Issue 95, 2016, Issue in Progress

Cellulose-based spreadable new thixo gels: synthesis and their characterization


Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) based new thixotropic gels were synthesized by a facile microwave-induced reaction of aminobenzoic acids (ABAs) e.g. para- and meta-aminobenzoic acids. Cellulose of the halophytic plant Salicornia brachiata was employed in this investigation. These derivatives were characterized by FT-IR, 13C NMR spectra, thermal analyses and surface morphology studies. These compounds form thixotropic soft gels in water, which were evaluated by rheological measurements. Their antioxidant properties were estimated by in vitro DPPH radical scavenging assay. These CMC-based new materials would be of potential utility in spreadable formulations in personal care applications.

Graphical abstract: Cellulose-based spreadable new thixo gels: synthesis and their characterization

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Article information

Article type
29 Jul 2016
21 Sep 2016
First published
21 Sep 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 92953-92961

Cellulose-based spreadable new thixo gels: synthesis and their characterization

N. D. Sanandiya and A. K. Siddhanta, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 92953 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA19264E

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