Intrinsic immunomodulatory hydrogels for chronic inflammation


The immune system plays a pivotal role in maintaining physiological homeostasis and influencing disease processes. Dysregulated immune responses drive chronic inflammation, which in turn results in a range of diseases that are among the leading causes of death globally. Traditional immune interventions, which aim to regulate either insufficient or excessive inflammation, frequently entail lifelong comorbidities and the risk of severe side effects. In this context, intrinsic immunomodulatory hydrogels, designed to precisely control the local immune microenvironment, have recently attracted increasing attention. In particular, these advanced hydrogels not only function as delivery mechanisms but also actively engage in immune modulation, optimizing interactions with the immune system for enhanced tissue repair, thereby providing a sophisticated strategy for managing chronic inflammation. In this tutorial review, we outline key elements of chronic inflammation and subsequently explore the strategic design principles of intrinsic immunomodulatory hydrogels based on these elements. Finally, we examine the challenges and prospects of such immunomodulatory hydrogels, which are expected to inspire further preclinical research and clinical translation in addressing chronic inflammation.

Graphical abstract: Intrinsic immunomodulatory hydrogels for chronic inflammation

Article information

Article type
Tutorial Review
10 May 2024
First published
05 Nov 2024

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2025, Advance Article

Intrinsic immunomodulatory hydrogels for chronic inflammation

Y. Qian, J. Ding, R. Zhao, Y. Song, J. Yoo, H. Moon, S. Koo, J. S. Kim and J. Shen, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4CS00450G

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