Materials Horizons Emerging Investigator Series: Professor Dr Hai-Bo Zhao, National Engineering Laboratory for Eco-Friendly Polymer Materials (Sichuan), College of Chemistry, Sichuan University

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Hai-Bo Zhao is a professor at the College of Chemistry, Sichuan University. He is the associate director of the National Engineering Laboratory for Eco-Friendly Polymeric Materials (Sichuan). He received his PhD in polymer chemistry and physics (2014) and BS in applied chemistry from Sichuan University (2009). He continued his research at the China Academy of Engineering Physics (2014–2017). In 2017, he joined Sichuan University, and his current research interests focused on the design, synthesis, and properties of flame-retardant polymers and functional foam materials. He has received various awards, including the Chinese Chemical Society Young Chemist Award (2020), national second-class prizes in natural science from the State Council of China (2019), and first-class prizes in natural science from the Education Ministry of China (2018). He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers, and he has served as a (young) editorial board member for Nano-Micro Letters, Scientific Reports, the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, etc.

Read Hai-Bo Zhao's Emerging Investigator Series article ‘Controllable proton-reservoir ordered gel towards reversible switching and reliable electromagnetic interference shielding’ ( ) and read more about him in the interview below:

MH: Your recent Materials Horizons Communication develops a new smart electromagnetic interference shielding material. How has your research evolved from your first article to this most recent article and where do you see your research going in future?

HZ: From the first paper to the most recent one, our research has made significant progress in the field of electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding materials. First, in our initial paper, we introduced the concept of utilizing novel materials with potential electromagnetic interference shielding capabilities. Since then, we have continuously optimized the synthesis process to improve the material's shielding properties and stability. Furthermore, we dedicated considerable effort to investigating the processing techniques required for the large-scale preparation and application of the material. Our most recent article represents a major milestone in our research journey. We have successfully developed a new smart electromagnetic interference shielding material that can switch and precisely control electromagnetic interference performance by controlling the solvent polarity in the gel skeleton. Looking ahead, we are driven by the vision of advancing this field even further. In the future, we aim to continue refining our smart EMI shielding materials by exploring novel fabrication techniques and innovative material compositions. We will strive to enhance their performance, durability, and cost-effectiveness, to meet the ever-growing demands of industries such as telecommunications, aerospace, and electronics. Additionally, our focus will extend to practical implementation. We envision collaborating with industry partners to integrate our materials into real-world applications, providing reliable EMI protection for electronic devices and systems. We also plan to investigate scalability and manufacturing processes to enable large-scale production of these smart materials.

MH: What aspect of your work are you most excited about at the moment?

HZ: The increasing proliferation of wireless communication technologies and electronic devices has resulted in a growing need for effective EMI mitigation. Our material, with its exceptional shielding effectiveness and other desirable properties, holds great promise in meeting these demands. I am thrilled about the prospect of collaborating with industry partners to integrate our material into various electronic devices and systems. This could include applications in telecommunications infrastructure, aerospace technology, automotive electronics, and more. By providing reliable EMI protection, our material can contribute to the seamless operation of these technologies, reducing signal interference and improving overall system performance. This has the potential to benefit a wide range of industries, from telecommunications companies striving for uninterrupted connectivity to aerospace engineers ensuring the safety and efficiency of critical systems. Overall, the prospect of seeing our research translate into practical applications and making a tangible impact in various industries is what excites me the most at the moment.

MH: In your opinion, what are the most important questions to be asked/answered in this field of research?

HZ: In my opinion, several important questions need to be asked and answered in the field of EMI shielding research. These questions can guide further exploration and advancements in this field:

(1) How can we improve the EMI shielding effectiveness of smart materials across a wide range of frequencies? This question is crucial as different electronic devices and systems operate at various frequencies, and it is essential to develop materials that can effectively shield against interference in these frequency ranges.

(2) What are the long-term durability and stability characteristics of smart EMI shielding materials? Understanding how these materials perform over extended periods, including exposure to environmental factors, is crucial for ensuring their reliability and effectiveness throughout their lifespan.

(3) How can we integrate smart EMI shielding materials into existing electronic devices and systems seamlessly? This question addresses the practical aspect of implementing these materials and involves considerations such as compatibility, ease of integration, and the overall impact on the device's performance.

(4) Can we develop multifunctional smart materials that not only provide EMI shielding but also possess additional functionalities, such as thermal management, self-healing capabilities, and infrared stealthy effectiveness? Exploring the integration of multiple functionalities within a single material can lead to innovative solutions and enhanced device performance.

MH: What do you find most challenging about your research?

HZ: Overall, the most challenging aspect of our research is navigating the intricate trade-offs between different material properties, optimizing the performance across various frequencies, addressing scalability and manufacturability concerns, and ensuring long-term durability. These challenges drive us to explore new avenues, push boundaries, and find innovative solutions that can unlock the full potential of smart EMI shielding materials.

MH: In which upcoming conferences or events may our readers meet you?

HZ: I take pleasure in participating in academic conferences and seminars, including events like the Asia-Australia Composite Materials Conference and the China Polymer Annual Conference. These gatherings provide valuable opportunities for me to engage with fellow researchers, exchange insights, and share the outcomes of my research.

MH: How do you spend your spare time?

HZ: As a researcher, my spare time is very valuable. I like to devote my time to a variety of useful activities to enrich myself and maintain my physical and mental health. Firstly, I regularly read and keep up-to-date with the latest published research papers to stay up-to-date with the latest scientific developments. This helps me stay ahead of the curve in my field of research and enables me to identify potential research opportunities and potential collaborators. Apart from my professional field, I also place great importance on maintaining my physical health. Regularly engaging in sports activities not only helps me stay fit but also enhances my concentration and focus. Overall, how I spend my spare time depends on my interests, priorities, and energy levels. I recognize the importance of taking breaks, engaging in diverse activities, and maintaining a healthy work–life balance.

MH: Can you share one piece of career-related advice or wisdom with other early career scientists?

HZ: Embracing curiosity and a commitment to continuous learning is fundamental to the scientific journey. Never cease to ask questions and seek answers, as the pursuit of knowledge is an ongoing and enriching process. Resilience is key when faced with setbacks and failures in research. Acknowledge that not every experiment or project will yield the desired results, and understand that failure is an integral part of scientific progress. Learn from these experiences, adapt the approach, and persevere with determination. Building a strong network of mentors, collaborators, and peers is crucial. Seek guidance from experienced researchers who can offer valuable insights, mentorship, and collaboration opportunities. Actively participate in scientific communities, attend conferences, and engage in discussions to foster connections and exchange knowledge. Maintaining a healthy work–life balance is essential. Prioritize self-care, set realistic goals, and allocate time for activities outside of research that bring joy and relaxation. Taking breaks and nurturing your overall well-being will positively impact the productivity, creativity, and overall satisfaction of your scientific career.

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024