Issue 16, 2024

Fabricating a scattering–fluorescent luminescent solar concentrator synchronously to achieve broad-spectrum solar energy utilization and light pollution inhibition


Light pollution caused by the reflected light of buildings poses a growing threat to the global environment and human health. Currently, the common luminescent solar concentrator (LSC), as an important transparent photovoltaic component for building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), is unable to reduce light pollution due to the limited utilization of solar energy only in the ultraviolet range. In this study, a scattering–fluorescent LSC (S–F LSC) is fabricated using a particular two-step strategy with an electrostatic assembly of a microfibrillated cellulose (MFC)/carbon quantum dot (CQD) composite and its embedment into PMMA through in situ radical bulk polymerization. S–F LSC exhibits the dual characteristics of visible light scattering and fluorescent luminescence while maintaining 77.87% transmittance. After its combination with a silicon solar cell, the formed PV-LSC device shows the capability to utilize natural light in both visible and UV spectral bands. With 1.6 wt% MFC/CQDs composites in S–F LSC, the external optical efficiency and power conversion efficiency are up to 18.07% and 8.61%, respectively, under a standard sunlight condition (100 mW cm−2). Only 9.99% reflection of visible light of S–F LSC is produced. The synergistic function of the broad-spectrum solar energy utilization and light pollution inhibition provides S–F LSC with the potential to become key transparent energy-saving components in BIPV for livable outdoor and indoor lifestyles.

Graphical abstract: Fabricating a scattering–fluorescent luminescent solar concentrator synchronously to achieve broad-spectrum solar energy utilization and light pollution inhibition

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Article information

Article type
13 Mar 2024
04 Jul 2024
First published
05 Jul 2024

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024,17, 5931-5940

Fabricating a scattering–fluorescent luminescent solar concentrator synchronously to achieve broad-spectrum solar energy utilization and light pollution inhibition

C. Jin, C. Feng, Y. Chen, T. Zhang, H. He, H. Na and J. Zhu, Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, 17, 5931 DOI: 10.1039/D4EE01157K

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