Issue 6, 2025

In situ controllably self-assembled amorphous Co–TDPAT MOFs as superior cocatalysts of α-Fe2O3 nanosheet arrays for highly efficient and ultrastable photoelectrochemical oxygen evolution


Amorphous MOFs (a-MOFs) could be highly promising cocatalysts of 3-D α-Fe2O3 to greatly improve its photoelectrochemical oxygen evolution performance, but their effective synthesis and assembly on 3-D α-Fe2O3 presents formidable challenges. A conformal and ultrathin layer of amorphous Co–TDPAT (a-Co–TDPAT) MOF cocatalyst has been in situ self-assembled on an α-Fe2O3 nanosheet array (NSA) by employing 5,5′,5″-(1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triyl)tris(azanediyl)triisophthalic acid (H6TDPAT) as the organic ligand. The obtained α-Fe2O3 NSA@a-Co–TDPAT core–shell NSA exhibits a photocurrent density of 1.54 mA cm−2 (1.23 V), onset potential of ∼0.48 V, and photoconversion efficiency of 0.25%, 6.2 times higher, 290 mV lower, and 12.5 times higher, respectively, than those of the α-Fe2O3 NSA. The photocurrent density and the photoconversion efficiency are among the highest reported for photoanodes based on the FTO-supported α-Fe2O3 NSA without addition of noble metals, and the onset potential is the lowest among those of FTO-supported α-Fe2O3-based photoanodes reported. It is discovered that a-Co–TDPAT significantly enhances charge separation and accelerates charge transport and transfer for a fast oxygen evolution reaction, thus greatly boosting PEC oxygen evolution. This work not only provides a novel strategy to produce highly efficient, highly stable, low-cost, and earth-abundant core–shell water splitting photoanodes via in situ self-assembly of conformal, ultrathin a-MOFs on an α-Fe2O3 NSA, but sheds light on the mechanisms for controlled self-assembly of MOFs and PEC performance enhancement of α-Fe2O3-based photoelectrodes.

Graphical abstract: In situ controllably self-assembled amorphous Co–TDPAT MOFs as superior cocatalysts of α-Fe2O3 nanosheet arrays for highly efficient and ultrastable photoelectrochemical oxygen evolution

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Article type
04 Nov 2024
06 Jan 2025
First published
08 Jan 2025

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025,13, 4614-4623

In situ controllably self-assembled amorphous Co–TDPAT MOFs as superior cocatalysts of α-Fe2O3 nanosheet arrays for highly efficient and ultrastable photoelectrochemical oxygen evolution

W. Hu, Q. Xia, L. Y. Zhang, J. Lu, Q. He and W. Yuan, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025, 13, 4614 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA07843H

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