Themed collection The SAMPL Challenges: SAMPL8

1 item
Open Access Paper

Energy-entropy multiscale cell correlation method to predict toluene–water log P in the SAMPL9 challenge

The energy-entropy multiscale cell correlation (EE-MCC) method is used to calculate toluene–water log P values of the 16 drug molecules in the SAMPL9 physical properties challenge.

Graphical abstract: Energy-entropy multiscale cell correlation method to predict toluene–water log P in the SAMPL9 challenge
From the themed collection: The SAMPL Challenges: SAMPL9
1 item

About this collection

This collection will focus on the results of the Statistical Assessment of Modeling of Proteins and Ligands (SAMPL) stage 8 series of modeling challenges. The SAMPL challenges test computational models on predictions of properties related to obstacles faced in drug discovery settings. SAMPL8 included components dealing with host-guest binding prediction and physical property prediction (logD and pKa), and this collection includes a series of reports on the challenge. Guest Edited by David Mobley (University of California, Irvine).

