Multilayered Double Perovskite Ferroelectric for Green High-Performance Self-Powered X-ray Detection


Layered hybrid perovskite ferroelectrics have made significant strides in high-performance X-ray detection, attributed to their polarization-induced large built-in electric fields and excellent carrier mobility. However, most reported layered hybrid perovskite ferroelectrics rely on environmentally hazardous lead halides, which limits their broader application. Recently developed hybrid double perovskites offer promising alternatives for green self-driven X-ray detection. Herein, we explore the bulk photovoltaic effect in 2D multilayered double perovskite ferroelectric CHMA2CsAgBiBr7 (CCAB, CHMA = cyclohexylmethylammonium) for self-driven X-ray detection. Due to its multilayer structure, CCAB exhibits a large μτ product of 3.3 × 10−3 cm2 V−1, which is comparable to three-dimensional double perovskite Cs2AgBiBr6. Specifically, the X-ray detector exhibits photovoltaics of 0.84 V under X-ray irradiation, ensuring the capability to transfer X-ray into electric signal without bias. Additionally, CCAB endows a high sensitivity up to 120 μC Gy−1 cm−2 and a low detection limit down to 103 nGy s−1 at self-driven mode. Our work highlights the potential of lead-free multilayered double perovskite ferroelectrics for achieving high-performance self-driven X-ray detection, paving the way for practical applications of layered hybrid perovskite ferroelectrics in this field.

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Article type
Research Article
29 nov. 2024
04 feb. 2025
First published
07 feb. 2025

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2025, Accepted Manuscript

Multilayered Double Perovskite Ferroelectric for Green High-Performance Self-Powered X-ray Detection

Z. Han, Q. Guan, H. Ye, Y. Liu, J. Wu, L. Xu, C. Zhang, H. Li, Q. Yin and J. Luo, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2025, Accepted Manuscript , DOI: 10.1039/D4QI03059A

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