Themed collection Nanoscale and Nanoscale Horizons: Nanophotonics

Effect of dimensionality on the excitation wavelength dependence of the Fano-Raman line-shape: a brief review
Raman line shapes depending on the excitation wavelength is one of the confirmations for the presence of Fano resonance in any material, but the same is often not clearly visible in low dimensional materials owing to several system-specific reasons.
Nanoscale, 2024,16, 6429-6441

Plasmon-enhanced second harmonic generation of metal nanostructures
In this review, the basic principles of plasmon-enhanced SHG, different methods to enhance the SHG intensity of metal nanostructures, and related applications of SHG based on metal nanostructures are introduced.
Nanoscale, 2024,16, 5960-5975
Functionalizing nanophotonic structures with 2D van der Waals materials
Integrating 2D van der Waals materials generates new functionalities for nanophotonic structures, like integrated waveguides, microcavities, fibers, and metasurfaces, to prototype novel optoelectronic applications with challenges and perspectives.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 1345-1365

Photodetectors integrating waveguides and semiconductor materials
Current advances in photodetectors integrating waveguide and semiconductor materials, with focus on waveguide materials, waveguide types, semiconductor materials, and integrated-waveguide photodetector types.
Nanoscale, 2024,16, 5504-5520
Photophysics and its application in photon upconversion
Photoluminescence upconversion is a phenomenon involving light–matter interaction and has a broad application prospect. In this review, we summarize the mechanism of PL upconversion and ultrafast photophysical processes.
Nanoscale, 2024,16, 2747-2764
Silicon photonics interfaced with microelectronics for integrated photonic quantum technologies: a new era in advanced quantum computers and quantum communications?
Silicon photonics is rapidly evolving as an advanced chip framework for implementing quantum technologies.
Nanoscale, 2023,15, 4682-4693
Self-assembly, alignment, and patterning of metal nanowires
This paper presents an all-inclusive review of assembly strategies of MNWs, discusses the underlying mechanisms, assesses the developed techniques, and summarizes the representative applications in flexible and stretchable electronics.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2022,7, 1299-1339
Ab initio investigation of hot electron transfer in CO2 plasmonic photocatalysis in the presence of hydroxyl adsorbate
Co-adsorbed hydroxyl species play a significant role in changing the energy landscape of the plasmon-mediated CO2 reaction. These promote CO2 activation and transfer of hot electrons in newly formed hybridized orbitals, thereby improving selectivity.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2024,9, 1030-1041

Chiroptically active quantum nanonails
This manuscript presents an interesting new CdSe/CdS dot in rod morphology, termed the ‘nanonail’, produced via a controlled seeded hot injection approach.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2024,9, 1013-1022

Phenethylammonium bromide interlayer for high-performance red quantum-dot light emitting diodes
Phenethylammonium bromide as an interlayer showed great potential to reduce trap states, balance charge carrier injection, and thus maximize the electroluminescent efficiency of quantum-dot LED.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2024,9, 465-471
Magnetic field-responsive graphene oxide photonic liquids
Graphene oxide nanosheets within magnetized ferrofluids orient themselves parallel to the direction of a magnetic field, allowing for the formation of photonic liquids with reversible color changes.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2024,9, 317-323

Phosphinecarboxamide based InZnP QDs – an air tolerant route to luminescent III–V semiconductors
In this paper, we report the use of phosphinecarboxamide as a convenient, air and moisture tolerant group-V precursor for the simple synthesis of InP-based quantum dots.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 1411-1416

Strong fluorescence-detected two-photon circular dichroism of chiral gold nanoclusters
We present a novel approach of fluorescence technique for the determination of nonlinear chiroptical properties of two enentiomeric forms of nanoclusters: L- and D-Arg/ATT-AuNCs.
Nanoscale, 2023,15, 8597-8602

Photon pairs bi-directionally emitted from a resonant metasurface
SPDC in a metasurface with the signal and idler photons emitted in opposite directions.
Nanoscale, 2023,15, 2567-2572
Boosting efficiency of luminescent solar concentrators using ultra-bright carbon dots with large Stokes shift
Novel yellow emissive carbon dots (CDs) with a large Stokes shift are synthesized. The CDs can be employed to fabricate high-performance large-area luminescent solar concentrators due to successful suppression of reabsorption losses.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 83-94

Optical response of hyperbolic metamaterials with adsorbed nanoparticle arrays
Abnormal optical response of layered hyperbolic metamaterial with plasmonic nanoparticle arrays on top.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2022,7, 1228-1239
Plasmon-enhanced photoresponse of single silver nanowires and their network devices
Scanning photocurrent microscopy is used to measure plasmon-enhanced photoresponse of single Ag nanowires and their network devices. Results presented here may enable fabrication of low-cost all-metallic photosensitive devices.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2022,7, 396-402

GeSn-on-GaAs with photoconductive carrier lifetime >400 ns: role of substrate orientation and atomistic simulation
Microwave reflection photoconductive decay carrier lifetimes of Ge0.94Sn0.06 materials on oriented GaAs substrates at 300 K.
Nanoscale, 2024,16, 7225-7236

Gradual degradation in InAs quantum dot lasers on Si and GaAs
After extended aging, InAs quantum dot lasers form dislocation loops in the active region due to the coalescence of point defects. The point-defect formation process drives gradual laser degradation and is a key impediment to long-life lasers.
Nanoscale, 2024,16, 2966-2973
A visible-near-infrared transparent miniaturized frequency-selective metasurface with a microwave transmission window
A meshed miniaturized frequency-selective metasurface is proposed, which has high transparency in the visible-near-infrared band as well as a microwave transmission window with a low passband loss and an insensitive incidence microwave angle.
Nanoscale, 2024,16, 1897-1905
InSb-based saturable absorbers for ultrafast photonic applications
The structure of the electronic band and density of states of InSb were theoretically calculated, and the usage of an InSb-microfiber as an ultrafast photonic device to generate Q-switched and mode-locked pulses in fiber lasers is demonstrated.
Nanoscale, 2023,15, 12728-12736
Secondary ligand-induced orthogonal self-assembly of silver nanoclusters into superstructures with enhanced NIR emission
We present a secondary ligand-induced orthogonal self-assembly of atomically precise silver nanocluster building blocks into complex superstructures with enhanced emission.
Nanoscale, 2023,15, 11927-11934
Tunable near-infrared emission and three-photon absorption in lanthanide-doped double perovskite nanocrystals
Cs2AgInCl6 double perovskite (DP) nanocrystals (NCs) are an emerging class of materials with promising application potential in photonics/optoelectronics owing to their nontoxicity, direct bandgap, and high thermal and moisture stability.
Nanoscale, 2023,15, 9372-9389
Q-switched and vector soliton pulses from an Er-doped fiber laser with high stability based on a γ-graphyne saturable absorber
The mode-locking operation is realized based on γ-graphyne for the first time, the vector nature of which is further studied. Additionally, an Er-doped Q-switched fiber laser with γ-graphyne as an optical switch is also firstly demonstrated.
Nanoscale, 2023,15, 7566-7576
Degenerate and non-degenerate all-optical switches using violet phosphorus nanosheets
In this work, SSPM effects of VP Ns and their reaction dynamics were studied for the first time (left). Using the superior coherence electronic nonlinearity of VP Ns, all-optical switches based on the SSPM effect (right) were prepared.
Nanoscale, 2023,15, 6225-6233
Nonlocal and cascaded effects in nonlinear graphene nanoplasmonics
Plasmon-assisted harmonic generation in highly-doped graphene nanoribbons is strongly enhanced by the nonlocal optical response associated with large electromagnetic field gradients in closely-spaced ribbons that have optimal size and position.
Nanoscale, 2023,15, 3150-3158
Light emission dynamics of silicon vacancy centers in a polycrystalline diamond thin film
The photoluminescence decay dynamics of silicon vacancy centers in a polycrystalline diamond film indicate that they are not linked with other defects of the film, thereby opening the door for their application in diamond photonics or sensing.
Nanoscale, 2023,15, 2734-2738
Second-order nonlinear optical properties of copper-based hybrid organic–inorganic perovskites induced by chiral amines
Copper-based hybrid organic–inorganic perovskites with chiral amines, (R-NEA)2CuCl4 (NEA = 1-naphthylethylamine) and (R-CYHEA)6Cu3Cl12, show second harmonic generation.
Nanoscale, 2023,15, 1595-1601

Optical chirality of vortex beams at the nanoscale
Longitudinal electromagnetic fields produced by strongly focused Laguerre-Gaussian and Bessel optical vortices are responsible for novel optical chirality of structured light at the nanoscale.
Nanoscale, 2023,15, 540-552
Large-scale controlled coupling of single-photon emitters to high-index dielectric nanoantennas by AFM nanoxerography
Large-scale coupling of nanodiamonds hosting NV centers to silicon dimer nanoantennas was achieved by AFM nanoxerography. This controlled process, yielding configurations down to a single deposited quantum emitter, leads to their enhanced brightness.
Nanoscale, 2023,15, 599-608
About this collection
This online collection from Nanoscale and Nanoscale Horizons showcases some of the recent nanophotonics papers published in the journals.
We hope you enjoy reading these articles!