Afterglow quenching in plasma-based dry reforming of methane: a detailed analysis of the post-plasma chemistry via kinetic modelling


We have developed a kinetic model to investigate the post-plasma (afterglow) chemistry of dry reforming of methane (DRM) in warm plasmas with varying CO2/CH4 ratios. We used two methods to study the effects of plasma temperature and afterglow quenching on the CO2 and CH4 conversion and product selectivity. First, quenching via conductive cooling is shown to be unimportant for mixtures with 30/70 and 50/50 CO2/CH4 ratios, while it affects mixtures containing excess CO2 (70/30) by influencing radical recombination towards CO2, H2 and H2O, as well as the water gas shift reaction, decreasing the CO2 conversion throughout the afterglow. This is accompanied by shifts in product distribution, from CO and H2O to CO2 and H2, and the magnitude of this effect depends on a combination of plasma temperature and quenching rate. Second and more importantly, quenching via post-plasma mixing of the hot plasma effluent with fresh cold gas yields a significant improvement in conversion according to our model, with 258% and 301% extra conversion for CO2 and CH4, respectively. This is accompanied by small changes in product selectivity, which are the result of interrupted reaction pathways at lower gas temperatures in the afterglow. Effectively, the post-plasma mixing can function as a heat recovery system, significantly lowering the energy cost through the additional conversion ensued. With this approach, our model predicts that energy consumption can be lowered by nearly 80% in comparison to DRM under the same plasma conditions without mixing.

Graphical abstract: Afterglow quenching in plasma-based dry reforming of methane: a detailed analysis of the post-plasma chemistry via kinetic modelling

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30 Oct 2024
26 Jan 2025
First published
28 Jan 2025
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Creative Commons BY license

RSC Sustain., 2025, Advance Article

Afterglow quenching in plasma-based dry reforming of methane: a detailed analysis of the post-plasma chemistry via kinetic modelling

J. Slaets, E. Morais and A. Bogaerts, RSC Sustain., 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4SU00676C

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