Issue 11, 2010

DNA hybridization induced selective encapsulation of small dye molecules in dendrimer based microcapsules


A novel approach for selectively encapsulating Cy5 dye molecules via DNA hybridization in cationic phosphorus dendrimers (G4+)/polystyrenesulfonate (PSS) microcapsules has been developed. The hybridization between Cy5 labeled single strand DNA (ssDNA) targets and complementary ssDNA probes was performed in the microcapsules. During hybridization, the ssDNA targets acted as ‘vehicles’ and Cy5 dye molecules as ‘cargos’, which led to the selective encapsulation of the Cy5 molecules inside the capsules. The approach may be applied for many small molecules, which are usually difficult to be encapsulated due to their diffusion properties in microcapsules.

Graphical abstract: DNA hybridization induced selective encapsulation of small dye molecules in dendrimer based microcapsules

Article information

Article type
20 May 2010
04 Aug 2010
First published
15 Sep 2010

Analyst, 2010,135, 2939-2944

DNA hybridization induced selective encapsulation of small dye molecules in dendrimer based microcapsules

C. Feng, A. Caminade, J. Majoral, J. Gu, S. Zhu, H. Su, X. Hu and D. Zhang, Analyst, 2010, 135, 2939 DOI: 10.1039/C0AN00334D

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