Issue 33, 2023

Polycrystalline bismuth nanowire networks for flexible longitudinal and transverse thermoelectrics


This paper reports on the preparation and the characterization of structural, electrical and thermoelectric properties of nanocomposite films formed from three-dimensional networks of polycrystalline bismuth (Bi) nanowires (NWs). The samples were fabricated by electrodeposition within polycarbonate (PC) templates with crossed cylindrical nanopores, yielding self-supported networks of Bi crossed nanowires (CNWs) with mean diameter values ranging from 23 nm to 230 nm. Temperature changes in electrical resistance and thermopower were studied by considering electric and thermal currents flowing in the plane of the films. While the values of the Seebeck coefficient are close to those of polycrystalline Bi for diameters greater than 100 nm, a progressive decrease in thermopower appears at smaller diameters, due to an increasing contribution of surface charge carriers as the diameter decreases. Transverse thermoelectricity based on the Nernst effect was also demonstrated on a network of Bi CNWs 230 nm in diameter. Such hierarchical architectures based on Bi CNWs are extremely robust, offering a reliable solution for the next generation of flexible thermoelectric devices.

Graphical abstract: Polycrystalline bismuth nanowire networks for flexible longitudinal and transverse thermoelectrics

Article information

Article type
10 Jul 2023
02 Aug 2023
First published
04 Aug 2023

Nanoscale, 2023,15, 13708-13717

Polycrystalline bismuth nanowire networks for flexible longitudinal and transverse thermoelectrics

L. Piraux, N. Marchal, P. Van Velthem, T. da Câmara Santa Clara Gomes, E. Ferain, J. Issi and V. Antohe, Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 13708 DOI: 10.1039/D3NR03332E

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