Issue 40, 2021

Convergent charge interval spacing of zwitterionic 4-vinylpyridine carboxybetaine structures for superior blood-inert regulation in amphiphilic phases


Antifouling materials are indispensable in the biomedical field, but their high hydrophilicity and surface free energy provoke contamination on surfaces under atmospheric conditions, thus limiting their applicability in medical devices. This study proposes a new zwitterionic structure, 4-vinylpyridine carboxybetaine (4VPCB), that results in lower surface free energy and increases biological inertness. In the design of 4VPCB, one to three carbon atoms are inserted between the positive charge and negative charge (carbon space length, CSL) of the pyridyl-containing side chain to adjust hydration with water molecules. The pyridine in the 4VPCB structure provides the hydrophobicity of the zwitterionic functional group, and thus it can have a lower free energy in the gas phase but maintain higher hydrophilicity in the liquid phase environment. Surface plasmon resonance and confocal microscopy were used to analyze the antiprotein adsorption and anti-blood cell adhesion properties of the P4VPCB brush surface. The results showed that the CSL in the P4VPCB structure affected the biological inertness of the surface. The protein adsorption on the surface of P4VPCB2 (CSL= 2) is lower than that on the surfaces of P4VPCB1 (CSL = 1) and P4VPCB3 (CSL = 3), and the optimal resistance to protein adsorption can be reduced to 7.5 ng cm−2. The surface of P4VPCB2 can also exhibit excellent blood-inert function in the adhesion test with various human blood cells, offering a potential possibility for the future design of a new generation of blood-inert medical materials.

Graphical abstract: Convergent charge interval spacing of zwitterionic 4-vinylpyridine carboxybetaine structures for superior blood-inert regulation in amphiphilic phases

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Article information

Article type
19 Jun 2021
21 Aug 2021
First published
04 Sep 2021

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2021,9, 8437-8450

Convergent charge interval spacing of zwitterionic 4-vinylpyridine carboxybetaine structures for superior blood-inert regulation in amphiphilic phases

C. Chiu, Y. Chang, T. Liu, Y. Chou and T. Yen, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2021, 9, 8437 DOI: 10.1039/D1TB01374B

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