PCCP’s 15th anniversary

With this issue, we mark 15 years since the very first issue of Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics was published. Building on the achievements of its two venerable predecessor journals, Faraday Transactions and Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie, PCCP (as it quickly became known) has come a long way in those 15 years.

We are proud of how significantly our journal has developed, growing in reputation, in size (from 1352 submissions in 1999 to well over 5000 a year now), in geographical breadth of coverage (we received submissions from 84 countries in 2013), and of course in the range of topics featured, reflecting the wonderful physical chemistry, chemical physics and biophysical chemistry research being undertaken throughout the world.

What has remained constant is our community-spanning and Society nature, our mission to publish excellent, robust scientific research reporting important new physical insights, and our commitment to operating a rigorous, fair and efficient peer-review process at all times.

In short, PCCP has, is, and will continue to exist to support the scientific communities it serves: this motivates and underpins everything we do. PCCP's community-serving nature is underlined by the fact the journal is proudly published by a not-for-profit Society on behalf of the 18 international co-owner Societies.

Over the past 15 years we have been privileged that so many exceptional scientists have supported the journal through serving on our Editorial and Advisory Boards. The guidance and strong support Board members have given has been invaluable, and has very much contributed to PCCP's success. Accordingly we are delighted to bring together this very special issue – containing 44 insightful articles by past and present PCCP Board members – to mark and celebrate our first 15 years.

I hope you enjoy the issue, and thank you for your support of our journal. We look forward to the years ahead with considerable optimism.

Philip Earis

Executive Editor, PCCP

This journal is © the Owner Societies 2014