Pseudo-Lithium Vacancies in Hydrogen Rich Li3OCl
The antiperovskite Li3OCl is a Li-ion solid electrolyte that has shown a wide variety of properties over a large range of temperatures. Previous reports align Li3OCl as a superionic conductor, however reproducibility has been poor due to its hygroscopic nature suggesting that reports are in fact, Li3–xOHxCl. Most studies in the literature focus on pure Li3OCl however, and do not take into account the role of hydrogen in the material. Here, we develop a full defect model of H-doped Li3OCl , showing that the nominal Schottky disorder diminishes with hydrogen incorporation. Additionally, H helps to facilitate Li-ion mobility in Li3OCl by firstly introducing rotatable OH species as well as forming HLi which relaxes off site to form what we define as a “pseudo-VLi” enhancing the ionic conductivity in line with experimentally observed values. Intentional hydrogen doping of hygroscopic materials constitute an underexplored strategy for enhancing ionic transport properties.