Issue 24, 2018

Correcting the effect of hematocrit in whole blood coagulation analysis on paper-based lateral flow device


A simple method to correct the effect of hematocrit (Hct) on a paper-based lateral flow assay device that is designed to assess whole blood coagulation is reported. By quantifying the effect of Hct on red blood cell (RBC) transport, a calibration procedure is obtained that compensates for the Hct effect, while maintaining the dependence of blood coagulation on RBC transport.

Graphical abstract: Correcting the effect of hematocrit in whole blood coagulation analysis on paper-based lateral flow device

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Article type
25 Jan 2018
15 May 2018
First published
17 May 2018

Anal. Methods, 2018,10, 2869-2874

Author version available

Correcting the effect of hematocrit in whole blood coagulation analysis on paper-based lateral flow device

H. Li, D. Han, Giovanni M. Pauletti, M. A. Hegener and A. J. Steckl, Anal. Methods, 2018, 10, 2869 DOI: 10.1039/C8AY00192H

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