Themed collection Crystal engineering with ionic liquids

Crystal engineering with ionic liquids
Welcome to this CrystEngComm collection on crystal engineering in ionic liquids.
CrystEngComm, 2012,14, 4873-4873
Ionic liquids as crystallisation media for inorganic materials
Ionic liquids are playing an important role as crystallisation media in materials science. Some recent developments to crystallise inorganic materials are highlighted.
CrystEngComm, 2012,14, 4874-4885
An organopalladium chromogenic chemodosimeter for the selective naked-eye detection of Hg2+ and MeHg+ in water –ethanol 1 : 1 mixture
An organopalladium complex methylates Hg2+ giving an aqua–palladium complex that is methylated by MeHg+ and a dithiol, undergoing colour changes that permit the naked-eye detection of Hg2+ and MeHg+.
Chem. Commun., 2008, 4576-4578
Synthesis of mesoporous carbon/iron carbide hybrids with unusually high surface areas from the ionic liquid precursor [Bmim][FeCl4]
Mesoporous carbon/iron carbide hybrid materials were synthesized via an exotemplating route using monolithic mesoporous silica as template and the ionic liquid [Bmim][FeCl4] as carbon and iron source.
CrystEngComm, 2012,14, 4946-4951
Compositional control of AuPt nanoparticles synthesized in ionic liquids by the sputter deposition technique
Bimetallic alloy nanoparticles (NPs) are attractive materials for exploring advanced functions to reduce consumption of resources and energy.
CrystEngComm, 2012,14, 4922-4926
Crystal structures of low-melting ionic transition-metal complexes with N-alkylimidazole ligands
The crystal structures of a series of ionic liquids with copper(II), nickel(II) or cobalt(II)-containing cations and N-alkylimidazole ligands are described.
CrystEngComm, 2012,14, 4902-4911
Supramolecular architectures of symmetrical dicationic ionic liquid based systems
We report the crystal structures of dicationic ionic liquids with both modified cation and anion moieties and discuss the influence of the “supramolecular ionic liquid architecture” that these subtle changes incur.
CrystEngComm, 2012,14, 4886-4893
Ionic liquid -mediated epitaxy of high-quality C60 crystallites in a vacuum
The ionic liquid-mediated epitaxy of hexagonal-shaped large C60 crystallites with molecularly smooth surfaces on MoS2 are reported.
CrystEngComm, 2012,14, 4939-4945
Hofmeister effects of ionic liquids in protein crystallization: Direct and water-mediated interactions
Lysozyme crystal grown from a neat ionic liquid (IL) solution with the IL cation and anion incorporated in the structure.
CrystEngComm, 2012,14, 4912-4921
The anion exchange reaction of bis(isoquinoline) ionic liquids : self-assembly , crystal structures and thermal properties of ten novel d10 metal (Cu, Ag) halide /thiocyanate supramolecular polymers
Six 1,ω-bis(isoquinoline) ionic liquids were synthesized and utilized to construct ten novel 0, 1 and 2D cluster-based supramolecular polymeric frameworks by anion exchange and self-assembly.
CrystEngComm, 2012,14, 4927-4938
The multifunctional roles of the ionic liquid [Bmim][BF4] in the creation of cadmium metal–organic frameworks
An “all-in-one” ionothermal synthesis of {Cd3F} metal–organic frameworks is presented, where [Bmim][BF4] acts as a solvent, structure-directing agent, ligand precursor and promoter.
CrystEngComm, 2012,14, 4894-4901
About this collection
This CrystEngComm Collection brings together a series of papers showcasing recent advances in the use of ionic liquids in crystal engineering