Issue 7, 2020

A highly efficient electrocatalyst based on double perovskite cobaltites with immense intrinsic catalytic activity for water oxidation


High temperature electrocatalysts based on double perovskite cobaltites that are typically employed in proton ceramic fuel cells and electrolyzers are exploited here for room temperature water oxidation. The double perovskites are assessed by the RctCdl product and we show that their intrinsic catalytic activities exceed that of IrO2.

Graphical abstract: A highly efficient electrocatalyst based on double perovskite cobaltites with immense intrinsic catalytic activity for water oxidation

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Article type
09 Nov 2019
16 Dec 2019
First published
16 Dec 2019

Chem. Commun., 2020,56, 1030-1033

A highly efficient electrocatalyst based on double perovskite cobaltites with immense intrinsic catalytic activity for water oxidation

H. Andersen, K. Xu, D. Malyshkin, R. Strandbakke and A. Chatzitakis, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 1030 DOI: 10.1039/C9CC08765F

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