Issue 1, 2024

Charge doping and electric field tunable ferromagnetism and Curie temperature of the MnS2 monolayer


Two-dimensional ferromagnets with a long-range ferromagnetic ordering at finite temperature present a bright prospect for their potential applications in nanoscale spintronic devices. The tuning of their intrinsic ferromagnetism and Curie temperature is essential for the development of next-generation data storage and spintronic devices. In this work, the electronic structures, ferromagnetism and Curie temperature of two-dimensional MnS2 monolayer are controlled by charge doping and electric field using first principles calculations. The results show that the dynamic and thermal stability of monolayer MnS2 for all of the cases can be still maintained. Moreover, there is no existence of phase transition and all MnS2 monolayers at any charge doping concentrations and electric field intensities favor ferromagnetic coupling. For the manipulation of electron doping, the calculated total magnetic moment Mtot of the MnS2 monolayer exhibits an increase from 3.112 to 3.491μB per unit cell. Further analysis indicates that a transition from half-metal to metal occurs by introducing the charge doping and vertical electric field, and the Mn 3d electronic states are the major determinants of ferromagnetism. Additionally, the charge doping enables the magnetic anisotropy energy to transform from an in-plane easy axis to the magnetization direction out of the plane. The Curie temperature Tc of the MnS2 monolayer can be moderately enhanced above room temperature by hole doping and application of a vertical electric field. Remarkably, Tc reaches its peak at 767 K at a hole doping concentration of −0.8e. This work enriches the microscopic understanding of the tuning mechanism of ferromagnetism and supplies a sound theoretical basis for subsequent experimental studies.

Graphical abstract: Charge doping and electric field tunable ferromagnetism and Curie temperature of the MnS2 monolayer

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
10 Sep 2023
13 Nov 2023
First published
14 Nov 2023

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024,26, 267-277

Charge doping and electric field tunable ferromagnetism and Curie temperature of the MnS2 monolayer

J. Xie, D. Wu, Y. Liao, X. Cao and S. Zhou, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024, 26, 267 DOI: 10.1039/D3CP04382G

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