Issue 46, 2023

In situ preparation of hierarchical CuO@NiCo LDH core–shell nanosheet arrays on Cu foam for highly sensitive electrochemical glucose sensing


Sensitive detection of glucose is important for public health, but non-enzymatic glucose biosensors still face significant challenges. In this paper, a novel and sensitive non-enzymatic glucose sensor was developed by in situ preparation of CuO nanorod-supported NiCo LDH nanosheet arrays on copper foam (CuO@NiCo LDH NSAs/CF). Because the hierarchical core–shell nanostructure provides more active sites and increases the exposed surface area of the catalyst, the catalytic activity of the electrode was significantly increased. As a working electrode, the CuO@NiCo LDH NSAs/CF catalyst showed good glucose sensing performance in a linear range of 0.6 μM–3 mM and a detection limit of 0.16 μM (S/N = 3). The sensor also showed repeatable responses over a month with negligible interference, and satisfactory recoveries with real human serum samples.

Graphical abstract: In situ preparation of hierarchical CuO@NiCo LDH core–shell nanosheet arrays on Cu foam for highly sensitive electrochemical glucose sensing

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
08 Sep 2023
04 Nov 2023
First published
06 Nov 2023

New J. Chem., 2023,47, 21446-21453

In situ preparation of hierarchical CuO@NiCo LDH core–shell nanosheet arrays on Cu foam for highly sensitive electrochemical glucose sensing

M. Yuan, Z. He, L. Tan, Z. Liao, Y. Liu, Y. Zhang and X. Xiong, New J. Chem., 2023, 47, 21446 DOI: 10.1039/D3NJ04214F

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