Issue 22, 2024

Enhancing inter-domain connectivity by reducing fractal dimensions: the key to passivating deep traps in organic photovoltaics


The detrimental impact of non-geminate recombination on high-performance organic photovoltaics has been recognised and primarily attributed to bimolecular recombination. However, the recent surge in Y-series acceptor-based systems has drawn attention to deep-trap-assisted monomolecular recombination. This study reveals the morphological origin of deep traps in the prototypical PM6:Y6 system, identifying isolated crystalline and amorphous Y6 domains as key contributors. The findings underscore the importance of improving inter-acceptor domain connectivity for effective trap passivation. For the first time, we have pinpointed a crucial metric for inversely quantifying the inter-acceptor domain connectivity: the crystalline domain fractal dimension (Df). Due to the self-similar nature of fractal structures, the fractal dimension propagates across multi-length scales and can be controlled by tuning local intermolecular aggregation motifs. Remarkably, combining diiodide benzene (DIB) as the additive and layer-by-layer (LBL) processing effectively promotes the more extended backbone order of Y6 molecules, consequently reducing the fractal dimensions and passivating deep traps. By applying this strategy to another high-performance system, D18:L8BO, a benchmark efficiency of 19.6% is achieved, among the highest efficiencies reported for LBL OPVs.

Graphical abstract: Enhancing inter-domain connectivity by reducing fractal dimensions: the key to passivating deep traps in organic photovoltaics

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Article information

Article type
06 Jul 2024
08 Oct 2024
First published
14 Oct 2024

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024,17, 8893-8903

Enhancing inter-domain connectivity by reducing fractal dimensions: the key to passivating deep traps in organic photovoltaics

Y. Fu, L. Xu, Y. Li, E. J. Yang, Y. Guo, G. Cai, P. F. Chan, Y. Ke, C. Su, U. Jeng, P. C. Y. Chow, J. Kim, M. Tang and X. Lu, Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, 17, 8893 DOI: 10.1039/D4EE02961E

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