a and
aInstitute of Modern Optics, Nankai University, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Micro-scale Optical Information Science and Technology, Tianjin 300350, China. E-mail: sjchang@nankai.edu.cn
bTianjin Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Sensor and Sensing Network Technology, Tianjin 300350, China
First published on 5th July 2021
The highly sensitive detection and magnetic field sensing of magnetic nanomaterials have received extensive attention, and its weak magneto-optical effect in the terahertz (THz) band limits its application. In this study, we investigated a chiral metasurface sensor filled with ferromagnetic nanofluids. Based on its artificial chiral resonance, the nanoparticle concentration and magneto-optical chiral response of the ferromagnetic nanofluids have both been detected using the THz time-domain polarization spectroscopy. The results show that the detection sensitivity of the concentration of the magnetic nanoparticles can reach 5.5 GHz %−1 by chiral sensing, needing only a trace amount of the nanofluid. More importantly, in this hybrid device, the magneto-optical chiral response of the ferromagnetic nanoparticles can be greatly enhanced by the chiral metasurface, which results in higher sensitivity to the external magnetic field. The Verdet constant of the ferromagnetic nanofluid in the metasurface is 15 times stronger than that without the chiral microstructure. This THz chiral sensing for nanoparticles and the chirality enhancement mechanism will promote a new sensing method and chiral manipulation device, especially for the highly sensitive magneto-optical device in the THz band.
In recent years, magneto-optical effects of some gyromagnetic ferrite and gyroelectric semiconductor materials in the terahertz band have been reported,15–22 such as YIG, InSb, and graphene. For example, Crassee et al. observed the Faraday rotation angle up to 0.1 rad for a single graphene layer when B = 7 T and T = 3 K in the THz regime.19 Graphene exhibits significant THz Faraday rotation and circular dichroism in an external magnetic field, but needs to be operated at low temperature or an extremely high biased magnetic field.19–22 Other gyroelectric semiconductors, e.g., InSb and HgTe,17,18 also need to work at low temperatures to show their THz magneto-optical effect. The ferrite-like YIG and ferromagnetic nanofluid can work at room temperature, but their magnetic resonance is located in the microwave band, so their THz magneto-optical activity is very weak. For example, Li et al. reported that the Faraday rotation angle of 10 layers of 105 μm thick La:YIG single-crystal films is only 15° under 150 mT magnetic field.23
Ferromagnetic nanofluid is a colloidal suspension composed of magnetic nanoparticles in a carrier liquid, which has a significant advantage due to its liquid form and weak magnetic field requirement, especially in liquid-filled photonic devices.24,25 Shalaby et al. demonstrated that the magnetic nanofluid has a weak Faraday rotation in the THz regime, but is not adequate for a THz Faraday isolator.26,27 Therefore, the limitation for developing a THz magneto-optical device is mainly the lack of materials with strong magneto-optical activity and low loss in the THz regime. Under the limitations of the material thickness, magneto-optical coefficient, and external magnetic field, one of the ways to obtain a stronger THz magneto-optical activity response is to combine the artificial microstructure with magneto-optical nano materials.28
Artificial electromagnetic microstructures, such as photonic crystals, metamaterials and metasurfaces, and plasmonics, have been extensively investigated to manipulate THz waves.29–32 When the mirror and rotational symmetry of these microstructures are broken in geometry, a chiral microstructure has a strong artificial optical chirality response at the proper wavelength,33–37 which is similar to the medium composed of chiral molecules. The difference in the propagation speed and absorption of the left circularly polarized (LCP) and right circularly polarized (RCP) light makes the polarization rotation (i.e., optical activity, OA) and circular dichroism (CD), respectively. In recent years, the chiral metasurfaces have been reported to manipulate artificial OA, CD, and polarization conversion. Decker et al.38 proposed a stacked and twisted split-ring resonator arranged in a C4 symmetric lattice. The eigenmodes are truly chiral and exhibit huge optical activity with a polarization rotation angle of 30°. Li et al.39 proposed a graphene active chiral metasurface for dynamic THz wavefront modulation. If the chiral metasurface can obtain a narrow-band and high-Q artificial chiral response, the detection of the optical chiral parameters can be used for the sensing, especially for chirality sensing of the samples in the surrounding environment.40–43 In this case, the localized enhancement of the chiral field in the chiral metasurface may bring more information, higher sensitivity, and a new physical perspective. However, there have been few reports on the chiral sensing and enhancement of metasurfaces in the THz band.
In this paper, we prepared a double-layer chiral metasurface sensor and filled the interval layer of the metasurface with ferromagnetic nanofluids. Based on its artificial chiral resonance, the concentration of the magnetic nanoparticles and the magneto-optical chiral response in ferromagnetic nanofluids have been detected by THz time-domain polarization spectroscopy (THz-TDPS). The results show that the detection sensitivity of the concentration of the magnetic nanoparticles in volume percentage can reach 5.5 GHz %−1 by the chiral sensing of the metasurface, only using a trace amount of the nanofluid. More importantly, in this hybrid device, the magneto-optical chiral response of ferromagnetic nanoparticles can be greatly enhanced by the localized chiral field of the chiral metasurface, which results in a stronger magneto-optical activity and higher sensitivity to the external magnetic field. The Verdet constant of the ferromagnetic nanofluid in the metasurface is 15 times stronger than that of the ferromagnetic nanofluid without the chiral microstructure.
We used a THz-TDPS system to measure the THz optical properties of the ferromagnetic nanofluids without a biased magnetic field. The detailed experimental setup, measurement method, and data processing method can be found in Section 3. The time-domain signal of the blank cuvette without a sample is used as the reference, and the time-domain signal of the carrier liquid without nanoparticles (0%) and the four nanofluid samples with different nanoparticle concentrations (3.6–16.1%) are shown in Fig. 1(c). The nanofluid is filled in a 1.5 mm gap quartz cuvette, as shown in Fig. 1(d). In Fig. 1(c), the delay time of the sample signals compared to the reference is proportional to the average refractive index of the nanofluid. Moreover, the attenuation in the amplitude of the sample compared to the reference is proportional to the average absorption of the nanofluid in the THz regime. Therefore, with the increase of the nanoparticle concentration, the refractive index and absorption of the ferrofluid rise in the THz regime. Fig. 1(d) shows that the absorption coefficients of all the samples are lower than 5 cm−1 at 0.2 THz and increase with the frequencies, which indicates that these nanofluids have a low absorption for THz waves. Fig. 1(e) shows that these nanofluids have no dispersion in the THz band, and their refractive index can be increased from 1.45 to 1.85 in proportion to the nanoparticle concentration, as shown in Fig. 1(f). Therefore, a wide range of refractive indices can be obtained by controlling the nanoparticle concentration.
The above results are obtained in a very thick cuvette with a 1.5 mm gap. A large number of nanofluid samples are consumed to obtain enough significant phase delay to accurately measure the refractive index of the sample, thus obtaining the concentration of the ferromagnetic nanoparticles. Therefore, we use a chiral metasurface sensor to sensitively detect the concentration of the nanofluids with trace amounts.
In the following discussion, we focus on the THz polarization response of the metasurface and ferromagnetic nanofluid samples excited by a pair of conjugated chiral light fields, that is the LCP and RCP waves, as shown in Fig. 2(c). The optical chiral response of the interaction between the sample and the metasurface to THz waves is characterized by two chirality parameters, CD and OA spectra. The CD reflects the intensity difference between LCP and RCP, and the OA indicates the phase difference between LCP and RCP. The OA also reflects the rotation angle of the polarization direction. The details of the formula of these parameters can be found in Section 3.
The numerical simulations are modeled by the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method in the commercial software FDTD SOLUTION from Ansys Lumerical Enterprise. The refractive index of the glass substrate is set as 1.98, which is measured by experiment. A pair of periodic boundary conditions are set for a unit cell structure. In the middle layer, the different refractive indexes are used to represent the different concentrations of ferromagnetic nanofluid. The absorption loss and magneto-optical effect caused by remanence from the ferromagnetic nanofluid are ignored in this simulation. Fig. 3(a) shows the electric field vector distribution on the upper and lower metallic structures of the metasurface when the LCP and RCP waves are incident with it at 0.8 THz, respectively. On the upper surface, there is mainly the strong dipole resonance at the metal slit, and the local resonance field of the RCP is stronger than the LCP at 0.8 THz. On the lower surface, the LCP generates a counter-clockwise rotating field along the S-shaped metal strip, while the RCP excites a clockwise rotating field. These results show that this chiral metasurface not only generates a localized resonance, but also excites an enhanced chiral field. We also simulate the LCP and RCP transmittance spectra, and CD spectra of the chiral metasurface filled with different concentrations of nanofluids, as shown in Fig. 3(b)–(d), which will be analyzed with the experimental results in the following discussion.
Next, we use the THz-TDPS system to measure and reconstruct the THz chiral spectra of the metasurface filled with ferromagnetic nanofluids, as shown in Fig. 4. The detailed experimental method and data processing can be found in Section 3. Fig. 4(a) and (b) show the transmission spectra of the LCP and RCP waves through the metasurface, respectively. For the blank metasurface without filling nanofluid, the resonance is located at 0.7 THz for the LCP and 0.78 THz for the RCP. This difference shows the artificial circular dichroism of the metasurface. When the nanofluids are filled in the metasurface, with the increase of concentration, the resonance spectra of both LCP and RCP shift to a lower frequency. These experimental results are in good agreement with the simulation results in Fig. 3(b) and (c), indicating that the shift of resonance spectra of the LCP and RCP is mainly caused by the refractive index change of the intermediate layer of the metasurface. The central resonant frequency, as a function of nanoparticle concentration, shows that there is a good linear relationship between the particle concentration and the resonant peak position, which is also shown in Fig. 5(a). For the LCP, the resonant frequency changes from 0.7 THz to 0.627 THz when the concentration changes from 0 to 16.1%. For the RCP, the resonant frequency moves from 0.76 THz to 0.687 THz. According to the change of unit concentration, the sensitivity is 4.5 GHz %−1 for both LCP and RCP, but the quality factor (i.e., Q value) of RCP sensing is higher than that of LCP because the resonance intensity of RCP is about 10 dB higher than that of LCP. We consider that the refractive index corresponds to the nanoparticle concentration. The sensitivity of the device is 182.5 GHz RIU−1.
Fig. 4(c) and (d) show the optical chirality, i.e., CD and OA spectra, respectively, through the metasurface. Their spectral lines also redshift with the concentrations. For the CD spectra, the CD value increases with the frequency, and a positive peak is obtained near 0.7 THz. This peak value jumps to a negative peak and finally decreases to 0. The simulation results in Fig. 3(d) are consistent with the experimental results in Fig. 4(c). If the frequency shift of the CD peak is selected as the sensing parameter, the sensing sensitivity can reach 4.9 GHz %−1, as shown in Fig. 5(b). For the OA spectra, as shown in Fig. 4(d), the OA value reaches its peak at the frequency of drastic change in the CD spectrum, and its sensing sensitivity can reach 5.5 GHz %−1 (that is equivalent to 223 GHz RIU−1), which is higher than other parameters. Therefore, we can detect the concentration of the ferromagnetic nanoparticles in the liquid accurately by measuring the change of the optical chiral parameters (i.e., CD and OA) through the chiral metasurface filled with a very small amount of nanofluid.
For a specific frequency, the polarization state of the output wave will change regularly with the nanoparticle concentration because the optical chiral parameter changes with the concentration. Fig. 5(c) shows that the CD and OA values vary monotonously with the concentration of nanoparticles at two specific frequencies, 0.75 THz and 0.65 THz, respectively, which can be also used as new physical parameters for chiral sensing. Fig. 5(d) displays intuitively the polarization ellipsoid of the chiral metasurface with different ferromagnetic nanofluids when the y-LP wave at 0.76 THz is incident. In this case, the CD reflects the ellipticity of the ellipse, and the larger the value of CD is, the closer the ellipse is to a circle. The OA reflects the angle of rotation of the major axis of the ellipse relative to the y-axis. Moreover, as a device for THz chiral manipulation, filling ferromagnetic nanofluid with different concentrations can also flexibly shift the frequency band of strong optical chirality and manipulate the polarization state of the THz waves.
Then, we rotated the second THz polarizer to ±45° to detect the complete polarization state of the output light. It is still an LP light, but it shows a weak Faraday magneto-optical rotation effect with rotating to a small polarization angle, which is shown in the OA spectra in Fig. 6(d). The Faraday rotation angle increases linearly with the increase of the biased magnetic field, and the dispersion is small in the THz band. These characteristics are consistent with the magneto-optical property of the gyromagnetic material in the THz band. Considering the thickness of 1.5 mm, the Faraday rotation angle is only 8° at 160 mT, so the THz Faraday effect of the ferromagnetic nanofluid is very weak, and its Verdet constant is only 33° mm−1 T−1.
Finally, we investigated the magnetic response of the chiral metasurface filled with ferromagnetic nanofluid in its double-layer interval, as illustrated in Fig. 7(a). We measured the transmission spectra of LCP and RCP under different biased magnetic fields. Different from the frequency shift of the chiral spectral resonance peak caused by the change of refractive index shown in Fig. 4, the change of the chiral spectral resonance intensity is caused by the biased magnetic field in Fig. 7(b) and (c). Considering the difference of amplitude and phase of the conjugated chiral light, the variation of the CD and OA spectra with the magnetic field is shown in Fig. 7(d) and (e), respectively. The THz optical chirality mainly originated from the chiral metasurface structure, but there is also a contribution by the ferromagnetic nanofluids. The peak of the polarization rotation angle at 0.65 THz shown in Fig. 7(e) changes from 48° to 40° when the magnetic field is tuned from 0 to 160 mT. This change of 8° in the OA spectrum under different external magnetic fields is due to the THz magneto-optical effect of the ferromagnetic nanofluids. Although it is also changed to 8°, compared to the ferromagnetic nanofluids in the 1.5 mm cuvette, the thickness of the nanofluid layer in the chiral metasurface is only 100 μm.
To better compare the Faraday rotation effect of the two cases above, we calculate the differential polarization rotation angle (DRA) spectrum per millimeter thickness of ferromagnetic nanofluid in Fig. 8. We subtract the OA spectrum of B = 40–160 mT from the OA value of B = 0 T to get each DRA spectrum, which eliminates the contribution of the artificial OA effect of the metasurface structure itself. Then, we divide it by the thickness of the nanofluid layer of the sample to get the results of Fig. 8(a) and (b), which eliminates the contribution of different thickness accumulation. By contrast, we can see that the ferromagnetic nanofluids in the chiral metasurface have higher magneto-optical activity, especially in the frequency band where the artificial optical chirality of the metasurface varies strongly. As shown in Fig. 8(b), when the biased magnetic field reaches 160 mT, the DRA at the peak value exceeds 80° mm−1 at 0.65 THz in the metasurface, while the value in Fig. 8(a) is only 5.3° mm−1 in the cuvette. Since the optical activity of the artificial metasurface itself has been deducted, the magneto-optical activity has been significantly improved in the frequency band where the artificial optical activity is the strongest, which indicates that the chiral metasurface structure enlarges the THz magneto-optical effect of the ferromagnetic nanofluids, and its artificial THz chiral field and local field resonance enhance the chiral interaction between THz wave and magnetic medium. Fig. 8(c) shows the relationship between the DRA value and the biased magnetic field of two samples at 0.65 THz, which are fitted as the straight line and its slope is the Verdet constant. The Verdet constant of the ferromagnetic nanofluid in the metasurface is as high as 500° mm−1 T−1, which is 15 times stronger than the ferromagnetic nanofluid without the enhancement by the chiral microstructure. Because of its good linearity and sensitivity, this result can also be used as a magnetic field sensor, of which the sensitivity is just 500° mm−1 T−1.
Furthermore, the effective refractive index n(ω) and absorption coefficient α(ω) can be calculated as follows:
![]() | (1) |
![]() | (2) |
As shown in Fig. 9(b), when the P1 is rotated to ±45°, a pair of orthogonal LP waves are generated, which is equivalent to a pair of orthogonal circularly polarized waves, so the complex transmission coefficients of RCP and LCP, i.e., tRCP and tLCP, respectively, can be expressed as follows:
![]() | (3) |
![]() | (4) |
![]() | (5) |
More importantly, the chiral metasurface structure enlarges the THz magneto-optical effect of ferromagnetic nanofluids, and its artificial THz chiral field and local field resonance enhance the chiral interaction between the THz wave and magnetic medium, which results in higher sensitivity to the external magnetic field. The Verdet constant of the ferromagnetic nanofluid in the metasurface is 15 times stronger than that without the chiral microstructure. This THz chiral sensing for nanoparticles and the chirality enhancement mechanism will promote a new sensing method and chiral manipulation device, especially for the highly sensitive magneto-optical device in the THz band.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |