D. B.
S. Th.
b and
T. F.
aInstitute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Center of Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance, Goethe University, Max-von-Laue-Str. 7, D-60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. E-mail: prisner@chemie.uni-frankfurt.de
bDepartment of Chemistry, Science Institute University of Iceland, Dunhaga 3, 107 Reykjavik, Iceland
First published on 25th May 2016
Pulsed electron electron double resonance experiments with rigid spin labels can reveal very detailed information about the structure and conformational flexibility of nucleic acid molecules. On the other hand, the analysis of such data is more involved the distance and orientation information encoded in the time domain data need to be extracted and separated. In this respect studies with different spin labels with variable internal mobility are interesting and can help to unambiguously interpret the EPR data. Here orientation selective multi-frequency/multi-field 4-pulse PELDOR/DEER experiments with three recently presented semi-rigid or conformationally unambiguous isoindoline-derived spin labels were performed and simulated quantitatively by taking the spin label dynamics into account. PELDOR measurements were performed for a 20-mer dsDNA with two spin labels attached to two defined uridine derivatives. Measurements were recorded for different spin label positions within the double helical strand and for different magnetic field strengths. The experimental data sets were compared with simulations, taking into account the previously described dsDNA dynamics and the internal motions of the spin label itself, which had shown distinct differences between the three spin labels used. The ExImU spin label shows a free rotation around a single bond, which averages out orientation effects, without influencing the distance distribution as it can occur in other spin labels. The ImU and OxU spin label, on the other hand, show distinct orientation behaviour with minimal intrinsic motion. We could quantitatively determine this internal motion and demonstrate that the conformational dynamics of the nucleic acid and the spin label can be well separated by this approach.
Commonly used reporter groups for EPR spectroscopy are aminoxyl radicals, usually called nitroxides. Nitroxides are relatively stable and can be synthetically manipulated and attached site specifically to nucleic acids, a technique referred to as site-directed spin labeling15,16 (SDSL). Most nitroxide spin labels have some inherent mobility due to rotation around the tether between label and nucleic acid, giving rise to imprecision when used for distance measurements. We have developed the rigid spin labels Ç and Çm17,18 (Fig. 1a) to circumvent this drawback, in which the nitroxides are fused to a nucleobase and do, therefore, not have motion independent of the base. However, if the intrinsic motion of the spin label is strongly restricted, the common assumption of random orientation distribution, which applies to flexible labels, is no longer correct. Therefore, distance analysis of a single time trace using Tikhonov regularization is not applicable. If only reliable distance information are required, this would be a drawback of rigid spin labels. However, the large advantage of rigid spin labels is the access to information about the relative orientation between spin labels and flexibility of the system under study.19,20 We have shown that the analysis of distances and relative orientations between such labels using multi-frequency/multi-field PELDOR data sets can give information about the internal motion of double stranded DNA21 and the three-way junction of the cocaine aptamer,22 which would be inaccessible with flexible spin labels.
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Fig. 1 Spin-labeled nucleosides. (a) Rigid spin labels Ç and Çm (b) Isoindoline derived spin labels ImU and OxU. (c) Benzimidazoline spin label ExImU. (d and e) The sequence for DNA(1,9) and DNA(1,12),respectively. The X indicates the spin label position. The internal motion of the DNA, found in previous studies, which shows a change in the radius of the DNA cylinder without any change of the helix pitch, was utilized along with a simple three axis model for the internal motion of the spin labels to simulate all PELDOR data sets simultaneously.21 Excellent fits of all experimental data could be obtained by assuming rotation of the spin labels around the molecular x-axis of the spin label, which is equal to the N–O bond direction, with different amplitudes for the three spin labels investigated. Our analysis proves the semi-rigidity of the isoindoline spin label and gives quantitative values of the internal mobility of these labels. In the case of ImU, the rotation around the N–O axis of the nitroxide which has the largest influence on the orientation dependence is around ±5°, whereas for OxU it was found to be twice as high. In the case of the ExImU the assumption of a free rotation around the tether that reduces orientation effects could be deduced. This detailed analyses of the dynamics of ImU, OxU and ExImU will facilitate the use of these spin labels for further studies of nucleic acid motifs. |
Although Ç shows a high orientation selection in PELDOR experiments, its preparation is non-trivial. For this reason we have recently introduced isoindoline spin labels that are linked by a single bond to a uridine. The semi-rigid spin labels ImU and OxU (Fig. 1b) are restricted in rotation around the single bond linking them to the nucleobase.23 In particular the ImU spin label can form an intramolecular hydrogen bond between the NH of the benzimidazole and O4 of the nucleobase. Both ImU and OxU show orientation-dependent changes in the PELDOR time traces as a function of the chosen probe and pump frequencies, although they are less rigid than Ç. Nevertheless even this small intrinsic motion could have an influence on the analysis of the dynamics of the nucleic acids. Therefore, it is necessary to gain an in depth knowledge about the mobility of the spin label itself to be able to separate this from the motion of the biopolymer.
In addition to ImU and OxU, we have prepared the “conformationally unambiguous spin label”24ExImU (Fig. 1c), which can freely rotate around the single bonds flanking the acetylene.25 Since the N–O bond of the nitroxide aligns to the same axis as these bonds, the displacement of the unpaired electron spin due to this rotation should be negligible. However, the orientation should be rather efficiently averaged out by the rotation and this label could be therefore used for direct distance determinations. It was confirmed that PELDOR of this label does not contain observable orientation information at Q-Band frequencies where such measurements are usually performed.26 Nevertheless at higher frequencies, where the in-ring orientations can be also distinguished, even ExImU shows some retained orientation dependence (see below).
In this paper, we describe the detailed analysis of the internal motion of the spin labels ImU, OxU and ExImU. Two DNA duplexes (DNA(1,9) and DNA(1,12)), which have already been analyzed with regards to their mobility using the rigid spin label Ç, were spin labeled with ImU, OxU and ExImU and measured by multi-frequency/multi-field PELDOR.
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Fig. 4 Modes of spin label motions shown for the ImU-labelled duplex DNA. In addition to the DNA twist-stretch motions,9 rotational variations around the x, y and the z axes were introduced for simulations of the experimental PELDOR time traces. |
The y rotation has a more pronounced effect to the damping of the PELDOR oscillation and was adapted to fit the experimental observed damping of the oscillations. The small angle fluctuations around the z-axis have similar effect to the damping but a factor of 10 less. Because it could not be fully distinguished between both fluctuations, the z-rotation were fixed to ±5° for all simulations. All three axis motions were calculated independently from each other and are based on Gaussian-distributed angle variations. The calculated electron spin coordinates and the coordinate system of the nitroxide were transformed to distances and Euler angles with respect to a laboratory frame in order to simulate the PELDOR time traces. All optimizations are made by visual comparison of the simulated and experimental time traces as well as by a least square fit procedure. Details regarding our time trace simulation procedure has previously been described.20 Due to poor reproducibility of the modulation depth at G-band, only the frequency of the oscillations and the damping was taken into account for these experiments. Variations in modulation depths can be caused by uncertainties of the resonator performance and calculation of the excitation profile.
x-rotation | y-rotation | z-rotation | |
ImU-DNA(1,9) | 5° (2) | 14° (1) | 5° |
ImU-DNA(1,12) | 5° (2) | 20° (1) | 5° |
OxU-DNA(1,9) | 10° (2) | 18° (1) | 5° |
OxU-DNA(1,12) | 10° (5) | 22° (2) | 5° |
ExImU-DNA(1,9) | 90° (5) | 12° (2) | 5° |
ExImU-DNA(1,12) | 90° (10) | 16° (2) | 5° |
The rotation around the x axis is of special interest because it directly reflects the expected rotational flexibility around the N–O bond of the spin label. Whereas this rotation is strongly hindered for ImU and OxU, ExImU rotates freely around this bond (a 90° rotation angle distribution reflects a full rotation due to symmetry reasons). For orientation selective measurements, a high rotational freedom is a disadvantage, as it leads to loss of orientation information. On the other hand, the distances from such data might be more easily predicted. Thus ExImU is an almost perfect spin label, for obtaining high-precision distance data alone, although possible structural perturbations in complex folds or in macromolecular complexes must be considered. In comparison the ImU is limited to an x-rotation of ±5°, whereas the OxU spin label has rotational freedom of ±10°. These values are independent of the spin label position. Thus, the determined x-axis rotational freedom of the spin labels are in very good agreement with the expectations and fully support the influence of a hydrogen bond between the spin label and the nucleobase in the case of the ImU spin label. The other two rotations reflect the overall residual flexibility of the spin label. These values should be as small as possible to allow a detailed study of the dynamic of the DNA molecule itself. They are rather similar for all three spin labels investigated, demonstrating that the main difference in the motion of the three spin labels can indeed be described by their rotational freedom around the x-axis. The rotation around the y axis, which correspond to an up and down movement in direction of the helix axis, results for the isoindoline derived spin labels to rotation angles between ±14° to ±22°. These values can be compared to the fluctuations found for the Ç spin label (Fig. S3, ESI†). This rigid spin label shows a small fluctuation with 6° for the y-rotation, while no x-rotation could be observed. These small vibration, could be interpreted as DNA dynamics, that are not explicitly described by our physical model.
These best fit parameters are slightly larger for OxU. Additionally these values are slightly larger for the DNA(1,12). This could by caused by a higher mobility at the end of the DNA strand and thus reflect also partly motion of the DNA itself. More systematic studies, including the rigid spin label Ç, have to be performed to investigate this further. Overall the spin label ImU is somewhat better for orientation measurements, compared to the OxU spin label.
The simulations that were performed were based on simplified models of the overall conformational motion of the DNA molecule and the spin label and, therefore, the question arises about the uniqueness of the solution and the accurateness of the obtained values. All rotation parameters for the spin label movement were estimated by comparison of the simulated and experimental data from measurements at X- and Q-band. The y-axis rotation is already rather well defined by the X-band data, because it strongly influences the damping of the dipolar oscillations. For the x-axis rotation only an accuracy of about ±10° was possible with the X-band data alone. The effect of this rotation is mainly seen as a change in modulation depth of the X-band time traces for large offsets between pump and probe pulses. However at Q-band frequencies, variation of the x-axis rotation shows also more sensitive changes in the modulation period of the time trace with 15 MHz offset between pump and probe frequency. Despite the fact that these effects are quite small, it led to an enhanced precision of the determination of this important rotation angle to ±3°. Additional experiments at G-band frequency were performed to take advantage of the fact that at high fields the anisotropy of the g- and A-tensor is fully spectrally resolved, allowing one to distinguish all orientations with high precision. Simulations using the (low field) optimized parameters were performed and compared with the experimental data, as depicted in Fig. S4 in the ESI.† A large deviation between experiment and prediction was observed, especially at the gxx position. A small fixed rotation of the spin label of 9° around the x axis (N–O bond), before the rotation started, improves the fit without influencing the (low field) simulation time traces. This reflects a slight tilting of the spin label plane with respect to the nucleobase plane. With this very small readjustment of the spin label position, very good predictions of the G-band PELDOR time traces taken at the canonical g-tensor positions could be achieved, indicating that our model with the optimized parameters can indeed be used to accurately model the spin labels. This rotation was also applied to the analysis of the other two spin labels, since they have the same geometry.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Rawdata for the Q- and G-band measurements. Additional comparisons between experimental and simulated data. See DOI: 10.1039/c6cp02475k |
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2016 |