen” phase change is −15.91 kcal mol−1 and thus would lead to a saturation pressure of −5.26 log units. If we consider the lowest conformer in the condensed phase and remove the contribution from solvation, this would correspond to an energy change of −16.98 kcal mol−1 and a saturation pressure of −6.05 log units. Thus, by neglecting conformational flexibility, we would introduce an error of about 0.24–0.83 kcal mol−1 or 0.18–0.61 log units, depending on which structure we assume.
To check the influence of conformations more generally, we applied the COSMO-RS method to a random and the lowest-lying conformer in the liquid, as described in section COSMO-RS, thus neglecting the conformational ensembles and their change in both phases. The results can be found in Table 2. As expected, completely neglecting the conformational flexibility by using a random conformer leads to the worst results with a MAD of 1.87 and a SD of 1.49 log units. This shows the significant effect of a molecule's actual three dimensional molecular structure (shape) for the self-solvation free energy, which is difficult to account for by empirical QSAR or LFER models because linear combinations of intramolecular and intermolecular interactions are involved. Still significant is the error of the lowest-lying conformer-only approach with a MAD of 0.91 and a SD of 0.78, which is in the range of the errors made by the SPARC program, and larger than the best performing complete ensemble method with a MAD of only 0.47 and a SD of 0.62. We attribute the considerable improvement of about 0.4–0.5 log units mainly to the proper account of the conformational ensemble change in the gas phase. Although we have shown in our previous work23 that there are significant variations in the conformational ensembles for flexible molecules in different solvents, they appear to be much smaller than the structural changes between the gas and condensed phases reported here.
From the comparison of LFER, SPARC with CRENSO (which is based on COSMO-RS), we conclude that CRENSO is currently the most reliable approach for predicting the vapor pressures of liquids and the sub-cooled liquids of solids. At high vapor pressures (>10−2 Pa), our method is suitable for realistic estimates but cannot compete with the accuracy of measurements. However, when looking at the variability of data in the range between 10−2 Pa and 10−5 Pa, for example for phthalates, PCBs, BDEs and many other substances,80,82,84,85 the quality of the CRENSO data is definitely comparable to that of experiments. Furthermore, at vapor pressures <10−5 Pa, which are difficult to determine experimentally, our method also opens up very reliable predictions, so that measurements might no longer be necessary in some circumstances.
With further developed solvation models and/or by inclusion of explicit molecules in the self-solvation treatment in an automated cluster generation approach,86 even higher accuracy of the predictions over the entire pressure range probably down to an MAD of 0.1–0.3 log units may be achieved.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |