Issue 3, 2025

Increasing excited state lifetimes of Cu(i) coordination complexes via strategic surface binding


Molecules undergo a structural change to minimize the energy of excited states generated via external stimuli such as light. This is particularly problematic for Cu(I) coordination complexes which are an intriguing alternative to the rare and expensive transition metal containing complexes (e.g., Pt, Ir, Ru, etc.) but suffer from short excited state lifetimes due to D2d to D2 distortion and solvent coordination. Here we investigate strategic surface binding as an approach to hinder this distortion and increase the excited state lifetime of Cu(I) polypyridyl complexes. Using transient absorption spectroscopy, we observe a more than 20-fold increase in excited state lifetime, relative to solution, for a Cu(I) complex that can coordinate to the ZrO2via both carboxylated ligands. In contrast, the Cu(I) complex that coordinates via only one ligand has a less pronounced enhancement upon surface binding and exhibits greater sensitivity to coordinating solvents. A combination of ATR-IR and polarized visible ATR measurements as well as theoretical calculations suggest that the increased lifetime is due to surface binding which decreases the degrees of freedom for molecular distortion (e.g., D2d to D2), with the doubly bound complex exhibiting the most pronounced enhancement.

Graphical abstract: Increasing excited state lifetimes of Cu(i) coordination complexes via strategic surface binding

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Article type
Research Article
24 Sep 2024
17 Dec 2024
First published
19 Dec 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2025,12, 1295-1302

Increasing excited state lifetimes of Cu(I) coordination complexes via strategic surface binding

J. Chen, H. C. London, D. Pattadar, C. Worster, S. R. Salpage, E. Jakubikova, S. S. Saavedra and K. Hanson, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2025, 12, 1295 DOI: 10.1039/D4QI02410A

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