Themed collection Emerging concepts in nucleic acids: structures, functions and applications

57 items

Introduction to emerging concepts in nucleic acids: structures, functions and applications

Dhiraj Bhatia, Prabal Kumar Maiti, Xiaogang Liu and Arun Richard Chandrasekaran introduce the Nanoscale, Nanoscale Advances and Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) themed collection on DNA and RNA nanotechnology.

Graphical abstract: Introduction to emerging concepts in nucleic acids: structures, functions and applications

A survey on molecular-scale learning systems with relevance to DNA computing

DNA computing has emerged as a promising alternative to achieve programmable behaviors in chemistry by repurposing the nucleic acid molecules into chemical hardware upon which synthetic chemical programs can be executed.

Graphical abstract: A survey on molecular-scale learning systems with relevance to DNA computing
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Labeling approaches for DNA-PAINT super-resolution imaging

DNA-PAINT imaging crucially depends on efficient labeling probes, and this article presents a comprehensive coverage on the variety of binders, various labelling chemistries, and DNA sequence pairs employed for its implementation.

Graphical abstract: Labeling approaches for DNA-PAINT super-resolution imaging
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Controllable dynamics of complex DNA nanostructures

In this minireview, we summarized the recent progress of controllable reconfigurations of complex DNA nanostructures induced by nucleic acid strands, environmental stimuli and enzymatic treatments.

Graphical abstract: Controllable dynamics of complex DNA nanostructures
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Uptake and stability of DNA nanostructures in cells: a cross-sectional overview of the current state of the art

Schematic representation of the effect of nucleases on the stability of a DNA structure, which is shown to break along the edges. This article reviews the uptake of DNA nanostructures into mammalian cells for therapeutic interventions.

Graphical abstract: Uptake and stability of DNA nanostructures in cells: a cross-sectional overview of the current state of the art
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Point-of-care nucleic acid tests: assays and devices

The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the need for accurate, quick, and portable diagnostic devices at the point of care. First, we reviewed the history of nucleic acid diagnostics, its current state, and an outlook for future developments.

Graphical abstract: Point-of-care nucleic acid tests: assays and devices
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Stimuli-responsive nucleic acid nanostructures for efficient drug delivery

This minireview summarizes the recent advances in stimuli-responsive nucleic acid nanostructures for efficient drug delivery in response to endogenous and exogenous stimuli (redox gradient, pH, nuclease, biomacromolecule, and light).

Graphical abstract: Stimuli-responsive nucleic acid nanostructures for efficient drug delivery
Review Article

DNA hydrogels and nanogels for diagnostics, therapeutics, and theragnostics of various cancers

As an efficient class of hydrogel-based therapeutic drug delivery systems, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) hydrogels (particularly DNA nanogels) have attracted massive attention in the last five years.

Graphical abstract: DNA hydrogels and nanogels for diagnostics, therapeutics, and theragnostics of various cancers
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Open Access Review Article

Integration of functional peptides into nucleic acid-based nanostructures

This review summarizes recent nano-templating approaches based on the combination of DNA and peptides, including strategies to control interactions with biological systems and the use of DNA-peptide conjugates for the generation of new biomaterials.

Graphical abstract: Integration of functional peptides into nucleic acid-based nanostructures
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Open Access Review Article

Synthesizing the biochemical and semiconductor worlds: the future of nucleic acid nanotechnology

Since its inception nearly 40 years ago [Kallenbach, et al., Nature, 1983, 305, 829; N. C. Seeman, J. Theoretical Biology, 1982, 99, 237], Nucleic Acid Nanotechnology (NAN) has matured and is beginning to find commercial applications.

Graphical abstract: Synthesizing the biochemical and semiconductor worlds: the future of nucleic acid nanotechnology
Open Access Communication

19F NMR ON/OFF nanoparticles: a universal approach for the specific detection of DNA-binding cancer biomarkers

A supramolecular approach for the design of assembly–disassembly-driven 19F ON/OFF nanoparticles, triggered by specific molecular recognition, for the detection of DNA binding cancer biomarkers is reported.

Graphical abstract: 19F NMR ON/OFF nanoparticles: a universal approach for the specific detection of DNA-binding cancer biomarkers
Open Access Communication

Image recovery from unknown network mechanisms for DNA sequencing-based microscopy

Optimal image reconstruction is an open problem in the field of imaging-by-sequencing. We implement an algorithm that is scalable and robust to different network types by using structural discovery.

Graphical abstract: Image recovery from unknown network mechanisms for DNA sequencing-based microscopy

Investigating the trans-membrane transport of HAIYPRH peptide-decorated nano-drugs

Using force tracing and nano-indentation techniques based on atomic force microscopy, the promoting effect of Tf on T7-modified nano-drug transport was investigated at a single-particle and single-cell level in real time.

Graphical abstract: Investigating the trans-membrane transport of HAIYPRH peptide-decorated nano-drugs
From the themed collection: 2023 PCCP HOT Articles

DNA conformational equilibrium enables continuous changing of curvatures

Flipping bases in-or-out allows DNA nanostructures to continuously morph.

Graphical abstract: DNA conformational equilibrium enables continuous changing of curvatures
Open Access Communication

An 8-bit monochrome palette of fluorescent nucleic acid sequences for DNA-based painting

Using fluorescent labelling, graphical inputs in 8-bit monochrome format can be copied as DNA microarrays in 256 colours with high fidelity. This effort highlights the versatility of in situ microarray photolithography for surface patterning.

Graphical abstract: An 8-bit monochrome palette of fluorescent nucleic acid sequences for DNA-based painting

Recombinase amplified CRISPR enhanced chain reaction (RACECAR) for viral genome detection

A highly modular, 4 h-long ‘recombinase amplified CRISPR enhanced chain reaction’ (RACECAR) assay that can detect as little as 40 copies of hepatitis B virus (HBV) genome has been developed.

Graphical abstract: Recombinase amplified CRISPR enhanced chain reaction (RACECAR) for viral genome detection

Chemical conjugation of aptamer–sphingomyelin nanosystems and their potential as inhibitors of tumour cell proliferation in breast cancer cells

Sphingomyelin nanoemulsions were covalently conjugated with apMNK2F using a 2-step bioconjugation process. They demonstrated effective intracellular delivery, outperforming free aptamer, resulting in decreased breast cancer cell proliferation.

Graphical abstract: Chemical conjugation of aptamer–sphingomyelin nanosystems and their potential as inhibitors of tumour cell proliferation in breast cancer cells

A rapid total bacterial count method using gold nanoparticles conjugated with an aptamer for water quality assessment

Gold nanoparticles conjugated with an aptamer are used to stain bacteria cells captured on a filter membrane for total bacterial count measurement.

Graphical abstract: A rapid total bacterial count method using gold nanoparticles conjugated with an aptamer for water quality assessment
Open Access Paper

DNA-protamine condensates under low salt conditions: molecular dynamics simulation with a simple coarse-grained model focusing on electrostatic interactions

Simple coarse-grained model with long-range electrostatic interactions providing a nanoscale picture of DNA aggregation–redissolution behaviours controlled by protamine-DNA charge ratios and protamine length in low-salt regime.

Graphical abstract: DNA-protamine condensates under low salt conditions: molecular dynamics simulation with a simple coarse-grained model focusing on electrostatic interactions

Utilization of DNA and 2D metal oxide interaction for an optical biosensor

We investigated the efficacy of a novel 2D metal oxide-based optical biosensor related to ss-DNA. This study opens the door to the creation of quick, affordable, and highly sensitive diagnostic biosensors to identify a range of pathogenic diseases.

Graphical abstract: Utilization of DNA and 2D metal oxide interaction for an optical biosensor
Open Access Paper

Activity-enhanced DNAzyme for design of label-free copper(II) biosensor

Electrochemical detection of Cu(II) using -PDA- and Au NP mediated DNAzyme activity enhancement.

Graphical abstract: Activity-enhanced DNAzyme for design of label-free copper(ii) biosensor

DNA–Au (111) interactions and transverse charge transport properties for DNA-based electronic devices

Ability to control charge transfer in DNA has profound implications in DNA-based electronics for biosensing, data storage and sequencing. We show that the arrangement of bases and their interactions with the Au substrate are critical in tuning the coupling between orbitals.

Graphical abstract: DNA–Au (111) interactions and transverse charge transport properties for DNA-based electronic devices

DNA-caged nanoparticles via electrostatic self-assembly

Top: Schematic of DNA-caged nanoparticle composite formation. Bottom: U87 cells labeled with fluorescent DNA-caged nanoparticles before and after erasing with single stranded DNA. Scale bar = 10 μm.

Graphical abstract: DNA-caged nanoparticles via electrostatic self-assembly
Open Access Paper

Intramolecular and intermolecular hole delocalization rules the reducer character of isolated nucleobases and homogeneous single-stranded DNA

Redox properties of DNA strands depend on the balance between intramolecular and intermolecular charge delocalization.

Graphical abstract: Intramolecular and intermolecular hole delocalization rules the reducer character of isolated nucleobases and homogeneous single-stranded DNA

Tuning innate immune function using microneedles containing multiple classes of toll-like receptor agonists

Microneedle Arrays (MNAs) can be tunably and electrostatically coated with combinations of adjuvants. Upon treatment, these needles elicit tunable immune cell responses.

Graphical abstract: Tuning innate immune function using microneedles containing multiple classes of toll-like receptor agonists

Exploring the dynamics of DNA nucleotides in graphene/h-BN nanopores: insights from ab initio molecular dynamics

Nanopore devices based on graphene and h-BN heterostructures show outstanding electrical and physical characteristics for high throughput label-free DNA sequencing.

Graphical abstract: Exploring the dynamics of DNA nucleotides in graphene/h-BN nanopores: insights from ab initio molecular dynamics

Thermally reversible pattern formation in arrays of molecular rotors

In this work, we describe the development of a computational model for arrays of rotary DNA origami elements which can self-organize on a large scale and explore the interesting morphologies and order–disorder transition behavior of these systems.

Graphical abstract: Thermally reversible pattern formation in arrays of molecular rotors

Contrasting luminescence in heparin and DNA-templated co-assemblies of dimeric cyanostilbenes: efficient energy transfer in heparin-based co-assemblies

Dimeric cyanostilbenes exhibit contrasting fluorescence responses towards heparin (emission enhancement) and DNA (emission quenching). Furthermore, efficient light-harvesting systems were fabricated by exploiting the heparin-based co-assemblies.

Graphical abstract: Contrasting luminescence in heparin and DNA-templated co-assemblies of dimeric cyanostilbenes: efficient energy transfer in heparin-based co-assemblies
From the themed collection: 2023 PCCP HOT Articles
Open Access Paper

Creation of ordered 3D tubes out of DNA origami lattices

By tuning the ionic conditions, plus-shaped, blunt-ended DNA-origami lattices are driven to self-assemble elongated, ordered structures: adding Ni2+ triggers the formation of ribbon-shaped 2D-lattices, which roll into 3D-tubes at higher Ni2+ concentrations.

Graphical abstract: Creation of ordered 3D tubes out of DNA origami lattices
Open Access Paper

Spatiotemporal dynamics of DNA nanocage uptake in zebrafish embryos for targeted tissue bioimaging applications

Three-dimensional DNA nanocages have attracted significant attention for various biomedical applications including targeted bioimaging in vivo.

Graphical abstract: Spatiotemporal dynamics of DNA nanocage uptake in zebrafish embryos for targeted tissue bioimaging applications
Open Access Paper

Systematic altering of semiflexible DNA-based polymer networks via tunable crosslinking

We introduce a new DNA-based approach to systematically investigate the bulk properties of crosslinked semiflexible DNA-based polymer networks as a model for natural biopolymer networks, by stepwise altering the binding affinity of the crosslinkers.

Graphical abstract: Systematic altering of semiflexible DNA-based polymer networks via tunable crosslinking

Detection of DNA translocations in a nanopore series circuit using a current clamp

Here we proposed a new strategy combining the nanopore series circuit and the current clamp to get the voltage trace across the nanopore, hence producing a voltage blockade signal when DNA translocate. This signal exhibits an intriguing charging and discharging phenomenon.

Graphical abstract: Detection of DNA translocations in a nanopore series circuit using a current clamp

Selective recognition of the amyloid marker single thioflavin T using DNA origami-based gold nanobipyramid nanoantennas

Design of G-Quadruplex based plasmonic sensor has been demonstrated for the specific SERS based detection of single Thioflavin T molecule using DNA origami-assembled Au nanobipyramid nanoantenna.

Graphical abstract: Selective recognition of the amyloid marker single thioflavin T using DNA origami-based gold nanobipyramid nanoantennas

OWL2: a molecular beacon-based nanostructure for highly selective detection of single-nucleotide variations in folded nucleic acids

OWL2 sensor uses T2 and T4 arms for unwinding folded analytes, short P-strand for specific recognition of single base variations and an analyte-independent universal molecular beacon (UMB) probe for cost efficient analysis of any ssDNA or RNA.

Graphical abstract: OWL2: a molecular beacon-based nanostructure for highly selective detection of single-nucleotide variations in folded nucleic acids

Programming rigidity into size-defined wireframe DNA nanotubes

Combining experimental and computational design, the length and flexibility of wireframe DNA nanotubes are modulated with minimal design alterations.

Graphical abstract: Programming rigidity into size-defined wireframe DNA nanotubes

Lighting up RNA-specific multi-photon and super-resolution imaging using a novel zinc complex

Terpyridine Zn(II) complex has good AIE and three-photon absorption activity, and the ultra-bright fluorescence induced by the aggregation state of Zn complex can assist the multi-photon and super-resolution imaging of nuclear RNA.

Graphical abstract: Lighting up RNA-specific multi-photon and super-resolution imaging using a novel zinc complex

Mechanistic insight into the structure, thermodynamics and dynamics of equilibrium gels of multi-armed DNA nanostars

We present the self-assembly of DNA nanostars having three, four and five arms into a gel phase using a bead-spring coarse-grained model.

Graphical abstract: Mechanistic insight into the structure, thermodynamics and dynamics of equilibrium gels of multi-armed DNA nanostars
Open Access Paper

Charge transport properties of ideal and natural DNA segments, as mutation detectors

DNA sequences of ideal and natural geometries are examined, studying their charge transport properties as mutation detectors.

Graphical abstract: Charge transport properties of ideal and natural DNA segments, as mutation detectors

Molecular dynamics simulation-based trinucleotide and tetranucleotide level structural and energy characterization of the functional units of genomic DNA

Our work focuses on the structural and energetic analysis of promoters and exon–intron boundaries within DNA using Molecular Dynamics simulation-based parameters mapped over trinucleotides and tetranucleotides.

Graphical abstract: Molecular dynamics simulation-based trinucleotide and tetranucleotide level structural and energy characterization of the functional units of genomic DNA
Open Access Paper

Towards control of excitonic coupling in DNA-templated Cy5 aggregates: the principal role of chemical substituent hydrophobicity and steric interactions

Controlling exciton coupling in DNA templated dye aggregates is achieved by modifying sterics and hydrophobicity of Cy5-R dyes (varying the 5,5′-substituents). We conclude that sterics play the main role in orientation and coupling strength.

Graphical abstract: Towards control of excitonic coupling in DNA-templated Cy5 aggregates: the principal role of chemical substituent hydrophobicity and steric interactions
Open Access Paper

A DNA origami-based device for investigating DNA bending proteins by transmission electron microscopy

Using a reconfigurable DNA origami device, we study the bending of DNA by a bending protein. To this end, we used transmission electron microscopy to directly observe the structural reconfiguration of the origami devices caused by the protein.

Graphical abstract: A DNA origami-based device for investigating DNA bending proteins by transmission electron microscopy

DNA radiosensitization by terpyridine-platinum: damage induced by 5 and 10 eV transient anions

The intercalation of the chemotherapeutic drug terpyridine-platinum within the G-quadruplex structure of DNA sensitizes cancer cells to the low energy electrons produced by ionizing radiation during radiotherapy.

Graphical abstract: DNA radiosensitization by terpyridine-platinum: damage induced by 5 and 10 eV transient anions

Photocontrolled DNA nanotubes as stiffness tunable matrices for controlling cellular behavior

Cell behavior is determined by a variety of properties of the extracellular environment like ligand spacing, nanotopography, and matrix stiffness.

Graphical abstract: Photocontrolled DNA nanotubes as stiffness tunable matrices for controlling cellular behavior
Open Access Paper

Interplay of the mechanical and structural properties of DNA nanostructures determines their electrostatic interactions with lipid membranes

Nucleic acids and lipids function in close proximity in biological processes, as well as in nanoengineered constructs for therapeutic applications.

Graphical abstract: Interplay of the mechanical and structural properties of DNA nanostructures determines their electrostatic interactions with lipid membranes
From the themed collection: Nanoscale Most Popular 2023 Articles

Block copolymer self-assembly to pattern gold nanodots for site-specific placement of DNA origami and attachment of nanomaterials

A self-assembled block copolymer is used to create nanoscale arrays of gold dots for selective self-assembly of DNA origami and directed placement of gold nanorods for nanoelectronics applications.

Graphical abstract: Block copolymer self-assembly to pattern gold nanodots for site-specific placement of DNA origami and attachment of nanomaterials

Cationic lipid modification of DNA tetrahedral nanocages enhances their cellular uptake

We present the functionalization of a model DNA cage, tetrahedron with a cationic lipid, DOTMA; demonstrating enhancement in cellular uptake of DNA nanocages by minimizing the negative charge and increasing hydrophobic surface mediated internalization.

Graphical abstract: Cationic lipid modification of DNA tetrahedral nanocages enhances their cellular uptake
From the themed collection: #RSCPoster Conference

A direct approach toward investigating DNA–ligand interactions via surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy combined with molecular dynamics simulations

Schematic diagram of a new method for analyzing interactions between DNA and its ligands based on surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) combined with molecular dynamics simulations.

Graphical abstract: A direct approach toward investigating DNA–ligand interactions via surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy combined with molecular dynamics simulations

DNA origami tubes with reconfigurable cross-sections

This work presents the developed a multi-component DNA origami 6-bar mechanism that can be assembled into tubes with reconfigurable cross-sections, bridging complex shape transformations of DNA devices to micron-scale assemblies.

Graphical abstract: DNA origami tubes with reconfigurable cross-sections

An intelligent, autocatalytic, DNAzyme biocircuit for amplified imaging of intracellular microRNAs

An intelligent, autocatalytic, DNAzyme biocircuit based on a CD/AM nanodevice was constructed for precise sensing and logical calculation of intracellular microRNAs.

Graphical abstract: An intelligent, autocatalytic, DNAzyme biocircuit for amplified imaging of intracellular microRNAs

Transfer of multi-DNA patches by colloidal stamping

By use of colloidal stamps, several functional DNA patches were patterned at the surface of particles. The produced DNA-patchy particles are ideal candidates to act as advanced designer building blocks to self-assemble next generation materials.

Graphical abstract: Transfer of multi-DNA patches by colloidal stamping

5-Formylcytosine weakens the G–C pair and imparts local conformational fluctuations to DNA duplexes

DNA epigenetic modification 5-formylcytosine (5fC) confers unique and specific conformational changes to duplex DNA.

Graphical abstract: 5-Formylcytosine weakens the G–C pair and imparts local conformational fluctuations to DNA duplexes
Open Access Paper

Molecular states and spin crossover of hemin studied by DNA origami enabled single-molecule surface-enhanced Raman scattering

The study of biologically relevant molecules and their interaction with external stimuli on a single molecular scale is of high importance due to the availability of distributed rather than averaged information.

Graphical abstract: Molecular states and spin crossover of hemin studied by DNA origami enabled single-molecule surface-enhanced Raman scattering

Biomass derived self-assembled DNA-dot hydrogels for enhanced bacterial annihilation

Sustainable antibacterial hydrogel from hybridization mediated self-assembly of DNA Quantum Dot and genomic DNA extracted from onion.

Graphical abstract: Biomass derived self-assembled DNA-dot hydrogels for enhanced bacterial annihilation
Open Access Paper

Parallel DNA circuits by autocatalytic strand displacement and nanopore readout

Parallel DNA circuits are constructed using autocatalytic strand displacement reactions and measured using a nanopore multiplexed sensing platform.

Graphical abstract: Parallel DNA circuits by autocatalytic strand displacement and nanopore readout

Protection of DNA by metal ions at 95 °C: from lower critical solution temperature (LCST) behavior to coordination-driven self-assembly

While polyvalent metal ions and heating can both degrade nucleic acids, we herein report that a combination of them leads to stabilization.

Graphical abstract: Protection of DNA by metal ions at 95 °C: from lower critical solution temperature (LCST) behavior to coordination-driven self-assembly

A simple solution to the problem of self-assembling cubic diamond crystals

The self-assembly of colloidal diamond (CD) crystals is considered as one of the most coveted goals of nanotechnology, both from the technological and fundamental points of view.

Graphical abstract: A simple solution to the problem of self-assembling cubic diamond crystals
Open Access Paper

DNA-assisted selective electrofusion (DASE) of Escherichia coli and giant lipid vesicles

DNA-assisted selective electrofusion (DASE) combines the efficiency of standard electrofusion with the selectivity of DNA-mediated interactions. Here we apply DASE to induce the fusion between giant lipid vesicles and E. coli derived spheroplasts.

Graphical abstract: DNA-assisted selective electrofusion (DASE) of Escherichia coli and giant lipid vesicles
57 items

About this collection

Guest Edited by Dr Arun Richard Chandrasekaran (University at Albany, SUNY, USA), Dr Dhiraj Bhatia (IIT Gandhinagar, India), Professor Xiaogang Liu (National University of Singapore, Singapore) and Professor Prabal Maiti (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India).

DNA nanotechnology is a rapidly growing field that utilizes DNA as a structural molecule to design a palette of structures at the nanoscale level. Recent developments in the field of DNA nanotechnology demonstrate the potential of DNA to be a new material with exceptional utility for various applications in biophysics, chemical biology, photonics, energy harvesting and computing, to name a few.

This cross-journal collection in Nanoscale and Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) brings recent updates in nucleic acids research under three broad themes: structure, functions and applications. The collection focuses on self-assembly, structure-function relationships, physical chemistry and biophysics of nucleic acids, new structures and new technologies involving nucleic acid modelling and simulation and various applications in biology, medicine, robotics, materials science, computing and other fields.

