Issue 34, 2021

Microsteganography on all inorganic perovskite micro-platelets by direct laser writing


Direct laser writing (DLW) is a mask-free and cost-efficient micro-fabrication technology, which has been explored to pattern structures on perovskites. However, there is still a lack of research on DLW methods for microsteganography. Herein, we developed a sophisticated DLW condition to pattern on CsPbBr3 perovskite micro-platelets (MPs). In addition to the reversible PL quenching caused by photo-induced ion migration, permanent nonradiative centers are also produced by the DLW treatment. Therefore, the patterned information is retained after long-term storage. Meanwhile, the mild DLW condition only results in a faint trace, which is almost invisible under a regular optical microscope. Thus, the patterned information is hidden unless applying an excitation source, which paves the way for applications in microsteganography and anti-counterfeiting. As a proof-of-concept, different patterns are drawn on the CsPbBr3 MPs by DLW, which are only observable under a fluorescence microscope.

Graphical abstract: Microsteganography on all inorganic perovskite micro-platelets by direct laser writing

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
21 Apr 2021
26 Jul 2021
First published
26 Jul 2021

Nanoscale, 2021,13, 14450-14459

Microsteganography on all inorganic perovskite micro-platelets by direct laser writing

Y. Sheng, C. Liu, L. Yu, Y. Yang, F. Hu, C. Sheng, Y. Di, L. Dong and Z. Gan, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 14450 DOI: 10.1039/D1NR02511B

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