Issue 32, 2016

Polypyrrole multilayer-laminated cellulose for large-scale repeatable mercury ion removal


In this research, we report a polypyrrole (PPy) multilayer-laminated cellulose network aimed at the cost-effective removal of aqueous potentially toxic metal ions with high adsorption efficiency and good adsorbent recyclability. The preparation of conformal adsorbent coatings on a fibrous cellulose network was accomplished by performing multiple cycles of simple dip-coating of a non-toxic oxidant and vapor-phase polymerization of PPy. The resultant PPy multilayer-deposited cellulose exhibited stable adhesion between the vapor-deposited PPy and the underlying cellulose support even in a strongly acidic solution. Using this non-hazardous hybrid adsorbent, mercury ions could be efficiently adsorbed over a large pH range with a maximum specific adsorption capacity of 31.689 mg g−1, either in the form of a thick suspended adsorbent for large-scale decontamination or a thin dripper-type membrane for portable water purification. Furthermore, the PPy multilayer-laminated cotton fabric enabled the large-scale repetitive removal of mercury ions (100 ppm, 1 liter) with efficiency above 91%. This study suggests that the PPy-cotton hybrid may serve as a large-scale, economical, and recyclable decontamination platform for efficient removal of highly potentially toxic metal ions (e.g., Hg(II) and Cr(VI)), which could be beneficial for water purification, particularly in resource-limited locations.

Graphical abstract: Polypyrrole multilayer-laminated cellulose for large-scale repeatable mercury ion removal

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Article type
08 Feb 2016
31 May 2016
First published
23 Jun 2016

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016,4, 12425-12433

Polypyrrole multilayer-laminated cellulose for large-scale repeatable mercury ion removal

Z. Hanif, S. Lee, G. Hussain Qasim, I. Ardiningsih, J. Kim, J. Seon, S. Han, S. Hong and M. Yoon, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 12425 DOI: 10.1039/C6TA01219A

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