Issue 6, 2021

Facet stability of GaN during tri-halide vapor phase epitaxy: an ab initio-based approach


An ab initio-based approach is used to investigate the facet stability of GaN during tri-halide vapor phase epitaxy (THVPE). First, surface reconstructions are analyzed to create surface phase diagrams as a function of the gaseous pressure and temperature. Next, a triangular wedge model is used to compute absolute surface formation energies with the bulk state as a reference. A Wulff construction is used to predict the crystal growth form composed of energetically preferred facets. The calculated results can be used to control the shape of GaN grown by THVPE.

Graphical abstract: Facet stability of GaN during tri-halide vapor phase epitaxy: an ab initio-based approach

Article information

Article type
19 Nov 2020
14 Jan 2021
First published
15 Jan 2021

CrystEngComm, 2021,23, 1423-1428

Author version available

Facet stability of GaN during tri-halide vapor phase epitaxy: an ab initio-based approach

D. Yosho, Y. Matsuo, A. Kusaba, P. Kempisty, Y. Kangawa, H. Murakami and A. Koukitu, CrystEngComm, 2021, 23, 1423 DOI: 10.1039/D0CE01683G

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