From the journal Digital Discovery Peer review history

Towards equilibrium molecular conformation generation with GFlowNets

Round 1

Manuscript submitted on 15 Jan 2024


Dear Mrs Volokhova:

Manuscript ID: DD-ART-01-2024-000023
TITLE: Towards equilibrium molecular conformation generation with GFlowNets

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Dr Joshua Schrier
Associate Editor, Digital Discovery


Editor provided data/code review (attached) and the article meets our guidelines.

No additional calculations are required, but please address reviewer comments below to the extent that they are representative of questions that might be asked by readers.


Reviewer 1

The paper applies GFlowNets to sample torsion angles in drug-like molecules such as alanine dipeptide, ibuprofen, and ketorolac. It offers a detailed analysis of molecular systems with only two torsion angles and investigates GFlowNets' performance depending on the number of torsion angles. The manuscript is well-written, explaining the method and experiments in great detail. Considering the above and the fact that exploring generative models for sampling molecular conformation is an intriguing research area, I am inclined to recommend this manuscript for publication, however, after addressing minor comments.

Some more detailed comments:

* The work focuses only on torsion angles, saying that some rule-based methods can generate bond lengths and angles. I believe this narrative should be changed as it is rather a current limitation of the proposed method, but not the must-have for generative models.

* Related work seems to miss conformer ensembles when thinking about property prediction from phase-space averages. Some recent references could be: 10.1088/2632-2153/acefa7,, and

* GFlowNets, for me, are reminiscent of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC), employing a sequential update rule and a reward function. For HMC these would be velocity Verlet integration and accept/reject step. There is also much work on optimizing its parameters (integration time step and the number of integration steps), with the most recent utilizing automatic differentiation: Could the authors briefly mention the HMC method in their related work section? Also, while running additional experiments is unnecessary, a comparison similar to the one performed for MCMC in the Appendix could be interesting.

* Could the authors briefly discuss the practical advantages of their method compared to MCMC, even if only potential ones?

* In the discussion, the authors mention that the presented work is a 'stepping stone' toward a generalized model. Could the authors briefly explain how the reader can see it, given that in the presented work, a separate model is trained for each molecule? What are the criteria to reach this goal?

* Could the authors compare the computational cost of their method and MCMC? Reporting runtimes for both methods would be sufficient.


Thank you for taking time to review our work and providing your feedback. Here is our response to the review comments:

> The work focuses only on torsion angles, saying that some rule-based methods can generate bond lengths and angles. I believe this narrative should be changed as it is rather a current limitation of the proposed method, but not the must-have for generative models.

Our focus on sampling the torsion angles is based on prior work in the chemistry domain that applied similar parameterization to the problem, e.g. and

> Related work seems to miss conformer ensembles when thinking about property prediction from phase-space averages. Some recent references could be: 10.1088/2632-2153/acefa7,, and

Both works mentioned by the reviewer are either concurrent work that published either at the same time as the paper (AI4Science workshop at NeurIPS – OpenReview link) or after the paper was submitted (arXiv link Feb 3, 2024). As such, they were not included in the related works section.

> GFlowNets, for me, are reminiscent of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC), employing a sequential update rule and a reward function. For HMC these would be velocity Verlet integration and accept/reject step. There is also much work on optimizing its parameters (integration time step and the number of integration steps), with the most recent utilizing automatic differentiation: Could the authors briefly mention the HMC method in their related work section? Also, while running additional experiments is unnecessary, a comparison similar to the one performed for MCMC in the Appendix could be interesting.

GFlowNets indeed have similarities with other sequential sampling methods, such as Hamiltonian MC, hierarchical variational inference, etc. However, these theoretical links are not the focus of our work and therefore we don't include it in our manuscript. Section 3 of our paper gives the necessary background on GFlowNets and one can follow the cited works e.g. to learn more about the theoretical aspects.

> Could the authors briefly discuss the practical advantages of their method compared to MCMC, even if only potential ones?* In the discussion, the authors mention that the presented work is a 'stepping stone' toward a generalized model. Could the authors briefly explain how the reader can see it, given that in the presented work, a separate model is trained for each molecule? What are the criteria to reach this goal?

As detailed in the discussion section, future work will extent the current model in a way that it will be able to generate conformers for the given molecular graph which was not seen during the training. One promising approach is to make the gflownet model conditional on the input molecular graph.

> Could the authors compare the computational cost of their method and MCMC? Reporting runtimes for both methods would be sufficient.

Given the similarities to MCMC don't expect our method to be more computationally efficient than MCMC in the current implementation, as it requires training the model for each molecule.

Thank you,

Round 2

Revised manuscript submitted on 11 Mar 2024


Dear Mrs Volokhova:

Manuscript ID: DD-ART-01-2024-000023.R1
TITLE: Towards equilibrium molecular conformation generation with GFlowNets

Thank you for submitting your revised manuscript to Digital Discovery. I am pleased to accept your manuscript for publication in its current form. I have copied any final comments from the reviewer(s) below. You may incorporate revisions into your page proofs, if desired.

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With best wishes,

Dr Joshua Schrier
Associate Editor, Digital Discovery

Reviewer 1

The authors tended to disregard my comments rather than incorporate them into their manuscripts.

For instance, mentioning the use of torsional angles in other works to assess model performance might be seen as a weak argument because it may stem from those methods' limitations rather than strengths (similar to many classical approaches, though). Such a discussion would encourage researchers to focus on these issues (e.g., mode collapse is related) but was not meant to criticize the presented approach.

Furthermore, dismissing a body of work because it is concurrent (10.1088/2632-2153/acefa7 has been on arXiv since 2020) and is not worth referencing seems odd. It would be beneficial to contextualize their generative model and discuss its suitability for specific tasks, particularly for practitioners in the chemistry community. However, I apologize for not checking the dates of other proposed works submitted to arXiv.

However, despite these points, I find the work compelling and worthy of publication in Digital Discovery. I recommend this manuscript for publication, leaving it to the authors to decide whether to discuss the limitations of their method.

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