Issue 10, 2015

A facile pathway to polyurea nanofiber fabrication and polymer morphology control in copolymerization of oxydianiline and toluene diisocyanate in acetone


Precipitation polymerization of toluene diisocyanate and 4,4′-oxydianiline was carried out in acetone. At 1.0 wt% monomer concentration and 30 °C as the polymerization temperature, polymers of different morphologies were obtained depending on the ways of agitation. Under mechanical stirring, a rope-form polymer was obtained at low stirring rate and an aggregate of granular polymers was observed with a stirring rate of 600 r per min or higher; whereas polymer nanofibers were observed with quiescent polymerization and reciprocating shaking. Under quiescent polymerization with a monomer concentration of 1.0 wt%, the influence of the polymerization temperature on the morphology of the polymer was studied. It was found that spherical particles were formed at 0 °C, whereas fibrous polyurea was observed at 30 °C or higher. Studies on the influence of the monomer concentration at 30 °C revealed that nanofibers were obtained at 2.0 wt% of monomer concentration or lower; and spherical particles were formed with higher monomer concentration. The basic properties of the polymers were characterized. This paper provides a novel and facile pathway to the fabrication of a novel type nanofiber of polyurea based on toluene diisocyanate and 4,4′-oxydianiline.

Graphical abstract: A facile pathway to polyurea nanofiber fabrication and polymer morphology control in copolymerization of oxydianiline and toluene diisocyanate in acetone

Article information

Article type
26 Nov 2014
12 Dec 2014
First published
12 Dec 2014

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 7426-7432

Author version available

A facile pathway to polyurea nanofiber fabrication and polymer morphology control in copolymerization of oxydianiline and toluene diisocyanate in acetone

Y. Yang, X. Jiang, X. Zhu and X. Z. Kong, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 7426 DOI: 10.1039/C4RA15309J

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