Laura M.
Maximilian W. A.
M. Jayne
*b and
Richard A.
aInstitut Laue-Langevin, 71 Avenue des Martyrs, CS20156, 38042 Grenoble, France. E-mail: carrascosa-tejedor@ill.fr
bDivision of Pharmacy and Optometry, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PT, UK. E-mail: jayne.lawrence@manchester.ac.uk; richard.campbell@manchester.ac.uk
cInstitute of Chemistry, Eötvös Loránd University, 112, Budapest H-1518, Hungary
dISIS Neutron and Muon Source, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Campus, Didcot OX11 0QX, UK
eIKERBASQUE—Basque Foundation for Science, Plaza Euskadi 5, Bilbao, 48009, Spain
fCentro de Física de Materiales (CSIC, UPV/EHU) - Materials Physics Center MPC, Paseo Manuel de Lardizabal 5, E-20018 San Sebastián, Spain
First published on 12th June 2023
We demonstrate control of the structure and morphology of polypeptide/surfactant films at the air/water interface as a function of the maximum compression ratio of the surface area, exploiting a recently developed film formation mechanism that requires minimal quantities of materials involving the dissociation of aggregates. The systems studied are poly(L-lysine) (PLL) or poly(L-arginine) (PLA) with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), chosen because the surfactant (i) interacts more strongly with the latter polypeptide due to the formation of hydrogen bonds between the guanidinium group and its oxygen atoms, and (ii) induces bulk β-sheet and α-helix conformations of the respective polypeptides. The working hypothesis is that such different interactions may be used to tune the film properties when compressed to form extended structures (ESs). Neutron reflectometry reveals that application of a high compression ratio (4.5:
1) results in the nanoscale self-assembly of ESs containing up to two PLL-wrapped SDS bilayers. Brewster angle microscopy provides images of the PLL/SDS ESs as discrete regions on the micrometre scale while additional linear regions of PLA/SDS ESs mark macroscopic film folding. Ellipsometry demonstrates high stability of the different ESs formed. The collapse of PLL/SDS films upon compression to a very high ratio (10
1) is irreversible due to the formation of solid domains that remain embedded in the film upon expansion while that of PLA/SDS films is reversible. These findings demonstrate that differences in the side group of a polypeptide can have a major influence on controlling the film properties, marking a key step in the development of this new film formation mechanism for the design of biocompatible and/or biodegradable films with tailored properties for applications in tissue engineering, biosensors and antimicrobial coatings.
Polypeptides have been widely used for the creation of multilayers in applications such as tissue engineering15 or drug delivery,16 both consisting exclusively of polypeptides17 and in conjunction with other polyelectrolytes.18 They have also been used to tune interactions with non-ionic surfactants,19 form polyplexes with nucleic acids in gene delivery,20 and polypeptide/surfactant (PP/S) complexes.21 However, despite significant advances made during the last decades in the field of oppositely charged polyelectrolyte/surfactant (P/S) mixtures at the air/water interface, examples of work to tune and develop PP/S film properties are scarce.22,23 Furthermore, the properties of P/S films cannot be directly extrapolated to PP/S films since, in addition to the electrostatic interactions, polypeptides can adopt secondary structures and form multiple hydrogen bonds. Previously, the equilibrium24 and dynamic25 properties of poly-L-lysine (PLL)/sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) mixtures were studied at the air/water interface. It was suggested that PLL adopts a β-sheet conformation at the interface, although this was inferred only from surface tension measurements. The application of neutron reflectometry (NR) later allowed direct quantification of the amounts of PLL and SDS at different pH values.26 Differences between the results obtained by surface tensiometry and NR were rationalised in terms of different polypeptide conformations that affected only the surface tension values.
Recently, we have demonstrated precise control over the formation of extended structures (ESs) in PLL/SDS films at the air/water interface using a Langmuir trough with respect to compression or expansion of the surface area.27 The structures of these films consist of a surfactant monolayer, a layer of polypeptide bound to the surfactant headgroups (together, hereon in, referred to as the ‘surface monolayer’) as well as discrete patches either of surfactant bilayer wrapped by polypeptide or bound surfactant hemimicelles; the two possibilities were not distinguished from the experimental data. Reversible control of the quantity of a single additional layer of ESs using the Langmuir trough barriers was demonstrated up to a coverage of 18.8 ± 0.7%. In this work, PLL/SDS films were created using a film formation methodology,28 which was recently developed using P/S mixtures by exploiting the dissociation and interfacial spreading of material from aggregates that had self-assembled in solution due to lack of colloidal stability of formed complexes.29 The spreading of these aggregates at the air/water interface results in their dissociation, and the film remains kinetically trapped due to the entropy of counterion release, which means that films can be formed using minimal quantities of materials, offering potential economic or environmental advantages over gel films formed in mixed P/S systems.30 Possibilities to trigger the formation of ESs through changing the charge and/or structure of the aggregates, and tune the resulting interfacial morphology through successive spreading of aggregates or compression of the surface area, were also demonstrated.31 It has also been shown in recent work that the rigidity of the polyelectrolyte plays an important role in the formation of ESs in adsorbed layers from mixed systems.32 To the best of the authors’ knowledge, these are the only examples of investigations in the literature on adsorbed layers or trapped films of oppositely charged PP/S mixtures at the air/water interface. Thus, this work provides a basis for the future development of PP/S films spread using the recently developed aggregate dissociation mechanism at the air/water interface, which has not been broadly exploited to date.
Given the multiple applications and all the above-mentioned characteristics that make polypeptides unique from other polyelectrolytes, the study of PP/S films at the air/water interface is of great interest, especially for applications where biocompatibility and biodegradability are essential. The present work involves a comparison of films involving different PP/S systems: PLL/SDS and poly-(L-arginine) (PLA)/SDS. The molecular structures of PLL, PLA and SDS are shown in Fig. 1. While PLL has a pKa value of 9,33 PLA has a pKa value of 13.8.34 As a result, both polypeptides are essentially fully charged in the experiments conducted in this work. Consequently, they exhibit strong electrostatic interactions with oppositely charged molecules or surfaces. Lysine side chains terminate in an ammonium group in which the charge is localized, while arginine side chains terminate in a guanidinium group where the charge is delocalized within three ammonium groups. Although they present a similar chemical structure, the interaction of the ammonium group of PLL with SDS is purely electrostatic, yet the guanidinium group can form additional hydrogen bonds that make the PLA/SDS interaction stronger.35 Thus, specific PP/S headgroup interactions influence the resulting properties of the mixtures. Indeed, it has been shown that SDS induces the β-sheet conformation of PLL24,26,36–39 and the α-helix conformation of PLA38–41 in solution. Furthermore, it was shown that the secondary structure of polypeptides when forming complexes in solution is maintained when deposited as multilayers on solids,42 which suggests that these differences may mean that PP/S films containing ESs may exhibit distinct physicochemical properties.
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Fig. 1 Chemical structures of PLL (left), PLA (right) and SDS (bottom). The ammonium group of PLL and the guanidinium group of PLA are highlighted in blue and green, respectively. |
The aim of the present work is to resolve differences in the structure and morphology of PLL/SDS and PLA/SDS films spread at the air/water interface using the recently developed aggregate dissociation mechanism with respect to changing maximum coverage of ESs. In this respect, the coverage of ESs is tuned by changing the minimum value of the surface area, A, upon film compression to reach different maximum compression ratios, defined as A0/A, where A0 is the initial surface area when the film is spread. Through the use of biocompatible materials, the scope is to understand how specific PP/S interactions may be tuned in the future development of new films for biomedical applications. An approach is used to manipulate films to different maximum compression ratios to determine if a higher coverage of ESs than previously observed can be obtained, and if any increase in coverage affects the film properties. The underlying hypothesis is that as these two PP/S systems adopt distinct secondary structures in the bulk, there may be distinct physicochemical properties of their spread films when compressed to produce ESs. It is hoped that this work will help us to understand better the influence on spread film properties of the polyelectrolyte rigidity,32 where the hierarchy is β-sheet > α-helix > random coil. The application of a powerful combination of reflectometry techniques – neutron reflectometry (NR), ellipsometry and Brewster angle microscopy (BAM) – allows us to resolve key processes that determine the dynamic behaviour of these PP/S films with respect to different lengths on the micrometre- and nanoscale.
Fresh mixtures of PP/S aggregates were always prepared immediately before use to limit the growth of large aggregates prior to the experiment. First, an aliquot of 200 ppm PLL or PLA solution was poured into a clean vial containing a magnetic stirrer. Then, an aliquot of the same volume of SDS was rapidly added to the vial with stirring maintained for 3–5 s. Thus, the concentrations of polypeptide and surfactant in the final solution were half of those in the aliquots.
The different troughs used in the present work are Kibron G1 and G2 (Finland) and Nima 721BAM (UK). A volume of 1130 μl of 100 ppm PLL with 0.80 mM SDS or 1500 μl of 100 ppm PLA with 0.62 mM SDS was used to create the initial films in the experiments done with the G1 trough. The amount spread was chosen to obtain a surface monolayer at Π = 5–10 mN m−1, which allows to study the surface monolayer/ESs transitions during successive cycles. The volume spread and the speed of the barriers were scaled to be consistent between the areas of the different troughs used. The trough and barriers were carefully cleaned with Decon 90 detergent, ethanol and water before filling them with Milli-Q water.
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Specular NR measurements were performed on the time-of-flight reflectometer INTER at the ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source (Didcot, UK) to resolve the structure of PLL/SDS films at a high compression ratio. Two different grazing incident angles of 0.8° and 2.3° and a wavelength range of λ = 1.5–16 Å were used. The absolute reflectivity was calibrated using a pure D2O subphase. Three different isotopic contrasts were recorded: (1) d-SDS/ACMW (air contrast matched water, a mixture of 8.1% v/v D2O in H2O, SLD = 0 Å−2), in which the scattering is dominated by the surfactant and is essential for determining the coverage of the surfactant monolayer and the ESs; (2) d-SDS/D2O, which allows determination of the amount of PLL in the film as the SLDs of d-SDS (6.69 × 10−6 Å−2) and D2O (6.36 × 10−6 Å−2) are close in value; and (3) h-SDS/D2O, in which the scattering is dominated by the subphase and therefore it is very sensitive to the penetration of h-SDS to the ESs. The values of b, SLD and Vm of each of the components, information about the model applied to fit the data, and details of the fitting procedure can be found in section 1 of the ESI.† The data were analysed using the Motofit package and the different contrasts were co-refined.46 The general procedure of fitting the data with different isotopic contrasts using a structural model with the minimum number of layers required has been followed.
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In contrast to studies at solid/liquid interfaces that can be tuned to provide sensitivity of Ψ and Δ to the density and thickness of interfacial material,47 the application of ellipsometry in the study of thin transparent films at the air/water interface offers poor sensitivity of Ψ to the film properties and often only values of Δ are interpreted.28,48,49 The values of dΔ = ΔPP/S (for the PP/S film) − Δwater (for pure water which approximately accounts for the contribution of surface roughness) are reported as an approximate measure of the total surface amount of the PP/S films. The relatively small probed area (∼1 mm2) and the fast acquisition time (∼5 s) make ellipsometry an ideal technique to do time/spatial resolved experiments as temporal fluctuations in the signal can reveal the presence of inhomogeneities in the interface on the micrometer scale.28,48,50
The ellipsometry data were recorded using two different ellipsometers coupled to a Langmuir trough. A Beaglehole Picometer Light ellipsometer (New Zealand) equipped with a He–Ne laser with a wavelength of λ = 632.8 nm was used to record the variation of dΔ during compression/expansion cycles at an angle of incidence of 51° and a data acquisition rate of 0.2 Hz. An Accurion EP4 ellipsometer (Germany) equipped with a blue diode laser with a wavelength of λ = 489.2 nm was used to record the stability measurements presented in section 2 of the ESI† at an angle of incidence of 50° and a data acquisition rate of 0.1 Hz.
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Fig. 2 Variation of the ζ-potential of (A) PLL/SDS (reproduced from ref. 27) and (B) PLA/SDS aggregates as a function of the concentration of SDS. The black circles represent the experimental data points and the red line a sigmoidal fit. The black dashed lines indicate neutral charge. The standard error in the ζ-potential values was found to be around 10%, smaller than the symbol size. Black arrows indicate the concentrations used to create the films. |
Bulk SDS concentrations of 0.80 and 0.62 mM were chosen to create the spread PLL/SDS and PLA/SDS films, respectively, because aggregates overcharged with an excess of surfactant have been shown to be efficient in forming ESs in previous studies.27,31 It is worth noting that the release of counterions to the bulk results in a very dilute electrolyte concentration (∼30 μM) that is not expected to influence the spread film properties significantly. Indeed, spread films of the NaPSS/DTAB system exhibit persistent loss of material over time at elevated ionic strength of 100 mM,31 for which there is no evidence from the ellipsometry data of either PP/S system in Fig. 3.
We reported previously the structure of PLL/SDS films at a 2:
1 compression ratio using NR and a coverage of 19% of ESs was shown.27 Nevertheless, it was not clear whether there was an additional PLL layer underneath the ESs as the inclusion of a low coverage of it in the model resulted in equivalent model fits to the experimental data. The structure of PLL/SDS films at a 4.5
1 compression ratio is studied here using NR in the hope that increased coverage of any PLL layer that may be present in the ESs would allow it to be clearly resolved. If we assume that all of the surfactant expelled from the surface monolayer is incorporated in the surfactant bilayer structure, resolved for PLL/SDS films in our recent work,27 coverage of the ESs should in principle reach 100% at a 4
1 compression ratio. Therefore, this approach tests the hypothesis that if all the material remains bound to the film upon further compression, a second layer of ESs would form beyond this compression ratio.
Fig. 3A shows the neutron reflectivity profiles measured and the model fits obtained from the analysis. The sharp and clear Kiessig fringes in the reflectivity profiles indicate the presence of a multilayered structure. Further evidence for the lateral domains of ESs on the micrometre scale includes a slight indication of off-specular neutron scattering and attenuation of the total reflection of D2O by 4%. From the position of the minimum in the d-SDS/ACMW contrast (Qz = 0.1 Å−1), the presence of ESs with a length scale around 60 Å can be deduced. An optimised model of 6 stratified layers was found to be necessary to fit the data: (1) SDS tails, (2) SDS headgroups with PLL and solvent, (3) PLL, (4) PLL/SDS ESs with solvent, (5) PLL and (6) PLL/SDS ESs with solvent. Given the complexity of the structure and the large number of parameters to be determined, in the NR fit, the roughness was set to a value of 3.5 consistent with the presence of capillary waves and surface tension. Nevertheless, it is important to observe that when this parameter was unconstrained during the fitting process, the other parameters fitted to the same values within the error, and the roughness value increased to 5 Å, resulting in a 23% reduction in χ2. We will return to this point later. More details about the model, together with a table of optimised fitting parameters, can be found in section 1 of the ESI.† The analysis confirms our hypothesis that the compression of the film beyond a ratio of 4:
1 leads to the formation of a second layer of ESs. Furthermore, compatible with a physical picture where polyelectrolyte screens the oppositely charged headgroups in adjacent surfactant bilayers, a PLL layer was required between the two layers of ESs, as described in section 2 of the ESI.† An additional layer of PLL beneath the second layer of ESs did not, however, improve the quality of the fit, most likely due to its low coverage.
Fig. 3B shows the volume fraction profiles corresponding to the analysis for both the 2:
1 (bottom) and 4.5
1 (top) compression ratios. The high volume-fraction of PLL and SDS in the surface monolayer as well as in the first layer of ESs (i.e. second peak of surfactant in green) in both cases evidences the presence of a very compact film at the interface. In the case of the 4.5
1 compression ratio, however, there is an additional ‘tail’ of surfactant that is attributed to additional layer of ESs. It should be further noted that absence of a Bragg diffraction peak in any of the reflectivity profiles shows that P/S aggregates with an internal liquid crystalline structure were not resolved to have remained trapped in the spread film.58 Thus, it can be concluded that high compression of the PLL/SDS spread film results in a highly compact arrangement of the surface monolayer as well as the formation of an additional layer of ESs below the first layer of ESs once it reaches maximum coverage. Fig. 3C shows a two-dimensional schematic illustration of the structures of PLL/SDS films at 2
1 and 4.5
1 compression ratios; illustrations are merely representative and are not to scale.
Having demonstrated for the first time the ability to increase the coverage and the number of layers of ESs by increasing the compression ratio of a spread PP/S film, we turn in the following sub-sections to the dynamic behaviour of PLL/SDS and PLA/SDS films during compression/expansion cycles as a function of the maximum compression ratio. First, the results of PLL/SDS films using a 2:
1 compression ratio already published27 are compared with ones obtained on PLA/SDS films. Subsequently, data from samples involving two higher maximum compression ratios of 5
1 and 10
1 are described. Thus, both the influence of (i) specific polypeptide/headgroups interactions and (ii) the maximum compression ratio on the properties of the films will be considered.
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Fig. 4
Π–A isotherms of (A) PLL/SDS and (B) PLA/SDS films to a 2![]() ![]() |
The Π–A response of PLA/SDS films (Fig. 4B) is qualitatively similar to that of PLL/SDS films, exhibiting the three characteristic regions mentioned above. Therefore, we could expect that the dynamic behaviour of these films may be explained with a similar physical picture. The ellipsometry data (Fig. 4D) show that the amount of material at the interface increases continuously with the compression beyond the surface pressure collapse and there is no evidence of loss of material from one cycle to the other. Thus, formation of ESs in PLA/SDS films is strongly inferred. In addition, the presence of fluctuations in dΔ is probably related to the presence of film inhomogeneities with a higher density of material.48,50 Lastly, the BAM images (Fig. 4F) clearly show the formation of discrete micro-domains after the collapse and the presence of areas with high intensity that are consistent with the dΔ fluctuations (states iv and v), even though they appear to have a distinct morphology from the ESs observed for PLL/SDS. Therefore, we can conclude that the PLA/SDS system exhibits the formation of ESs and that we can control their formation with the compression/expansion of the film, as has been previously reported for the PLL/SDS system.27 Furthermore, it is shown that the properties of the films and the morphology of the ESs can be tuned by using polypeptides with different side chains that interact differently with the surfactant.
Although the surface pressure responses of both systems to the compression/expansion cycles are similar, there are significant differences worth noting. The first one is the ΠC, ∼28 mN m−1 and ∼34 mN m−1 for the PLL and PLA/SDS films, respectively, while Π of an SDS monolayer at its cmc is 31 mN m−1.59 It has been shown that the interaction of SDS with different other polyelectrolytes gives rise to very different interfacial properties, varying significantly the minimum surface tension, i.e., the higher Π reached.26,48 Hence, the polyelectrolyte properties influence significantly the maximum compression state of the SDS molecules that can be reached before the film collapses.60 This is also supported by the ellipsometry data, as the amount of interfacial material is significantly higher for PLA. One could expect that the differences in ΠC may be related to the ability of the polypeptide to interact with surfactant headgroups with a contribution in the plane of the headgroups layer (see Fig. 4). However, the molecular volumes of lysine and arginine amino acids are 177 and 181 Å3,61 respectively, which are very similar. While the interaction between lysine monomers and the sulfate headgroup is purely electrostatic, the guanidinium group presents additional interactions due to the formation of hydrogen bonds with the oxygen atoms from the sulfate.35 This difference gives rise to lateral interactions between the different chemical groups that may explain the formation of a layer with a higher coverage of surfactant in the surface monolayer. This interpretation is also in agreement with the discussion of the zeta-potential results presented above, where a smaller excess bulk surfactant concentration was required to neutralize PLA than PLL aggregates. Another significant difference is the slope of the pseudo-plateau during the expansion, which is significantly lower for the PLA/SDS system. This could be related to the rate at which the material from the ESs is reincorporated into the surface monolayer upon film expansion. This would imply that PLA/SDS material recovery occurs much faster with a slope close to zero during a plateau on film expansion, while the higher slope in the case of PLL suggests that the reincorporation of the material from the ESs into the surface monolayer is slower than their formation, as has been demonstrated using NR.27 Nevertheless, NR of PLA/SDS films (beyond the scope of the present work) would be necessary to confirm this inference, since ellipsometry cannot distinguish between material present in the surface monolayer and the ESs. The collapse mechanism of both systems when compressed to a ratio of 2:
1 is reversible, reflecting the high efficiency of respreading from the ESs back to the surface monolayer over the full expansion of the film.
Having demonstrated the formation of ESs for both PP/S systems during dynamic compression/expansion cycles, Π and dΔ were recorded at a constant compression ratio of 2:
1 to study the stability of the films. The results, presented in section 3 of the ESI,† show that both films are stable for more than 1 h, making them robust and amenable for possible transfer applications.
The ellipsometry data (Fig. 5C and D) show that the approximate amount of material at the interface increased further beyond film compression of a 2:
1 ratio. The dΔ values increase by factors of 2.9 and 1.7 with respect to the 2
1 compression ratio for PLL and PLA, respectively. It is worth noting that in going from a compression ratio of 2
1 to 5
1, assuming that no material is lost from the interface, the amount of material should increase by a factor of 2.5, so the higher value obtained here for PLL/SDS films, in combination with the steeper slope in the ellipsometry data upon increasing compression ratio, suggest that there is could be a contributions to dΔ from anisotropy of the ESs and/or increasing roughness as noted above in relation to the NR fits.
BAM images of PLL/SDS and PLA/SDS films (Fig. 5E and F) show a continuous increase in the number of ESs until a homogeneous, high-intensity image is observed, suggesting a very high coverage of ESs. The PLA/SDS system presents additional linear regions with higher intensity that could be related to folding of the film when the ESs layer reaches maximum coverage, which is consistent with the second plateau observed in the Π–A isotherm. During expansion, fracture and reincorporation of the material can be observed gradually in the PLL/SDS system, whereas for the PLA system the solid film disappears abruptly shortly after the start of its expansion. The dΔ values during expansion are in good agreement with the morphologies observed using BAM. The gradual disappearance of the solid film in the PLL/SDS system is translated into a continuous decrease of dΔ during expansion. However, the PLA system shows a dramatic drop in the values during expansion followed by a plateau, attributed to whether or not the solid domains are in the region of the interface illuminated by the laser. Then, the value of dΔ in the plateau coincides with the value at the collapse during compression. These observations confirm that the material is reincorporated by efficiently filling the surface area created upon expansion at a very similar rate to the barriers movement during expansion, i.e., with minimal kinetic barrier. The stability of the films compressed to a maximum ratio of 5:
1 was also studied by Π and ellipsometry, as reported in section 3 of the ESI,† showing stable dΔ values for more than 1 h, albeit with more relaxtion in Π for PLA/SDS than PLL/SDS films.
Similarly to the data on films with a maximum compression ratio of 5:
1, the ellipsometry data show a continuous increase in dΔ during compression. However, the expansion is characterized by an initial region with a continuous decrease in dΔ followed by large temporal fluctuations that are present also in the subsequent full compression/expansion cycle. In addition, although the dΔ values at the beginning of the second cycle are lower, the ones at the maximum compression ratio are similar, suggesting that there is no irreversible loss of material from the spread film.
We consider now the morphology of the spread films from the two systems in turn. BAM images presented in Fig. 6E show the fracture of the solid PLL/SDS film during the first compression (state iii) and the presence of solid domains throughout the rest of the experiment (states v, viii, ix, x, xi, and xii). The characteristic behaviour of PLL/SDS films compressed to a maximum ratio of 10:
1 can be explained by combining the information obtained from the different techniques. The application of high compression ratios results in the formation of a solid film that is fractured when a 10
1 compression ratio is reached. The expansion of the film is characterized by the presence of solid domains observed in the BAM images that contain a much larger amount of material and explain the large dΔ fluctuations. A similar behaviour has been reported for other polymers at the air/water interface.50,62 Thus, we can conclude that film compression to a maximum ratio of 10
1 gives rise to the irreversible formation of solid domains whose excess of material is not respread and remain trapped at the interface coexisting with the surface monolayer. Finally, the apparent Π–A isotherms can now be explained by the fact that after the formation of these solid domains, the excess of material trapped in them does not contribute to the apparent Π until the solid film forms again. Thus, the surface monolayer region is displaced considerably but the same apparent Π and dΔ values are always reached at maximum film compression.
The behaviour of PLA/SDS films compressed to a maximum ratio of 10:
1 shown in Fig. 6F is very similar to that presented above for a maximum compression ratio of 5
1, but interestingly in this case, the second kink in the apparent Π results in a small shift of the isotherm in the successive cycles. The ellipsometry data show a very high amount of material in the film (approximately double dΔ), and a very similar trend when a 10
1 compression ratio is reached. Temporary fluctuations can be observed related to the presence of film folding and the characteristic plateau during expansion. The values of dΔ at the minimum and maximum areas are reproducible from the first to the second cycle, showing once again the great capacity of these systems to stabilise the formation of ESs and to respread their material back to the surface monolayer during film expansion. BAM images show the formation of the solid film during the first cycle without fracturing the film (state iii). Instead, the images at high compression ratios suggest that the PLA/SDS film folds during the second collapse (states ii and iv). Thus, while the PLL/SDS film exhibits an irreversible collapse mechanism at high Π leading to the formation of solid domains that are trapped at the interface, the PLA/SDS system exhibits a reversible collapse mechanism in which the film folds and excess material is respread in the surface monolayer during expansion.
These results suggest that PLL/SDS films can form solid aggregates that redisperse with greater difficulty than PLA/SDS aggregates. The significant differences observed in the behaviour of these systems may be related to the interaction between the polypeptide molecules. Although we do not have direct evidence about the secondary structure of the polypeptides at the interface, previous studies suggest that the secondary structure is maintained when the polypeptides are deposited on solid surfaces.42 While the α-helices formed by PLA side chains face outward and thus decrease interactions between them, it is understood that β-sheets present edges free to form hydrogen bonds with other β-sheet edges of other molecules.63,64 This could give rise to the formation of an extensive hydrogen bond network throughout the film that would confer a more rigid structure and stability to the aggregates formed by PLL/SDS. These observations are in agreement with the formation of solid precipitates due to inter-chain hydrogen bonding between β-sheets and the formation of coacervates when random-coiled or α-helical polypeptides interact between them.2 Indeed, amyloid fibrils are used in numerous biomedical applications because they are made up of β-sheets which give them a rigid and cohesive nature and excellent mechanical properties such as large persistence length.2 Lastly, it is worth noting that the properties of individual polypeptide chains have a great influence on the properties of the aggregates they form. Thus, the results obtained here also agree with the greater rigidity of β-sheets with respect to the α-helices. The behaviour using a maximum compression ratio of 10:
1 represents additional evidence of the above explanation. The β-sheet conformation that PLL adopts when interacting with SDS in bulk is characterised by an extensive network of hydrogen bonds and is stiffer than the α-helical structure adopted by PLA.38,65 Additional hydrogen bonding between PLL chains at high compression ratios and edge-to-edge interactions between different β-sheets could give rise to aggregation and formation of the solid domains observed that remain trapped at the air/water interface. Although the results are consistent with a β-sheet conformation for PLL and an α-helix conformation for PLA, the application of circular dichroism and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in the future will be essential to understand better the role of the secondary structure if conserved in ESs spread PP/S films.
NR data recorded over the full Qz-range results showed the ability of PLL/SDS films to nucleate a high coverage of ESs when a sufficiently high compression ratio is applied. The low amount of water in these films and the presence of two distinct layers of ESs present a consistent physical picture with the solid films observed using BAM. Future application of the low-QZ28 and mid-QZ
27 approaches of NR will be essential to deeply understand the dynamic behaviour of such highly compressed films.
Although there is no direct evidence of retention of the secondary structure of PLL and PLA in the ESs of the spread films, the work was based on the hypothesis that different secondary structures formed in bulk complexes of the two systems may result in distinct film properties where ESs are present, and this turned out to be correct. The results indicate that the films obtained in this work are more rigid than the ones obtained before using a flexible random-coil polyelectrolyte,31 which is consistent with the higher stiffness of the β-sheet and α-helix conformations with respect to the random coil and with previous studies showing the important role that polyelectrolyte stiffness plays in ESs formation.32 Therefore, we may approach the possibility of designing with high precision PP/S films that form ESs. Nevertheless, a systematic study with polyelectrolytes presenting different stiffness will help to understand the influence of the stiffness on the formation of ESs and the macroscopic properties of the spread films, e.g. their reversibility.
In summary, high potential of using polypeptides in combination with oppositely charged surfactants in spread films at the air/water interface has been demonstrated. The richness of these molecules in terms of chemical diversity, biodegradability, biocompatibility, biomimicry, and the possibility of controlling their primary and secondary structure and, therefore, their function, in film applications opens up a wide field of research. While we have described in the present work how properties of two types of PP/S films are distinct and can be controlled, the study also provides a platform for the development of spread films from a broad range of PP/S systems in the future. Thus, the continuation of this research on films involving different polypeptides and surfactants holds potential to deliver an important contribution to the development of new biomaterials with applications in tissue engineering,66 biosensors67 or antimicrobial coatings.68
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: (1) Neutron reflectivity fitting procedure, (2) NR fitting demonstration of PLL between the ESs, (3) surface pressure and ellipsometry stability measurements, and (4) verification of surface pressure values at high compression ratios. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d2nr07164a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |