Issue 4, 2020

Molecular mechanisms of selenium-biofortified soybean protein and polyphenol conjugates in protecting mouse skin damaged by UV-B


Selenium-biofortified crops are a quality functional food resource because of their anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties. In the present study, the conjugates of selenium-biofortified soybean protein and polyphenols were prepared and evaluated by alkali-induced synthesis and in vitro antioxidant tests. Moreover, the antioxidant mechanisms of protecting mice skin damaged by UV-B were studied. The results showed that the antioxidant activity of the conjugate between 7S globulin from selenium-enriched soybean (Se-7S) and EGCG (Se-7S-EGCG) was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than that of Se-7S-GA. Structural characterizations implied that the polymerization of polyphenols with amino acid residues occurred. Se-7S-EGCG inhibited the apoptosis of epidermal cells induced by UV-B. The overexpression of phosphorylated proteins in the MAPK signaling pathway, the activation of related inflammatory factors, and the boost in the MMPs were reversed by Se-7S-EGCG. Overall, this research provides a theoretical and experimental basis for the application of protein and polyphenol conjugates in food and medicine fields.

Graphical abstract: Molecular mechanisms of selenium-biofortified soybean protein and polyphenol conjugates in protecting mouse skin damaged by UV-B

Article information

Article type
31 Oct 2019
18 Mar 2020
First published
25 Mar 2020

Food Funct., 2020,11, 3563-3573

Molecular mechanisms of selenium-biofortified soybean protein and polyphenol conjugates in protecting mouse skin damaged by UV-B

X. Zhang, H. He and T. Hou, Food Funct., 2020, 11, 3563 DOI: 10.1039/C9FO02560J

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