Issue 6, 2025

Present and future of smartphone-coupled chemiluminescence and electrochemiluminescence assays: a mini-review


The convergence of smartphones with chemiluminescence and electrochemiluminescence (CL/ECL) assays marks a transformative leap in the realm of sensing technologies. The traditional CL/ECL assays, known for their high sensitivity and versatility, find extensive applications in medical diagnostics, environmental monitoring, food safety, and forensic sciences. However, these techniques have long been constrained due to the requirement of expensive instrumentation and complex reagent handling and hence their accessibility within certain environments is limited. In an era where rapid, accurate, and routine analysis is critical, smartphone-enabled CL/ECL systems offer substantial advantages over conventional analytical methods. By leveraging the universal accessibility and technological sophistication of smartphones and combining them with CL/ECL-based sensing, the smartphone has evolved into a cost-efficient and accessible analytical platform. The ability of the combined platform to conduct on-site analysis in real-time with minimal effort has emerged as a game-changer, particularly in low-resource settings. This mini-review explores the rapid evolution of smartphone-coupled CL/ECL systems over the last five years. The article covers the areas where the combined platform has been implemented in recent years for various sensing applications. The review further identifies key challenges that are associated with such combined platforms and finally highlights the future perspectives of the present topic.

Graphical abstract: Present and future of smartphone-coupled chemiluminescence and electrochemiluminescence assays: a mini-review

Article information

Article type
14 Nov 2024
31 Jan 2025
First published
04 Feb 2025

Analyst, 2025,150, 1033-1047

Present and future of smartphone-coupled chemiluminescence and electrochemiluminescence assays: a mini-review

C. Dutta, D. Citterio and P. Nath, Analyst, 2025, 150, 1033 DOI: 10.1039/D4AN01438C

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