From the journal Digital Discovery Peer review history

Recent advances in the self-referencing embedded strings (SELFIES) library

Round 1

Manuscript submitted on 17 Mar 2023


Dear Mr Lo:

Manuscript ID: DD-TRV-03-2023-000044
TITLE: Recent advances in the Self-Referencing Embedded Strings (SELFIES) library

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Linda Hung
Associate Editor
Digital Discovery
Royal Society of Chemistry


Reviewer 1

Congratulations on your excellent work in developing and improving the SELFIES library.

Reviewer 2

I am one of the contributors to the DECIMER and STOUT systems. We use SELFIES encoding extensively and consider it a major milestone in the overall history of chemical structure representation. The manuscript is important in advancing this exceptionally promising area of research, so I strongly support its publication in Digital Discovery. Because it is very well written, logically concise, and convincingly structured, I recommend its publication as is.

Nevertheless, I would like to encourage the authors to enrich their work with (more) examples and corresponding graphical illustrations. Even if this is not necessary from a purely scientific point of view, it would facilitate understanding and promote a wider dissemination of the topic in the (quite diverse) chemistry community. From my teaching experience, I can say that SELFIES are initially considered more difficult to understand than SMILES and even DeepSMILES - so I would place a clear bet on the outcome of "Future project 12: Experiment on readability of molecular string representations" in Ref. 20. Since I fully agree with the authors' vision “that SELFIES [should] become a standard computer representation for molecular matter”, broader chemical attention is mandatory.
Last but not least, in view of its ubiquitous availability, SELFIES would additionally benefit from direct implementation in widely used open cheminformatics libraries such as RDKit and/or CDK.

Reviewer 3

I believe that this tutorial has the potential to serve as a valuable educational resource in the field. However, several points need to be addressed and clarified to enhance the tutorial's effectiveness and comprehensiveness, ensuring its suitability for publication.

I have the following suggestions and questions.

1. The product rule could be better explained with a concrete example, such as a small molecule with multiple atom types. This would help readers understand the concept more easily.

2. The use of the Kleene star operation in the context-free grammar is not introduced, and although it is a valid notation in formal language theory, it may not be familiar to readers who are not well-versed in this area. It could be helpful for the authors to provide some explanation or use an alternative notation that is more accessible to a broader audience.

3. The handling of multi-valency in SELFIES is not well-explained in the tutorial. The authors should provide more information on this topic, as well as clarify whether SELFIES is limited to organic molecules or if it can handle a broader range of elements and bond types. A table or figure illustrating the applicable elements, bond types, and periodic table coverage would be helpful.

4. The encoding process (SMILES to SELFIES) is not adequately explained in the tutorial. If the reason for this omission is that encoding is simply the reverse of decoding, then the authors should clarify this point. If the procedures are different, the tutorial should include a detailed explanation of the encoding process. Additionally, the authors should clarify their use of the term "reverse translation" when referring to encoding, as the purpose is definitely unclear.

5. The paper emphasizes that SMILES are prone to syntactic and semantic errors and implies that the error rate is significant. The authors should provide a clear benchmark of invalidity rates for SMILES on large, diverse datasets using state-of-the-art models in molecular generation tasks. Such benchmarks should include percentages of parsing errors (e.g., unclosed rings, extra open or close parentheses), kekulization errors, and explicit valence errors, among others.
Similarly, regarding the model accuracy, we expect a performance gain due to zero invalid outcomes, but as seen in the previous works, there is a substantial performance drop in forward-, backward- reaction prediction tasks (, and fingerprint to SMILES/SELFIES translation tasks ( Can the performance gain compensate for the loss? This is critical in terms of the applicability of SELFIES. Can the authors highlight the situations in which the selfies is a more favorable choice for deep learning tasks compared to SMILES?

6. If SMILES has a simple underlying grammar, as the authors suggest, why do state-of-the-art models struggle to understand it fully? The authors should address this question in conjunction with their discussion of invalidity rates, which are directly related to syntactic errors.

7. As far as i know, there are no tools available for converting molecular structures directly to SELFIES, bypassing SMILES altogether.
Considering the initial motivation for SELFIES, the limitation it addresses, the concepts it borrows from SMILES, and the prevalence of SMILES in the literature, it seems that SELFIES is strongly tied to SMILES. The authors should clarify the relationship between the two representations in the beginning, and discuss the possibility of creating SELFIES libraries independent of SMILES as outlook.


Referee: 1

Congratulations on your excellent work in developing and improving the SELFIES library.

Authors: We thank the reviewer for this kind comment.


Referee: 2

I am one of the contributors to the DECIMER and STOUT systems. We use SELFIES encoding extensively and consider it a major milestone in the overall history of chemical structure representation. The manuscript is important in advancing this exceptionally promising area of research, so I strongly support its publication in Digital Discovery. Because it is very well written, logically concise, and convincingly structured, I recommend its publication as is.

Authors: We thank the reviewer for this kind assessment.

Nevertheless, I would like to encourage the authors to enrich their work with (more) examples and corresponding graphical illustrations. Even if this is not necessary from a purely scientific point of view, it would facilitate understanding and promote a wider dissemination of the topic in the (quite diverse) chemistry community. From my teaching experience, I can say that SELFIES are initially considered more difficult to understand than SMILES and even DeepSMILES - so I would place a clear bet on the outcome of "Future project 12: Experiment on readability of molecular string representations" in Ref. 20. Since I fully agree with the authors' vision “that SELFIES [should] become a standard computer representation for molecular matter”, broader chemical attention is mandatory.

Authors: We thank the reviewer for this insightful comment. We have added additional examples throughout subsections III.C-III.E to better convey the SELFIES derivation rules.

Last but not least, in view of its ubiquitous availability, SELFIES would additionally benefit from direct implementation in widely used open cheminformatics libraries such as RDKit and/or CDK.

Authors: We thank the reviewer for this comment. We agree that SELFIES could benefit from its implementation in established cheminformatics libraries. Our current focus was making SELFIES a lightweight standalone library that could naturally be incorporated in any Python-based package. Hence, inclusion in RDKit would be very straightforward. Inclusion in CDK would likely require rewriting SELFIES in Java which could be a potential future project to pursue.


Referee: 3
I believe that this tutorial has the potential to serve as a valuable educational resource in the field. However, several points need to be addressed and clarified to enhance the tutorial's effectiveness and comprehensiveness, ensuring its suitability for publication. I have the following suggestions and questions.

1. The product rule could be better explained with a concrete example, such as a small molecule with multiple atom types. This would help readers understand the concept more easily.

Authors: We thank the reviewer for this comment. We provide concrete examples of the derivation rules at the ends of subsections III.C-III.E.

2. The use of the Kleene star operation in the context-free grammar is not introduced, and although it is a valid notation in formal language theory, it may not be familiar to readers who are not well-versed in this area. It could be helpful for the authors to provide some explanation or use an alternative notation that is more accessible to a broader audience.

Authors: We thank the reviewer for this important comment. We have added a footnote defining the Kleene star operation after it is first used.

3. The handling of multi-valency in SELFIES is not well-explained in the tutorial. The authors should provide more information on this topic, as well as clarify whether SELFIES is limited to organic molecules or if it can handle a broader range of elements and bond types. A table or figure illustrating the applicable elements, bond types, and periodic table coverage would be helpful.

We thank the reviewer for this remark. Table IV shows the default constraints of SELFIES, which illustrates the applicable elements and assumed valences. For bond types, SELFIES only supports single, double, and triple bonds. We have clarified this at the beginning of section IV.

4. The encoding process (SMILES to SELFIES) is not adequately explained in the tutorial. If the reason for this omission is that encoding is simply the reverse of decoding, then the authors should clarify this point. If the procedures are different, the tutorial should include a detailed explanation of the encoding process. Additionally, the authors should clarify their use of the term "reverse translation" when referring to encoding, as the purpose is definitely unclear.

Authors: We thank the reviewer for this insightful comment. Our use of “reverse translation” was intended to mean a translation in the reverse direction, as opposed to a strict functional inverse. We have clarified our usage of the phrase, and added additional comments to explain the behaviour of the encoder() function.

5. The paper emphasizes that SMILES are prone to syntactic and semantic errors and implies that the error rate is significant. The authors should provide a clear benchmark of invalidity rates for SMILES on large, diverse datasets using state-of-the-art models in molecular generation tasks. Such benchmarks should include percentages of parsing errors (e.g., unclosed rings, extra open or close parentheses), kekulization errors, and explicit valence errors, among others.
Similarly, regarding the model accuracy, we expect a performance gain due to zero invalid outcomes, but as seen in the previous works, there is a substantial performance drop in forward-, backward- reaction prediction tasks (, and fingerprint to SMILES/SELFIES translation tasks ( Can the performance gain compensate for the loss? This is critical in terms of the applicability of SELFIES. Can the authors highlight the situations in which the selfies is a more favorable choice for deep learning tasks compared to SMILES?

Authors: We thank the reviewer for this important comment. We agree that a benchmark of invalidity rates and performance across various tasks would be both valuable and important. However, we believe that the subject and scope of these analyses make them more suitable for future work, as this tutorial article is intended to primarily serve as a description of the algorithms and API of the current selfies library.

6. If SMILES has a simple underlying grammar, as the authors suggest, why do state-of-the-art models struggle to understand it fully? The authors should address this question in conjunction with their discussion of invalidity rates, which are directly related to syntactic errors.

Authors: We thank the reviewer for this important point. Although the SMILES grammar is simple (by which we mean conceptual simpleness), SMILES can be fragile due to the rigidity of its grammar rules. For example, a single misplaced bracket or ring number could ruin the validity of the generated SMILES strings. We have clarified this in the introduction, when the concept of syntactic invalidity is first discussed.

7. As far as i know, there are no tools available for converting molecular structures directly to SELFIES, bypassing SMILES altogether. Considering the initial motivation for SELFIES, the limitation it addresses, the concepts it borrows from SMILES, and the prevalence of SMILES in the literature, it seems that SELFIES is strongly tied to SMILES. The authors should clarify the relationship between the two representations in the beginning, and discuss the possibility of creating SELFIES libraries independent of SMILES as outlook.

Authors: We thank the reviewer for this remark. Under the hood, the selfies encoder() and decoder() translation functions go through an internal molecular graph representation as an intermediate step, which was refactored in selfies v2. Although we have not exposed the SELFIES-to-graph utilities, this is an important step towards a SMILES-independent selfies library. We have clarified the relationship between SELFIES and SMILES with additional comments in section IV.A.

Round 2

Revised manuscript submitted on 11 Jun 2023


Dear Mr Lo:

Manuscript ID: DD-TRV-03-2023-000044.R1
TITLE: Recent advances in the Self-Referencing Embedded Strings (SELFIES) library

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With best wishes,

Linda Hung
Associate Editor
Digital Discovery
Royal Society of Chemistry

Reviewer 3

Thanks for answering all of my questions.
I confirmed that the quality of the manuscript was improved according to my previous comments. I believe the article is more consistent now.

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