Issue 27, 2017

Functionalized vinylsilanes via highly efficient and recyclable Pt-nanoparticle catalysed hydrosilylation of alkynes


A mild, selective and facile synthesis of vinylsilanes via a recyclable platinum nanoparticle catalysed hydrosilylation of alkynes is reported. Various functionalized alkynes are selectively hydrosilylated to furnish functional β-E vinylsilanes in high yields. The catalytic effectiveness, ease of catalyst recovery and recyclability of the polysiloxane stabilized Pt-nanoparticle catalyst are the major achievements of this work. Detailed in situ characterization using Electron Microscopy and controlled poisoning experiments supports the participation of Pt-nanoparticles as active catalysts.

Graphical abstract: Functionalized vinylsilanes via highly efficient and recyclable Pt-nanoparticle catalysed hydrosilylation of alkynes

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Article information

Article type
13 Feb 2017
10 Apr 2017
First published
10 Apr 2017

Dalton Trans., 2017,46, 8709-8715

Functionalized vinylsilanes via highly efficient and recyclable Pt-nanoparticle catalysed hydrosilylation of alkynes

B. P. S. Chauhan and A. Sarkar, Dalton Trans., 2017, 46, 8709 DOI: 10.1039/C7DT00544J

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