Issue 1, 2024

Huperzine alkaloids: forty years of total syntheses


Covering: up to 2023

Huperzine alkaloids are a group of natural products belonging to the Lycopodium alkaloids family. The representative member huperzine A has a unique structure and exhibits potent inhibitory activity against acetylcholine esterase (AChE). This subfamily of alkaloids provides a great opportunity for developing synthetic methodologies and asymmetric synthesis. The efforts towards the synthesis of huperzine A have cultivated dozens of total syntheses and a rich body of new chemistry. Impressive progress has also been made in the synthesis of other huperzine alkaloids. The total syntheses of huperzines B, U, O, Q and R, structure reassignment and total syntheses of huperzines K, M and N have been reported in the past decade. This review focuses on the synthetic organic chemistry and the biosynthesis and medicinal chemistry of huperzines are also covered briefly.

Graphical abstract: Huperzine alkaloids: forty years of total syntheses

Article information

Article type
Review Article
05 Jul 2023
First published
11 Oct 2023

Nat. Prod. Rep., 2024,41, 59-84

Huperzine alkaloids: forty years of total syntheses

B. Cheng, L. Song and F. Chen, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2024, 41, 59 DOI: 10.1039/D3NP00029J

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