Issue 11, 2024

Controlled synthesis of copper sulfide-based catalysts for electrochemical reduction of CO2 to formic acid and beyond: a review


Converting carbon dioxide (CO2) into value-added chemicals is considered as a promising strategy to mitigate climate change. Among the various CO2 reduction techniques, electrochemical CO2 reduction (ECO2R) using renewable energy sources holds significant potential. Consequently, the design and development of electrocatalysts capable of offering both high performance and cost-effectiveness hold the potential to expedite reaction kinetics and facilitate widespread industrial adoption. In recent years, abundant copper sulfide (Cu/S)-based nanomaterials among various metal–chalcogenides have attracted extensive research interest due to their semiconductivity and low toxicity, enabling them to be used in a wide range of applications in the ECO2R field. This review highlights the progress in engineered Cu/S-based nanomaterials for ECO2R reactions and elaborates on the correlations between engineering strategies, catalytic activity, and reaction pathways. This paper also summarises the controllable synthesis methods for fabricating various state-of-the-art Cu/S-based structures and outlines their possible implementation as electrocatalysts for CO2 reduction. Finally, challenges and prospects are presented for the future development and practical applications of Cu/S-based catalysts for ECO2R to value-added chemicals.

Graphical abstract: Controlled synthesis of copper sulfide-based catalysts for electrochemical reduction of CO2 to formic acid and beyond: a review

Article information

Article type
Review Article
10 Mai. 2024
02 Ira. 2024
First published
03 Ira. 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Energy Adv., 2024,3, 2704-2737

Controlled synthesis of copper sulfide-based catalysts for electrochemical reduction of CO2 to formic acid and beyond: a review

A. Mukherjee, M. Abdinejad, S. Sinha Mahapatra and B. C. Ruidas, Energy Adv., 2024, 3, 2704 DOI: 10.1039/D4YA00302K

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