Issue 4, 2024

High-entropy rare earth materials: synthesis, application and outlook


Recently, high-entropy (HE) materials have attracted increasing interest in various fields due to their unique characteristics. Rare earth (RE) elements have a similar atomic radius and gradually occupied 4f orbitals, endowing them with abundant optical, electric, and magnetic properties. Furthermore, HE-RE materials exhibit good structural and thermal stability and various functional properties, emerging as an important class of HE materials, which are on the verge of rapid development. However, a comprehensive review focusing on the introduction and in-depth understanding of HE-RE materials has not been reported to date. Thus, this review endeavors to provide a comprehensive summary of the development and research status of HE-RE materials, including alloys and ceramics, ranging from their structure, synthesis, and properties to applications. In addition, some distinctive issues of HR-RE materials related to the special electronic structure of RE are also discussed. Finally, we put forward the current challenges and future development directions of HE-RE materials. We hope that this review will provide inspiration for new design ideas and valuable references in this emerging field in the future.

Graphical abstract: High-entropy rare earth materials: synthesis, application and outlook

Article information

Article type
Review Article
16 Jul 2023
First published
19 Jan 2024

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2024,53, 2211-2247

High-entropy rare earth materials: synthesis, application and outlook

H. Fu, Y. Jiang, M. Zhang, Z. Zhong, Z. Liang, S. Wang, Y. Du and C. Yan, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2024, 53, 2211 DOI: 10.1039/D2CS01030E

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